A single instance of the following meeting has been cancelled:
Subject: oVirt Weekly Sync Call
Organizer: "Robyn Bergeron" <rbergero(a)redhat.com>
Location: Bridge info listed in invite
Time: Wednesday, November 2, 2011, 7:00:00 AM - 8:00:00 AM GMT -07:00 Arizona
Invitees: project-planning(a)ovirt.org; pmyers(a)redhat.com; Adam.Mendoza(a)netapp.com;
waskoj(a)us.ibm.com; imad.sousou(a)intel.com; fnovak(a)us.ibm.com; lpeer(a)redhat.com;
bazulay(a)redhat.com; Jon.Benedict(a)netapp.com; raharper(a)us.ibm.com; AKOPP(a)de.ibm.com ...
The weekly oVirt sync call for 2011-11-02 is cancelled, as we'll be meeting in person
during the oVirt workshop 2011-11-01 through 2011-11-03.
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