oVirt Sync Call Meeting Minutes :: 2011-08-24
by Robyn Bergeron
Minutes follow below.
I may have missed names/spellings for attendees - I'm not familiar with
everyone yet, please be patient and feel free to let me know if I've
fouled up your name. :)
Action items are listed near the top of minutes; meeting minutes have
also been copied to the shared doc.
oVirt Sync Call Meeting Minutes
== Attendees ==
Mike Day (IBM)
Carl Trieloff (Red Hat)
Robyn Bergeron (Red Hat)
Perry Myers (Red Hat)
Anthony Liguori (IBM)
Karsten Wade (Red hat)
Jan Wildeboer (Red Hat)
Robyn Bergeron (Red Hat)
Adam Mendoza, Ron ?? (Net App)
Adam (Litke?) - IBM
Another person from IBM (??)
Michael Enescu (Cisco)
== Action Items ==
* Mike Day to chair meeting next week.
* Carl Trieloff to hand off bridge code to Mike Day.
* Everyone: Please notify Carl or Robyn of people not yet subscribed to
project-planning mailing list that should be.
* Robyn to forward Google Doc address to project-planning list.
* Carl to confirm with Ralf from SuSE about participation
* Carl to send out .pdf/presentation to (COMPANY NAME REDACTED - INFO: http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/project-planning/2011-September/000283.html).
* Mike Day: Set up meeting with (COMPANY NAME REDACTED - INFO: http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/project-planning/2011-September/000283.html) once he has appropriate contacts.
* Jan to reach out to (COMPANY NAME REDACTED - INFO: http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/project-planning/2011-September/000283.html) for contacts.
* Robyn to open separate document for user participation for the workshops.
* Everyone, list speaking/engagement opportunities in the Google Doc,
use times to advertise workshop. (Section 8)
* Robyn to add section to document - have Legal, etc. provide feedback;
Karsten to follow-up on mailing list with pointer/discussion opening.
* Carl, Karsten, Jimjag working on first-pass of site content including
* Karsten to lead discussion on workshop location logistics.
* Robyn to send mail about weeks that are options for the Workshop. Get
== Meeting Minutes ==
1) Next meeting coordination
* Do we want a call next with with CCT on vacation, or skip a week?
* Action: Mike Day to Chair meeting next week.
* Action: Carl to send Mike Bridge code after meeting.
2) Planning List Discussion
* Anyone not yet on list who should be, please forward names/addresses
to Carl or Robyn.
* Carl: cctrieloff(a)redhat.com
* Robyn: rbergero(a)redhat.com
* Action: Robyn to Ship out Google Doc address to list.
* (URL REDACTED - INFO: http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/project-planning/2011-September/000283.html)
* We'll be working at structuring the Google Doc to make it a bit
more viable. It's collectively edited.
* Questions can go to planning list, and we can work through items
to add to Google Doc.
3) Participation Update
* Currently updated in the Google Doc.
* Action: Carl to confirm with Ralf from SuSE about participation; they
are committed, but their ability to fully staff right away is in question.
* (COMPANY NAME REDACTED - INFO: http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/project-planning/2011-September/000283.html) - still needs to set up a meeting. They need the .pdf, and
we can set up a meeting. Seem to be eager, but haven't confirmed yet.
Action: Carl to send out .pdf/presentation to (COMPANY NAME REDACTED - INFO: http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/project-planning/2011-September/000283.html).
* Officially Committed: Red Hat, IBM, Intel, Net App, Cisco, SuSE.
* Following-up: (COMPANY NAME REDACTED - INFO: http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/project-planning/2011-September/000283.html).
* Other:
* HP will support project, but won't be on board at this time.
* Carl met with Intel out in Oregon.
* Intel is committed (OSS group), but they want the data center
group in. Frank discussion, "Not sure of best way to support initiative
- hardware enablement, etc." Still discussing particulars.
