[vdsm] status update: running containers alongside VMs
by Francesco Romani
Hi everyone,
I'm happy to share some progress about the former "convirt"[1] project,
which aims to let Vdsm containers alongside VMs, on bare metal.
In the last couple of months I kept updating the patch series, which
is approaching the readiness to be merged in Vdsm.
Please read through this mail to see what the patchset can do now,
how you could try it *now*, even before it is merged.
Everyone is invited to share thoughts and ideas about how this effort
could evolve.
This will be a long mail; I will amend, enhance and polish the content
and make a blog post (on https://mojaves.github.io) to make it easier
to consume and to have some easy-to-find documentation. Later on the
same content will appear also on the oVirt blog.
Happy hacking!
# How to try how the experimental container support for Vdsm.
Vdsm is gaining *experimental* support to run containers alongside VMs.
Vdsm had since long time the ability to manage VMs which run containers,
and recently gained support for
[atomic guests](http://www.projectatomic.io/blog/2015/01/running-ovirt-guest-agent-as-privileged-container/).
With the new support we are describing, you will be able to manage containers
with the same, proven infrastructure that let you manage VMs.
This feature is currently being developed and it is still not merged in the
Vdsm codebase, so some extra work is needed if you want to try it out.
We aiming to merge it in the oVirt 4.1.z cycle.
## What works, aka what to expect
The basic features are expected to work:
1. Run any docker image on the public docker registry
2. Make the container accessible from the outside (aka not just from localhost)
3. Use file-based storage for persistent volumes
## What does not yet work, aka what NOT to expect
Few things are planned and currently under active development:
1. Monitoring. Engine will not get any update from the container besides "VM" status (Up, Down...)
One important drawback is that you will not be told the IP of the container from Engine,
you will need to connect to the Vdsm host to discover it using standard docker tools.
2. Proper network integration. Some steps still need manual intervention
3. Stability and recovery - it's pre-alpha software after all! :)
## 1. Introduction and prerequisites
Trying out container support affects only the host and the Vdsm.
Besides add few custom properties (totally safe and supported since early
3.z), there are zero changes required to the DB and to Engine.
Nevertheless, we recommend to dedicate one oVirt 4.y environment,
or at least one 4.y host, to try out the container feature.
To get started, first thing you need is to setup a vanilla oVirt 4.y
installation. We will need to make changes to the Vdsm and to the
Vdsm host, so hosted engine and/or oVirt node may add extra complexity,
better to avoid them at the moment.
The reminder of this tutorial assumes you are using two hosts,
one for Vdsm (will be changed) and one for Engine (will require zero changes);
furthermore, we assume the Vdsm host is running on CentOS 7.y.
We require:
- one test host for Vdsm. This host need to have one NIC dedicated to containers.
We will use the [docker macvlan driver](https://raesene.github.io/blog/2016/07/23/Docker-MacVLAN/),
so this NIC *must not be* part of one bridge.
- docker >= 1.12
- oVirt >= 4.0.5 (Vdsm >= 4.18.15)
- CentOS >= 7.2
Docker >= 1.12 is avaialable for download [here](https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/linux/centos/)
1. docker from official rpms conflicts con docker from CentOS, and has a different package name: docker-engine vs docker.
Please note that the kubernetes package from CentOS, for example, require 'docker', not 'docker-engine'.
2. you may want to replace the default service file
[with this one](https://github.com/mojaves/convirt/blob/master/patches/centos72/syst...
and to use this
[sysconfig file](https://github.com/mojaves/convirt/blob/master/patches/centos72/sys....
Here I'm just adding the storage options docker requires, much like the CentOS docker is configured.
Configuring docker like this can save you some troubleshooting, especially if you had docker from CentOS installed
on the testing box.
## 2. Patch Vdsm to support containers
You need to patch and rebuild Vdsm.
Fetch [this patch](https://github.com/mojaves/convirt/blob/master/patches/vdsm/4.18.1...
and apply it against Vdsm Vdsm 4.18.15.{1,2,...} are supported as well.
