oVirt Weekly Sync Meeting Minutes :: 2011-11-30
by Robyn Bergeron
Minutes: http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2011/ovirt.2011-11-30-15.00.html
Full Log:
Full minutes follow below.
#ovirt: oVirt Weekly Sync Meeting
Meeting started by rbergeron at 15:00:13 UTC. The full logs are
available at
http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2011/ovirt.2011-11-30-15.00.log.html .
Meeting summary
* Who's here? (rbergeron, 15:00:41)
* cctrieloff, jumper45, smoser, pmyers, ovedo, dannf, masayag,
oschreib, jimjag, ykaul, sgordon, aglitke, quaid, doron present
(rbergeron, 15:02:11)
* itamar present (rbergeron, 15:02:20)
* Today's Agenda (rbergeron, 15:02:25)
* Today's Agenda: Press release status, upcoming event planning, First
release "stuff", FTP/repository "stuff". (rbergeron, 15:02:59)
* lpeer, acathrow present (rbergeron, 15:03:11)
* Press Release Status (rbergeron, 15:03:52)
* rharper present (rbergeron, 15:04:10)
* Still waiting on Cisco, but is in progress. Just waiting on
corporate signoff, etc. (rbergeron, 15:05:55)
* Upcoming event planning (rbergeron, 15:08:43)
* Robyn received word that we can have a full day room at the Red Hat
dev. conference in Brno in Feb. (17th/18th, not sure on exact day
yet) (rbergeron, 15:10:18)
* ACTION: rbergero to work on the events wiki page and fill up with
events where we should plan presence (rbergeron, 15:11:00)
* ACTION: rbergeron to also add confs with papers, when to submit,
etc. (rbergeron, 15:11:43)
* waiting on FOSDEM to find out about availability for conference
session (rbergeron, 15:13:25)
* is probably best to get basic planning for conferences done in the
next 2 weeks or so, people are working budgets. (rbergeron,
* Booth interest exists, but we need to see WHO CAN GO :) (for FOSDEM)
(rbergeron, 15:18:51)
* ACTION: cctrieloff to hack on an official presentation this week for
use by others at events (rbergeron, 15:20:46)
(quaid, 15:21:39)
* First Release stuff. (rbergeron, 15:21:45)
* ACTION: acathrow to take a crack at a presentation starting
w/features, gui sutff, move into tech architecture, someone else can
add contributions/getting started (rbergeron, 15:25:47)
* oschreib is confirmed as the Release Manager for the first release.
:) (rbergeron, 15:30:03)
* LINK: http://www.ovirt.org/wiki/First_release (quaid, 15:32:49)
* itamar: so i'm for treating the versions as major, going 6 months
cycle (except for maybe first few which will do more rapidly to
shape things up). and we provide upgrade support for last 2 major
versions (cctrieloff, 15:54:46)
* ftp (cctrieloff, 15:55:39)
* sgordon discussed RPM / repo stuff onlist yesterday in arch@; please
read and digest and respond (rbergeron, 16:03:15)
* Opening of Lists (rbergeron, 16:05:14)
Meeting ended at 16:20:36 UTC.
Action Items
* rbergero to work on the events wiki page and fill up with events where
we should plan presence
* rbergeron to also add confs with papers, when to submit, etc.
* cctrieloff to hack on an official presentation this week for use by
others at events
* acathrow to take a crack at a presentation starting w/features, gui
sutff, move into tech architecture, someone else can add
contributions/getting started
Action Items, by person
* acathrow
* acathrow to take a crack at a presentation starting w/features, gui
sutff, move into tech architecture, someone else can add
contributions/getting started
* cctrieloff
* cctrieloff to hack on an official presentation this week for use by
others at events
* rbergeron
* rbergeron to also add confs with papers, when to submit, etc.
* rbergero to work on the events wiki page and fill up with events
where we should plan presence
People Present (lines said)
* rbergeron (122)
* cctrieloff (56)
* quaid (49)
* sgordon (40)
* itamar (23)
* oschreib (19)
* jimjag (16)
* pmyers (15)
* abaron (11)
* smoser (11)
* doron_{^_^} (10)
* aliguori (7)
* acathrow (7)
* ovirtbot (5)
* jumper45 (4)
* lpeer (2)
* ovedo (2)
* ykaul (2)
* rharper (2)
* ichristo (1)
* oschreib1 (1)
* aglitke (1)
* masayag (1)
* alon (1)
* dannf (1)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot
13 years, 2 months
Fwd: Your message to Engine-devel awaits moderator approval
by Anthony Liguori
I really don't want to be autosubscribed to 10 more mailing lists. Can we
please open the various ovirt lists?