* Want us to reach out to Open Data Center Alliance partners,
in particular (COMPANY NAME REDACTED - INFO: http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/project-planning/2011-September/000283.html) & (COMPANY NAME REDACTED - INFO: http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/project-planning/2011-September/000283.html)
* Intel in China? Should we reach out to them as well? Follow
up with Mike Richmond - find out what groups to involve from Intel.
* Action: Mike Day: (COMPANY NAME REDACTED - INFO: http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/project-planning/2011-September/000283.html) has deck now - Mike Day to set up meeting
once he has appropriate contacts.
* In progress: (COMPANY NAME REDACTED - INFO: http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/project-planning/2011-September/000283.html), (COMPANY NAME REDACTED - INFO: http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/project-planning/2011-September/000283.html) from (COMPANY NAME REDACTED - INFO: http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/project-planning/2011-September/000283.html) (waiting to complete
* (COMPANY NAME REDACTED - INFO: http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/project-planning/2011-September/000283.html), (COMPANY NAME REDACTED - INFO: http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/project-planning/2011-September/000283.html), (COMPANY NAME REDACTED - INFO: http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/project-planning/2011-September/000283.html). Anyone willing to speak to those
* Jan is in Munich - Can work with (COMPANY NAME REDACTED - INFO: http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/project-planning/2011-September/000283.html) to find the correct
persons. It is vacation-time in Europe, might be problematic to
immediately resolve.
* Jan's suggestion - (COMPANY NAME REDACTED - INFO: http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/project-planning/2011-September/000283.html).
* (COMPANY NAME REDACTED - INFO: http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/project-planning/2011-September/000283.html). Jan to reach out and get contact info.
* Do we have communication in place with folks at Early Adoption Level?
* Mid-September will probably be the time to engage. Working on
Board-level commitments first.
* Action: Robyn to open separate document for user participation
for the workshops, start building that list. Anyone can add to that.
* Engagement / Speaking Opportunities:
*End of September in Paris is Open World Forum. Jan and Karsten to
possibly do briefings there.
* Potential to use other speaking slots at OWF to promote oVirt
Project, OVA, etc.
* Action: Everyone, list speaking/engagement opportunities in the
Google Doc, use times to advertise workshop. (Section 8)
4) Project Logistics
* Please take a look at the google doc around mailing lists - where to
do cross-project release coordination, etc.?
* Subproject mailing lists?
* Coordination list? (logistics, perhaps?)
* Patches list, etc.
* Review/feedback welcomed.
* Perry - do we really need this for every project? Not really a
need to have a private mailing list - some lists may be optional as
needed. Anthony: should probably be decided by each community. Don't
make it policy and let each project decide.
* Decision: Yes, let's mark it as optional.
* Jan: Is there a defined intellectual property policy? Carl:
Apache style - this is my own work, etc., ASL or GPLv2 license. ASL is
strong enough that we don't need anything else. Jan agrees. We need to
put it up front.
* Anthony: Would be helpful to have DSO as well as an option.
* Action: Robyn to add section to document - have Legal, etc.
provide feedback.
* Karsten: Let's get it on the list, at least, to have a place to
point to for Legal questions.
* Action: Carl, Karsten, Jimjag working on first-pass of site
content including governance.
* Carl noted in Section about community, etc. that we need to note
how governance works, committing, voting, how new subprojects work,
releases and release management, subprojects and requirements. Need to
add licensing. Any other topics that we want to explicity call out,
please add it to the list.
5) Top Community Pages - Goal, Mission, etc.
* 2 sites Carl likes - Eclipse.org, JBoss Project Matrix.
6) Logistics for Workshop
* Action: Robyn to send mail about weeks that are options for the
Workshop. Get feedback.
* Will settle next week in this call.
* Locations: Ask Intel - good hosting facilities. London, East Coast,
West Coast.
* What timezone is the best time zone to do it in?
* Additional ideas on locations welcome for hosting.
* # of expected people - location should be able to handle 60-100 people.
* Linuxcon Europe is an option - October 26-28.
* Make sense to combine with OVA meeting?
