[Engine-devel] Requirements for Aeolus instance data injection.
by jvlcek
The below, provided by David Lutterkort, is a good description
of the requirements for Aeolus instance data injection.
Joe VLcek
RHEV-M shall accept a small blob of data as part of the 'start
VM' action. That data has to be placed somewhere where the VM
can easily and securely access it. The data must only be visible
to the VM it is intended for.
Possibilities for where to put the data include placing it into
a file on a virtual floppy or CD-ROM that the instance can
mount, or posting it on a webserver that only the instance has
access to (cf. EC2's handling of userData for the RunInstances
The size limitation for the amount of data shouldn't be kept
artificially low, but if there are important reasons to make it
this small 1k would certainly suffice.
In practical terms, the blob of data should be passed to the
'start VM' call base64 encoded, and RHEV-M should decode it just
before putting it into its proper place.
13 years, 1 month
[Engine-devel] MOM Stable Device Address DR
by Eli Mesika
The following summarizes the DR meeting from today
Attendees: Backend Team + Moran & Haim from QA
=> marks responsibility for action items.|
Issues/Action Items:
1) Video - memory allocation logic, check again why the logic of how much memory to allocate to a video device should move to backend. => (Eli, Igor)
2) Generic-device - rename to vm_device (Eli)
3) Verify hash is only on devices (not on all domxml) , check if can be expanded to VM scope (app list etc.) => (Eli, Igor)
4) Floppy/CD - should be handled as vm_device that means we have to add to it also boot order => (Eli, Igor)
5) Hot plug - need to check for added/deleted devices, Open issue how to handle for managed device.
same for any other device that is changed not via backend => (Eli, Igor)
6) How boot order affects GUI (order of NICs) - check with Einav if support can be added for that in UI (for disks use only 1) (Eli,Einav)
7) OVF - add new devices , addresses , coordinate with V2V => (Eli)
8) Live snapshot , check if affects design => (Eli, Igor)
9) Review class diagram of detailed design => (Eli)
10) Do we have to persist indexes ? check if addresses are respected in spite of indexes.... => (Eli, Igor)
11) Update wiki pages => (Eli)
13 years, 2 months
[Engine-devel] JBoss RPM vs JBoss zip file
by Ronen Angluster
I guess this discussion was being carried offline and i wanted
to get the as many opinions as possible about this issue.
Currently, we provide the users with 2 methods of handling JBoss AS's
1. Download the zip file from jboss.org and deploy it wherever the user
2. Install a specially crafted RPM that is designed & destined to work
with the ovirt-engine's RPM set of files.
(This is a temporary deployment phase that will end when jboss will
release their own set of RPMs)
in MHO, i think that the RPM deployment should be used ONLY when
installing the ovirt-engine RPMs and not
when using the ovirt-engine's git repository for development.
especially since deployment to the file system of the host requires root
permissions and this is not something that
should be a consideration when you're developing code.
I think that developers should use the JBoss zip package and deploy it
locally, and NOT use the ovirt-engine-jbossas RPM.
13 years, 2 months
[Engine-devel] Stable PCI Addresses DR
by Eli Mesika
We will have a design review meeting this THU, Dec 29 at 15:00 (GMT+1 , ISRAEL time) regarding the new 3.1 Stable PCI Addresses.
Meeting is planned to be 1 Hour.
Higher level design doc can be found in our oVirt wiki :
Detailed design will be added prior to the meeting.
You are invited to join.
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13 years, 2 months
[Engine-devel] vdsm checkConnectivity pitfals
by Roy Golan
Hi all,
VDSM network provisioning api exposes a validity check to know the newly
applied changes works. The actual
check is comparing the /var/run/vdsm/client.log modified time to the
time when the check began and repeats
that check after sleeping 1 seconds for X time (where X is
def clientSeen(timeout):
start = time.time()
while timeout >= 0:
if os.stat(constants.P_VDSM_CLIENT_LOG).st_mtime > start:
return True
timeout -= 1
return False
Main issues I spot are:
1. In case the host is in maintenance, the caller of the API must
generate traffic, concurrently to running api call,
and then must join and sync threads to realize when all is done. see
2. locally calling vdsClient also modifies the client.log - we can't
rely on that no one will do that during the call.
3. Failure writing to the client log will fail network provisioning!
All of the above makes it not very reliable as a check and harder to
call, without posing races, as client.
Possible alternate solution:
1. We can try to reach the api caller socket in return, maybe use http
code 100 ?
2. pass in the API a URL which the VDSM will call. could be a
health-check servlet or something similar.
Any toughs?
13 years, 2 months
[Engine-devel] Redunant class of ValueObjectMap ?
by Yair Zaslavsky
Hi all,
Do we need org.ovirt.engine.core.common.queries.ValueObjectMap?
Can we use a Java map class directly instead (we had to use this with SOAP WS in the past, prior to current rest-API days)?
13 years, 2 months
[Engine-devel] Patches that support jboss AS7
by Oved Ourfalli
I recently worked on making the proper changes to make the engine code work on Jboss AS7, and it works now!
Still needs some testing and probably some more adjustments, but it looks promising.
I pushed the commits to gerrit (the first one contains most of the changes, the others are fixes and additions):
http://gerrit.ovirt.org/698 (POC - review, don't submit) engine: Jboss-as7 - base commit with jboss-as7 related changes
http://gerrit.ovirt.org/699 (POC - review, don't submit) restapi: Jboss-as7 - fix rest api tests
http://gerrit.ovirt.org/700 (POC - review, don't submit) engine: Jboss-as7 - Fix utilities to work with jboss as7
http://gerrit.ovirt.org/701 (POC - review, don't submit) engine: Jboss-as7 - Copying the correct jdbc jar to the modules directory
I'd be happy to hear your comments.
Most changes there were done due to problems I encountered, but feel free to suggest other solutions.
Make sure you don't submit this patch yet, as it is a POC, and other changes are needed in order to complete the work on that.
These patches work under the latest AS7 version (7.1.0.Beta1b) - http://download.jboss.org/jbossas/7.1/jboss-as-7.1.0.Beta1b/jboss-as-7.1....
(The patches currently work only on the version above, as one jar is replaced in the Jboss modules directory to solve LDAP issues).
All the versions can be found in: http://www.jboss.org/jbossas/downloads
I'm here if you have questions or comments.
Thank you,
13 years, 2 months