oVirt Weekly Sync: November 26, 2014
by Brian Proffitt
Minutes: http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2014/ovirt.2014-11-26-15.07.html
Minutes (text): http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2014/ovirt.2014-11-26-15.07.txt
Log: http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2014/ovirt.2014-11-26-15.07.log.html
#ovirt: oVirt Weekly Sync
Meeting started by bkp at 15:07:14 UTC. The full logs are available at
http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2014/ovirt.2014-11-26-15.07.log.html .
Meeting summary
* Agenda and roll Call (bkp, 15:07:31)
* infra update (bkp, 15:07:31)
* 3.5.z updates (bkp, 15:07:31)
* 3.6.0 status (bkp, 15:07:31)
* conferences and workshops (bkp, 15:07:31)
* other topics (bkp, 15:07:33)
* infra update (bkp, 15:09:33)
* infra We had an outage last week, while upgrading vdsm to 3.5 on the
hosts, that left us with some hosts with vdsm 3.4 and some with 3.5,
will have to plan the upgrade more carefully. (bkp, 15:24:45)
* infra An issue with the mock cleanup that rendered the slaves
unusable, that is solved, but there's a new issue that I'm
investigating that forced us to take them out of the pool (bkp,
* infra We also made some progress on getting vdsm unit tests inside
mock running. Two tests are failing, including the partition check
test. sbonazzo suggested nested VM approach. Will need another host
updated to F20 to enable such an approach. (bkp, 15:24:53)
* infra Engine and jenkins upgraded (to 3.5 and 1.583, respectively)
(bkp, 15:24:57)
* infra Nesting problems in PHX update: dcaro has to update on host
so we can test, but dima said that it's working well (bkp,
* infra Issues are being collected for the Infra Day Hackathon (date
TBD), here:
(bkp, 15:25:02)
* 3.5.z updates (bkp, 15:25:05)
* 3.5.z updates Full status here:
(bkp, 15:31:29)
* 3.5.z updates Three blockers (1162640, 1160846, and 1159839) in
place for 3.5.1 RC, no ETA set on fixes. (bkp, 15:31:32)
* 3.5.z updates RC will need to be postponed one week to accomodate
blockers, but that date is even risky. (bkp, 15:31:38)
* 3.5.z updates Almost all jenkins jobs for 3.5 are now green (except
one for node, fabiand team is already on it) (fabiand needs nesting
to get them green, see infra note above) (bkp, 15:31:41)
* 3.6 status (bkp, 15:31:45)
* 3.5.z updates addendum: Two regressions (1160846 and 1118349) are
tagged for 3.5.1 and need to be evaluated. (bkp, 15:33:01)
* 3.6 status Full status here:
(bkp, 15:51:13)
* 3.6 status No blockers (as expected). Bug count on the rise. (bkp,
* 3.6 status An earlier repoclosure error on missing mom-0.4.3 was
repaired and released today by alitke (just needed verification and
karma on Fedora systems) (bkp, 15:51:19)
* 3.6 status Today is last day for release criteria/process
discussion. skieske made a rephrase suggestion, about "feature
acceptance review", which was accepted. (bkp, 15:51:22)
* 3.6 status Updated release criteria/process at
will be posted on wiki and then announced soon. (bkp, 15:51:25)
* ACTION: bkp to set up new release process page on wiki (bkp,
* 3.6 status Still gathering 3.6 features at http://goo.gl/9X3G49, no
feature deadline set yet. (bkp, 15:51:30)
* 3.6 status Length of release cycle still not confirmed, but
gathering all features anyway to have them in one place. (bkp,
* conferences and workshops (bkp, 15:51:39)
* Conferences Notification on FOSDEM stands is on Dec. 15. Still time
to get your devroom submittals in for the virt and IaaS devrooms.
(bkp, 15:53:13)
* Conferences I am in discussions with FOSSAsia (http://fossasia.org/)
to see about an oVirt workshop at that event in mid-March. This is a
Singapore venue, so if anyone from east Asia is interested in
speaking/attending, let bkp know. (bkp, 15:53:16)
* Conferences If anyone wants to submit a quick report on DevOpsDays
TLV for the Community blog, that would be welcome! (bkp, 15:53:20)
* other topics (bkp, 15:54:31)
* Other A reminder that the U.S. will be offline tomorrow and Friday
for Thanksgiving holiday. (bkp, 15:55:02)
* Other bkp will be recording demo videos of oVirt beginning after the
holidays. If anyone wants to help/suggest topics, ping me. (bkp,
Meeting ended at 15:58:02 UTC.
