oVirt Weekly Meeting Minutes -- 2013-07-31
by Ofer Schreiber
Minutes: http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2013/ovirt.2013-07-31-14.05.html
Minutes (text): http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2013/ovirt.2013-07-31-14.05.txt
Log: http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2013/ovirt.2013-07-31-14.05.log.html
#ovirt: oVirt Weekly Meeting
Meeting started by oschreib at 14:05:04 UTC. The full logs are available
at http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2013/ovirt.2013-07-31-14.05.log.html
Meeting summary
* agenda and roll call (oschreib, 14:05:28)
* 3.3 status update (oschreib, 14:05:34)
* infra team update (oschreib, 14:05:53)
* Other Topics (oschreib, 14:05:59)
* oVirt 3.3 status Update (oschreib, 14:08:05)
* LINK: http://www.ovirt.org/OVirt_3.3_release-management (oschreib,
* 3.3 Tracker bug: (oschreib, 14:08:19)
* LINK: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=918494
(oschreib, 14:08:30)
* test day happened last week, very nice participation (oschreib,
* ovirt-engine-3.3 branch will be created today (oschreib, 14:12:25)
* RC build will happen next week OR afterword if we will find critical
issues (oschreib, 14:12:32)
* open bug for 3.3 (oschreib, 14:13:46)
* LINK: http://alturl.com/aq23x (oschreib, 14:14:03)
* gluster status (oschreib, 14:14:23)
* no blockers for gluster (oschreib, 14:24:31)
* integration status (oschreib, 14:24:41)
* integration: single blocker, targeted for next week (oschreib,
* infra (oschreib, 14:29:58)
* infra: single blocker merged, 18 bugs will move to next version
(oschreib, 14:34:27)
* networking (oschreib, 14:34:35)
* networking: single blocker, might take a week to solve (oschreib,
* SLA (oschreib, 14:43:10)
* no sla blockers (oschreib, 14:53:30)
* UX (oschreib, 14:53:37)
* ux: single important issue should get it (oschreib, 14:57:59)
* storage (oschreib, 14:58:06)
* LINK: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=987965 is somehow
listed under storage (danken1, 14:59:17)
* no storage representative (oschreib, 15:01:07)
* virt (oschreib, 15:01:16)
* virt: two blockers currently (oschreib, 15:05:36)
* node (oschreib, 15:07:37)
* node: 3 bugs for 3.3, node team will take a look on them, currently
only a single blocker. (oschreib, 15:11:25)
Meeting ended at 15:17:51 UTC.
People Present (lines said)
* oschreib (116)
* danken1 (48)
* itamar (25)
* apuimedo_ (20)
* sahina (14)
* mskrivanek (11)
* ofri (9)
* ybronhei (7)
* jboggs (6)
* yzaslavs (6)
* mgoldboi (6)
* ecohen (5)
* doron (4)
* ovirtbot (3)
* msivak (2)
* amuller (2)
* Ub_User (2)
* jb_netapp (1)
* lvernia (1)
* danken (1)
Ofer Schreiber
11 years, 6 months
Last week's test day
by Doron Fediuck
Hi Board ;)
Last week's test day was a big step forward compared to the previous one.
I was monitoring the various channels and am quite happy with the outcome
which totals in 80 BZs, but also a lot of activities in the IRC and lists.
In this light, I'd like to reward the active community members who tool
the time to join us and made all needed efforts to supports, test and
respond to various issues.
My plan is to print a few cool oVirt t-shirts and based on the stat's
send it to the active community members, and make them oVirt's proud
Feedback is welcomed ;)
11 years, 6 months
Submitting Kimchi project as an oVirt incubator project
by Anthony Liguori
Kimchi is a web-based management tool meant as an entry level tool for
interacting with KVM. It compliments oVirt well allowing the project to
provide both a starting point for virtualization that can expand to a
large enterprise environment.
We believe that Kimchi will benefit by being part of the oVirt umbrella
as we can work together to make the interfaces consistent with the oVirt
UI and integrate with ovirt-node to provide a complete stand alone
virtualization experience for an end-user.
More information about Kimchi is available at:
Let me know if there is additional information I can provide about the
Anthony Liguori
11 years, 6 months
Minutes :: Infra Weekly :: 2013-07-29
by Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden
Minutes (text):
#ovirt: Infra weekly
Meeting started by ewoud at 14:02:20 UTC. The full logs are available at
http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2013/ovirt.2013-07-29-14.02.log.html .