Rebuild Vdsm and reinstall on your box.
[centos 7.2 packages are here](https://github.com/mojaves/convirt/tree/master/rpms/centos72)
Make sure you install the Vdsm command line client (vdsm-cli)
Restart *both* Vdsm and Supervdsm, make sure Engine still works flawlessly with patched Vdsm.
This ensure that no regression is introduced, and that your environment can run VMs just as before.
Now we can proceed adding the container support.
start docker:
# systemctl start docker-engine
# systemctl enable docker-engine
Restart Vdsm again
# systemctl restart vdsm
Now we can check if Vdsm detects docker, so you can use it:
still on the same Vdsm host, run
$ vdsClient -s 0 getVdsCaps | grep containers
containers = ['docker', 'fake']
This means this Vdsm can run containers using 'docker' and 'fake' runtimes.
Ignore the 'fake' runtime; as the name suggests, is a test driver, kinda like /dev/null.
Now we need to make sure the host network configuration is fine.
### 2.1. Configure the docker network for Vdsm
that the suggested network configuration assumes that
* you have one network, `ovirtmgmt` (the default one) you use for everything
* you have one Vdsm host with at least two NICs, one bound to the `ovirtmgmt` network, and one spare
_This step is not yet automated by Vdsm_, so manual action is needed; Vdsm will take
care of this automatically in the future.
You can use
[this helper script](https://github.com/mojaves/convirt/blob/master/patches/vdsm/cont-...,
which reuses the Vdsm libraries. Make sure
you have patched Vdsm to support container before to use it.
Let's review what the script needs:
# ./cont-setup-net -h
usage: cont-setup-net [-h] [--name [NAME]] [--bridge [BRIDGE]]
[--interface [INTERFACE]] [--gateway [GATEWAY]]
[--subnet [SUBNET]] [--mask [MASK]]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--name [NAME] network name to use
--bridge [BRIDGE] bridge to use
--interface [INTERFACE]
interface to use
--gateway [GATEWAY] address of the gateway
--subnet [SUBNET] subnet to use
--mask [MASK] netmask to use
So we need to feed --name, --interface, --gateway, --subnet and optionally --mask (default, /24, is often fine).
For my case the default mask was indeed fine, so I used the script like this:
# ./cont-setup-net --name ovirtmgmt --interface enp3s0 --gateway --subnet
Thhis is the output I got:
DEBUG:virt.containers.runtime:configuring runtime 'docker'
DEBUG:virt.containers.command:* calling ['/bin/docker', 'network', 'inspect', 'ovirtmgmt']
Error: No such network: ovirtmgmt
DEBUG:virt.containers.command:* called ['/bin/docker', 'network', 'inspect', 'ovirtmgmt']
DEBUG:virt.containers.runtime.Docker:config: cannot load 'ovirtmgmt', ignored
DEBUG:virt.containers.command:* calling ['/bin/docker', 'network', 'create', '-d', 'macvlan', '--subnet=', '--gateway=', '--ip-range=', '-o', 'parent=enp3s0', 'ovirtmgmt']
DEBUG:virt.containers.command:* called ['/bin/docker', 'network', 'create', '-d', 'macvlan', '--subnet=', '--gateway=', '--ip-range=', '-o', 'parent=enp3s0', 'ovirtmgmt']
DEBUG:virt.containers.runtime:configuring runtime 'fake'
You can clearly see what the script did, and why it needed the root privileges. Let's deoublecheck using the docker tools:
# docker network ls
91535f3425a8 bridge bridge local
d42f7e5561b5 host host local
621ab6dd49b1 none null local
f4b88e4a67eb ovirtmgmt macvlan local
# docker network inspect ovirtmgmt
"Name": "ovirtmgmt",
"Id": "f4b88e4a67ebb7886ec74073333d613b1893272530cae4d407c95ab587c5fea1",
"Scope": "local",
"Driver": "macvlan",
"EnableIPv6": false,
"IPAM": {
"Driver": "default",
"Options": {},
"Config": [
"Subnet": "",
"IPRange": "",
"Gateway": ""
"Internal": false,
"Containers": {},
"Options": {
"parent": "enp3s0"
"Labels": {}
Looks good! the host configuration is completed. Let's move to the Engine side.