Action Items
* bkp to set up new release process page on wiki
Action Items, by person
* bkp
* bkp to set up new release process page on wiki
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* bkp (68)
* sbonazzo (41)
* lvernia (15)
* dcaro (14)
* fabiand (5)
* amureini (3)
* danken (3)
* jmoskovc (2)
* ovirtbot (2)
* J_Man (1)
* lvernia_ (1)
* tal (1)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot
Brian Proffitt
Community Liaison
Open Source and Standards, Red Hat - http://community.redhat.com
Phone: +1 574 383 9BKP
IRC: bkp @ OFTC
10 years, 2 months
oVirt Weekly Sync Meeting: Nov. 19, 2014
by Brian Proffitt
Minutes: http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2014/ovirt.2014-11-19-15.01.html
Minutes (text): http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2014/ovirt.2014-11-19-15.01.txt
Log: http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2014/ovirt.2014-11-19-15.01.log.html
#ovirt: oVirt Weekly Sync
Meeting started by bkp at 15:01:15 UTC. The full logs are available at
http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2014/ovirt.2014-11-19-15.01.log.html .
Meeting summary
* Agenda and Roll Call (bkp, 15:01:31)
* infra update (bkp, 15:01:38)
* 3.5.z updates (bkp, 15:01:38)
* 3.6.0 status (bkp, 15:01:38)
* conferences and workshops (bkp, 15:01:38)
* other topics (bkp, 15:01:39)
* infra update (bkp, 15:03:21)
* Infra We had an outage in phx2 lab a couple of days ago, seems to be
resolved. (bkp, 15:15:08)
* Infra We apparently lost our f21 slave, on which we try to run
functional vdsm tests (bkp, 15:15:11)
* Infra The state of vdsm jenkins jobs is a mess, people are waiting a
long time to get their credentials. (bkp, 15:15:14)
* ACTION: Infra dcaro: Discuss on mailing list how slave ownership
process can be sped up, per danken concerns in this week's meeting
(bkp, 15:15:17)
* Infra The team is understafffed and looking for help from developers
to maintain Jenkins jobs. (bkp, 15:15:20)
* 3.5.z updates (bkp, 15:15:32)
* 3.5.z updates Full report at
(bkp, 15:23:57)
* 3.5.z updates Highlights from report: 4 blockers open, 5 regressions
to be reviewed (bkp, 15:24:00)
* 3.5.z updates RC for 3.5.1 is scheduled for next week, so ETA needed
on blockers (bkp, 15:24:03)
* 3.5.z updates Bug count is still high (150), review and either scrub
or postpone to next release if not blocking or urgent. (bkp,
* 3.5.z updates .el7 support for engine is completely built and fully
testable on el7. Help testing nightly snapshot prior to RC next week
is welcome. (bkp, 15:24:09)
* infra update part 2 (bkp, 15:25:05)
* Infra An engine upgrade and jenkins upgrade were performed last
week. The engine upgrade is not finalized yet (had some issues with
vdsm, looking into it) but the system is stable now, have to plan
with caution to finish the upgrade. (Hoipefully next week) (bkp,
* Infra We currently investigating an issue which could be related
when creating a volume on RHEL 6.6, but that is still under
investigation (bkp, 15:28:34)
* 3.5.z updates part 2 (bkp, 15:31:31)
* 3.5.z updates There may be a problem installing on el6.6 hosts. Bug
1162539 libvirtd cannot be started using upstart if started manually
using sysvinit. Let's check this one out, please. (bkp, 15:31:42)
* 3.6 status (bkp, 15:32:00)
* 3.6 status Full report at #info 3.5.z updates Full report at
(bkp, 15:45:02)
* 3.6 status No blockers! Well, that's expected. (bkp, 15:45:05)
* 3.6 status External Project Schedules to the report for having a
look at what will be out with oVirt (bkp, 15:45:07)
* 3.6 status Discussion about release process / release criteria
should have been closed last week, but no progress since its opening
(bkp, 15:45:10)
* ACTION: 3.6 status All: If you want to have a say in the release
process, get in on the discussion:
(bkp, 15:45:13)
* 3.6 status scheduling / timeline is not yet defined for 3.6 hope to
get a cleaner view on what's going to be in for next week. (bkp,
* 3.6 status Still looking at 6 months out in both release process
proposals, but danken has a proposal to extend the cycle.