Meeting summary
* LINK: http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2013/ovirt.2013-07-22-14.02.html
is the URL (ewoud, 14:07:15)
* disk space issue on linode earlier this week, solved by removing
unpacked gerrit backups and now we're back to 48% free space (29G)
(ewoud, 14:11:25)
* dcaroest created a fedora 18 template and is working on centos6 and
expects slaves to be added this week (ewoud, 14:20:58)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/ovirt/ticket/36 Fix PHP errors in theme
(ewoud, 14:46:13)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/ovirt/ticket/44 (ewoud, 14:48:10)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/ovirt/ticket/31 Licensing (rights) link
disappears when graphic is not used (ewoud, 14:49:00)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/ovirt/ticket/39 Upgrade MediaWiki
Strapping theme (ewoud, 14:49:25)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/ovirt/ticket/21 Search field made
visible when window is slim (ewoud, 14:52:19)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/ovirt/ticket/31 Licensing (rights) link
disappears when graphic is not used (ewoud, 14:57:17)
Meeting ended at 15:05:09 UTC.
Action Items
Action Items, by person
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* ewoud (66)
* dneary (42)
* eedri (25)
* dcaroest (18)
* ovirtbot (5)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot
11 years, 6 months
Minutes :: Infra Weekly :: 2013-07-22
by Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden
Minutes (text):
#ovirt: infra weekly
Meeting started by ewoud at 14:02:21 UTC. The full logs are available at
http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2013/ovirt.2013-07-22-14.02.log.html .
Meeting summary
* review of action items (ewoud, 14:06:51)
* LINK: http://www.ovirt.org/Infrastructure_team_meetings#2013-07-22
(Rydekull, 14:08:21)
* ACTION: knesenko add linkedin profile link to the main page
ovirt.org (ewoud, 14:08:46)
* hosting (ewoud, 14:08:49)
* obasan Added monitoring to the openshift quota (ewoud, 14:09:03)
* LINK: http://lists.ovirt.org/pipermail/infra/2013-July/003633.html
(ewoud, 14:21:09)
* discussion about the backups should move to the ML (ewoud,
* ACTION: obasan add disk space monitoring to all hosts (ewoud,
* ACTION: eedri to remove nighlies for f17 on jenkins.ovirt.org
(eedri, 14:28:41)
* AGREED: no more nightlies for F17 (ewoud, 14:29:46)
* organisation (ewoud, 14:32:03)
* LINK: http://lists.ovirt.org/pipermail/infra/2013-July/003450.html
is the mail in question (ewoud, 14:36:18)
* a google hangout is suggested as a more synchronous tool to plan our
infrastructure (ewoud, 14:42:10)
* ACTION: ewoud suggest a google hangout session on the ML (ewoud,
* puppet (ewoud, 14:42:57)
Meeting ended at 15:16:52 UTC.
Action Items
* knesenko add linkedin profile link to the main page ovirt.org
* obasan add disk space monitoring to all hosts
* eedri to remove nighlies for f17 on jenkins.ovirt.org
* ewoud suggest a google hangout session on the ML
Action Items, by person
* eedri
* eedri to remove nighlies for f17 on jenkins.ovirt.org
* ewoud
* ewoud suggest a google hangout session on the ML
* obasan
* obasan add disk space monitoring to all hosts
* knesenko add linkedin profile link to the main page ovirt.org
People Present (lines said)
* ewoud (100)
* eedri (50)
* Rydekull (37)
* obasan (27)
* dcaro (19)
* ovirtbot (5)
* mskrivanek (2)
* leon80 (1)
* eedri_ (0)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot
11 years, 6 months
oVirt developer meeting @ KVM Forum
by Dave Neary
Hi everyone,
Put the date in your calendar! The oVirt developer meeting will be held
in Edinburgh on October 23rd alongside the KVM Forum.
As most of you know, the KVM Forum is happening alongside LinuxCon
Europe and CloudOpen Europe in Edinburgh this year, on October 21-23.
As we proposed to the oVirt board in January, we would like to take
advantage of this gathering of KVM core developers to plan the future of
the oVirt project too.
In addition to the numerous oVirt presentations which have been proposed
both for CloudOpen and the KVM Forum, we will be setting aside one day
for developer working sessions. The agenda for these sessions is not
(yet) set - we will have subject matter experts leading discussions on
the future of their component, where oVirt fits into the broader world
of virtualization and the cloud, and how we can grow the community.
