Submitting Kimchi project as an oVirt incubator project (V2)
by Adam Litke
Hi all,
It has been some time since we last discussed incubating Kimchi into
oVirt so I'd like to rekindle the discussion. It seems like there has
been general agreement that the two projects are complimentary. What
are the next steps? Does the board require more information to make a
decision? Is there any work that needs to be done before the board can
Adam Litke <agl(a)>
IBM Linux Technology Center
11 years, 4 months
oVirt Weekly Meeting Minutes -- 2013-09-24
by Mike Burns
Minutes (text):
#ovirt: oVirt Weekly Meeting
Meeting started by mburns at 13:01:17 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* agenda and roll call (mburns, 13:01:22)
* 3.3 updates (mburns, 13:01:46)
* 3.4 planning (mburns, 13:01:52)
* conferences and workshops (mburns, 13:02:15)
* infra update (mburns, 13:02:23)
* Other Topics (mburns, 13:02:27)
* 3.3 updates (mburns, 13:04:09)
* there are a few important issues that should be fixed for
(mburns, 13:04:38)
* patch: 19217 (mburns, 13:05:41)
* bugs 1007980 1008938 1009100 (mburns, 13:05:56)
* oschreib plans to have builds available next week (mburns,
* ACTION: oschreib to coordinate builds with non-engine components if
needed (mburns, 13:07:28)
* ACTION: oschreib to create tracker and close 3.3.0 tracker
(mburns, 13:07:38)
* plan is to post builds next week to updates-testing, then promote to
stable the following week (mburns, 13:09:38)
* plan for 3.3.1 -- rebase engine and vdsm (mburns, 13:10:25)
* engine rebase is complete (mburns, 13:10:56)
* issue with vdsm rebase (mburns, 13:11:01)
* vdsm should be ready by end of next week, in time for posting the
following week (mburns, 13:19:07)
* IDEA: scheduled release date for 3.3.1 is 28-Oct (mburns, 13:22:02)
* AGREED: beta posting set for week of 8-Oct (mburns, 13:24:41)
* AGREED: tentative release date -- week of 28-Oct (mburns, 13:25:45)
* mburns working on a solution for gluster storage domains on EL6
(mburns, 13:26:46)
* no solution yet, but it's being worked on (mburns, 13:27:00)
* 3.4 planning (mburns, 13:28:12)
* feature collection and planning is underway (mburns, 13:29:14)
* no hard dates planned until after review of requested features is
complete (mburns, 13:30:03)
* itamar to propose process change for the release (mburns, 13:31:14)
* Conferences and Workshops (mburns, 13:31:50)
* LINK: (mburns, 13:34:04)
* Infra update (mburns, 13:34:27)
* added third host at rackspace (mburns, 13:37:27)
* plan to install then migrate existing vms (mburns, 13:37:36)
* plan to create a gluster-based cluster (mburns, 13:37:44)
* working on installing artifactory, but some issues encountered,
still working (mburns, 13:39:26)
* for other details, please refer to the minutes:
(mburns, 13:39:49)
* Other Topics (mburns, 13:39:58)
Meeting ended at 13:44:17 UTC.
Action Items
* oschreib to coordinate builds with non-engine components if needed
* oschreib to create tracker and close 3.3.0 tracker
Action Items, by person
* oschreib
* oschreib to coordinate builds with non-engine components if needed
* oschreib to create tracker and close 3.3.0 tracker
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* mburns (82)
* danken (16)
* oschreib (12)
* ewoud (8)
* abaron (8)
* sbonazzo (6)
* dcaro (3)
* itamar (3)
* ovirtbot (3)
* dneary (2)
* Rydekull (2)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`:
11 years, 4 months
Adding Vinzenz as a maintainer of ovirt-guest-agent
by Barak Azulay
Over the past year, Vinzenz has been the de-facto maintainer of the
ovirt-guest-agent project, and I'm moving the reins over to him.
I'll continue to be in the picture.
please provide him with relevant gerrit permissions.
Barak Azulay
11 years, 4 months
Infra Weekly Meeting :: Minutes :: 2013-09-23
by Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden
Minutes (text):
#ovirt Meeting
Meeting started by ewoud at 14:02:31 UTC. The full logs are available at .
