by Karsten Wade
Someone from Canonical (Dann?) offered to use the Etherpad instance on Please! Tell me what to do. I want to setup a few dozen in advance, with intro language, etc.
We'll get an oVirt Etherpad instance in to the Infrastructure discussion queue. Meanwhile, it will be nice to have a just-works solution for next week.
Note that we move content from the pads to the wiki _permanently_ after a session is complete. Thus gets the goodness in the end. ;)
- Karsten
13 years, 3 months
Insanely early @Cisco on Tuesday morning?
by Karsten Wade
To get to the meeting room we go through a lobby door that opens at 8
am to the public, then a keypass door. Once past 8 am, we can manage
the keypass door through Extreme Cleverness.
Before 8 am on Tuesday I would love the opportunity to get in to the
event space.
Is any Cisco person i) able to do that, and ii) willing to meet me at
some insanely early hour for setting up?
If so, what hour is insane enough for you? If not insane, what sane
hour would you pick instead?
Anyone else who is around is welcome to join at whatever time you can
get there. I'll be arriving from Santa Cruz with a minivan, I can stop
at the hotel for a pick up of 6 persons at
Note that my stalwart co-coordinator, Robyn Bergeron, is landing at
SJC at 8 am, so we are 50%+ less powerful to start. Anyone interested
in helping, I have ideas:
* Setup of audio stream with room overhead mic system.
* Creative arrangement of desks/chairs in big room?
* Setting up one projector to show IRC.
* Registration table setup.
* Creating/posting signs.
* Greeting new helpers and showing them around.
* Running for coffee to the Starbucks just down the street.
* ...
Thanks in advance for your help in making all our workshop
happen. It's really coming together quite nicely.
(More general details and wiki pages and such coming out to the
workshop attendee mailing list over the next few days.)
Thanks - Karsten
name: Karsten 'quaid' Wade, Sr. Community Gardener
team: Red Hat Community Architecture & Leadership
gpg: AD0E0C41
13 years, 4 months
Cancelled: oVirt Weekly Sync Call
by Robyn Bergeron
A single instance of the following meeting has been cancelled:
Subject: oVirt Weekly Sync Call
Organizer: "Robyn Bergeron" <rbergero(a)>
Location: Bridge info listed in invite
Time: Wednesday, November 2, 2011, 7:00:00 AM - 8:00:00 AM GMT -07:00 Arizona
Invitees: project-planning(a); pmyers(a); Adam.Mendoza(a); waskoj(a); imad.sousou(a); fnovak(a); lpeer(a); bazulay(a); Jon.Benedict(a); raharper(a); AKOPP(a) ...
The weekly oVirt sync call for 2011-11-02 is cancelled, as we'll be meeting in person during the oVirt workshop 2011-11-01 through 2011-11-03.
13 years, 4 months
oVirt Sync Call Meeting Minutes :: 2011-10-26
by Robyn Bergeron
oVirt Sync Call Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, October 26, 2011 - 14:00 - 15:00 UTC (10:00am US Eastern,
07:00am US Pacific)
== Invitees/Attendees ==
project-planning(a) list subscribers
If you do not currently have this call on your calendar and would like
it to be, please mail rbergero(a)
Robyn Bergeron - Red Hat
Carl Trieloff - Red Hat
Mike Day - IBM
Kyle Mestery - Cisco
Scott Moser - Canonical
Karsten Wade - Red Hat
Itamar Heim - Red Hat
Andy Cathrow - Red Hat
Ayal Baron - Red Hat
Chris Wright - Red Hat
Jun Nakajima - Intel
Kerri Catalozzi - Red Hat
Adam Litke - IBM
Jim Jagielski - Red Hat
Ryan Harper - IBM
Tony Gargya - IBM
== Project Schedule ==
* Ongoing oVirt workshop promotion
* oVirt Workshop - November 1, 2, 3
* USA - CA - hosted by Cisco
* Press release post workshop
* Community startup at workshop
* Schedule first community release
* Community Infrastructure
* Launch at workshop
* First release - January/February.
== Call Agenda ==
1) Board news
* Graduation checklist from Carl
* Project news / voting status updates
* Carl will close votes on two additional projects coming into
incubator, most likely tomorrow morning.
* Projects can prepare something short for one of the available
slots at the workshop.
2) Project launch status / Progress review
* Robyn hopes to convert this section to "Schedule review/Release
Progress" post workshop :)
3) oVirt Workshop / Summit - Nov. 1 - 3, Cisco Main Campus, San Jose, CA.
