vdsmcert expiration policy
by Denis Kirjanov
Hi guys,
How can I manage the expiration time of the vdsmcert certificate? I've found backup copies of the old vdsmcert.pem
on the hypervisor host in the /etc/pki/vdsm/certs directory and the new vdsmcert.pem with a different certificate.
I'm using vdsClient tool with SSL enabled so I have to use the vdsmcert.pem. I thought that the certificate doesn't change...
Thank you.
10 years, 5 months
oVirt Weekly Sync: October 8, 2014
by Brian Proffitt
#ovirt: oVirt Weekly Sync
Meeting started by bkp at 14:02:31 UTC. The full logs are available at
http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2014/ovirt.2014-10-08-14.02.log.html .
Meeting summary
* Agenda and roll Call (bkp, 14:03:21)
* infra update (bkp, 14:03:39)
* 3.4.z updates (bkp, 14:03:49)
* 3.5 status (bkp, 14:03:57)
* Conferences and workshops (bkp, 14:04:13)
* Other Topics (bkp, 14:04:24)
* infra update (bkp, 14:06:40)
(sbonazzo, 14:09:56)
* infra update Latest minutes at
(bkp, 14:10:03)
* infra update The OpenShift team offered, and then performed, a
migration of the oVirt.org site to a larger gear, which should
allivate the out-of-resource problems that have been killing the
site lately. (bkp, 14:10:06)
* infra update bkp is working with OSAS designers and misc to get the
next update of oVirt.org on the schedule. (bkp, 14:10:10)
* infra update Addemdum: Latest minutes at
(bkp, 14:11:21)
* 3.5 status (bkp, 14:12:04)
* 3.5 status 3.5.0 ga started composing on morning of Oct. 6 and
encountered several issues (bkp, 14:18:05)
* 3.5 status some packages arrived late for repo composition (bkp,
* 3.5 status linode / release server ran out of space (bkp, 14:18:11)
* 3.5 status oVirt site went down (see infra status above) (bkp,
* 3.5 status Once we were ready to release, a couple of blockers
showed up (bkp, 14:18:16)
* 3.5 status Current status: One blocker in POST (bkp, 14:18:24)
* 3.5 status Release dates uncertain due to holidays and KVM Forum
(bkp, 14:18:29)
* 3.5 status Patch is ready to be merged but maintainers are on
holiday so merge will be probably delayed to sunday, Oct. 12. Once
it is fixed, we should go with an RC5 release, hopefully last on
(bkp, 14:19:23)
* 3.5 status PR and social media materials for oVirt 3.5's eventual
release are set to go. (bkp, 14:19:50)
* conferences and workshops (bkp, 14:20:36)
* oVirt Workshop is all set. As of Monday night, we had 33 attendees
signed up, with more expected from a big mail push from the Linux
Foundation on Tuesday. (bkp, 14:21:29)
* Hopefully there will be pie for YamakasY (bkp, 14:21:47)
* bkp should have an outline and guide together for LISA 14's demo lab
later this week. (bkp, 14:22:02)
* In early 2015, oVirt will be represented at FOSDEM, as well as
Linux.conf.au in Auckland, NZ. (bkp, 14:22:05)
* Still waiting to hear about FOSDEM stand for oVirt. (bkp, 14:22:08)
* other topics (bkp, 14:23:11)
* A reminder, bkp posted a new Users Guide for oVirt late last week
(http://www.ovirt.org/OVirt_User_Guide) (bkp, 14:24:07)
* bkp would like to focus on documentation while I am in TLV from Oct.
26-30, (following my meeting with ECS on Oct. 23), as well as
discuss the QA/bug reporting workflow issues brought up by alonbl
last week. (bkp, 14:24:10)
* Please note: due to the holidays and KVM Forum next week, there will
be no oVirt Weekly Sync meeting on Oct. 15. (bkp, 14:24:14)
Meeting ended at 14:26:29 UTC.