Meeting summary
(ewoud, 14:05:08)
* network functional tests (ewoud, 14:05:50)
* AGREED: enable per patch network tests for 3.3, maybe for master as
well (ewoud, 14:14:54)
* AGREED: look at zuul after RH tried it (ewoud, 14:15:20)
* plan migration from local storage dc to new gluster based storage with
new server (ewoud, 14:16:41)
* ACTION: dcaro to open a ticket to install f19 on
(dcaro, 14:22:22)
* AGREED: we look at the migration after the third host at rackspace
has been installed (ewoud, 14:29:44)
* ACTION: dcaro ensure points to the new host
(ewoud, 14:30:15)
* ACTION: ewoud ensure we can kickstart using dhcp at rackspace
(ewoud, 14:34:20)
* ovirt tools (iso uploader/image uploader) jobs (ewoud, 14:35:58)
* ACTION: eedri verify with sbonazzo if a localhost nfs server with
uid 36.36 is sufficient (ewoud, 14:44:01)
* new jenkins LTS version available (ewoud, 14:44:34)
* LINK: (eedri, 14:45:09)
* jenkins LTS has update pending, change log- (eedri, 14:45:26)
* LINK: (eedri,
* ACTION: ewoud update jenkins to latests LTS on thursday (ewoud,
* jenkins per patch jobs only for 3.3 stable branch (ewoud, 14:57:17)
* AGREED: change all ovirt-engine jobs to monitor '**' instead of a
single branch (ewoud, 15:04:14)
* artifactory server (ewoud, 15:05:31)
* installed a basic centos 6 on, but having
network issues (ewoud, 15:06:00)
* ACTION: ewoud forward mail about network to our alterway contact
(ewoud, 15:07:52)
Meeting ended at 15:11:49 UTC.
Action Items
* dcaro to open a ticket to install f19 on
* dcaro ensure points to the new host
* ewoud ensure we can kickstart using dhcp at rackspace
* eedri verify with sbonazzo if a localhost nfs server with uid 36.36 is
* ewoud update jenkins to latests LTS on thursday
* ewoud forward mail about network to our alterway contact
Action Items, by person
* dcaro
* dcaro to open a ticket to install f19 on
* dcaro ensure points to the new host
* eedri
* eedri verify with sbonazzo if a localhost nfs server with uid 36.36
is sufficient
* ewoud
* ewoud ensure we can kickstart using dhcp at rackspace
* ewoud update jenkins to latests LTS on thursday
* ewoud forward mail about network to our alterway contact
* sbonazzo
* eedri verify with sbonazzo if a localhost nfs server with uid 36.36
is sufficient
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* eedri (123)
* ewoud (113)
* dcaro (25)
* mburns (8)
* ovirtbot (7)
* eedri_ (3)
* orc_orc (3)
* obasan (1)
* bjuanico (1)
* sbonazzo (1)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`:
11 years, 4 months
Suggesting new packaging and setup maintainer
by Ofer Schreiber
Nominating Sandro Bonazzola as packaging and setup maintainer
During his recent year of participation in ovirt-engine development,
Sandro demonstrated a genuine care for the product health, great coding abilities,
and great responsibility to the setup and packaging components.
Sandro's contribution the the project is undoubtable, he's responsible for over 70 patches in ovirt-engine,
and he's the maintainer of log-collector, iso-uploader and image-uploader packages.
I suggest that Sandro will obtain +2 and merge rights in the ovirt-engine gerrit project,
in the understanding that those rights should be used only in packaging and setup parts of the code.
Ofer Schreiber.
11 years, 4 months
Re: [Users] Announcement: oVirt 3.3.0 release!
by Dave Neary
Hi Steve,
On 09/18/2013 04:53 PM, Steve Dainard wrote:
> I've seen lots of requests on the board for a back-port so this might
> preempt more questions / problems.
We're working on a solution to make this work, by the way - in the
meantime I will update the Download page.
> On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 8:31 AM, Dave Neary <dneary(a)
> <>> wrote:
> The oVirt development team is very happy to announce the general
> availability of oVirt 3.3.0 as of September 16th 2013. This release
> solidifies oVirt as a leading KVM management application, and open
> source alternative to VMware vSphere.
