We need to decide where and when to have the first oVirt workshop.
So far, the focus has been on end of October or in November. Suggested
* Linuxcon Europe - Prague 26 - 28 October 2011
* Silicon Valley, CA, USA (at Intel?)
* London, UK
* Portland, OR, USA? (at Intel)
* Your suggestion?
Goals are (please add/fix):
* Draw large initial attention - maximum buzz.
* Be wide open to the world.
* Introduce the project and architecture, do a key component walk
* Technical & leadership breakouts.
* Be most useful for developers in oVirt:
** Hackathon.
** How-to sessions?
** Write the Big Schedule/roadmap for the year.
* Be also useful and interesting for these audiences:
** Organizations of all sizes that are potential contributors.
** Developers who work on top of or with oVirt technologies.
** Systems and IT people who want to keep track of and influence the
future of open virtualization.
** Anyone interested in getting real work done in the open
virtualization space.
This would be the first of probably annual or twice-a-year events for
planning the oVirt roadmaps across various sub-projects.
In addition, there might be regular (monthly?) developer meetup events
with a strong workshop/hackfest theme.
- Karsten
name: Karsten 'quaid' Wade, Sr. Community Gardener
team: Red Hat Community Architecture & Leadership
gpg: AD0E0C41