I'm already getting multiple copies of a bunch of emails because of how much
things are being cross posted. It's getting fairly frustrating.
Anthony Liguori
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Your message to Engine-devel awaits moderator approval
Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2011 10:52:38 -0500
From: engine-devel-bounces(a)ovirt.org
To: anthony(a)codemonkey.ws
Your mail to 'Engine-devel' with the subject
Re: Announcing a proof of concept REST API for VDSM
Is being held until the list moderator can review it for approval.
The reason it is being held:
Post by non-member to a members-only list
Either the message will get posted to the list, or you will receive
notification of the moderator's decision. If you would like to cancel
this posting, please visit the following URL:
13 years, 2 months
Sponsor for oVirt
by Jared Mallett
Hello, I was interested in your open source project and was curious about
the sponsorship opportunity.
Would you have any further information available about sponsoring?
Jared Mallett
Product Marketing Manager & Technical Sales
Office: 603-734-5875 | Cell: 603-479-9666
<mailto:jared.mallett@opengear.com> jared.mallett(a)opengear.com
Description: email-logo-blue
13 years, 2 months
First community release
by Carl Trieloff
At the workshop in the release / roadmap working session we agreed that
around November 16th we see how all the distro's are making out in
creating a release for oVirt and set the date for the first community
Please have your comments / feedback for that time period, at which
point I will start the release discussions.
13 years, 2 months
oVirt IRC Weekly Sync Meeting Agenda :: 2011-11-30
by Robyn Bergeron
See you there!
oVirt Sync Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, November 30, 2011 - 15:00 UTC (10:00am US Eastern, 7:00am US
Invitees: board(a)ovirt.org list subscribers
IRC Meeting
* irc.oftc.net in #ovirt
Agenda topics include:
* Press release status
* Upcoming event planning
* First release
* Release Manager confirmation
* First release feedback:
* FTP/repository setup status
* sgordon: status on ovirt-release rpm for installation of repo file
(last week's action)
13 years, 2 months
Fwd: Re: First community release
by Jon Choate
missed the board list
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: First community release
Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2011 13:32:27 -0500
From: Jon Choate <jchoate(a)redhat.com>
To: arch(a)ovirt.org
On 11/29/2011 12:58 PM, Barak Azulay wrote:
> On 11/29/2011 05:59 PM, Livnat Peer wrote:
>> On 11/07/2011 06:51 PM, Carl Trieloff wrote:
>>> At the workshop in the release / roadmap working session we agreed that
>>> around November 16th we see how all the distro's are making out in
>>> creating a release for oVirt and set the date for the first community
>>> release.
>>> Please have your comments / feedback for that time period, at which
>>> point I will start the release discussions.
>>> regards
>>> Carl.
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Board mailing list
>>> Board(a)ovirt.org
>>> http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/listinfo/board
>> Hi All,
>> Not sure where we stand with the first release but I think we should
>> take into account the jboss version we use before releasing.
>> We currently deploy on jboss as 5, but we started working on deployment
>> on jboss as 7.
>> Releasing on AS 5 and then moving to AS 7 might require some upgrade
>> path and it is a time consuming task to do that.
>> Since we already started working on the deployment on jboss AS 7, I
>> think it might worth holding back first 'formal' release until it is
>> done. It will help us avoiding upgrade support and get all the benefits
>> of using as7 (startup time, memory/cpu foot-print etc.) - get better
>> reviews?
>> Livnat
> I think we should aim for a fast first release, meaning ASAP on jboss 5
> The questions are:
> 1 - what is a release? a tag in all the repos to be picked up by each
> distro ?
> 2 - do we have any criteria on what is good enough for a release ? or
> any point in time that everybody feels ready?
I like to approach the idea in reverse:
1 - What is preventing us from releasing today?
2- Are these really worth holding up the release?
3 - What can we do today so that the issues in #1 are gone tomorrow?
I too am unsure what a release really means when people can get the code
any time that they want and we could declare a release whenever and as
often as we want.