## 3. Configure Engine
As mentioned above, we need now to configure Engine. This boils down to:
Add a few custom properties for VMs:
In case you were already using custom properties, you need to amend the command
line to not overwrite your existing ones.
# engine-config -s UserDefinedVMProperties='volumeMap=^[a-zA-Z_-]+:[a-zA-Z_-]+$;containerImage=^[a-zA-Z]+(://|)[a-zA-Z]+$;containerType=^(docker|rkt)$' --cver=4.0
It is worth stressing that while the variables are container-specific,
the VM custom properties are totally inuntrusive and old concept in oVirt, so
this step is totally safe.
Now restart Engine to let it use the new variables:
# systemctl restart ovirt-engine
The next step is actually configure one "container VM" and run it.
## 4. Create the container "VM"
To finally run a container, you start creating a VM much like you always did, with
few changes
1. most of the hardware-related configuration isn't relevant for container "VMs",
besides cpu share and memory limits; this will be better documented in the
future; unneeded configuration will just be ignored
2. You need to set some custom properties for your container "VM". Those are
actually needed to enable the container flow, and they are documented in
the next section. You *need* to set at least `containerType` and `containerImage`.
### 4.2. Custom variables for container support
The container support needs some custom properties to be properly configured:
1. `containerImage` (*needed* to enable the container system).
Just select the target image you want to run. You can use the standard syntax of the
container runtimes.
2. `containerType` (*needed* to enable the container system).
Selects the container runtime you want to use. All the available options are always showed.
Please note that unavailable container options are not yet grayed out.
If you *do not* have rkt support on your host, you still can select it, but it won't work.
3. `volumeMap` key:value like. You can map one "VM" disk (key) to one container volume (value),
to have persistent storage. Only file-based storage is supported.
Example configuration:
`containerImage = redis`
`containerType = docker`
`volumeMap = vda:data` (this may not be needed, and the volume label is just for illustrative purposes)
### 4.2. A little bit of extra work: preload the images on the Vdsm host
This step is not needed by the flow, and will be handled by oVirt in the future.
The issue is how the container image are handled. They are stored by the container
management system (rkt, docker) on each host, and they are not pre-downloaded.
To shorten the duration of the first boot, you are advised to pre-download
the image(s) you want to run. For example
## on the Vdsm host you want to use with containers
# docker pull redis
## 5. Run the container "VM"
You are now all set to run your "VM" using oVirt Engine, just like any existing VM.
Some actions doesn't make sense for a container "VM", like live migration.
Engine won't stop you to try to do those actions, but they will fail gracefully
using the standard errors.
## 6. Next steps
What to expect from this project in the future?
For the integration with Vdsm, we want to fix the existing known issues, most notably:
* add proper monitoring/reporting of the container health
* ensure proper integration of the container image store with oVirt storage management
* streamline the network configuration
What is explicitely excluded yet is any Engine change. This is a Vdsm-only change at the
moment, so fixing the following is currently unplanned:
* First and foremost, Engine will not distinguish between real VMs and container VMs.
Actions unavailable to container will not be hidden from UI. Same for monitoring
and configuration data, which will be ignored.
* Engine is NOT aware of the volumes one container can use. You must inspect and do the
mapping manually.
* Engine is NOT aware of the available container runtimes. You must select it carefully
Proper integration with Engine may be added in the future once this feature exits
from the experimental/provisional stage.
Thanks for reading, make sure to share your thoughts on the oVirt mailing lists!
[1] we keep calling it that way _only_ internally, because it's a short
name we are used to. After the merge/once we release it, we will use
a different name, like "vdsm-containers" or something like it.
Francesco Romani
Red Hat Engineering Virtualization R & D
Phone: 8261328
IRC: fromani
6 years, 11 months
Empty cgroup files on centos 7.3 host
by Florian Schmid
I wanted to monitor disk IO and R/W on all of our oVirt centos 7.3 hypervisor hosts, but it looks like that all those files are empty.