* Press release status - Kerri
* Has sent draft to all the PR contacts at all of the board companies.
* Going through review/approvals currently.
* Mail Robyn if you want a copy. (rbergero(a)
* Goal is to get approvals by Monday Oct. 31 at the latest,
including quote approvals.
* Kerri to update Carl by Monday on press release status.
* Logistics Planning
* Wiki updates - rooms, time slots, etc.
* 2011-11-01 (Monday) evening event is settled, working on
finalizing food/bar menu this morning.
* Karsten, general update:
* Hotel rooms are worked out/booked, including team from israel.
* Reception Tuesday from 6-9pm.
* Wiki page for each workshop day available.
* Will be visiting Cisco on Monday to do technical-equipment stuff.
* 2 projectors in main room - one for presentations, one for IRC
* Planning on streaming audio.
* Schedule adjustments
* Introductions, etc. Would be nice to have one person from each
founding org to join for that welcome. Probably good to coordinate
before Tuesday.
* Breaks/etc. added.
* More discussion time, whiteboard time. Moved days into "topics"
- can add ad-hoc discussions more easily.
* Demo Status for Tuesday morning:
* Demo is ready to go.
4) Infrastructure (Karsten)
* Gerrit, Hudson: status update (Karsten)
* Release codebase: status update (Itamar)
* oVirt engine - API and admin - hoping to make available later
today. Not sure if it will be IP-based or if DNS will update by then.
Should be able to update wiki.
* Carl will update project page, mailing list when it is available.
* #oVirt meeting bot
* Etherpad
* Karsten looking into meetbot / Etherpad possibilities for next week.
* We have the Ubuntu Pad available as a backup.
5) Meeting status going forward
* Next week's meeting cancelled.
* IRC Meetings - following workshop, calls only if necessary.
6) Other updates / Agenda topics
* Discussion re: folks meeting Monday afternoon to get together to
faciliate getting people set up with the code base. Will continue on
mailing list.
13 years, 4 months
oVirt Sync Call Meeting Agenda :: 2011-10-26
by Robyn Bergeron
oVirt Sync Call Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, October 26, 2011 - 14:00 - 15:00 UTC (10:00am US Eastern,
07:00am US Pacific)
== Invitees/Attendees ==
project-planning(a) list subscribers
If you do not currently have this call on your calendar and would like
it to be, please mail rbergero(a)
== Intercall Conference ==
Toll Free Dial-In Number (US & Canada): (800) 451-8679
International Dial-In Number: (212) 729-5016
Other International Local and Toll-Free Dial-In Numbers: Listed in
meeting invite and bottom of meeting agenda.
Conference code: 9197544554
If you are not actively participating in the conversation
please put your line on mute to make it easier for all participants to
*6 -- Mute your line
#6 -- Unmute your line
== Project Schedule ==
* Ongoing oVirt workshop promotion
* oVirt Workshop - November 1, 2, 3
* USA - CA - hosted by Cisco
* Press release post workshop
* Community startup at workshop
* Schedule first community release
* Community Infrastructure
* Launch at workshop
* First release - January/February.
== Call Agenda ==
1) Board news
* Graduation checklist from Carl
* Project news / voting status updates
2) Project launch status / Progress review
* Robyn hopes to convert this section to "Schedule review/Release
Progress" post workshop :)
3) oVirt Workshop / Summit - Nov. 1 - 3, Cisco Main Campus, San Jose, CA.
* Press release status - Kerri
* Logistics Planning
* Wiki updates - rooms, time slots, etc.
* 2011-11-01 (Monday) evening event is settled, working on
finalizing food/bar menu this morning.
4) Infrastructure (Karsten)
* Gerrit, Hudson: status update (Karsten)
* Release codebase: status update (Itamar)
* #oVirt meeting bot
5) Meeting status going forward
* Confirm cancellation of next week's meeting, unless there are
* IRC Meetings - following workshop?
6) Other updates / Agenda topics
* Add your agenda item here!