> Thanks
> Barak Azulay
>> _______________________________________________
>> Board mailing list
>> Board(a)ovirt.org
>> http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/listinfo/board
> _______________________________________________
> Arch mailing list
> Arch(a)ovirt.org
> http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/listinfo/arch
Arch mailing list
13 years, 2 months
oVirt security mailing lists created
by David Jorm
Hi All
I have now finished creating and configuring the two mailing lists for handling oVirt security issues: security(a)ovirt.org and security-private(a)ovirt.org. At the moment, only myself and secalert(a)redhat.com are subscribed to security(a)ovirt.org. Only I am subscribed to security-private(a)ovirt.org. I have created a wiki page explaining the purpose of these lists, inviting reports of security issues and inviting other projects/distributions to subscribe to the lists:
As a final step, I would like to see if we can link to the security wiki page from the main navigation menu on the ovirt.org site. I think a new menu item PROJECT -> Security would be appropriate. Is this something we can do?
David Jorm / Red Hat Security Response Team
13 years, 2 months
oVirt Workshop Presentations
by Adam Litke
Hi oVirt Workshop presenters,
Thank you for taking the time to give informative presentations at the oVirt
Workshop. I notice that some of you have not yet placed your slides on the
oVirt wiki. Please do this as soon as possible so that those who were not able
to attend the workshop can benefit from your hard work. Also, this material
will benefit future presenters as they prepare presentations for upcoming
Wiki Pages:
Specific missing presentations (based on missing links in the wiki):
Day One:
- Demo / Architecture
Day Two:
- Engine Core
- Network
- Storage
Day Three:
- Roadmap and schedule
If you had slides for a breakout/working session, please add those as well.
Thank you on behalf of all those who will benefit from the info!
Adam Litke <agl(a)us.ibm.com>
IBM Linux Technology Center
13 years, 2 months
oVirt IRC Weekly Sync Meeting Minutes :: 2011-11-26
by Robyn Bergeron
Thanks for coming, see you all next week.
Minutes: http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2011/ovirt.2011-11-23-15.00.html
Log: http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2011/ovirt.2011-11-23-15.00.log.html
#ovirt: oVirt Weekly Sync Meeting
Meeting started by rbergeron at 15:00:41 UTC. The full logs are
available at
http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2011/ovirt.2011-11-23-15.00.log.html .
Meeting summary
* Anyone here? :) (rbergeron, 15:01:01)
* aglitke, yzaslavs, jumper45, sgordon, gargya, masayag, karmatronic,
itamar1, rgolan are here (rbergeron, 15:03:22)
* Today's Agenda (rbergeron, 15:04:09)
* Press release status, Upcoming Event planning, First release/release
date feedback, ftp/repo setup status,<your item here> are on the
agenda for today. (rbergeron, 15:05:13)
* oschreib1 is present (rbergeron, 15:06:25)
* Press release status (rbergeron, 15:06:30)
* Robyn heard back from Kerri this morning - we are still waiting on
press release approval from Intel and Cisco at this point.
(rbergeron, 15:07:14)
* When we do have a Final Draft that has been approved by everyone,
we'll send it out to the board list for everyone's information.
(rbergeron, 15:08:20)
* rbergeron to respond on-list to Ryan's question from last week re:
getting to see the final draft. (rbergeron, 15:08:42)
* Upcoming Event Planning (rbergeron, 15:09:07)
* Robyn looked into getting a table at FOSDEM, and we can do that, but
we need volunteers who are willing to booth all week. (rbergeron,
* Tony Gargya (IBM) talking about oVirt in a larger presentation at a
cloud computing conf. in germany next week (rbergeron, 15:12:34)
* ACTION: rbergeron to track down the overview presentation from the
oVirt workshop and send to list (rbergeron, 15:13:21)
* itamar1 looking into FOSDEM re: sessions, looking at devel rooms
(rbergeron, 15:14:01)
* ACTION: aglitke to send an email to the list to request remaining
oVirt workshop presentations (aglitke, 15:16:08)
* itamar1 also looking into hosting people in TLV for hands-on
lab/help/feature dev/design/brainstorming in feb. with the devel
team if there is interest (rbergeron, 15:16:27)
* ACTION: aglitke to send an email to the list to request remaining
oVirt workshop presentations (aglitke, 15:16:51)
* Moving towards release (rbergeron, 15:20:01)
* No updates on progress here, will look for more next week.
