----- Original Message -----
Re: Workshop Invite - please provide feedback Here is the latest
update (includes Mike Day’s lead question as well as Anthony’s
corrected SUSE spelling):
Would you like to support an Open Source project that affects all
aspects of the KVM hypervisor?
Are you interested in helping to develop or influence the next
generation of Open Source management tools for virtualization?
Do you have the desire to grow the ecosystem around KVM in order to
help drive its adoption?
Do you have skills around organizing or writing that you would like to
lend to an Open Source project?
Are interested in an Open virtualization management platform?
Are *you* interested... (also, why capital "O"?)
Do you develop a product or technology that can manage or extend KVM?
Feels (to me) like the tease is too long before reaching the punchline.
If you answered “yes” to any of the above questions, then you are
invited to attend the official launch of "oVirt" - the Open
Virtualization Management Platform project, in (CITY, STATE,COUNTRY).
The project will kickoff with a workshop meeting during (DATES), and
is open to all who want to develop, QA, use, get involved or learn
about the comprehensive open virtualization management platform.
The sessions will cover the technical sub-projects, governance,
getting involved, usage and much more. Full GIT repos (source), site,
forums will also be launched at the event.
If you have any interest in an Open Virtualization Management platform
you need to be there! This workshop will officially launch the oVirt
project. Cisco, IBM, Intel, NetApp, Red Hat, SUSE, and other inaugural
members of the oVirt team invite you to the launch of this truly open
project; the workshop and project is open to any individual,
non-corporate, or corporate. Please don’t pass up on this opportunity
to help foster, develop, organize, or influence the future of the Open
Virtualization management project.
Please RSVP by November 1st to rsvp(a)ovirt.org
We're cutting it a bit close, aren't we?
For more information
www.ovirt.org/workshop <
http://www.ovirt.org/workshop >
When: (DATES)
Local Hotels: (LIST)
RSVP: rsvp(a)ovirt.org
Coordinators: rbergeron(a)redhat.com
Jon Benedict
Technical Marketing Engineer
Virtualization & Cloud
919.476.5093 Direct
919.757.7789 Mobile
Project-planning mailing list
Jon Benedict
Technical Marketing Engineer
Virtualization & Cloud
919.476.5093 Direct
919.757.7789 Mobile
Project-planning mailing list
"We are all on earth to help others. What on earth the others are here for, I
can't imagine."
Reverend Vivian Foster, Vicar of Mirth.