== International Dial-in Information ==
Global Access Numbers Local:
Australia, Sydney Dial-In #: 0289852326
Austria, Vienna Dial-In #: 012534978196
Belgium, Brussels Dial-In #: 027920405
China Dial-In #: 4006205013
Denmark, Copenhagen Dial-In #: 32729215
Finland, Helsinki Dial-In #: 0923194436
France, Paris Dial-In #: 0170377140
Germany, Berlin Dial-In #: 030300190579
Ireland, Dublin Dial-In #: 014367793
Italy, Milan Dial-In #: 0236269529
Netherlands, Amsterdam Dial-In #: 0207975872
Norway, Oslo Dial-In #: 21033188
Singapore Dial-In #: 64840858
Spain, Barcelona Dial-In #: 935452328
Sweden, Stockholm Dial-In #: 0850513770
Switzerland, Geneva Dial-In #: 0225927881
United Kingdom Dial-In #: 02078970515
United Kingdom Dial-In #: 08445790676
United Kingdom, Local Call Dial-In #: 08445790678
United States Dial-In #: 2127295016
Global Access Numbers Tollfree:
Argentina Dial-In #: 8004441016
Australia Dial-In #: 1800337169
Austria Dial-In #: 0800005898
Bahamas Dial-In #: 18002054776
Bahrain Dial-In #: 80004377
Belgium Dial-In #: 080048325
Brazil Dial-In #: 08008921002
Bulgaria Dial-In #: 008001100236
Chile Dial-In #: 800370228
Colombia Dial-In #: 018009134033
Costa Rica Dial-In #: 08000131048
Cyprus Dial-In #: 80095297
Czech Republic Dial-In #: 800700318
Denmark Dial-In #: 80887114
Dominican Republic Dial-In #: 18887512313
Estonia Dial-In #: 8000100232
Finland Dial-In #: 0800117116
France Dial-In #: 0805632867
Germany Dial-In #: 8006647541
Greece Dial-In #: 00800127562
Hong Kong Dial-In #: 800930349
Hungary Dial-In #: 0680016796
Iceland Dial-In #: 8008967
India Dial-In #: 0008006501533
Indonesia Dial-In #: 0018030179162
Ireland Dial-In #: 1800932401
Israel Dial-In #: 1809462557
Italy Dial-In #: 800985897
Jamaica Dial-In #: 18002050328
Japan Dial-In #: 0120934453
Korea (South) Dial-In #: 007986517393
Latvia Dial-In #: 80003339
Lithuania Dial-In #: 880030479
Luxembourg Dial-In #: 80026595
Malaysia Dial-In #: 1800814451
Mexico Dial-In #: 0018664590915
New Zealand Dial-In #: 0800888167
Norway Dial-In #: 80012994
Panama Dial-In #: 008002269184
Philippines Dial-In #: 180011100991
Poland Dial-In #: 008001210187
Portugal Dial-In #: 800814625
Russian Federation Dial-In #: 81080028341012
Saint Kitts and Nevis Dial-In #: 18002059252
Singapore Dial-In #: 8006162235
Slovak Republic Dial-In #: 0800001441
South Africa Dial-In #: 0800981148
Spain Dial-In #: 800300524
Sweden Dial-In #: 200896860
Switzerland Dial-In #: 800650077
Taiwan Dial-In #: 00801127141
Thailand Dial-In #: 001800656966
Trinidad and Tobago Dial-In #: 18002024615
United Arab Emirates Dial-In #: 8000650591
United Kingdom Dial-In #: 08006948057
United States Dial-In #: 8004518679
Uruguay Dial-In #: 00040190315
Venezuela Dial-In #: 08001627182
13 years, 4 months
Wed night social or ...?
by Karsten Wade
For Tuesday evening, directly after the workshop, Red Hat is hosting a
reception at the Crowne Plaza.[1]
There is an open question about Wednesday night. There may be others
interested in hosting a social event, or we may want things to be
ad-hoc that evening. Here are some ideas, what would you like to do?
A. Ad-hoc - no formal event for the evening, but anyone who wants to
meets at a large downtown San Jose location, such as Gordon
Biersch Brewery:
B. Informal organized - hold another social reception, similar to
Tuesday evenings, in a different location(?).
C. Formal organized - hold a sit-down dinner at an area restaurant or
have it catered somewhere.