Among the topics which may be on the table are:
* Storage - integration with Gluster, Ceph, Swift, Cinder, NetApp, EMC
* Core virtualization - what's missing to make oVirt the best
virtualization solution on the market? What's next? How can oVirt
best take advantage of the latest KVM features?
* Networking - Going beyond Quantum integration: L2 and L3 networking
in oVirt
* User interface & engine - making oVirt nicer to use and easeir to
* Ecosystem - Integration with OpenStack, CloudStack; migration
strategy from vSphere; integration with other 3rd party projects -
what is our place in the world?
* Community and marketing - Should we add a forum? How can we grow the
user base and community of oVirt?
(Note, these are just my ideas - topics will be set by session leaders
on a specific topic).
What next?
First, if you are interested in the future of the oVirt project, please
plan to attend the developer meeting. If you are active in oVirt, but
cannot finance your travel to the event, please send an email to
dneary(a)redhat.com - I can't promise anything, but we do not want budget
constraints to be the main reason for someone missing the meeting.
Second, if you are interested in leading a working session on one of the
topics above, or a different topic which is important to you, please
send an email to the Workshop program committee at workshop-pc(a)ovirt.org
We will keep you posted with schedule updates and more details as
plannign advances during the coming weeks.
Thanks for your interest, and for your support of oVirt!
Dave Neary.
Dave Neary - Community Action and Impact
Open Source and Standards, Red Hat - http://community.redhat.com
Ph: +33 9 50 71 55 62 / Cell: +33 6 77 01 92 13
11 years, 7 months
oVirt Weekly Meeting Minutes -- 2013-06-17
by Mike Burns
Minutes (text):
#ovirt: oVirt Weekly Meeting
Meeting started by mburns at 14:00:11 UTC. The full logs are available
at http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2013/ovirt.2013-07-17-14.00.log.html
Meeting summary
* agenda and roll call (mburns, 14:00:23)
* 3.3 status update (mburns, 14:00:30)
* Workshops and Conferences (mburns, 14:00:47)
* infra update (mburns, 14:00:50)
* Other Topics (mburns, 14:00:53)
* 3.3 status update (mburns, 14:03:07)
* otopi ovirt-host-deploy ovirt-image-uploader ovirt-iso-uploader
ovirt-log-collector all posted (mburns, 14:04:37)
* ovirt-node base images available, will produce vdsm images once vdsm
is available (mburns, 14:04:55)
* vdsm rc1 does not include glance (mburns, 14:13:21)
* respin to happen to include glance changes (mburns, 14:13:30)
* ACTION: fsimonce to rebuild vdsm rc2 to include glance (mburns,
* ovirt scheduler (engine impact only) to merge today/tomorrow
(mburns, 14:14:17)
* scheduling api need 1.5-2 weeks (not a beta blocker) (mburns,
* cloud-init waiting on maintainer acceptance ( mpastern ) (mburns,
* neutron is merged (mburns, 14:18:34)
* guest-agent packages are pending, not blockers for beta (mburns,
* ovirt-engine build to happen after scheduler code gets in (mburns,
* reports was delivered to mgoldboi, mburns to get it and upload to
ovirt.org (mburns, 14:26:24)
* plan going forward (mburns, 14:47:18)
* merge scheduling stuff today/tomorrow (mburns, 14:47:30)
* build new vdsm and engine (mburns, 14:47:37)
* post everything up after build tomorrow (mburns, 14:47:45)
* send announcement that the beta is available with a disclaimer that
many features are not yet available in rest api (mburns, 14:48:23)
* conferences and workshops (mburns, 14:49:05)
* KVM Forum/LinuxCon EU/CloudOpen EU CFP closes on 21-July (mburns,
* KVM Forum/LinuxCon EU/CloudOpen EU CFP takes place on 21-23 October
(mburns, 14:50:03)
* planning on a oVirt Developers meet-up during this timeframe
(mburns, 14:51:36)
* Infra update (mburns, 14:51:57)
* there was no infra meeting this week due a lack of people (ewoud,
* fedora 19 slaves on rackspace servers were added and more and more
of their configuration is being puppeted (ewoud, 14:54:23)
* infra team looking for a new project coordinator, more details next
week (mburns, 14:56:01)
* 3.3 readiness (revisited) (mburns, 14:56:22)
* new bug found in engine -- "New Host" does not work. (mburns,
* trivial fix (mburns, 14:56:40)
* oschreib to wait on engine build until the fix is merged (mburns,
* other topics (mburns, 14:56:55)
Meeting ended at 14:59:17 UTC.