* Looking for a Volunteer to work through location logistics.
* Action: Karsten to lead this discussion.
* High-level, bigger workshop vs. smaller, focused.
* Initial is high-level, large invite to create lots of buzz.
* Afterward run monthly etc.
13 years, 5 months
oVirt Sync
by Carl Trieloff
The following meeting has been modified:
Subject: oVirt Sync
Organizer: "Carl Trieloff" <ctrielof(a)redhat.com>
Time: Wednesday, August 24, 2011, 1:30:00 PM - 2:00:00 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern [MODIFIED]
Invitees: project-planning(a)oVirt.org; "Carl Trieloff (cctrieloff(a)redhat.com)" <cctrieloff(a)redhat.com>
Sync call for launching the oVirt project.
• Concall Wednesday 1:30 EST
• Bridge info (800) 451-8679 Conference code: 9197544554
Global Access Numbers Local:
Australia, Sydney Dial-In #: 0289852326
Austria, Vienna Dial-In #: 012534978196
Belgium, Brussels Dial-In #: 027920405
China Dial-In #: 4006205013
Denmark, Copenhagen Dial-In #: 32729215
Finland, Helsinki Dial-In #: 0923194436
France, Paris Dial-In #: 0170377140
Germany, Berlin Dial-In #: 030300190579
Ireland, Dublin Dial-In #: 014367793
Italy, Milan Dial-In #: 0236269529
Netherlands, Amsterdam Dial-In #: 0207975872
Norway, Oslo Dial-In #: 21033188
Singapore Dial-In #: 64840858
Spain, Barcelona Dial-In #: 935452328
Sweden, Stockholm Dial-In #: 0850513770
Switzerland, Geneva Dial-In #: 0225927881
United Kingdom Dial-In #: 02078970515
United Kingdom Dial-In #: 08445790676
United Kingdom, LocalCall Dial-In #: 08445790678
United States Dial-In #: 2127295016
Global Access Numbers Tollfree:
Argentina Dial-In #: 8004441016
Australia Dial-In #: 1800337169
Austria Dial-In #: 0800005898
Bahamas Dial-In #: 18002054776
Bahrain Dial-In #: 80004377
Belgium Dial-In #: 080048325
Brazil Dial-In #: 08008921002
Bulgaria Dial-In #: 008001100236
Chile Dial-In #: 800370228
Colombia Dial-In #: 018009134033
Costa Rica Dial-In #: 08000131048
Cyprus Dial-In #: 80095297
Czech Republic Dial-In #: 800700318
Denmark Dial-In #: 80887114
Dominican Republic Dial-In #: 18887512313
Estonia Dial-In #: 8000100232
Finland Dial-In #: 0800117116
France Dial-In #: 0805632867
Germany Dial-In #: 8006647541
Greece Dial-In #: 00800127562
Hong Kong Dial-In #: 800930349
Hungary Dial-In #: 0680016796
Iceland Dial-In #: 8008967
India Dial-In #: 0008006501533
Indonesia Dial-In #: 0018030179162
Ireland Dial-In #: 1800932401
Israel Dial-In #: 1809462557
Italy Dial-In #: 800985897
Jamaica Dial-In #: 18002050328
Japan Dial-In #: 0120934453
Korea (South) Dial-In #: 007986517393
Latvia Dial-In #: 80003339
Lithuania Dial-In #: 880030479
Luxembourg Dial-In #: 80026595
Malaysia Dial-In #: 1800814451
Mexico Dial-In #: 0018664590915
New Zealand Dial-In #: 0800888167
Norway Dial-In #: 80012994
Panama Dial-In #: 008002269184
Philippines Dial-In #: 180011100991
Poland Dial-In #: 008001210187
Portugal Dial-In #: 800814625
Russian Federation Dial-In #: 81080028341012
Saint Kitts and Nevis Dial-In #: 18002059252
Singapore Dial-In #: 8006162235
Slovak Republic Dial-In #: 0800001441
South Africa Dial-In #: 0800981148
Spain Dial-In #: 800300524
Sweden Dial-In #: 200896860
Switzerland Dial-In #: 800650077
Taiwan Dial-In #: 00801127141
Thailand Dial-In #: 001800656966
Trinidad and Tobago Dial-In #: 18002024615
United Arab Emirates Dial-In #: 8000650591
United Kingdom Dial-In #: 08006948057
United States Dial-In #: 8004518679
Uruguay Dial-In #: 00040190315
Venezuela Dial-In #: 08001627182
13 years, 5 months
oVirt Sync
by Carl Trieloff
The following meeting has been modified:
Subject: oVirt Sync
Organizer: "Carl Trieloff" <ctrielof(a)redhat.com>
Start: Wednesday, August 24, 2011, 1:30:00 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
End: Thursday, August 25, 2011, 2:00:00 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern [MODIFIED]
Invitees: project-planning(a)oVirt.org; "Carl Trieloff (cctrieloff(a)redhat.com)" <cctrieloff(a)redhat.com>
Sync call for launching the oVirt project.