(rbergeron, 15:22:51)
* Ofer Schreiber is the only nominee right now. (rbergeron, 15:26:51)
* AGREED: Any additional candidates for release mgr should step
forward prior to this meeting next week, will agree on release
manager and announce at next week's meeting. (rbergeron, 15:28:26)
* re: releases: for rpms - ronen sent an email with links to an rpm
based install guide. so no need to compile, build, etc. it is still
a moving target, but it should be easier to consume than the devel
guideline. rpms include "jboss 5 as for ovirt in rpm form", vdsm,
engine-core, webadmin, etc. (rbergeron, 15:28:58)
* each subproject maintainer gropu should provide release manager with
their main contact person (rbergeron, 15:31:52)
* LINK: http://www.ovirt.org/project/subprojects/ (itamar1,
* release manager and subproject manager/contacts should be listed on
a release wiki page, per release (rbergeron, 15:34:07)
* FTP and Repository setup status (rbergeron, 15:38:54)
* LINK: http://ovirt.org/releases/ (sgordon, 15:40:20)
* LINK: http://www.ovirt.org/wiki/Installing_ovirt-engine_from_rpm
(itamar1, 15:40:26)
* LINK: http://www.ovirt.org/wiki/Installing_VDSM_from_rpm (itamar1,
* ACTION: sgordon to make an ovirt-release rpm to install the repo
file (rbergeron, 15:48:51)
* ACTION: sgordon to take discussion re: ovirt-release rpm to mailing
list, inc. where it will go, where should the spec file for rpm
reside (rbergeron, 15:50:01)
* Any other topics for today? (rbergeron, 15:52:36)
* Mailing list moderators (rbergeron, 15:52:57)
* We have a few people hwo have volunteered to help moderate
(rbergeron, 15:54:26)
* ACTION: sgordon to mail the infrastructure list re: adding people to
be admins (rbergeron, 15:54:50)
* ACTION: quaid to add info to wiki on how to add a moderator to a
mailing list (rbergeron, 15:57:22)
Meeting ended at 16:01:12 UTC.
Action Items
* rbergeron to track down the overview presentation from the oVirt
workshop and send to list
* aglitke to send an email to the list to request remaining oVirt
workshop presentations
* aglitke to send an email to the list to request remaining oVirt
workshop presentations
* sgordon to make an ovirt-release rpm to install the repo file
* sgordon to take discussion re: ovirt-release rpm to mailing list, inc.
where it will go, where should the spec file for rpm reside
* sgordon to mail the infrastructure list re: adding people to be admins
* quaid to add info to wiki on how to add a moderator to a mailing list
Action Items, by person
* aglitke
* aglitke to send an email to the list to request remaining oVirt
workshop presentations
* aglitke to send an email to the list to request remaining oVirt
workshop presentations
* rbergeron
* rbergeron to track down the overview presentation from the oVirt
workshop and send to list
* sgordon
* sgordon to make an ovirt-release rpm to install the repo file
* sgordon to take discussion re: ovirt-release rpm to mailing list,
inc. where it will go, where should the spec file for rpm reside
* sgordon to mail the infrastructure list re: adding people to be
* quaid to add info to wiki on how to add a moderator to a mailing
People Present (lines said)
* rbergeron (120)
* sgordon (47)
* itamar1 (39)
* aglitke (13)
* oschreib (9)
* gargya (8)
* jumper45 (7)
* ovirtbot (7)
* rangluster (7)
* karmatronic (1)
* yzaslavs (1)
* masayag (1)
* oschreib1 (1)
* rgolan (1)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot
13 years, 2 months
oVirt IRC Sync Meeting Agenda :: 2011-11-23 :: The US Holiday Week Edition :)
by Robyn Bergeron
Greetings all,
It's about time for our weekly IRC meeting. I'm not sure how many people
are around this week who are US-based, as we're moving towards our
Thanksgiving Holiday here and a lot of people take the day before
Thanksgiving off (which just happens to be today).
However, I figured we have plenty of non-US based folks, so let's see
what we can get done today. Feel free to bring your own topics and we'll
collect at the beginning of the meeting.
See you there!
oVirt Sync Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, November 23, 2011 - 15:00 UTC (10:00am US Eastern, 7:00am US
Invitees: board(a)ovirt.org list subscribers
IRC Meeting:
* irc.oftc.net in #ovirt
Agenda topics include:
* Press release status
* Upcoming event planning
* Moving towards first release, release date feedback
* FTP/repository setup status
* Other items to be added during open floor in meeting
13 years, 2 months