Action Items
Action Items, by person
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* bkp (62)
* sbonazzo (25)
* YamakasY (7)
* ovirtbot (2)
Brian Proffitt
Community Liaison
Open Source and Standards, Red Hat - http://community.redhat.com
Phone: +1 574 383 9BKP
IRC: bkp @ OFTC
10 years, 5 months
Changes related to gwt.userAgent property
by Vojtech Szocs
Hi guys,
patch [1] just landed in master branch, it impacts the "gwt.userAgent"
Maven property used to control target browser(s) for GWT compilation.
[1] http://gerrit.ovirt.org/#/c/32164/
As you might know, Engine build process has several execution layers,
here they are in "bottom-up" order:
* Maven (Java) tool that works with pom.xml files
* make command that works with Makefile
* rpmbuild command that works with spec file (ovirt-engine.spec.in)
For Maven: "gwt.userAgent" default value is no longer "all browsers",
but "Firefox only". If you invoke Maven directly, please make sure to
check that you're passing correct "gwt.userAgent" value, for example:
# omitting "gwt.userAgent" will default to "Firefox only"
$ mvn [usual stuff] -Dgwt.userAgent=gecko1_8,safari
New Maven profile: all-user-agents -> for example:
# build GWT apps for all supported browsers
$ mvn [usual stuff] -Pall-user-agents
For make: existing behavior is preserved - build for "Firefox only"
by default. DEV_EXTRA_BUILD_FLAGS_GWT_DEFAULTS default value is now
empty string, falling back to "gwt.userAgent" (Maven) default value.
Example how to customize target browser(s):
$ make clean install-dev PREFIX=$HOME/ovirt-engine \
New make option: BUILD_ALL_USER_AGENTS -> for example:
# build GWT apps for all supported browsers
$ make clean install-dev PREFIX=$HOME/ovirt-engine \
Note: for non-devel builds, BUILD_DEV=0 so DEV_EXTRA_BUILD_FLAGS_GWT_DEFAULTS
has no effect, thus falls back to "gwt.userAgent" (Maven) default value,
which is "Firefox only". As a result, for non-devel builds via make, use
BUILD_ALL_USER_AGENTS=1 to build for all supported browsers.
For rpmbuild: existing behavior is preserved - for default build
(i.e. not "quick" and "minimal" build), build for "all browsers"
by default.
Please see README.developer changes [2] for details.
[2] http://gerrit.ovirt.org/#/c/32164/4/README.developer
10 years, 5 months
Re: [ovirt-devel] [vdsm] modularizing vdsm-tool's configurators
by Nir Soffer
----- Original Message -----
> From: "Mooli Tayer" <mtayer(a)redhat.com>
> To: vdsm-devel(a)fedorahosted.org
> Sent: Friday, October 3, 2014 4:08:03 PM
> Subject: [vdsm] modularizing vdsm-tool's configurators
> It has been suggested before to convert vdsm-tool's configurators form
> classes
> to modules and to express their interface using duck typing rather than
> inheritance.
> I would like to get to it now before any new configurators join.
We have new multipath configurator (started in April). Having
it in is more important then redesign.
> I would like to know:
> 1.) If there are any objections to this.
I think the current configurators are in great shape and do not need
any change.
What is the motivation to change them? What are the possible advantages?
What are the other tasks that will be postponed by this work?
10 years, 5 months
oVirt Node Weekly Meeting Minutes - October 7th 2014
by Fabian Deutsch
due to the absence of ovirtbot, the raw logs this week:
<fabiand> #startmeeting oVirt Node Weekly Meeting
<fabiand> #chairs dougsland bkp
<fabiand> #topic Agenda
* dougsland here
<fabiand> #info oVirt 3.5
<fabiand> #info Other Items
<fabiand> #topic oVirt 3.5
<fabiand> Okay
<fabiand> Basically we are quite far with 3.5
* ybronhei hat die Verbindung getrennt (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)
<fabiand> The only bigger issue i see is with the hosted-engine plugin
<fabiand> but the - absent - rbarry ha sprovided a patch
<fabiand> #info All in for 3.5, ready to release
<fabiand> #info hosted-engine plugin needs some love.