• Concall Wednesday 1:30 EST
• Bridge info (800) 451-8679 Conference code: 9197544554
Global Access Numbers Local:
Australia, Sydney Dial-In #: 0289852326
Austria, Vienna Dial-In #: 012534978196
Belgium, Brussels Dial-In #: 027920405
China Dial-In #: 4006205013
Denmark, Copenhagen Dial-In #: 32729215
Finland, Helsinki Dial-In #: 0923194436
France, Paris Dial-In #: 0170377140
Germany, Berlin Dial-In #: 030300190579
Ireland, Dublin Dial-In #: 014367793
Italy, Milan Dial-In #: 0236269529
Netherlands, Amsterdam Dial-In #: 0207975872
Norway, Oslo Dial-In #: 21033188
Singapore Dial-In #: 64840858
Spain, Barcelona Dial-In #: 935452328
Sweden, Stockholm Dial-In #: 0850513770
Switzerland, Geneva Dial-In #: 0225927881
United Kingdom Dial-In #: 02078970515
United Kingdom Dial-In #: 08445790676
United Kingdom, LocalCall Dial-In #: 08445790678
United States Dial-In #: 2127295016
Global Access Numbers Tollfree:
Argentina Dial-In #: 8004441016
Australia Dial-In #: 1800337169
Austria Dial-In #: 0800005898
Bahamas Dial-In #: 18002054776
Bahrain Dial-In #: 80004377
Belgium Dial-In #: 080048325
Brazil Dial-In #: 08008921002
Bulgaria Dial-In #: 008001100236
Chile Dial-In #: 800370228
Colombia Dial-In #: 018009134033
Costa Rica Dial-In #: 08000131048
Cyprus Dial-In #: 80095297
Czech Republic Dial-In #: 800700318
Denmark Dial-In #: 80887114
Dominican Republic Dial-In #: 18887512313
Estonia Dial-In #: 8000100232
Finland Dial-In #: 0800117116
France Dial-In #: 0805632867
Germany Dial-In #: 8006647541
Greece Dial-In #: 00800127562
Hong Kong Dial-In #: 800930349
Hungary Dial-In #: 0680016796
Iceland Dial-In #: 8008967
India Dial-In #: 0008006501533
Indonesia Dial-In #: 0018030179162
Ireland Dial-In #: 1800932401
Israel Dial-In #: 1809462557
Italy Dial-In #: 800985897
Jamaica Dial-In #: 18002050328
Japan Dial-In #: 0120934453
Korea (South) Dial-In #: 007986517393
Latvia Dial-In #: 80003339
Lithuania Dial-In #: 880030479
Luxembourg Dial-In #: 80026595
Malaysia Dial-In #: 1800814451
Mexico Dial-In #: 0018664590915
New Zealand Dial-In #: 0800888167
Norway Dial-In #: 80012994
Panama Dial-In #: 008002269184
Philippines Dial-In #: 180011100991
Poland Dial-In #: 008001210187
Portugal Dial-In #: 800814625
Russian Federation Dial-In #: 81080028341012
Saint Kitts and Nevis Dial-In #: 18002059252
Singapore Dial-In #: 8006162235
Slovak Republic Dial-In #: 0800001441
South Africa Dial-In #: 0800981148
Spain Dial-In #: 800300524
Sweden Dial-In #: 200896860
Switzerland Dial-In #: 800650077
Taiwan Dial-In #: 00801127141
Thailand Dial-In #: 001800656966
Trinidad and Tobago Dial-In #: 18002024615
United Arab Emirates Dial-In #: 8000650591
United Kingdom Dial-In #: 08006948057
United States Dial-In #: 8004518679
Uruguay Dial-In #: 00040190315
Venezuela Dial-In #: 08001627182
13 years, 5 months
oVirt Sync
by Carl Trieloff
The following is a new meeting request:
Subject: oVirt Sync
Organizer: "Carl Trieloff" <ctrielof(a)redhat.com>
Start: Wednesday, August 24, 2011, 1:30:00 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