For example:
ls -al /sys/fs/cgroup/blkio/machine.slice/machine-qemu\\x2d14\\x2dHostedEngine.scope/
insgesamt 0
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 0 30. Mai 10:09 .
drwxr-xr-x. 16 root root 0 26. Jun 09:25 ..
-r--r--r--. 1 root root 0 30. Mai 10:09 blkio.io_merged
-r--r--r--. 1 root root 0 30. Mai 10:09 blkio.io_merged_recursive
-r--r--r--. 1 root root 0 30. Mai 10:09 blkio.io_queued
-r--r--r--. 1 root root 0 30. Mai 10:09 blkio.io_queued_recursive
-r--r--r--. 1 root root 0 30. Mai 10:09 blkio.io_service_bytes
-r--r--r--. 1 root root 0 30. Mai 10:09 blkio.io_service_bytes_recursive
-r--r--r--. 1 root root 0 30. Mai 10:09 blkio.io_serviced
-r--r--r--. 1 root root 0 30. Mai 10:09 blkio.io_serviced_recursive
-r--r--r--. 1 root root 0 30. Mai 10:09 blkio.io_service_time
-r--r--r--. 1 root root 0 30. Mai 10:09 blkio.io_service_time_recursive
-r--r--r--. 1 root root 0 30. Mai 10:09 blkio.io_wait_time
-r--r--r--. 1 root root 0 30. Mai 10:09 blkio.io_wait_time_recursive
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 0 30. Mai 10:09 blkio.leaf_weight
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 0 30. Mai 10:09 blkio.leaf_weight_device
--w-------. 1 root root 0 30. Mai 10:09 blkio.reset_stats
-r--r--r--. 1 root root 0 30. Mai 10:09 blkio.sectors
-r--r--r--. 1 root root 0 30. Mai 10:09 blkio.sectors_recursive
-r--r--r--. 1 root root 0 30. Mai 10:09 blkio.throttle.io_service_bytes
-r--r--r--. 1 root root 0 30. Mai 10:09 blkio.throttle.io_serviced
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 0 30. Mai 10:09 blkio.throttle.read_bps_device
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 0 30. Mai 10:09 blkio.throttle.read_iops_device
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 0 30. Mai 10:09 blkio.throttle.write_bps_device
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 0 30. Mai 10:09 blkio.throttle.write_iops_device
-r--r--r--. 1 root root 0 30. Mai 10:09 blkio.time
-r--r--r--. 1 root root 0 30. Mai 10:09 blkio.time_recursive
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 0 30. Mai 10:09 blkio.weight
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 0 30. Mai 10:09 blkio.weight_device
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 0 30. Mai 10:09 cgroup.clone_children
--w--w--w-. 1 root root 0 30. Mai 10:09 cgroup.event_control
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 0 30. Mai 10:09 cgroup.procs
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 0 30. Mai 10:09 notify_on_release
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 0 30. Mai 10:09 tasks
I thought, I can get my needed values from there, but all files are empty.
Looking at this post: http://lists.ovirt.org/pipermail/users/2017-January/079011.html
this should work.
Is this normal on centos 7.3 with oVirt installed? How can I get those values, without monitoring all VMs directly?
oVirt Version we use:
BR Florian
6 years, 11 months
Failed to open grubx64.efi
by Julio Cesar Bustamante
Hi there,
I have installed Ovirt Host in a HS22 Blade Ibm, but I have this bug.
Failed to open \efi\centos\grubx64.efi not found
Falied to load image \EFI\centos\grubx64.efi Not found
You know how can I solve this issue ?
Julio Cesar Bustamante.
6 years, 11 months
slow performance with export storage on glusterfs
by Jiří Sléžka
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I am trying realize why is exporting of vm to export storage on
glusterfs such slow.
I am using oVirt and RHV, both instalations on version 4.1.7.
Hosts have dedicated nics for rhevm network - 1gbps, data storage itself
is on FC.