<fabiand> #action fabiand to build iso for latest rc
<fabiand> That is basically all on 3.5
* mskrivanek_away ist jetzt bekannt als mskrivanek
* JornStian (~JornStian(a) hat #ovirt betreten
* tal (~tal(a)nat-pool-tlv-t.redhat.com) hat #ovirt betreten
* ykaplan (~ykaplan(a)nat-pool-tlv-t.redhat.com) hat #ovirt betreten
<fabiand> #topic Other Items
<fabiand> anythiong else dougsland ?
<fabiand> We'll have a bigger meeting next week or after to catch up with next gen stuff
<dougsland> not from my side.
* engkur hat die Verbindung getrennt (Remote host closed the connection)
<fabiand> cool
<fabiand> #endmeeting
10 years, 5 months
GWT vs. Java
by Vojtech Szocs
Hi guys,
I've had a discussion with Roy about GWT vs. Java plans,
he asked me to share this information, so here we go.
GWT 2.6
- patch pending merge: http://gerrit.ovirt.org/#/c/32135/
- support for Java 7 language syntax like <> operator etc.
- once patch ^^ is merged, we can consolidate Java language
compliance for whole Engine -> both frontend and backend
can use Java 7 (yey!)
GWT 2.7
- planned support for *only* Java 8 language syntax like
lambdas etc. but *without* emulating new Java 8 APIs like
streams etc. (Java 8 API emulation should come in GWT 3.0)
Likely, GWT 2.7 will remove GWT deRPC implementation on which
we currently rely on. (@Martin, can you please share details?)
This means that until we move UI to REST API, we can't upgrade
post GWT 2.6, so this will put more pressure to work on oVirtJS
project in consequence.
GWT 3.0
- ETA early next year?
- planned to fully support Java 8 -> both language and APIs
- one of key highlights is better integration with JavaScript,
which fits the scenario where GWT "application" is one module
that's part of bigger application (hybrid approach)
10 years, 5 months
[QE][ACTION REQUIRED] oVirt 3.5.0 status - Go / No Go
by Sandro Bonazzola
We started composing oVirt 3.5.0 GA yesterday 2014-10-06 and we finished collecting rpms this morning.
While we would have liked to be able to release it, bugzilla shows 2 new fresh blockers, so it's another No Go.
The bug tracker [1] shows 2 blockers:
Bug ID Whiteboard Status Summary
1149637 virt ASSIGNED Cannot start VM with attached ISO
1149705 storage NEW VM abnormal stop after LV refreshing when using thin provisioning on block storage
This means a RC5 build will be issued once the above 2 bugs will be fixed and GA will follow after testing.
Please provide an ETA for above bugs.
The bugs keyworded as Regression have been reviewed by maintainers and not marked as blockers[4]
Features completed are marked in green on Features Status Table [2]
There are still 33 bugs [3] targeted to 3.5.0 which will be moved automatically to 3.5.1 once the build will be released.
Maintainers / Assignee:
If you're aware of something that should block the release, please raise it as soon as possible.
[1] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1073943
[2] http://goo.gl/4SuYdE
[3] http://red.ht/1pVEk7H
[4] http://goo.gl/uavikG
Sandro Bonazzola
Better technology. Faster innovation. Powered by community collaboration.
See how it works at redhat.com
10 years, 5 months
CDI limited capabilities in jboss-as-7.1.1
by Yevgeny Zaspitsky
Hi All,
Recently I started using CDI (thanks to Roy Golan contribution) in bll
module code and figured the limitation described in
(https://issues.jboss.org/browse/AS7-4567). That was solved 1.5 years
ago in jboss-as-7.2. Currently we use jboss-as-7.1.1.
Is there a good reason for not moving to jboss-as-7.2 or any newer version?
Upgrading will help us solving circular dependency problems by being
dependent on a bean interface in the compile time and receiving its
implementation in the run-time.
10 years, 5 months