> oVirt is available now for Fedora 19 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.4
> (or similar).
> Get started with oVirt now!
> Chief among the many new features in the release are:
> * Tight integration with Gluster - take advantage of native GlusterFS
> support, or use oVirt to manage your Gluster bricks
> * Integration with OpenStack - share images stored in Glance, and take
> advantage of Neutron integration for network topology definition
> * Extensibility and control - with improvements in VM scheduling, an
> increased array of hooks and APIs, oVirt gives you absolute control over
> your virtual datacenter
> Read more about the oVirt 3.3 release on the Red Hat community blog:
> The full release announcement:
> oVirt 3.3 release notes:
> Regards,
> Dave Neary.
> --
> Dave Neary - Community Action and Impact
> Open Source and Standards, Red Hat -
> Ph: +33 9 50 71 55 62 <tel:%2B33%209%2050%2071%2055%2062> / Cell:
> +33 6 77 01 92 13 <tel:%2B33%206%2077%2001%2092%2013>
> _______________________________________________
> Users mailing list
> Users(a) <>
> _______________________________________________
> Users mailing list
> Users(a)
Dave Neary - Community Action and Impact
Open Source and Standards, Red Hat -
Ph: +33 9 50 71 55 62 / Cell: +33 6 77 01 92 13
11 years, 4 months
oVirt Weekly Meeting Minutes -- 2013-09-17
by Mike Burns
Minutes (text):
#ovirt: oVirt Weekly Meeting
Meeting started by mburns at 13:01:39 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* agenda and roll call (mburns, 13:01:53)
* oVirt 3.3 (mburns, 13:03:36)
* oVirt Next (mburns, 13:03:43)
* Conferences and workshops (mburns, 13:03:51)
* agenda and roll call (mburns, 13:04:09)
* oVirt 3.3 (mburns, 13:04:17)
* oVirt Next (mburns, 13:04:25)
* Conferences and workshops (mburns, 13:04:36)
* oVirt 3.3 (mburns, 13:06:10)
* is RELEASED!!!! (mburns, 13:06:14)
* packages posted to stable repos yesterday (mburns, 13:06:30)
* release notes, wiki, etc updated yesterday (mburns, 13:06:42)
* announcement sent to mailing lists today (mburns, 13:06:49)
* some known issues with 3.3.0 release targeted for a quick 3.3.1
update (mburns, 13:09:11)
* IDE disk issue (jbrooks encountered it) (mburns, 13:09:18)
* api.vms.list() issue (mburns, 13:09:25)
* storage pools search (which is already merged) (mburns, 13:09:33)
* there's also a gluster storage domain issue which causes error if
volume name has _ or / (mburns, 13:10:43)
* 3.3.2, as requested, will be a rebase of ovirt-engine (mburns,
* all non-critical issues should go to 3.3.2 (mburns, 13:12:37)
* ACTION: oschreib to handle branching and related stuff of 3.3.1 and
3.3.2 (oschreib, 13:12:55)
* issue with gluster domains on EL6 -- they don't work due to old
qemu/libvirt (mburns, 13:14:30)
* there is work going on to produce something like virt-preview for
EL6 (similar to fedora virt-preview) (mburns, 13:15:03)
* should have an answer soon as to whether that will work out or not
(mburns, 13:15:22)
* oVirt Next (mburns, 13:16:30)
* oVirt 3.3 (revisited) (mburns, 13:17:07)
* oVirt Next (mburns, 13:18:00)
* open thread on users@ for feature requests (mburns, 13:18:17)
* please comment on desired features, what you want to work on, etc
(mburns, 13:18:37)
* we'll start prioritizing features soon for the next release
(mburns, 13:19:00)
* there is an open thread on linkedin as well (mburns, 13:19:08)
* we'll also start working out dates and plans soon for the next
release (mburns, 13:20:44)
* deferring oVirt Next discussions until we have release process
ironed out (mburns, 13:31:01)
* ACTION: itamar to take release discussion to mailing list (mburns,
* Conferences and Workshops (mburns, 13:32:23)
* a number of upcoming events are listed on
(mburns, 13:32:42)
* includes CloudOpen/LinuxCon in NA (going on now) and EU (21-23
October) (mburns, 13:33:08)
* also, oVirt developers summit happening with KVM Forum (mburns,
* details on the wiki for these events (mburns, 13:34:14)
* planning has started for a Workshop in the RTP area (Raleigh, NC)
(mburns, 13:35:29)
* dates and additional info still pending (mburns, 13:35:49)
* looking for additional session ideas/leaders for the developer
workshop (mburns, 13:40:06)
* Other Topics (mburns, 13:42:58)
* no other topics (mburns, 13:45:51)
Meeting ended at 13:45:57 UTC.
