Lowering the bar for wiki contribution?
by Roy Golan
I'm getting the feeling I'm not alone in this, authoring and publishing a
wiki page isn't as used to be for long time.
I want to suggest a bit lighter workflow:
1. Everyone can merge their page - (it's a wiki)
Same as with (public and open) code, no one has the motivation to publish
a badly written
wiki page under their name. True, it can have an impact, but not as with
broken code
2. Use Page-Status marker
The author first merges the draft. Its now out there and should be updated
as time goes and its
status is DRAFT. Maintainers will come later and after review would change
the status to
PUBLISH. That could be a header in on the page:
page status: DRAFT/PUBLISH
Simple I think, and should work.
7 years, 8 months
Re: [ovirt-devel] [monitoring][collectd] the collectd virt plugin is now on par with Vdsm needs
by Yaniv Dary
Yaniv Dary
Technical Product Manager
Red Hat Israel Ltd.
34 Jerusalem Road
Building A, 4th floor
Ra'anana, Israel 4350109
Tel : +972 (9) 7692306
Email: ydary(a)redhat.com
IRC : ydary
On Feb 21, 2017 13:06, "Francesco Romani" <fromani(a)redhat.com> wrote:
Hello everyone,
in the last weeks I've been submitting PRs to collectd upstream, to
bring the virt plugin up to date with Vdsm and oVirt needs.
Previously, the collectd virt plugin reported only a subset of metrics
oVirt uses.
In current collectd master, the collectd virt plugin provides all the
data Vdsm (thus Engine) needs. This means that it is now
possible for Vdsm or Engine to query collectd, not Vdsm/libvirt, and
have the same data.
There are only two caveats:
1. it is yet to be seen which version of collectd will ship all those
2. collectd *intentionally* report metrics as rates, not as absolute
values as Vdsm does. This may be one issue in presence of restarts/data
loss in the link between collectd and the metrics store.
How does this work?
If we want to show memory usage over time for example, we need to have the
usage, not the rate.
How would this be reported?
Please keep reading for more details:
How to get the code?
This somehow tricky until we get one official release. If one is
familiar with the RPM build process, it is easy to build one custom packages
from a snapshot from collectd master
(https://github.com/collectd/collectd) and a recent 5.7.1 RPM (like
How to configure it?
Most thing work out of the box. One currently in progress Vdsm patch
ships the recommended configuration
The meaning of the configuration option is documented in man 5 collectd.conf
How it looks like?
Let me post one "screenshot" :)
$ collectdctl listval | grep a0
How to consume the data?
Among the ways to query collectd, the two most popular (and most fitting
for oVirt use case) ways are perhaps the network protocol
and the plain text protocol
(https://collectd.org/wiki/index.php/Plain_text_protocol). The first
could be used by Engine to get the data directly, or to consolidate the
metrics in one database (e.g to run any kind of query, for historical
The latter will be used by Vdsm to keep reporting the metrics (again
Please note that the performance of the plain text protocol are known to
be lower than the binary protocol
What about the unresponsive hosts?
We know from experience that hosts may become unresponsive, and this can
disrupt monitoring. however, we do want to keep monitoring the
responsive hosts, avoiding that one rogue hosts makes us lose all the
monitoring data.
To cope with this need, the virt plugin gained support for "partition
tag". With this, we can group VMs together using one arbitrary tag. This
is completely transparent to collectd, and also completely optional.
oVirt can use this tag to group VMs per-storage-domain, or however it
sees fit, trying to minimize the disruption should one host become
Read the full docs here:
What about the collectd-ovirt plugin?
Some time ago I implemented one out-of-tree collectd plugin leveraging
the libvirt bulk stats: https://github.com/fromanirh/collectd-ovirt
This plugin is meant to be a modern, drop-in replacement for the
existing virt plugin.
The development of that out of tree plugin is now halted, because we
have everything we need in the upstream collectd plugin.
Future work
We believe we have reached feature parity, so we are looking for
bugixes/performance tuning in the near term future. I'll be happy to
provide more patches/PRs about that.