(bkp, 15:45:20)
* ACTION: 3.6 status All: let's examine and vote on proposal to extend
the cycle.
(bkp, 15:45:24)
* 3.6 status CORRECTION: Still looking at 6 months out in both release
process proposals, but danken has a proposal to change the cycle.
(bkp, 15:46:56)
* ACTION: 3.6 status CORRECTION: All: let's examine and vote on
proposal to chage the cycle.
(bkp, 15:47:00)
* conferences and workshops (bkp, 15:47:46)
* LISA14 went pretty well. Booth traffic was solid, gshereme and bkp
answered a fair amount of general questions about oVirt, and talked
to a lot of sysadmins with specific queries on oVirt. (bkp,
* FOSDEM is the next big event. OSAS will be very much on the scene,
and oVirt has applied for a booth at the event. There is still time
to get your talks into the IaaS and Virt devrooms. (bkp, 15:48:05)
* Now that travel is wrapped up, I am working on getting meetup and
workshop materials ready for anyone who wants to present on oVirt at
a local event. (bkp, 15:48:09)
* 11th Intl. Conf. on Open Source Systems CFP Open Through Jan. 10
call for papers http://www.oss2015.org/call-for-papers/ (bkp,
* other topics (bkp, 15:51:11)
* A big welcome to our new OPW interns! Be ready to assist with any of
their questions as they lurk about the channel and the lists! (bkp,
* It was brought to my attention this morning that ovirt.org/stats has
not been working for a while. I have asked misc to look into it.
(bkp, 15:51:26)
* Speaking of stats, downloads for oVirt engine in Oct. totaled 1460
from resources.ovirt.org. This is down from 2194 downloads in Sept.
Likely now that 3.5 is rolling out, this trend will likely change.
(bkp, 15:51:29)
* One of the big goals we should have for 2015 is figuring out a way
to determine actual installs of oVirt. If anyone has ideas on how we
can pull such information together, let's get a discussion going on
the users mailing list. (bkp, 15:51:33)
* Finally, there is an informal survey out on the users mailing list
now about extending oVirt support to Debian/Ubuntu. Got thoughts on
this? Here's the thread:
(bkp, 15:51:37)
Meeting ended at 15:55:01 UTC.
Action Items
* Infra dcaro: Discuss on mailing list how slave ownership process can
be sped up, per danken concerns in this week's meeting
* 3.6 status All: If you want to have a say in the release process, get
in on the discussion:
* 3.6 status All: let's examine and vote on proposal to extend the
* 3.6 status CORRECTION: All: let's examine and vote on proposal to
chage the cycle.
Action Items, by person
* danken
* Infra dcaro: Discuss on mailing list how slave ownership process can
be sped up, per danken concerns in this week's meeting
* dcaro
* Infra dcaro: Discuss on mailing list how slave ownership process can
be sped up, per danken concerns in this week's meeting
* 3.6 status All: If you want to have a say in the release process,
get in on the discussion:
* 3.6 status All: let's examine and vote on proposal to extend the
* 3.6 status CORRECTION: All: let's examine and vote on proposal to
chage the cycle.
People Present (lines said)
* bkp (85)
* sbonazzo (43)
* lvernia (17)
* danken (15)
* rgolan (8)
* dcaro (6)
* mlipchuk (5)
* ofrenkel (2)
* ovirtbot (2)
* tal (1)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot
Brian Proffitt
Community Liaison
Open Source and Standards, Red Hat - http://community.redhat.com
Phone: +1 574 383 9BKP
IRC: bkp @ OFTC
10 years, 2 months
oVirt Weekly Meeting: Nov. 5, 2014
by Brian Proffitt
#ovirt: oVirt Weekly Sync
Meeting started by bkp at 15:01:32 UTC. The full logs are available at
http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2014/ovirt.2014-11-05-15.01.log.html .