Action Items
* fsimonce to rebuild vdsm rc2 to include glance
Action Items, by person
* fsimonce
* fsimonce to rebuild vdsm rc2 to include glance
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* mburns (116)
* danken (26)
* mskrivanek (21)
* abonas (9)
* oschreib (9)
* doron (8)
* ofri (8)
* lvernia (6)
* ewoud (4)
* fsimonce (4)
* hetz (4)
* mpastern (4)
* ovirtbot (3)
* sgotliv (2)
* dustins_ntap (1)
* ydary (1)
* ecohen (1)
* sahina (1)
* ofrenkel (1)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot
11 years, 7 months
Re: [Users] oVirt Weekly Meeting Minutes -- 2013-06-17
by Mike Burns
On 07/18/2013 08:13 AM, Sandro Bonazzola wrote:
> Il 18/07/2013 13:29, Mike Burns ha scritto:
>> On 07/17/2013 06:27 PM, Doron Fediuck wrote:
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> | From: "Mike Burns" <mburns(a)redhat.com>
>>> | To: board(a)ovirt.org, "users" <users(a)ovirt.org>
>>> | Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2013 6:00:01 PM
>>> | Subject: [Users] oVirt Weekly Meeting Minutes -- 2013-06-17
>>> |
>>> | Minutes:
>>> | http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2013/ovirt.2013-07-17-14.00.html
>>> | Minutes (text):
>>> | http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2013/ovirt.2013-07-17-14.00.txt
>>> | Log:
>>> | http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2013/ovirt.2013-07-17-14.00.log.html
>>> |
>>> | ============================
>>> | #ovirt: oVirt Weekly Meeting
>>> | ============================
>>> |
>>> |
>>> | Meeting started by mburns at 14:00:11 UTC. The full logs are available
>>> | at
>>> http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2013/ovirt.2013-07-17-14.00.log.html
>>> | .
>>> |
>>> |
>>> |
>>> | Meeting summary
>>> | ---------------
>>> | * agenda and roll call (mburns, 14:00:23)
>>> | * 3.3 status update (mburns, 14:00:30)
>>> | * Workshops and Conferences (mburns, 14:00:47)
>>> | * infra update (mburns, 14:00:50)
>>> | * Other Topics (mburns, 14:00:53)
>>> |
>>> | * 3.3 status update (mburns, 14:03:07)
>>> | * otopi ovirt-host-deploy ovirt-image-uploader ovirt-iso-uploader
>>> | ovirt-log-collector all posted (mburns, 14:04:37)
>>> | * ovirt-node base images available, will produce vdsm images
>>> once vdsm
>>> | is available (mburns, 14:04:55)
>>> Please be sure to pickup the latest mom ( or later, which
>>> should be built
>>> today). This mom version includs vital ballooning support VDSM now
>>> needs.
>> Is this in Fedora/EL6? or do we need to carry it in ovirt.org repos?
> Fedora 18 can't install nightly anymore with missing dependency on this
> latest mom.
> Please add it to the repository.
Ok, that's f18. What about EL6 and F19?
Where do I get the builds to post?
