by Greg Sheremeta
Does anyone see an issue with adding jQuery to GwtHostPage? Some PatternFly widgets require bootstrap.min.js which requires jQuery.
Greg Sheremeta
Red Hat, Inc.
Sr. Software Engineer, RHEV
Cell: 919-807-1086
10 years, 6 months
Python-GTK User Portal
by Amador Pahim
I'm running some tests with Raspberry Pi, trying to use it as a thin
client to oVirt.
My initial test was just open web User Portal using a browser. But
RasPi limited performance is leading browser to repeatedly show the
warning for "unresponsive script" before load the portal.
Trying to have a lighter way to access oVirt with the same functions
as in "Basic" User Portal, I wrote this Python-GTK client. Its
performance in RasPi is quite acceptable currently.
I'm wondering if you guys have any interest in putting the bits
somewhere along with the project repositories. Maybe in
Source code:
Here a screenshot with it in action:
Best Regards,
10 years, 6 months
conflicts in constants file
by Gilad Chaplik
Hi Vojtech,
it seems that foreach rebase I do I get git conflicts for constants files (java iface localization files).
do you have a way to solve that?
10 years, 6 months
oVirt 3.5.0 Second Alpha postponed due to jenkins issues
by Sandro Bonazzola
we discovered that some projects jenkins nightly build jobs weren't providing nightly rpms in the last week.
In order to allow basic sanity testing before releasing second alpha, its release has been postponed to tomorrow.
Sandro Bonazzola
Better technology. Faster innovation. Powered by community collaboration.
See how it works at redhat.com
10 years, 6 months
how to call the SW part of instance type?
by Tomas Jelinek
Hey all,
in the instance type feature [1] there are two parts, the "instance types" (HW part of the machine) and the "something not sure how to call" (which is basically a disk image with some SW related metadata like OS type). It is inspired by the Amazon's "Instance Type" + "AMI".
Currently, the handling of the HW part is merged upstream (some small parts missing but mostly there) but the software part is not. I'd like to start implementing it and wanted to ask the community how to call it. Normally it would be called "image", but since we already have images in oVirt it would be confusing.
I see this options how to call it, please feel free to comment on them, vote for some or propose a new name (please keep in mind that the HW part is called "Instance Type").
- Instance Image
- Software Profile
- OMI (oVirt Machine Image)
- System Image
- ITI (Instance Type Image)
Thank you,
[1]: http://www.ovirt.org/Features/Instance_Types
10 years, 6 months
[Hackathon] oVirt session non-notes
by Dan Kenigsberg
I've used the occasion of http://wiki.xen.org/wiki/Hackathon/May2014 to
learn how Xen is managed, and to start scoping how it can be done within
I've laid out my impressions on http://www.ovirt.org/Xen; some of it
may false. For example, up until few minutes ago, it stated that Xen is
missing spice support. Feel free to fix it, it's a wiki.
The bottom line is that, with a bit of help, and with limited feature
set, oVirt can manage Xen-based hypervisors. I've posted a couple of
Vdsm tweaks to support that
The nicest patch there is a brute script that munches an oVirt-generated
libvirt domxml and strips it from anything that it finds offensive to
libvirt's xl driver.
The most painful of the things dropped is qcow2 images - I did not find
a way to specify them for Xen domains (admittedly, I did not search too
Another hurdle was my failure to boot the guest from its cdrom. To have
something running in the guest, I copied
onto the VM disk volume.
Plenty of other caveats are listed in
http://www.ovirt.org/Xen#What.27s_not_Done. But hey, it's working!(ish)
I'd like to thank the all nice and helpful people at the Xen hackathon
(too many to mention by name!), who invited me there and helped me debug
numerous failures and misconfigurations.
10 years, 6 months
[QE][ACTION NEEDED] oVirt 3.4.2 status
by Sandro Bonazzola
We're going to start composing oVirt 3.4.2 GA on *2014-06-10 08:00 UTC* from 3.4.2 branches.
The bug tracker [1] shows no blocking bugs for the release
There are still 56 bugs [2] targeted to 3.4.2.
Excluding node and documentation bugs we still have 27 bugs [3] targeted to 3.4.2.
Maintainers / Assignee:
- Please add the bugs to the tracker if you think that 3.4.2 should not be released without them fixed.
- Please update the target to any next release for bugs that won't be in 3.4.2:
it will ease gathering the blocking bugs for next releases.
Critical bugs will be re-targeted to 3.4.3 after 3.4.2 GA release.
All remaining bugs will be re-targeted to 3.5.0.
- Please fill release notes, the page has been created here [4]
- Please build packages before *2014-06-09 15:00 UTC*.
- If you're testing oVirt 3.4.2 RC, please add yourself to the test page [5]
[1] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1095370
[2] http://red.ht/1oqLLlr
[3] http://red.ht/1nIAZXO
[4] http://www.ovirt.org/OVirt_3.4.2_Release_Notes
[5] http://www.ovirt.org/Testing/oVirt_3.4.2_Testing
Sandro Bonazzola
Better technology. Faster innovation. Powered by community collaboration.
See how it works at redhat.com
10 years, 6 months
[QE][ACTION NEEDED] oVirt 3.5.0 Second Alpha status
by Sandro Bonazzola
We're going to compose a Second Alpha on Thu *2014-06-05 08:00 UTC*.