Myself, I think A works best - let people self-organize, have more
intimate dinners, or all meet in one location, without any pressure to
attend a special event
- Karsten
name: Karsten 'quaid' Wade, Sr. Community Gardener
team: Red Hat Community Architecture & Leadership
gpg: AD0E0C41
13 years, 4 months
oVirt Sync Call Meeting Minutes :: 2011-10-19
by Robyn Bergeron
oVirt Sync Call Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, October 19, 2011 - 14:00 - 15:00 UTC (10:00am US Eastern,
07:00am US Pacific)
== Invitees/Attendees ==
project-planning(a) list subscribers
Jon Benedict - NetApp
Adam Litke - IBM
Ryan Harper - IBM
Greg McIntyre - IBM
Karsten Wade - Red Hat
Dann Frazer - Canonical
Jun Nakajima - Intel
Kerri Catalozzi - Red Hat
Chris Wright - Red Hat
Andy Cathrow - Red Hat
If you do not currently have this call on your calendar and would like
it to be, please mail rbergero(a)
== Project Schedule ==
* Ongoing oVirt workshop promotion
* oVirt Workshop - November 1, 2, 3
* USA - CA - hosted by Cisco
* Press release post workshop
* Community startup at workshop
* Schedule first community release
* Community Infrastructure
* Launch at workshop
* First release - January/February.
== Action Items ==
* Carl to start voting over weekend so people can have projects in
prior to workshop.
== Call Agenda ==
1) Board news
* Project news / voting status updates
* Carl planning to start vote to get projects included over weekend,
so people can have projects in prior to workshop. Friday - Tuesday.
* Carl to start working on a checklist for how to get a project into oVirt
* Karsten to start working on wiki re: figuring names of rooms, time
slots, etc.
* Karsten to take discussion re: additional social events to
project-planning list.
* Kerri to send out preview of press release to folks on phone call.
* Dann to synchronize with Kerri re: Canonical PR contact.
2) Project launch status / Progress review
* Statistics review
* Addition of project maturity page / how to add a subproject page status
* Has incubator docs up
* Wants to work on a checklist
3) oVirt Workshop / Summit - Nov. 1 - 3, Cisco Main Campus, San Jose, CA.
* Logistics planning:
* Hotel, evening activities status (Karsten)
* Karsten went out to visit the facility, looks like a good
space, large room, breakout sessions. etc.
* Karsten wants to start working on the wiki re: figuring out
names of rooms, time slots, etc.
* Itamar has sent out a survey - basically trying to determine
resource dependencies for parallel tracks.
* Social event for first night
* Crowne Plaza - Reception there. 2 drinks p/p, cash bar,
italian food, 6-9pm Tuesday. In open dining room.
* We do have folks willing to fund other nighttime events.
* Karsten will take the discussion about yes/no to project-planning.
* Press release status (Kerri)
* Press release draft in place.
* Written as a joint release amongst all of the board companies.
* Looking to start getting approvals today. Will be moving ahead
with that today.
* Specific PR Contacts at the majority of the board companies, or
anyone specific you'd prefer Kerri to work with?
* Doesn't have the contact for Canonical yet. Dann will get her a
contact, possibly through Robyn.
* IBM (Ryan), a few others would like to see it before getting
sent out - Kerri to copy everyone on this call directly, along with the
PR folks.
* Kerri will join next week to give an update on ok's.
4) Infrastructure (Karsten)
* Ask Carl or Karsten if you are wanting to be admins on the website, etc.
* We have the pool of machines that we've reserved in EC2 for gerrit
and hudson, so we can do organized integration on checkins, code
reviews, etc.
* Expects that when Itamar comes back on Sunday, those things will be
coming online.
* Itamar is wanting to get source up and running around the 25th.
* Doesn't know if we can get DNS updated right away (by the 25th).
5) IRC Meetings vs. Phone meetings
* Need to come to a conclusion
* Proposals:
* Move to IRC Meetings
* ...or not
* ... or some combination thereof.
* When? Starting next week?
* Infrastructure needed:
* Meetbot in #ovirt channel
* Should start collecting meeting minutes on wiki
* Carl proposed that we have the meeting next week prior to the event
on the phone, as it's the last pre-workshop call. Then move to IRC meetings.
6) Other updates / Agenda topics
* Add your agenda item here!
* Tony Gargya will be doing promotion of workshop in Prague next week.
* Will we be doing a similar workshop in Europe in the future?
* Maybe something similar - could also be meetups, etc.
* Suggestion: Postmortem on format, etc. of workshop.
13 years, 4 months
[RFC] Moving project planning meeting to IRC
by Anthony Liguori
This came up in today's project planning meeting. How do folks feel about
moving the project planning and future board meetings to IRC?
The advantage of IRC meetings are that the full meeting minutes can be posted in
a public archive. It's significantly easier for many folks to participate in
IRC meetings.