>>> | * vdsm rc1 does not include glance (mburns, 14:13:21)
>>> | * respin to happen to include glance changes (mburns, 14:13:30)
>>> | * ACTION: fsimonce to rebuild vdsm rc2 to include glance (mburns,
>>> | 14:13:47)
>>> | * ovirt scheduler (engine impact only) to merge today/tomorrow
>>> | (mburns, 14:14:17)
>>> | * scheduling api need 1.5-2 weeks (not a beta blocker) (mburns,
>>> | 14:14:34)
>>> | * cloud-init waiting on maintainer acceptance ( mpastern )
>>> (mburns,
>>> | 14:16:27)
>>> | * neutron is merged (mburns, 14:18:34)
>>> | * guest-agent packages are pending, not blockers for beta (mburns,
>>> | 14:22:28)
>>> | * ovirt-engine build to happen after scheduler code gets in
>>> (mburns,
>>> | 14:26:05)
>>> | * reports was delivered to mgoldboi, mburns to get it and upload to
>>> | ovirt.org (mburns, 14:26:24)
>>> | * plan going forward (mburns, 14:47:18)
>>> | * merge scheduling stuff today/tomorrow (mburns, 14:47:30)
>>> | * build new vdsm and engine (mburns, 14:47:37)
>>> | * post everything up after build tomorrow (mburns, 14:47:45)
>>> | * send announcement that the beta is available with a disclaimer
>>> that
>>> | many features are not yet available in rest api (mburns,
>>> 14:48:23)
>>> |
>>> | * conferences and workshops (mburns, 14:49:05)
>>> | * KVM Forum/LinuxCon EU/CloudOpen EU CFP closes on 21-July
>>> (mburns,
>>> | 14:49:39)
>>> | * KVM Forum/LinuxCon EU/CloudOpen EU CFP takes place on 21-23
>>> October
>>> | (mburns, 14:50:03)
>>> | * planning on a oVirt Developers meet-up during this timeframe
>>> | (mburns, 14:51:36)
>>> |
>>> | * Infra update (mburns, 14:51:57)
>>> | * there was no infra meeting this week due a lack of people
>>> (ewoud,
>>> | 14:53:29)
>>> | * fedora 19 slaves on rackspace servers were added and more and
>>> more
>>> | of their configuration is being puppeted (ewoud, 14:54:23)
>>> | * infra team looking for a new project coordinator, more details
>>> next
>>> | week (mburns, 14:56:01)
>>> |
>>> | * 3.3 readiness (revisited) (mburns, 14:56:22)
>>> | * new bug found in engine -- "New Host" does not work. (mburns,
>>> | 14:56:37)
>>> | * trivial fix (mburns, 14:56:40)
>>> | * oschreib to wait on engine build until the fix is merged
>>> (mburns,
>>> | 14:56:49)
>>> |
>>> | * other topics (mburns, 14:56:55)
>>> |
>>> | Meeting ended at 14:59:17 UTC.
>>> |
>>> |
>>> |
>>> |
>>> | Action Items
>>> | ------------
>>> | * fsimonce to rebuild vdsm rc2 to include glance
>>> |
>>> |
>>> |
>>> |
>>> | Action Items, by person
>>> | -----------------------
>>> | * fsimonce
>>> | * fsimonce to rebuild vdsm rc2 to include glance
>>> | * **UNASSIGNED**
>>> | * (none)
>>> |
>>> |
>>> |
>>> |
>>> | People Present (lines said)
>>> | ---------------------------
>>> | * mburns (116)
>>> | * danken (26)
>>> | * mskrivanek (21)
>>> | * abonas (9)
>>> | * oschreib (9)
>>> | * doron (8)
>>> | * ofri (8)
>>> | * lvernia (6)
>>> | * ewoud (4)
>>> | * fsimonce (4)
>>> | * hetz (4)
>>> | * mpastern (4)
>>> | * ovirtbot (3)
>>> | * sgotliv (2)
>>> | * dustins_ntap (1)
>>> | * ydary (1)
>>> | * ecohen (1)
>>> | * sahina (1)
>>> | * ofrenkel (1)
>>> |
>>> |
>>> |
>>> |
>>> | Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
>>> |
>>> | .. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot
>>> | _______________________________________________
>>> | Users mailing list
>>> | Users(a)ovirt.org
>>> | http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/listinfo/users
>>> |
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Users mailing list
>>> Users(a)ovirt.org
>>> http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/listinfo/users
>> _______________________________________________
>> Users mailing list
>> Users(a)ovirt.org
>> http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/listinfo/users
11 years, 7 months
oVirt Weekly Meeting Minutes -- 2013-07-10
by Mike Burns
Minutes (text):
#ovirt: oVirt Weekly Meeting
Meeting started by mgoldboi at 14:00:55 UTC. The full logs are available
at http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2013/ovirt.2013-07-10-14.00.log.html
Meeting summary
* 3.3 Status Update (mgoldboi, 14:03:04)
(mgoldboi, 14:03:34)
* Feature Freeze 2013-07-15 (Next Monday) (mgoldboi, 14:04:02)