- Please be sure that master snapshot allow to create VMs before *2014-06-04 15:00 UTC*
The bug tracker [1] shows the following proposed blockers to be reviewed:
Bug ID Whiteboard Status Summary
1001100 integration NEW Add log gathering for a new ovirt module (External scheduler)
1073944 integration ASSIGNED Add log gathering for a new ovirt module (External scheduler)
1060198 integration NEW [RFE] add support for Fedora 20
1100236 integration NEW all-in-one setup should configure cluster compatibility as max common between vdsm and engine
Feature freeze has been postponed to 2014-06-15 and the following features should be testable in 3.5.0 Alpha according to Features Status Table [2]
Group oVirt BZ Title
gluster 1096713 Monitoring (UI plugin) Dashboard (Integrated with Nagios monitoring)
infra 1090530 [RFE] Please add host count and guest count columns to "Clusters" tab in webadmin
infra 1078738 [RFE] make ovirt easy configurable to allow redirection of all logs to syslog
infra 1054778 [RFE] Allow to perform fence operations from a host in another DC
infra 1090803 [RFE] Change the "Slot" field to "Service Profile" when cisco_ucs is selected as the fencing type
infra 1090511 [RFE] Improve fencing robustness by retrying failed attempts
infra 1090800 [RFE] Add periodic power management health check to detect/warn about link-down detection of power management LAN
infra 1090794 [RFE] Search VMs based on MAC address from web-admin portal
infra 1090793 consider the event type while printing events to engine.log
infra 1090796 [RFE] Re-work engine ovirt-node host-deploy sequence
infra 1090798 [RFE] Admin GUI - Add host uptime information to the "General" tab
infra 1090808 [RFE] Ability to dismiss alerts and events from web-admin portal
infra 1058737 [RFE] Restart HA VMs ASAP
infra-api 1090797 [RFE] RESTAPI: Add /tags sub-collection for Template resource
infra-dwh 1091686 prevent OutOfMemoryError after starting the dwh service.
infra-dwh 1091687 History DB should sync user's first and last name for user usage tables
integration 1026933 (partial: iso available) ovirt-guest-tools-iso similar to rhev-guest-tools-iso and uploaded to ISO domain by default
network 1078836 Add a warning when adding display network
network 1079719 Display of NIC Slave/Bond fault on Event Log
network 1080984 Support bridging_opts functionality within oVirt
network 1080987 Support ethtool_opts functionality within oVirt
network 1078862 Providing Neutron Applience
storage 1054241 Store OVF on any domains
storage 1055640 Get rid of storage pool metadata on master storage domain
storage 1083312 Disk alias recycling in web-admin portal
storage 1086181 [RFE] Snapshot overview in webadmin portal
ux 1064543 oVirt new look and feel [PatternFly adoption] - phase #1
virt 1058832 Allow to clone a (down) VM without snapshot/template
virt 1031040 can't set different keymap for vnc via runonce option
virt 1043471 oVirt guest agent for SLES
virt 1073453 Debian 7 support (incl. 1043474 oVirt guest agent for Debian)
virt 1072313 Edit Running Vm
virt 1083049 add progress bar for vm migration
virt 1083065 EL 7 guest compatibility
virt Allow guest serial number to be configurable
virt 1047624 [RFE] support BIOS boot device menu
virt 1083129 allows setting netbios name, locale, language and keyboard settings for windows vm's
virt 1038632 spice-html5 button to show debug console/output window
virt 1080002 [RFE] Enable user defined Windows Sysprep file
Some more features may be included since they were near to be completed on last sync meeting.
The table will be updated on next sync meeting scheduled for 2014-06-04.
There are still 373 bugs [3] targeted to 3.5.0.
Excluding node and documentation bugs we still have 311 bugs [4] targeted to 3.5.0.
Maintainers / Assignee:
- Please remember to rebuild your packages before *2014-06-04 15:00 UTC* if needed, otherwise nightly snapshot will be taken.
- Please be sure that master snapshot allow to create VMs before *2014-06-04 15:00 UTC*
- If you find a blocker bug please remember to add it to the tracker [1]
- Please start filling release notes, the page has been created here [5]
- Please review and add test cases to oVirt 3.5 Test Day [6]
- You're welcome to join us testing this alpha release and getting involved in oVirt Quality Assurance[7]!
[1] http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1073943
[2] http://bit.ly/17qBn6F
[3] http://red.ht/1pVEk7H
[4] http://red.ht/1rLCJwF
[5] http://www.ovirt.org/OVirt_3.5_Release_Notes
[6] http://www.ovirt.org/OVirt_3.5_TestDay
[7] http://www.ovirt.org/OVirt_Quality_Assurance
Sandro Bonazzola
Better technology. Faster innovation. Powered by community collaboration.
See how it works at redhat.com
10 years, 6 months
REST-API - supported user name formats
by Yair Zaslavsky
Do we need to support a format of user name like "profile\user" for REST-API authentication? (if you're not familiar with the term profile, I can ask the same about "domain\user"
I see in the code it exists, but I was wonder whether it is really needed.
Thanks for any thoughts on this,
10 years, 6 months