GlusterFS cluster lives separate on 4 dedicated hosts. It has slow disks
but I can achieve about 200-400mbit throughput in other applications (we
are using it for "cold" data, backups mostly).
I am using this glusterfs cluster as backend for export storage. When I
am exporting vm I can see only about 60-80mbit throughput.
What could be the bottleneck here?
Could it be qemu-img utility?
vdsm 97739 0.3 0.0 354212 29148 ? S<l 15:43 0:06
/usr/bin/qemu-img convert -p -t none -T none -f raw
-O raw
Any idea how to make it work faster or what throughput should I expected?=
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6 years, 12 months
Logical network setup with neutron
by Lakshmi Narasimhan Sundararajan
Hi Team,
I am looking at integrating openstack neutron with oVirt.
Reading the docs so far, and through my setup experiments, I can see that
oVirt and neutron do seem to understand each other.
But I need some helpful pointers to help me understand a few items
during configuration.
1) During External Provider registration,
a) although openstack keystone is currently supporting v3 api
endpoints, only configuring v2 works. I see an exception otherwise.I
have a feeling only v2 auth is supported with oVirt.
b) Interface mappings.
This I believe is a way for logical networks to switch/route traffic
back to physical networks. This is of the form label:interface. Where
label is placed on each Hosts network setting to point to the right
physical interface.
I did map label "red" when I setup Host networks to a physical Nic.
And used "red:br-red, green:br-green" here, wherein my intention is to
create a bridge br-red on each Host for this logical network and
switch/route packets over the "red" label mapped physical nic on each
host. And every vm attached to "red" logical network shall have a vnic
placed on "br-red" Is my understanding correct?
2) Now I finally create a logical network using external provider
"openstack neutron". Herein "Physical Network" parameter that I
totally do not understand.
If the registration were to have many interface mappings, is this a
way of pinning to the right interface?
I cannot choose, red, red:br-red... I can only leave it empty,
So what is the IP address of the physical address argument part of
logical network creation?
"Optionally select the Create on external provider check box. Select
the External Provider from the drop-down list and provide the IP
address of the Physical Network". What this field means?
I would appreciate some clarity and helpful pointers here.
Best regards
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7 years
Re: [ovirt-users] VDSM multipath.conf - prevent automatic management of local devices
by Ben Bradley
On 23/11/17 06:46, Maton, Brett wrote:
> Might not be quite what you're after but adding
> To /etc/multipath.conf will stop vdsm from changing the file.
> |||
Hi there. Thanks for the reply.
Yes I am aware of that and it seems that's what I will have to do.
I have no problem with VDSM managing the file, I just wish it didn't
automatically load local storage devices into multipathd.
I'm still not clear on the purpose of this automatic management though.
From what I can tell there is no difference to hosts/clusters made
through this automatic management - i.e. you still have to add storage
domains manually in oVirt.
Could anyone give any info on the purpose of this auto-management of
local storage devices into multipathd in VDSM?
Then I will be able to make an informed decision as to the benefit of
letting it continue.
Thanks, Ben
> On 22 November 2017 at 22:42, Ben Bradley <listsbb(a)virtx.net
> <mailto:listsbb@virtx.net>> wrote:
> Hi All
> I have been running ovirt in a lab environment on CentOS 7 for
> several months but have only just got around to really testing things.
> I understand that VDSM manages multipath.conf and I understand that
> I can make changes to that file and set it to private to prevent
> VDSM making further changes.
> I don't mind VDSM managing the file but is it possible to set to
> prevent local devices being automatically added to multipathd?
> Many times I have had to flush local devices from multipath when
> they are added/removed or re-partitioned or the system is rebooted.
> It doesn't even look like oVirt does anything with these devices
> once they are setup in multipathd.
> I'm assuming it's the VDSM additions to multipath that are causing
> this. Can anyone else confirm this?
> Is there a way to prevent new or local devices being added
> automatically?