Meeting summary
* Agenda and roll Call (bkp, 15:01:47)
* infra update (bkp, 15:02:07)
* 3.5.z updates (bkp, 15:02:08)
* 3.6.0 status (bkp, 15:02:08)
* conferences and workshops (bkp, 15:02:08)
* other topics (bkp, 15:02:10)
* infra update (bkp, 15:03:37)
* infra update: engine is failing build on master and 3.5 probably due
to infra issues (bkp, 15:10:17)
* infra update: a bug in F21 rpm package has been solved so failures
related to fedora 19 builds on f21 slaves are solved (bkp,
* infra update: some build failures are expected in next days due to
missing dependencies on el7 and f21 while building engine for those
distributions (bkp, 15:10:24)
* 3.5.z updates (bkp, 15:10:37)
* 3.5.z updates: 1 blocker around, tiraboschi_ is taking care of it
(bkp, 15:16:38)
* 3.5.z updates: 181 bugs still outstanding. Maintainers should be
taking a look at these now. (bkp, 15:16:39)
* 3.5.z updates: trying to get el7 support ready for 3.5.1, we're now
working on master for that (bkp, 15:16:42)
* 3.6 status (bkp, 15:16:52)
* 3.6 status: Release criteria definition in progress, we should reach
a decision by next week's meeting according to release process
(bkp, 15:24:51)
* 3.6 status: Specifically, should we keep the existing 3.5 criteria
for 3.6, or add these changes
(bkp, 15:24:54)
* 3.6 status: There is also an ongoing discussion to lengthen the 3.6
release cycle to 10 months and keeping all the proposed features
or splitting features across multiple releases. (bkp, 15:24:57)
* 3.6 status: Discussion is invited here:
(bkp, 15:25:01)
* 3.6 status: work for fedora 21 support for 3.6 is ongoing as well as
the el7 support (bkp, 15:26:47)
* conferences and workshops (bkp, 15:28:29)
* OpenStack Summit is going on now in Paris. Red Hat has a sharp
presence there, and oVirt should be getting attention via a video
demo at the Red Hat/RDO booth. (bkp, 15:28:44)
* LISA'14 will be next week, and we'll have a big footprint there with
oVirt at LISA Lab and at the Red Hat booth. (bkp, 15:28:47)
* Planning is ongoing for FOSDEM on Jan. 31-Feb 1. Get your submittals
in for the IaaS and Virt devrooms soon! (bkp, 15:28:50)
* other topics (bkp, 15:30:53)
* bkp will be opening a discussion on the [users] mailing list to best
figure out how to position oVirt and RDO. (bkp, 15:31:29)
* A reminder: this week not withstanding, the oVirt weekly syncs will
be at 1400 UTC (one hour earlier than when we started this week).
Please adjust your calendars accordingly. (bkp, 15:31:47)
Meeting ended at 15:35:24 UTC.
Action Items
Action Items, by person
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* bkp (53)
* sbonazzo (31)
* lvernia (10)
* YamakasY (4)
* DougBishop (4)
* awels (3)
* afics_ (3)
* ovirtbot (2)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot
Brian Proffitt
Community Liaison
Open Source and Standards, Red Hat - http://community.redhat.com
Phone: +1 574 383 9BKP
IRC: bkp @ OFTC
10 years, 3 months
oVirt Monthly Newsletter: October 2014
by Brian Proffitt
October 2014 was a big month for oVirt. A new release, a new workshop, a new way of installing oVirt... there was nothing about October that didn't feel like success for the community and the software. As we start looking ahead to oVirt 3.6, here's a look back at one memorable month!
In the Community
oVirt is very happy to announce its participation in the GNOME Foundation's Outreach Program for Women: http://www.ovirt.org/Outreach_Program_for_Women Registration closed on Oct. 22, and have two excellent participants working with the oVirt community.