Action Items
* oschreib to handle branching and related stuff of 3.3.1 and 3.3.2
* itamar to take release discussion to mailing list
Action Items, by person
* itamar
* itamar to take release discussion to mailing list
* oschreib
* oschreib to handle branching and related stuff of 3.3.1 and 3.3.2
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* mburns (98)
* oschreib (26)
* itamar (23)
* sahina (8)
* dneary (3)
* sbonazzo (3)
* ovirtbot (3)
* Rydekull (3)
* clarkee (1)
* fabiand (1)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`:
11 years, 4 months
Announcement: oVirt 3.3.0 release!
by Dave Neary
The oVirt development team is very happy to announce the general
availability of oVirt 3.3.0 as of September 16th 2013. This release
solidifies oVirt as a leading KVM management application, and open
source alternative to VMware vSphere.
oVirt is available now for Fedora 19 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.4
(or similar).
Get started with oVirt now!
Chief among the many new features in the release are:
* Tight integration with Gluster - take advantage of native GlusterFS
support, or use oVirt to manage your Gluster bricks
* Integration with OpenStack - share images stored in Glance, and take
advantage of Neutron integration for network topology definition
* Extensibility and control - with improvements in VM scheduling, an
increased array of hooks and APIs, oVirt gives you absolute control over
your virtual datacenter
Read more about the oVirt 3.3 release on the Red Hat community blog:
The full release announcement:
oVirt 3.3 release notes:
Dave Neary.
Dave Neary - Community Action and Impact
Open Source and Standards, Red Hat -
Ph: +33 9 50 71 55 62 / Cell: +33 6 77 01 92 13
11 years, 4 months
Announcement: oVirt 3.3.0 release!
by Dave Neary
The oVirt development team is very happy to announce the general
availability of oVirt 3.3.0 as of September 16th 2013. This release
solidifies oVirt as a leading KVM management application, and open
source alternative to VMware vSphere.
oVirt is available now for Fedora 19 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.4
(or similar).
Get started with oVirt now!
Chief among the many new features in the release are:
* Tight integration with Gluster - take advantage of native GlusterFS
support, or use oVirt to manage your Gluster bricks
* Integration with OpenStack - share images stored in Glance, and take
advantage of Neutron integration for network topology definition
* Extensibility and control - with improvements in VM scheduling, an
increased array of hooks and APIs, oVirt gives you absolute control over
your virtual datacenter
Read more about the oVirt 3.3 release on the Red Hat community blog:
The full release announcement:
oVirt 3.3 release notes:
Dave Neary.
Dave Neary - Community Action and Impact
Open Source and Standards, Red Hat -
Ph: +33 9 50 71 55 62 / Cell: +33 6 77 01 92 13
11 years, 4 months
oVirt Weekly Meeting
by Mike Burns
The following meeting has been modified:
Subject: oVirt Weekly Meeting
Organizer: "Mike Burns" <mburns(a)>
Location: #ovirt of
Time: Tuesday, September 24, 2013, 9:00:00 AM - 10:00:00 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern [MODIFIED]
Optional: board(a); users(a)
Weekly Sync Meeting for the oVirt Project
* This meeting will take place at 10:00 AM EDT and follow US DST.
* A call for agenda items will be sent out weekly on Monday or Tuesday
Standing Agenda items:
* Next Release status
* Sub-Project report
Required Attendees:
* The maintainer or a delegate from each of the core projects (node, engine, vdsm)
* Docs representative
* QE Representative
* Release Manager
* Anyone who proposes a topic for discussion for the meeting
11 years, 4 months