I think the only downside would be if anyone involved is uncomfortable with
using IRC. Using IRC for regular meetings certainly doesn't preclude having
occasional phone calls if necessary.
Anthony Liguori
13 years, 4 months
oVirt Sync Call Meeting Agenda :: 2011-10-19
by Robyn Bergeron
oVirt Sync Call Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, October 19, 2011 - 14:00 - 15:00 UTC (10:00am US Eastern,
07:00am US Pacific)
== Invitees/Attendees ==
project-planning(a) list subscribers
If you do not currently have this call on your calendar and would like
it to be, please mail rbergero(a)
== Intercall Conference ==
Toll Free Dial-In Number (US & Canada): (800) 451-8679
International Dial-In Number: (212) 729-5016
Other International Local and Toll-Free Dial-In Numbers: Listed in
meeting invite and bottom of meeting agenda.
Conference code: 9197544554
If you are not actively participating in the conversation
please put your line on mute to make it easier for all participants to
*6 -- Mute your line
#6 -- Unmute your line
== Project Schedule ==
* Ongoing oVirt workshop promotion
* oVirt Workshop - November 1, 2, 3
* USA - CA - hosted by Cisco
* Press release post workshop
* Community startup at workshop
* Schedule first community release
* Community Infrastructure
* Launch at workshop
* First release - January/February.
== Call Agenda ==
1) Board news
* Project news / voting status updates
2) Project launch status / Progress review
* Statistics review
* Addition of project maturity page / how to add a subproject page
status (Carl)
3) oVirt Workshop / Summit - Nov. 1 - 3, Cisco Main Campus, San Jose, CA.
* Logistics planning:
* Hotel, evening activities status (Karsten)
* Press release status (Kerri)
4) Infrastructure (Karsten)
* Standing agenda item
5) IRC Meetings vs. Phone meetings
* Need to come to a conclusion
* Proposals:
* Move to IRC Meetings
* ...or not
* ... or some combination thereof.
* When? Starting next week?
* Infrastructure needed:
* Meetbot in #ovirt channel
* Should start collecting meeting minutes on wiki
6) Other updates / Agenda topics
* Add your agenda item here!
== Previous Action Items ==
* Anthony to propose IRC meeting for this meeting ILO phone call to
mailing list (done)
* Andy to follow up with Kerri re: status on press release (done)
* Karsten to follow up with Crowne Plaza re: group rate (done)
== International Dial-in Information ==
Global Access Numbers Local:
Australia, Sydney Dial-In #: 0289852326
Austria, Vienna Dial-In #: 012534978196
Belgium, Brussels Dial-In #: 027920405
China Dial-In #: 4006205013
Denmark, Copenhagen Dial-In #: 32729215
Finland, Helsinki Dial-In #: 0923194436
France, Paris Dial-In #: 0170377140
Germany, Berlin Dial-In #: 030300190579
Ireland, Dublin Dial-In #: 014367793
Italy, Milan Dial-In #: 0236269529
Netherlands, Amsterdam Dial-In #: 0207975872
Norway, Oslo Dial-In #: 21033188
Singapore Dial-In #: 64840858
Spain, Barcelona Dial-In #: 935452328
Sweden, Stockholm Dial-In #: 0850513770
Switzerland, Geneva Dial-In #: 0225927881
United Kingdom Dial-In #: 02078970515
United Kingdom Dial-In #: 08445790676
United Kingdom, LocalCall Dial-In #: 08445790678
United States Dial-In #: 2127295016
Global Access Numbers Tollfree:
Argentina Dial-In #: 8004441016
Australia Dial-In #: 1800337169
Austria Dial-In #: 0800005898
Bahamas Dial-In #: 18002054776
Bahrain Dial-In #: 80004377
Belgium Dial-In #: 080048325
Brazil Dial-In #: 08008921002
Bulgaria Dial-In #: 008001100236
Chile Dial-In #: 800370228
Colombia Dial-In #: 018009134033
Costa Rica Dial-In #: 08000131048
Cyprus Dial-In #: 80095297
Czech Republic Dial-In #: 800700318
Denmark Dial-In #: 80887114
Dominican Republic Dial-In #: 18887512313
Estonia Dial-In #: 8000100232
Finland Dial-In #: 0800117116
France Dial-In #: 0805632867
Germany Dial-In #: 8006647541
Greece Dial-In #: 00800127562
Hong Kong Dial-In #: 800930349