* infra 3.3: ExternalTasks feature development in progress will make
feature freeze (mgoldboi, 14:11:49)
* virt: RAM Snapshots feature in progress, REST is at risk, but the
rest seems to make it by 15th (mgoldboi, 14:15:01)
* virt: test pages will be completed by end of week (best effort)
(mgoldboi, 14:17:09)
* virt: all features are green except RAM Snapshots (mgoldboi,
* virt: Cloud-Init Integration currently on Red - patches are on their
way, still in risk for feature freeze (mgoldboi, 14:20:58)
* networking Quantum Integration in progress, will make it to feature
freeze (mgoldboi, 14:23:23)
* networking:NetworkReloaded in progress, will make it to feature
freeze (mgoldboi, 14:23:43)
* networking: test pages will be completed by end of week (best
effort) (mgoldboi, 14:24:34)
* networking: Multiple Gateways in progress - will make it to feature
freeze (mgoldboi, 14:28:31)
* networking: NetworkReloaded will probably not make it in, keeping it
on wiki hoping for a quick turnaround (mgoldboi, 14:29:50)
* node: all features are green (mgoldboi, 14:30:10)
* storage: Edit Connections is at a risk (mgoldboi, 14:31:56)
* ACTION: amureini update storage features on release table
(mgoldboi, 14:33:22)
* SLA: Network QoS - patches are in (on review) - at risk for feature
freeze (mgoldboi, 14:36:41)
* SLA: Scheduling API and Schedualer - patches are in (on review) - at
risk for feature freeze (mgoldboi, 14:37:03)
* SLA: QoS should be merged soon (mgoldboi, 14:37:22)
* SLA: Watchdog - most parts merged. still working on REST API (on
review) (mgoldboi, 14:38:22)
* : SLA: test pages will be completed soon (best effort) (mgoldboi,
* gluster: gluster hooks - rest api patch resubmitted after comments.
if approved, can make it to feature freeze (mgoldboi, 14:42:28)
* gluster: gluster services - patches are in review (mgoldboi,
* gluster: test pages will be completed early next week (best effort)
(mgoldboi, 14:44:00)
* integration: Otopi Infra Migration - base flows are working - fixing
several bugs - will make feature freeze (mgoldboi, 14:44:50)
* integration: Self Hosted Engine - at risk for feature freeze - will
probably wouldn't make it (mgoldboi, 14:45:23)
* integration: test pages will be completed next week (mgoldboi,
* UX: FrontendRefactor and GWT Platform Upgrade will not make it
into feature freeze (mgoldboi, 14:46:51)
* Beta builds should be prepared and delivered to mburns by Tuesday
2013-07-16 (Require: F18, EL6, would like F19 as well) (mgoldboi,
* ACTION: mburns to post packages on Tuesday (mgoldboi, 14:48:52)
* Conference and Workshop (mgoldboi, 14:49:58)
* CFP for KVM Forum, CloudOpen EU and LinuxCon EU closes on July 21
(mgoldboi, 14:52:04)
* Infra update (mgoldboi, 14:55:38)
* A couple of bug fixes were made to oVirt website. With more coming -
specifically, we're going to have a fix soon for context
highlighting of code in wiki pages (mgoldboi, 14:56:46)
* infra: forman instance is installed (mgoldboi, 15:00:14)
* infra: rackspace servers were installed with local storage DCs
(mgoldboi, 15:00:29)
* infra: Fedora 18/19 and centos64 OS will be distributed over 20-25
slaves (mgoldboi, 15:01:53)
* infra: jenkins version was upgraded, lots of job maintenance was
done (mgoldboi, 15:02:39)
* infra: backup infra for jenkins.ovirt.org was improved (mgoldboi,
* infra: new infra layout was proposed and approved for the
infrastructure (mgoldboi, 15:05:24)
* infra: servers and slaves were added to puppet/forman, puppet
classes additions will be started soon (mgoldboi, 15:06:42)
* Other Topics (mgoldboi, 15:07:09)
Meeting ended at 15:08:52 UTC.
Action Items
* amureini update storage features on release table
* mburns to post packages on Tuesday
Action Items, by person
* amureini
* amureini update storage features on release table
* mburns
* mburns to post packages on Tuesday
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* mgoldboi (112)
* knesenko (25)
* ofri (14)
* lvernia (9)
* apuimedo (8)
* mskrivanek (7)
* ofrenkel (7)
* dneary (6)
* amureini (6)
* mburns (6)
* ybronhei (6)
* sahina (5)
* ovirtbot (5)
* ecohen (4)
* theron (1)
* ewoud (1)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot
11 years, 7 months