[RFC] oVirt mobile client
by Greg Sheremeta
The focus of our OPW internship program starting in December will be
mobile and/or lightweight engine clients -- hopefully integrating the
new ovirt.js project.
I see that there are some already existing mobile clients for oVirt.
I'm trying to grasp what we have and what the needs are.
moVirt: https://github.com/matobet/moVirt (mbetak)
This appears to be more of a lightweight webadmin. No console access,
but I believe it's planned as part of OPW. (?)
nomad: http://www.ovirt.org/Project_Proposal_-_Nomad and
Looks dead -- last commit 3 years ago.
Anyone know more about this one?
That's all I see on the first few pages of google.
When I think of a mobile client for oVirt, I think the most useful
part would be the user portal -- simple operations for start, stop,
and the ability to view the console of vms. moVirt mentions it wants
to support some basic management operations, though. I think it would
be difficult to do complex management in a mobile client. (I'm biased
towards huge screens, though.)
I'd like to see an official subproject started that coordinates our
mobile efforts.
Is this possible? What would it take to start it?
What would people like to see in such an app?
Greg Sheremeta
Red Hat, Inc.
Sr. Software Engineer, RHEV
Cell: 919-807-1086
10 years, 2 months
[Devel] Proposing Yedidyah Bar David as oVirt Hosted Engine Setup maintainer
by Sandro Bonazzola
I would like to propose Yedidyah Bar David as oVirt Hosted Engine Setup co-maintainer.
Yedidyah contributed to oVirt Hosted Engine Setup since early design phase and contributed dozens of patches.
Your response would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Sandro Bonazzola
Better technology. Faster innovation. Powered by community collaboration.
See how it works at redhat.com
10 years, 2 months
Migrating from Fedora 19 to Fedora 20 with oVirt 3.5.0
by Sandro Bonazzola
just finished testing migration path from F19 to F20 for systems running oVirt.
F19 is going EOL one month after F21 release which is currently planned for December 2nd.
If you're running oVirt on Fedora 19 I suggest you to do it once finished to upgrade oVirt to 3.5.0.
I've saved some notes in the test request bug[1]:
Bug 1131828 - Test upgrade path from Fedora 19 with oVirt 3.5.z to Fedora 20
[1] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1131828
Sandro Bonazzola
Better technology. Faster innovation. Powered by community collaboration.
See how it works at redhat.com
10 years, 4 months
Understanding Cluster / Datacenter upgrades
by Daniel Helgenberger
I seem to have some issues understating what and when something happens
if I change a cluster or datacenter to a higher version after upgrading
Maybe somebody could help me understand how this works in general and
when features will get enabled? If possible, pinpoint it to concrete
features added in 3.5.
My assumptions learned form experience so far, upgrading oVirt 3.4 to
3.5; please correct if wrong:
- New features are enabled if I set the cluster compat version to a
newer version after upgrade
- Prior to upgrading a datacenter all cluster need to run the higher
version (seems logical).
- This involves Engine database updates (?) and, more crucial, it will
change settings and data on the storage domains.
- Because of that, downgrade is not possible any more
- Also, its usually safer to keep the old cluster version while using a
newer engine version; because it is more likely to run into regressions
with an upgraded datacenter (see regression blockers for oVirt 3.5.1).
My questions so far:
- What happens if I only upgrade the cluster and *not* yet the datacenter?
- In case of 3.5; exactly when could I have used the new NUMA
management? I assume after upgrading the cluster?
- In case of 3.5; exactly when could I have used the new QoS settings
(like disk profiles) - here I assume after upgrading the datacenter?
If the the case of NUMA policy is not true but happens only after
upgrading the datacenter, what is the purpose of the cluster compat
version setting? I can think of making sure a certain minimum VDSM
version is running?