Hungary Dial-In #: 0680016796
Iceland Dial-In #: 8008967
India Dial-In #: 0008006501533
Indonesia Dial-In #: 0018030179162
Ireland Dial-In #: 1800932401
Israel Dial-In #: 1809462557
Italy Dial-In #: 800985897
Jamaica Dial-In #: 18002050328
Japan Dial-In #: 0120934453
Korea (South) Dial-In #: 007986517393
Latvia Dial-In #: 80003339
Lithuania Dial-In #: 880030479
Luxembourg Dial-In #: 80026595
Malaysia Dial-In #: 1800814451
Mexico Dial-In #: 0018664590915
New Zealand Dial-In #: 0800888167
Norway Dial-In #: 80012994
Panama Dial-In #: 008002269184
Philippines Dial-In #: 180011100991
Poland Dial-In #: 008001210187
Portugal Dial-In #: 800814625
Russian Federation Dial-In #: 81080028341012
Saint Kitts and Nevis Dial-In #: 18002059252
Singapore Dial-In #: 8006162235
Slovak Republic Dial-In #: 0800001441
South Africa Dial-In #: 0800981148
Spain Dial-In #: 800300524
Sweden Dial-In #: 200896860
Switzerland Dial-In #: 800650077
Taiwan Dial-In #: 00801127141
Thailand Dial-In #: 001800656966
Trinidad and Tobago Dial-In #: 18002024615
United Arab Emirates Dial-In #: 8000650591
United Kingdom Dial-In #: 08006948057
United States Dial-In #: 8004518679
Uruguay Dial-In #: 00040190315
Venezuela Dial-In #: 08001627182
13 years, 4 months
oVirt Sync Call Meeting Minutes :: 2011-10-12
by Robyn Bergeron
oVirt Sync Call Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, October 12, 2011 - 14:00 - 15:00 UTC (10:00am US Eastern,
07:00am US Pacific)
== Invitees/Attendees ==
project-planning(a) list subscribers
Robyn Bergeron (Red Hat)
Anthony Liguori (IBM)
Karsten Wade (Red Hat)
Ryan Harper (IBM)
Jun Nakajima (Intel)
Adam Litke (IBM)
Jon Benedict (Net App)
Mark Baker (Canonical)
Jim Jagielski (Red Hat)
Alex Graf (SUSE)
Dan Fraser (Canonical)
Andy Cathrow (Red Hat)
If you do not currently have this call on your calendar and would like
it to be, please mail rbergero(a)
== Project Schedule ==
* Ongoing oVirt workshop promotion
* oVirt Workshop - November 1, 2, 3
* USA - CA - hosted by Cisco
* Press release post workshop
* Community startup at workshop
* Schedule first community release
* Community Infrastructure
* Launch at workshop
* First release - January/February.
== Action Items ==
* Anthony to propose IRC meeting for this meeting ILO phone call to
mailing list
* Andy to follow up with Kerri re: status on press release
* Karsten to follow up with Crowne Plaza re: group rate
== Call Agenda ==
1) Board news
* Can this be an IRC instead of a phone call?
* Anthony to propose IRC meeting for this meeting ILO phone call
to mailing list.
* Welcome to Canonical
2) Project launch status / Progress review
* Statistics review (Carl) (out)
* Addition of project maturity page / how to add a subproject page
status (Carl) (out)
3) oVirt Workshop / Summit - Nov. 1 - 3, Cisco Main Campus, San Jose, CA.
* Attendance updates (Robyn/Karsten)
* RSVP's are now full - we are capped at 85 for largest room at
Cisco, RSVP list is completely full.
* May need to add additional people - 3 additional organizations
possibly wanting to each send 1 person.
* Logistics planning:
* Hotel, evening activities status (Karsten)
* Hotel group rate of $140 possible, Karsten still wrangling with
Crowne Plaza.
* Press release status
* Preference was to do a joint press release - Andy to follow up
with Kerri today.
* Sessions - recorded either via video or audio? Lots of Canonical
folks interested in participating.
* WebEx whenever possible
* Audio stream
* IRC Channels for each room
* Etherpad
* Andrew working with Cisco on Hardware for in-person meeting.
* Actual content of workshop is in planning.
4) Infrastructure (Karsten)
* Wiki status - Wiki is now open, request an account if you need one.
* Gerrit/Jenkins - working on the base EC2 images, making sure it is
open for participation, goal of having running by 17 or
19 Oct.
5) Other updates / Agenda topics
13 years, 4 months