On 10/12/2011 07:11 AM, Anthony Liguori wrote:
This came up in today's project planning meeting. How do folks
about moving the project planning and future board meetings to IRC?
The advantage of IRC meetings are that the full meeting minutes can be
posted in a public archive. It's significantly easier for many folks
to participate in IRC meetings.
I think the only downside would be if anyone involved is uncomfortable
with using IRC. Using IRC for regular meetings certainly doesn't
preclude having occasional phone calls if necessary.
Anthony Liguori
Since we've had this discussion over the past week, I've added it to
today's sync call agenda. It seems like we have a number of people in
favor of the idea, but I figured it's probably best to continue with the
call for this week, and come to a solid, announced conclusion/decision,
before shifting to IRC (if in fact that is what's agreed-upon.)
We should also double check to make sure everyone on the call is
familiar with IRC, and get a bot in #ovirt (or #ovirt-meeting) if
necessary. (Though, IMO, it's helpful to have a bot in channel,
regardless - it's nice to be able to capture spontaneous discussions
with meetbot.)