End: Thursday, August 25, 2011, 2:00:00 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Invitees: project-planning(a)oVirt.org; "Carl Trieloff (cctrieloff(a)redhat.com)" <cctrieloff(a)redhat.com>
Sync call for launching the oVirt project.
• Concall Wednesday 1:30 EST
• Bridge info (800) 451-8679 Conference code: 9197544554
Global Access Numbers Local:
Australia, Sydney Dial-In #: 0289852326
Austria, Vienna Dial-In #: 012534978196
Belgium, Brussels Dial-In #: 027920405
China Dial-In #: 4006205013
Denmark, Copenhagen Dial-In #: 32729215
Finland, Helsinki Dial-In #: 0923194436
France, Paris Dial-In #: 0170377140
Germany, Berlin Dial-In #: 030300190579
Ireland, Dublin Dial-In #: 014367793
Italy, Milan Dial-In #: 0236269529
Netherlands, Amsterdam Dial-In #: 0207975872
Norway, Oslo Dial-In #: 21033188
Singapore Dial-In #: 64840858
Spain, Barcelona Dial-In #: 935452328
Sweden, Stockholm Dial-In #: 0850513770
Switzerland, Geneva Dial-In #: 0225927881
United Kingdom Dial-In #: 02078970515
United Kingdom Dial-In #: 08445790676
United Kingdom, LocalCall Dial-In #: 08445790678
United States Dial-In #: 2127295016
Global Access Numbers Tollfree:
Argentina Dial-In #: 8004441016
Australia Dial-In #: 1800337169
Austria Dial-In #: 0800005898
Bahamas Dial-In #: 18002054776
Bahrain Dial-In #: 80004377
Belgium Dial-In #: 080048325
Brazil Dial-In #: 08008921002
Bulgaria Dial-In #: 008001100236
Chile Dial-In #: 800370228
Colombia Dial-In #: 018009134033
Costa Rica Dial-In #: 08000131048
Cyprus Dial-In #: 80095297
Czech Republic Dial-In #: 800700318
Denmark Dial-In #: 80887114
Dominican Republic Dial-In #: 18887512313
Estonia Dial-In #: 8000100232
Finland Dial-In #: 0800117116
France Dial-In #: 0805632867
Germany Dial-In #: 8006647541
Greece Dial-In #: 00800127562
Hong Kong Dial-In #: 800930349
Hungary Dial-In #: 0680016796
Iceland Dial-In #: 8008967
India Dial-In #: 0008006501533
Indonesia Dial-In #: 0018030179162
Ireland Dial-In #: 1800932401
Israel Dial-In #: 1809462557
Italy Dial-In #: 800985897
Jamaica Dial-In #: 18002050328
Japan Dial-In #: 0120934453
Korea (South) Dial-In #: 007986517393
Latvia Dial-In #: 80003339
Lithuania Dial-In #: 880030479
Luxembourg Dial-In #: 80026595
Malaysia Dial-In #: 1800814451
Mexico Dial-In #: 0018664590915
New Zealand Dial-In #: 0800888167
Norway Dial-In #: 80012994
Panama Dial-In #: 008002269184
Philippines Dial-In #: 180011100991
Poland Dial-In #: 008001210187
Portugal Dial-In #: 800814625
Russian Federation Dial-In #: 81080028341012
Saint Kitts and Nevis Dial-In #: 18002059252
Singapore Dial-In #: 8006162235
Slovak Republic Dial-In #: 0800001441
South Africa Dial-In #: 0800981148
Spain Dial-In #: 800300524
Sweden Dial-In #: 200896860
Switzerland Dial-In #: 800650077
Taiwan Dial-In #: 00801127141
Thailand Dial-In #: 001800656966
Trinidad and Tobago Dial-In #: 18002024615
United Arab Emirates Dial-In #: 8000650591
United Kingdom Dial-In #: 08006948057
United States Dial-In #: 8004518679
Uruguay Dial-In #: 00040190315
Venezuela Dial-In #: 08001627182
13 years, 5 months
Linuxcon attendees - get together?