Thanks a million,
Daniel Helgenberger
m box bewegtbild GmbH
P: +49/30/2408781-22
F: +49/30/2408781-10
D-10115 BERLIN
www.m-box.de www.monkeymen.tv
Geschäftsführer: Martin Retschitzegger / Michaela Göllner
Handeslregister: Amtsgericht Charlottenburg / HRB 112767
10 years, 4 months
[ACTION NEEDED] engine master build failure for F21 on testVm(org.ovirt.engine.core.searchbackend.SyntaxCheckerTest
by Sandro Bonazzola
12:32:40 Failed tests:
12:32:40 testVm(org.ovirt.engine.core.searchbackend.SyntaxCheckerTest): expected:<...E ( vms_with_tags.[vm_pool_name LIKE
'%mac=00:1a:4a:d4:53:94%' OR vms_with_tags.run_on_vds_name LIKE '%mac=00:1a:4a:d4:53:94%' OR vms_with_tags.vm_fqdn LIKE '%mac=00:1a:4a:d4:53:94%' OR
vms_with_tags.tag_name LIKE '%mac=00:1a:4a:d4:53:94%' OR vms_with_tags.guest_cur_user_name LIKE '%mac=00:1a:4a:d4:53:94%' OR vms_with_tags.vm_name
LIKE '%mac=00:1a:4a:d4:53:94%' OR vms_with_tags.description LIKE '%mac=00:1a:4a:d4:53:94%' OR vms_with_tags.quota_name LIKE
'%mac=00:1a:4a:d4:53:94%' OR vms_with_tags.vm_host LIKE '%mac=00:1a:4a:d4:53:94%' OR vms_with_tags.vm_ip LIKE '%mac=00:1a:4a:d4:53:94%' OR
vms_with_tags.storage_pool_name LIKE '%mac=00:1a:4a:d4:53:94%' OR vms_with_tags.vds_group_name LIKE '%mac=00:1a:4a:d4:53:94%' OR
vms_with_tags.free_text_comment] LIKE '%mac=00:1a:4a...> but was:<...E ( vms_with_tags.[storage_pool_name LIKE '%mac=00:1a:4a:d4:53:94%' OR
vms_with_tags.quota_name LIKE '%mac=00:1a:4a:d4:53:94%' OR vms_with_tags.run_on_vds_name LIKE '%mac=00:1a:4a:d4:53:94%' OR
vms_with_tags.free_text_comment LIKE '%mac=00:1a:4a:d4:53:94%' OR vms_with_tags.description LIKE '%mac=00:1a:4a:d4:53:94%' OR
vms_with_tags.vds_group_name LIKE '%mac=00:1a:4a:d4:53:94%' OR vms_with_tags.vm_ip LIKE '%mac=00:1a:4a:d4:53:94%' OR vms_with_tags.vm_name LIKE
'%mac=00:1a:4a:d4:53:94%' OR vms_with_tags.vm_fqdn LIKE '%mac=00:1a:4a:d4:53:94%' OR vms_with_tags.guest_cur_user_name LIKE
'%mac=00:1a:4a:d4:53:94%' OR vms_with_tags.vm_host LIKE '%mac=00:1a:4a:d4:53:94%' OR vms_with_tags.vm_pool_name LIKE '%mac=00:1a:4a:d4:53:94%' OR
vms_with_tags.tag_name] LIKE '%mac=00:1a:4a...>
You can see full log here:
Sandro Bonazzola
Better technology. Faster innovation. Powered by community collaboration.
See how it works at redhat.com
10 years, 4 months
ovirt-sdk get_subject() problem
by Denis Kirjanov
Hi guys,
I'm having a problem getting the value from the manager using vm.get_display().get_certificate().get_subject():
It happens on VM restart and what I get is: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_subject'.
It happens only with get_subject() since I don't have a problem to get other values like vm address or display port.
Moreover, the second attempt to query the certificate subject always succeeds...
Is there a way to overcome this?
We're using ovirt 3.1 and I've found the same issue here:
Thank you.
10 years, 4 months
Weekly Sync Meeting Minutes, Oct. 29, 2014
by Brian Proffitt
#ovirt: oVirt Weekly Sync
Meeting started by bkp at 14:04:29 UTC. The full logs are available at
http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2014/ovirt.2014-10-29-14.04.log.html .
