[VOTE] Include Nomad into the oVirt Incubator
by Carl Trieloff
This vote is to include Nomad into the oVirt incubtaor. Details about
the project can be found at
More information about the incubator at oVirt can be found at
In order to be accepted into the incubator, the project needs to be able
to articulate its goals, scope and how it relates/integrates with the
oVirt project. Nomad has done this. Entering the incubator is the low
bar vote, which Nomad in my view clearly gets over.
Note that the vote from incubator to full oVirt project (not this vote)
is where we look for the demonstration of project criteria. The idea
with the incubator is that any project that can articulate how it
relates to oVirt should be able to enter the incubator and then work out
details while in incubation.
Vote open till the 27th.
Here is my +1
13 years, 3 months
ovirt-engine repo up in gerrit.ovirt.org!
by Itamar Heim
Here we go...
- gerrit is up.
- ovirt-engine git repo is there.
- will upload the other repositories soon.
below you can find the steps on how to get the code (yes, coming to you
in wiki soon).
a link to the wiki on how to build oVirt will be sent soon by Livnat.
It's exciting to see everyone coming together to build a community, and
I'm looking forward to working together on oVirt.
Welcome everyone,
How to use:
1. registering as a user:
- you can use any OpenID provider for now[1]
- login page shows google and yahoo
- any fedora FAS account can login as well via
2. set ssh keys in gerrit settings
- on your local machine, create a set of ssh keys if you don't have one
via 'ssh-keygen -t rsa'
- update via gerrit settings the ssh public key to allow ssh to gerrit
3. define gerrit in ~/.ssh/config
Host gerrit.ovirt.org
HostName gerrit.ovirt.org
Port 29418
User <username>
4. check ssh works correctly, verify and ack the host fingerprint:
ssh gerrit.ovirt.org
if you get this, it is fine:
*** Welcome to Gerrit Code Review ****
5. cloning the repo
git clone gerrit.ovirt.org:ovirt-engine
this can be done without registering to gerrit using:
git clone git://gerrit.ovirt.org/ovirt-engine
6. install the change-Id hook - you must do this before you commit anything:
scp -p gerrit.ovirt.org:hooks/commit-msg .git/hooks/
7. do some work/commit/etc.
wiki link on how to build/run ovirt will be sent by Livnat soon.
8. rebase:
git fetch gerrit.ovirt.org:ovirt-engine master
9. push your patch for review:
git push gerrit.ovirt.org:ovirt-engine HEAD:refs/for/master
10. track patch review process
the review process is comprised of:
- anyone can send a patch
- anyone can code review and comment on the patch and +1/-1. This helps
maintainers in reviewing the patches.
- a maintainer can code review it with +2 it, which is required to
commit (submit) it.
- someone (anyone) needs to confirm they checked the patch works and
flag it as verified +1
- a maintainer can submit (commit) the patch when it has:
Code Review: +2
Verified: +1
- nacked (-1) patches should not be submitted
- a submitted patch is merged to the git
- emails to mailing list on patches/commits[2]
- upload repos of more projects
- have gerrit add acked-by/verified-by based on the gerrit reviewes?
- mirror to github
[1] if anyone provides a reason to limit to specific OpenID providers
that's an option as well.
[2] basic emails until we merge the gerrit patches sending them inline -
we are working on sending them to upstream gerrit.
13 years, 3 months
[VOTE] Include Mom into the oVirt Incubator
by Carl Trieloff
This vote is to include Mom into the oVirt incubtaor. Details about the
project can be found at
More information about the incubator at oVirt can be found at
In order to be accepted into the incubator, the project needs to be able
to articulate its goals, scope and how it relates/integrates with the
oVirt project. Mom has done this. Entering the incubator is the low bar
vote, which Mom in my view clearly gets over.
Note that the vote from incubator to full oVirt project (not this vote)
is where we look for the demonstration of project criteria. The idea
with the incubator is that any project that can articulate how it
relates to oVirt should be able to enter the incubator and then work out
details while in incubation.
Vote open till the 27th.
Here is my +1
13 years, 3 months
Re: Policy for applying copyright notices
by Jan Wildeboer
Second point is identifying the source of every commit. IMHO it is good
practice to have a sign-off for ALL initial commits.
Justt to make sure we have a full trail. Important for example for EAL
certification. But also in case of disputes.
Jan H Wildeboer |
EMEA Open Source Affairs | Office: +49 (0)89 205071-207
Red Hat GmbH | Mobile: +49 (0)174 33 23 249
Technopark II, Haus C | Fax: +49 (0)89 205071-111
Werner-von-Siemens-Ring 11 -15 |
85630 Grasbrunn |
Reg. Adresse: Red Hat GmbH,
Technopark II, Haus C, Werner-von-Siemens-Ring 11 -15
85630 Grasbrunn, Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Muenchen HRB 153243
Geschaeftsfuehrer: Brendan Lane, Charlie Peters, Michael Cunningham,
Charles Cachera
Fingerprint: 3D1E C4E0 DD67 E16D E47A 9564 A72F 5C39 3AC3 C8AB
----- Original Message -----
From: board-bounces(a)ovirt.org <board-bounces(a)ovirt.org>
To: cctrieloff(a)redhat.com <cctrieloff(a)redhat.com>
Cc: board(a)ovirt.org <board(a)ovirt.org>
Sent: Sat Oct 22 13:18:28 2011
Subject: Re: Policy for applying copyright notices
On 10/19/2011 02:12 AM, Carl Trieloff wrote:
> On 10/18/2011 05:31 PM, Richard Fontana wrote:
>> On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 01:41:04PM -0500, Anthony Liguori wrote:
>>> > On 10/18/2011 12:35 PM, Carl Trieloff wrote:
>>>> > >
>>>> > >I would like to add to the site some text around applying the
>>>> > >copyright
>>>> > >statement per the license text as per
>>>> > >http://www.ovirt.org/about/licensing/
>>>> > >
>>>> > >In the piece at the top of the license, there is a section
>>>> > >
>>>> > >"Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]"
>>> >
>>> > This will remain a recommendation, right? It would be difficult for
>>> > us to get approval to use something other than the IBM corporate
>>> > standard copyright notice (which does change every couple years).