Thanks and bests,
Francesco Romani
Red Hat Engineering Virtualization R & D
IRC: fromani
Devel mailing list
7 years, 11 months
HE setup failure
by Sahina Bose
Hi all,
The HE setup fails in ovirt-system-tests while deploying HE on
hyperconverged gluster setup using master
Error :
Failed to execute stage 'Misc configuration': <ProtocolError for
localhost:54321/RPC2: 400 Bad Request>"
Traceback from hosted-engine log:
ProtocolError: <ProtocolError for localhost:54321/RPC2: 400 Bad Request>
line 279, in create_volume
line 245, in _get_volume_path
File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/xmlrpclib.py", line **FILTERED**3, in __call__
return self.__send(self.__name, args)
File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/xmlrpclib.py", line 1587, in __request
File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/xmlrpclib.py", line 1273, in request
return self.single_request(host, handler, request_body, verbose)
File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/xmlrpclib.py", line 1321, in single_request
ProtocolError: <ProtocolError for localhost:54321/RPC2: 400 Bad Request>
Is this a regression?
7 years, 12 months
dashboard jenkins jobs
by Sandro Bonazzola
just seen https://gerrit.ovirt.org/#/c/73182/ merged and no info on why all
those jobs have been dropped.
Can anybody update on this? As far as I can tell 4.y jobs are still needed.
Or am I missing something?
Sandro Bonazzola
Better technology. Faster innovation. Powered by community collaboration.
See how it works at redhat.com
8 years
proposing Filip Krepinsky as moVirt maintainer
by Tomas Jelinek
Hi All,
it is my pleasure to propose Filip Krepinsky (suomiy) as the new maintainer
of the moVirt project!
Filip has joined the moVirt project 11th November 2015 by this commit:
and since than with his 140 commits became the contributor with second most
patches (from 13 contributors in total).
He have also contributed to the aSPICE project and was active in finding
issues in the oVirt core (around dashboard).
His patches are well crafted and I'm absolutely sure he will do great as a
have a nice day,
8 years
[VDSM] granting network+2 to Eddy
by Dan Kenigsberg
After more than a year of substantial contribution to Vdsm networking,
and after several months of me upgrading his score, I would like to
nominate Eddy as a maintainer for network-related code in Vdsm, in
master and stable branches.
Current Vdsm maintainers and others: please approve my suggestion if
you agree with it.
8 years
[monitoring][collectd] the collectd virt plugin is now on par with Vdsm needs
by Francesco Romani
Hello everyone,
in the last weeks I've been submitting PRs to collectd upstream, to
bring the virt plugin up to date with Vdsm and oVirt needs.
Previously, the collectd virt plugin reported only a subset of metrics
oVirt uses.
In current collectd master, the collectd virt plugin provides all the
data Vdsm (thus Engine) needs. This means that it is now
possible for Vdsm or Engine to query collectd, not Vdsm/libvirt, and
have the same data.
There are only two caveats:
1. it is yet to be seen which version of collectd will ship all those
2. collectd *intentionally* report metrics as rates, not as absolute
values as Vdsm does. This may be one issue in presence of restarts/data
loss in the link between collectd and the metrics store.
Please keep reading for more details:
How to get the code?
This somehow tricky until we get one official release. If one is
familiar with the RPM build process, it is easy to build one custom packages
from a snapshot from collectd master
(https://github.com/collectd/collectd) and a recent 5.7.1 RPM (like
How to configure it?
Most thing work out of the box. One currently in progress Vdsm patch
ships the recommended configuration
The meaning of the configuration option is documented in man 5 collectd.conf
How it looks like?
Let me post one "screenshot" :)
$ collectdctl listval | grep a0
How to consume the data?
Among the ways to query collectd, the two most popular (and most fitting
for oVirt use case) ways are perhaps the network protocol
and the plain text protocol
(https://collectd.org/wiki/index.php/Plain_text_protocol). The first
could be used by Engine to get the data directly, or to consolidate the
metrics in one database (e.g to run any kind of query, for historical
The latter will be used by Vdsm to keep reporting the metrics (again
Please note that the performance of the plain text protocol are known to
be lower than the binary protocol
What about the unresponsive hosts?