by Robyn Bergeron
Hi folks,
It was great to meet those of you were were about yesterday evening for
Carl's presentation.
As I said yesterday - we have a number of "unowned" tasks on the shared
document which need people to drive them, and I'm sure there are tasks
not even listed yet.
Part of a weekly phone call should be checking in on the progress of
some of these tasks, particularly those which are time-sensitive as we
move towards a launch date. Certainly not something that should take a
large chunk of time in a phone call, but at least should be a time for
people to raise flags if they have concerns about ability to deliver, or
need help.
If anyone is interested in gathering tomorrow (Friday, Aug 19) at
Linuxcon, I'd be happy to get together either 1:1 or in a group to sort
through some of the tasks/durations, if anyone is interested in defining
more solid timelines/milestones for any of the tasks in the shared
document, particularly if anyone wants to be an owner in driving
something forward.
(URL REDACTED - INFO: http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/project-planning/2011-September/000283.html)
Feel free to respond on-list if you're interested, and if we have a few
people who want to work on things, I'll see if I can find us a room
tomorrow at some point to do so.
Cheers, and hope everyone is enjoying themselves!
13 years, 6 months
oVirt planning / open tasks, ongoing agenda.
by Robyn Bergeron
Hi folks,
I thought it would be a good idea to start cobbling together some open
task items, and framing an agenda for meetings.
I've put together a *very* light schedule below, along with a potential
agenda. At this point, I think we need to start identifying the major
milestones between now and the first release, and finding owners for the
tasks that need to be done to hit those milestones on time. Once we
have a better idea on the tasks, we'll have a clearer schedule.
As previously suggested, I have put what is listed below on Google Docs.
Please feel free to add in your suggestions / additions, particularly in
the Open Tasks or Add Your Own Agenda Item areas - the more brains we
have looking at this, the better :)
(URL REDACTED - INFO: http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/project-planning/2011-September/000283.html)
Incidentally, I'll be in Vancouver next week, Wednesday through Friday,
for Linuxcon - if anyone would like to get together in a group and hack
this into more of a schedule with firmer dates, let me know. :)
o KVM Summit - August 15-16
o Website Launch - September
o oVirt Workshop - October+
o Community Infrastructure - People - October - December
o Community Infrastructure - Technology - Now - October/November
o First release - January/February.
Need to determine the major/minor milestones for each of the tasks
listed above. Once we have an idea of what needs to be done, and when it
needs to be done by, we can start building a more thorough schedule.
Meeting Agenda / Points of Discussion:
1) KVM Summit - August 15-16
* Meetings needed?