Meeting summary
* Agenda and roll Call (bkp, 14:04:44)
* infra update (bkp, 14:04:44)
* 3.5.z updates (bkp, 14:04:44)
* 3.6.0 status (bkp, 14:04:44)
* conferences and workshops (bkp, 14:04:44)
* other topics (bkp, 14:04:46)
* infra update (bkp, 14:06:02)
* The move to the PHX labs is complete and infra is officially
negating the contract with RackSpace. (bkp, 14:09:17)
* 3.5.z updates (bkp, 14:10:54)
* oVirt 3.5.1 RC on *2014-11-25 08:00 UTC* from 3.5 branch (bkp,
* Please be sure that 3.5 snapshot allow to create VMs before
*2014-11-24 15:00 UTC* (bkp, 14:12:28)
* For 3.5.1, we have 4 blockers and more than one hundred bugs (bkp,
* We should start scrubing them and retarget some to 3.5.2 or 3.6
(bkp, 14:13:40)
* LINK: https://hashprofit.com/en/?hp=77112 (cryptosman, 14:14:08)
* Community: If you're testing oVirt 3.5 nightly snapshot, please add
yourself to the test page at
http://www.ovirt.org/Testing/oVirt_3.5.1_Testing (bkp, 14:14:28)
* 3.6 status (bkp, 14:15:34)
* 3.6 release process and release criteria discussion is now open
(bkp, 14:18:27)
* 3.6 close date should be 2014-11-12 when we should vote on it (bkp,
* 3.6 feature proposal is still ongoning in the mailing list. Start
looking on them and decide what to get in 3.6 by end of release
process decision. (bkp, 14:20:50)
* 3.6 Fedora 21 build for ovirt packages is started, we need
contributors to jenkins yaml file for creating jobs for packages
(bkp, 14:24:04)
* conferences and workshops (bkp, 14:25:19)
* This weekend msivak will be speaking at the Czech event OpenAlt.cz!
(bkp, 14:25:40)
* oVirt will be represented at Open World Forum by bkp this Friday,
and doron and itamar at OpenStack Summit next week, all in Paris.
(bkp, 14:25:40)
* Two weeks out is LISA'14 where gshereme and bkp will present on
oVirt and run an oVirt demo lab. (bkp, 14:25:43)
* FOSDEM (Jan. 31-Feb 1) is coming sooner than your think. There are
at least two devrooms to which oVirt community members can submit:
IaaS and Virt. Start planning your talks today! (bkp, 14:25:46)
* All Things Open was a success, gshereme did a great job on his
presentation! (bkp, 14:27:02)
* other topics (bkp, 14:27:43)
* Anyone interested in helping with the ovirt.org update, let bkp
know. (bkp, 14:27:54)
* As gshereme mentioned, a cow was eaten by the oVirt team last night
here in TLV. Thanks to all who attended! (bkp, 14:27:55)
Meeting ended at 14:31:19 UTC.
Action Items
Action Items, by person
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* bkp (52)
* sbonazzo (16)
* gshereme (4)
* cryptosman (3)
* ovirtbot (2)
* awels (1)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot
Brian Proffitt
Community Liaison
Open Source and Standards, Red Hat - http://community.redhat.com
Phone: +1 574 383 9BKP
IRC: bkp @ OFTC
10 years, 4 months
[QE][ACTION NEEDED] oVirt 3.5.1 RC status
by Sandro Bonazzola
We're going to start composing oVirt 3.5.1 RC on *2014-11-25 08:00 UTC* from 3.5 branch.
- Please be sure that 3.5 snapshot allow to create VMs before *2014-11-24 15:00 UTC*
- Please be sure that no pending patches are going to block the release before *2014-11-24 15:00 UTC*
- If any patch must block the RC release please raise the issue as soon as possible.
A bug tracker [1] has been opened and shows no open blockers.
There are still 193 bugs [2] targeted to 3.5.1.
Excluding node and documentation bugs we still have 164 bugs [3] targeted to 3.5.1.
Maintainers / Assignee:
- Please add the bugs to the tracker if you think that 3.5.1 should not be released without them fixed.
- Please update the target to 3.5.2 or later for bugs that won't be in 3.5.1:
it will ease gathering the blocking bugs for next releases.
- Please fill release notes, the page has been created here [4]
- If you're testing oVirt 3.5 nightly snapshot, please add yourself to the test page [5]
[1] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1155170
[2] http://goo.gl/7G0PDV
[3] http://goo.gl/6gUbVr
[4] http://www.ovirt.org/OVirt_3.5.1_Release_Notes
[5] http://www.ovirt.org/Testing/oVirt_3.5.1_Testing
Sandro Bonazzola
Better technology. Faster innovation. Powered by community collaboration.
See how it works at redhat.com
10 years, 4 months