We know from experience that hosts may become unresponsive, and this can
disrupt monitoring. however, we do want to keep monitoring the
responsive hosts, avoiding that one rogue hosts makes us lose all the
monitoring data.
To cope with this need, the virt plugin gained support for "partition
tag". With this, we can group VMs together using one arbitrary tag. This
is completely transparent to collectd, and also completely optional.
oVirt can use this tag to group VMs per-storage-domain, or however it
sees fit, trying to minimize the disruption should one host become
Read the full docs here:
What about the collectd-ovirt plugin?
Some time ago I implemented one out-of-tree collectd plugin leveraging
the libvirt bulk stats: https://github.com/fromanirh/collectd-ovirt
This plugin is meant to be a modern, drop-in replacement for the
existing virt plugin.
The development of that out of tree plugin is now halted, because we
have everything we need in the upstream collectd plugin.
Future work
We believe we have reached feature parity, so we are looking for
bugixes/performance tuning in the near term future. I'll be happy to
provide more patches/PRs about that.
Thanks and bests,
Francesco Romani
Red Hat Engineering Virtualization R & D
IRC: fromani
8 years
[ OST Failure Report ] [ oVirt master ] [ 26.02.2017 ] [test-repo_ovirt_experimental_master]
by Shlomo Ben David
Test failed: [ test-repo_ovirt_experimental_master ]
Link to Job: [1]
Link to all logs: [2]
Link to error log: [3]
[1] http://jenkins.ovirt.org/job/test-repo_ovirt_experimental_master/5538
Error snippet from the log:
2017-02-26 05:35:53,340-0500 ERROR (jsonrpc/3)
(Task='22828901-d87f-4607-9690-a106c474ebe4') Unexpected error
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vdsm/storage/task.py", line
878, in _run
return fn(*args, **kargs)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vdsm/logUtils.py", line 52, in wrapper
res = f(*args, **kwargs)
File "/usr/share/vdsm/storage/hsm.py", line 3200, in teardownImage
File "/usr/share/vdsm/storage/blockSD.py", line 1278, in deactivateImage
lvm.deactivateLVs(self.sdUUID, volUUIDs)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vdsm/storage/lvm.py", line
1304, in deactivateLVs
_setLVAvailability(vgName, toDeactivate, "n")
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vdsm/storage/lvm.py", line
845, in _setLVAvailability
raise error(str(e))
CannotDeactivateLogicalVolume: Cannot deactivate Logical Volume:
('General Storage Exception: ("5 [] [\' Logical volume
in use.\', \' Logical volume
in use.\']\\n1dd0ee2a-f26a-423c-90f9-79703343aa1e/[\'99662dfa-acf2-4392-8ab8-106412c2afa5\',
2017-02-26 05:35:53,347-0500 INFO (jsonrpc/3)
(Task='22828901-d87f-4607-9690-a106c474ebe4') aborting: Task is
aborted: 'Cannot deactivate Logical Volume' - code 552 (task:1176)
2017-02-26 05:35:53,348-0500 ERROR (jsonrpc/3) [storage.Dispatcher]
{'status': {'message': 'Cannot deactivate Logical Volume: (\'General
Storage Exception: ("5 [] [\\\' Logical volume
in use.\\\', \\\' Logical volume
in use.\\\']\\\\n1dd0ee2a-f26a-423c-90f9-79703343aa1e/[\\\'99662dfa-acf2-4392-8ab8-106412c2afa5\\\',
\\\'8323e511-eb93-4b1c-a9fa-ad66409994e7\\\']",)\',)', 'code': 552}}
2017-02-26 05:35:53,349-0500 INFO (jsonrpc/3) [jsonrpc.JsonRpcServer]
RPC call Image.teardown failed (error 552) in 19.36 seconds
Best Regards,
Shlomi Ben-David | Software Engineer | Red Hat ISRAEL
IRC: shlomibendavid (on #rhev-integ, #rhev-dev, #rhev-ci)
OPEN SOURCE - 1 4 011 && 011 4 1
8 years