> Regards
> Ben
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7 years
Fedora support (was: [ANN] oVirt 4.2.0 Second Beta Release is now available for testing)
by Yedidyah Bar David
On Wed, Nov 29, 2017 at 7:29 PM, Blaster <Blaster(a)556nato.com> wrote:
> Is Fedora not supported anymore?
> I've read the release notes for the 4.2r2 beta and 4.1.7, they mention
> specific versions of RHEL and CentOS, but only mention Fedora by name, with
> no specific version information.
We currently have too many problems with fedora to call it even 'Technical
Preview', as was done in the past.
You can still use the nightly snapshots, and most things work, more-or-less,
with some issues having known workarounds. See e.g.:
And also:
(not sure that one is still relevant for Fedora 27, didn't check recently).
> On 11/15/2017 9:17 AM, Sandro Bonazzola wrote
> This release is available now on x86_64 architecture for:
> * Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.4 or later
> * CentOS Linux (or similar) 7.4 or later
> This release supports Hypervisor Hosts on x86_64 and ppc64le architectures
> for:
> * Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.4 or later
> * CentOS Linux (or similar) 7.4 or later
> * oVirt Node 4.2 (available for x86_64 only)
> tp://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/listinfo/users
> _______________________________________________
> Users mailing list
> Users(a)ovirt.org
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7 years
Reg: Ovirt mouse not responding
by syedquadeer@ctel.in
Dear Team,
I am using Ovirt 3.x on centos 3 node cluster and in that Ubuntu 14.04
64bit vm's are installed. But the end users, who are using this vm' s
are facing some issue daily and issues are mentioned below,
1. Keyboard will not respond in middle automatically and after checking
log file in vm, it show pmouse sync issue.
2. If Vm is restarted it is giving black screen, then Vm need to power
off and start again.
Please provide solution for above issues. Thanks in advance...
Thanks & Regards,
Syed Abdul Qadeer.
7 years
Convert local storage domain to shared
by Demeter Tibor
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Dear Users,
We have an old ovirt3.5 install with a local and a shared clusters. Meanwhile we created a new data center, that based on 4.1 and it use only shared infrastructure.
I would like to migrate an big VM from the old local datacenter to our new, but I don't have enough downtime.
Is it possible to convert the old local storage to shared (by share via NFS) and attach that as new storage domain to the new cluster?
I just want to import VM and copy (while running) with live storage migration function.
I know, the official way for move vms between ovirt clusters is the export domain, but it has very big disks.
What can I do?
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
<html><body><div id=3D"zimbraEditorContainer" style=3D"font-family: arial, =
helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12pt; color: #000000" class=3D"403"><div>=
<br></div><div>Dear Users,</div><div><br data-mce-bogus=3D"1"></div><div>We=
have an old ovirt3.5 install with a local and a shared clusters. Meanwhile=
we created a new data center, that based on 4.1 and it use only shared inf=
rastructure.</div><div>I would like to migrate an big VM from the old local=
datacenter to our new, but I don't have enough downtime. </div><div><=
br data-mce-bogus=3D"1"></div><div>Is it possible to convert the old local =
storage to shared (by share via NFS) and attach that as new storage domain =
to the new cluster?</div><div></div><div>I just want to import VM and copy =
(while running) with live storage migration function.</div><div><br data-mc=
e-bogus=3D"1"></div><div>I know, the official way for move vms between ovir=
t clusters is the export domain, but it has very big disks.</div><div><br d=
ata-mce-bogus=3D"1"></div><div>What can I do?</div><div><br data-mce-bogus=
=3D"1"></div><div>Thanks </div><div><br data-mce-bogus=3D"1"></div><di=
v>Tibor</div><div data-marker=3D"__SIG_PRE__"><p style=3D"font-family: 'Tim=
es New Roman'; font-size: medium; margin: 0px;" data-mce-style=3D"font-fami=
ly: 'Times New Roman'; font-size: medium; margin: 0px;"><strong><span style=
=3D"font-size: medium;" data-mce-style=3D"font-size: medium;"><span style=
=3D"color: #2d67b0;" data-mce-style=3D"color: #2d67b0;"></span></span></str=
7 years