>>> > It seems (C) comes in and out of style over time :-)
>> That line is actually from the appendix of the Apache License 2.0,
>> which gives a recommended copyright notice.
>> I'm sympathetic to the view that precise formal details of copyright
>> notices should not be mandated. At Red Hat, I think the "(C)" may have
>> been historically recommended, but I have non-actively promoted
>> non-use of it on principles of minimalism :-).
>> I think, however, that Carl was suggesting a rule that *some* suitable
>> form of copyright notice be placed by the author of an original file,
>> not mandating what the form would be.
> correct.
> Carl.
I personally rather dropping the [name of copyright owner] I believe
that's why we have history in the source control.
There is one person adding the file and other X (X likely > 1) people
changing it, I see no reason crediting the one who added the file.
We had a discussion on this in the engine-core project some time ago and
we decided to remove all credits to file creators.
If not accepted as a general rule for all oVirt projects I would like to
suggest that this can be decided/changed on a project level.
Board mailing list
13 years, 3 months
Re: Policy for applying copyright notices
by Jan Wildeboer
All hail The Open Source Way ;-)
Jan H Wildeboer |
EMEA Open Source Affairs | Office: +49 (0)89 205071-207
Red Hat GmbH | Mobile: +49 (0)174 33 23 249
Technopark II, Haus C | Fax: +49 (0)89 205071-111
Werner-von-Siemens-Ring 11 -15 |
85630 Grasbrunn |
Reg. Adresse: Red Hat GmbH,
Technopark II, Haus C, Werner-von-Siemens-Ring 11 -15
85630 Grasbrunn, Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Muenchen HRB 153243
Geschaeftsfuehrer: Brendan Lane, Charlie Peters, Michael Cunningham,
Charles Cachera
Fingerprint: 3D1E C4E0 DD67 E16D E47A 9564 A72F 5C39 3AC3 C8AB
----- Original Message -----
From: board-bounces(a)ovirt.org <board-bounces(a)ovirt.org>
To: Chris Wright <chrisw(a)redhat.com>
Cc: board(a)ovirt.org <board(a)ovirt.org>
Sent: Tue Oct 25 12:07:40 2011
Subject: Re: Policy for applying copyright notices
On 10/25/2011 10:14 AM, Chris Wright wrote:
> * Doron Fediuck (dfediuck(a)redhat.com) wrote:
>> I was following the Apache sample you gave. If ovirt.org is not a legal
>> entity
>> for intellectual property matters, and contributer does not belong to a
>> company
>> we'll get to a state which every file in the project will be copyrighted
>> to
>> a different person. This is too chaotic.
> It is the norm for many open source projects. Diversity is healthy.
Agreed. It's a feature, not a bug.
Anthony Liguori
> thanks,
> -chris
> _______________________________________________
> Board mailing list
> Board(a)ovirt.org
> http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/listinfo/board
Board mailing list
13 years, 3 months
Policy for applying copyright notices
by Carl Trieloff
I would like to add to the site some text around applying the copyright
statement per the license text as per http://www.ovirt.org/about/licensing/
In the piece at the top of the license, there is a section
"Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]"
Based on some discussion reading the source to be opened for the
workshop, I believe we should use the following general rule for the
projects. The author of the file applies his organization or themselves
as the copyright owner, and then any additions / modifications can be
determined from the GIT history.
Maybe better I just create a guide for any incubating project, I'll post
it for comment.
13 years, 3 months
Re: [VOTE] Include Nomad into the oVirt Incubator
by Isaac Christoffersen
ASL 2 is correct and aligns well to our other dependent components. I will add it to the page later today.
My intent is to have the code in our github report in time for next week's workshop.
Isaac Christoffersen
Sr. Software Engineer, Vizuri
web :: www.vizuri.com
mobile :: 703.980.2836
-------- Original message --------
Subject: Re: [VOTE] Include Nomad into the oVirt Incubator
From: Carl Trieloff <cctrieloff(a)redhat.com>
To: Chris Wright <chrisw(a)redhat.com>
CC: "board(a)ovirt.org" <board(a)ovirt.org>
On 10/24/2011 01:47 PM, Chris Wright wrote:
> * Carl Trieloff (cctrieloff(a)redhat.com) wrote:
>> >
>> > This vote is to include Nomad into the oVirt incubtaor. Details about
>> > the project can be found at
>> > http://www.ovirt.org/wiki/Project_Proposal_-_Nomad
> Do we require source and license info? The application is missing
> both of those.
We don't require source so that a company can get a vote before making
the source public if they are going to open source it to oVirt incubator.
However we should include license in the doc.
Can you add that. I assume ASL2.0
Board mailing list
13 years, 3 months