2) Website Launch
* Needs owner.
o A team needs to own this content refresh, including working
with designers to get open, reusable content - key to
ovirt.org belonging entirely to itself
* Press release (other press coordination may be needed before/after
* Content for oVirt.org page:
o What are the main messages.
o What are the main outbound links. Suggestions include (new
suggestions need someone to drive forward creation of
content elsewhere):
+ Each sub-project with individual content, contribution
info, etc.
+ Governance details.
+ New legal content.
+ Contribution policy - outbound == inbound, all
contributions of any type (code, content, art,
translations, etc.) must be under an acceptable
license with necessary source materials.
3) oVirt Workshop / Summit - October+
* Need to nail down likely dates, location.
* Budget? What items need to be covered? Who is paying?
* Potential invitees?
4) Community Infrastructure - People: Now - Dec.
* Governance Details
o Who is the owner for driving this?
o Checklist of companies / partners / key contributors to
reach out to, status
o Writing up documentation of governance
o Legal review?
* Contribution Policies
o Needs owner
o Needs to be documented
* Coordination with other support.
o Legal - Who is helping with Legal issues, do we have a contact?
o PR/Marketing - Who is helping with PR, do we have a contact?
5) Community Infrastructure - Technology: Now - Oct/Nov.
* Mailing lists
o Needs owner, dates.
* Git repository
o Needs owner, dates when needed.
6) First Community Release - January/February 2012
* Who is managing release?
* Release criteria?
* Testing/QA resources, Documentation, Translation, etc. - what is
needed vs. NTH?
7) Other open tasks/topics
* Taking ideas/suggestions, and volunteers.
* Analyst briefings - yes/no, when, who?
8) Outreach Opportunities
* Jim Jagielski: Transfer Summit, Isle of Open Source, ApacheCon.
* List your speaking/travel here
9) Your Agenda Item Here
13 years, 6 months
oVirt board working session
by Carl Trieloff
Firstly I would like to welcome you to the initiative.
As indicated will we be meeting the 17th from 5-7PM to have an initial
working board session for the setup of the oVirt openly governed
virtulization management project. This meeting is open to those that
have officially or are still working on official participation
confirmation. We understand that takes time. This mail has gone to 10
companies for those of you that are interested, with possible confirms
from another 5+ in the coming weeks.
If you have officially confirmed, you should have been placed on the
mailing list (project-planning(a)ovirt.org) and will receive and can
participate in all aspects of the project launch, sync meetings etc.
Expect to see more details on the list. If you have been missed and
should be added, let me know.
Location: Prince of Whales room, 3rd floor, Hyatt Hotel, KVM Forum.
* Agenda
o Introductions
o Walk through PDF of the initiative
o Q&A
o Setting the date for the open workshop (kick-off)
+ Oct 24th (week of) or Nov 14th (week of)
o Add additional topics from the room
o Topics
+ When can we start talking about it publically?
+ Can I invite a partner / customer to join at board level
+ General workshop invitations/briefings
+ Getting involved for the launch
o Project launch
+ Drafting the community documents
+ Opening up the source repos
+ Project tracking / start-up.
o Down to business
+ Release management & schedule
+ Community evangelism
If there are additional items you would like to be covered, fire me a note
kind regards
(My cell is 781 354 4502, if you need to reach me)
13 years, 6 months
Welcome and list information
by Karsten Wade
Welcome. This is the oVirt project planning mailing list,
project-planning(a)ovirt.org. The initial purpose of this list is the
planning around a relaunch of the oVirt project as a KVM open
virtualization umbrella project.
Currently this list has these settings:
* Private archives
* Only list members can see who is subscribed
* Subscriptions require administrator approval
I propose we treat this list as if the archives will be publicly
viewable in the future.
The two list administrators are currently myself and Robyn Bergeron. I
like to spread mailing list admin duties, and want to add a few more
people as administrators, especially folks who are not @redhat.com.
- Karsten
name: Karsten 'quaid' Wade, Sr. Community Gardener
team: Red Hat Community Architecture & Leadership
uri: http://communityleadershipteam.org
gpg: AD0E0C41
13 years, 6 months