With all of the work being done on oVirt 3.5, our development team took the time to create some videos and deep-dive hangouts about 3.5 features: http://community.redhat.com/blog/2014/09/a-cinematic-peek-at-ovirt-3-5/
October 16 was the next big event for the oVirt community, the 2014 KVM Forum oVirt Workshop in Düsseldorf, Germany. Learn more at http://community.redhat.com/blog/2014/10/ovirt-workshop-2014/ and http://ow.ly/i/7gCmZ
Other October events for oVirt included:
* LinuxCon EU, Düsseldorf, Germany, Oct. 13-15
* CloudOpen Europe, Düsseldorf, Germany, Oct. 13-15
* KVM Forum, Düsseldorf, Germany, Oct. 14-16
* All Things Open, Raleigh, North Carolina, Oct. 22-23
* Open World Forum 2014, Paris, France, Oct. 30-31
Douglas Landsgraf reveals his take on Latinoware 2014 (http://dougsland.livejournal.com/123871.html)
In November, oVirt will be featured at more events:
* OpenAlt.cz, Brno, Czech Republic, Nov. 1-2
* LISA 14, Seattle, Washington, Nov. 9-14
* DevOps at Red Hat #2, Nov. 18
* DevOps Days, Tel Aviv, Nov. 23-24
And for the future, there's a Call for Particpation for the IaaS DevRoom at FOSDEM'15 (http://lists.ovirt.org/pipermail/users/2014-October/028644.html)!
oVirt Software Milestones
On October 19, the journey to our next release was complete, and oVirt 3.5 was released! http://community.redhat.com/blog/2014/10/ovirt-3-5-rolls-out/
Along with the release of oVirt 3.5, a new User Guide (http://www.ovirt.org/OVirt_User_Guide) and Administrator Guide (http://www.ovirt.org/OVirt_Administration_Guide) were released, ready to help people using oVirt faster!
Earlier in October, ovirt-3.5 ovirt-guest-agent Linux builds were also made available:
Deep Dives and Technical Discussions
oVirt and Docker are proving to be a great combination! Moran Goldboim rolls out a two-part blog on how you can install oVirt as a Docker container today! (http://community.redhat.com/blog/2014/10/ovirt-dockerized/, http://community.redhat.com/blog/2014/10/ovirt-dockerized-part-2/)
Jason Brooks continues his Up and Running series with a look on how to install and use oVirt 3.5 (http://community.redhat.com/blog/2014/10/up-and-running-with-ovirt-3-5/)!
You can also learn about what's new in oVirt 3.5 in Korean (https://ovirtkorea.wordpress.com/2014/10/26/whatsnew_in_ovirt35/).
Like oVirt? Want to tell your friends and colleagues? Use our slide presentation as a
basis to share oVirt with the community: http://www.ovirt.org/OVirt_Slide_Decks#Introduction_to_oVirt_Deck
The oVirt 3.5 Features and Deep Dives YouTube playlist has been expanded! http://ow.ly/DrBlt
Douglas Landsgraf wrote a nice write up abaout how Hosted Engine is going to work on oVirt Node http://dougsland.livejournal.com/124084.html
Discover moVirt: the mobile interface for oVirt (http://events.linuxfoundation.org/sites/events/files/slides/movirt.pdf)
RaspberryPi + SPICE + oVirt = Red Hat Powered VDI. Learn more in this video (http://www.spice-space.org/vdi.html)!
Some answers to the question: HA Cluster Gluster or DRBD iSCSI for oVirt 3.5 (http://www.redgrid.net/uncategorized/ovirt-3-5-ha-cluster-gluster-or-drbd...).
How to get directory services easily connected to oVirt with Docker and FreeIPA:
Seven steps to VM management with oVirt (in German) (http://www.datacenter-insider.de/index.cfm?pid=13397&pk=464532&p=1).
Find out more about the Python API for oVirt and RHEV (in Italian) (http://www.extraordy.com/introduzione-alle-python-api-per-rhev/).
Check out this Russian review of oVirt 3.5: http://youtu.be/kUqdKF9eW7Y
Brian Proffitt
Community Liaison
Open Source and Standards, Red Hat - http://community.redhat.com
Phone: +1 574 383 9BKP
IRC: bkp @ OFTC
10 years, 3 months