Meeting minutes :: Infra team weekly :: 2012-09-25
by Karsten 'quaid' Wade
Minutes (text):
#ovirt: oVirt Infra team weekly sync
Meeting started by quaid_ at 14:04:23 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* Agenda check (quaid_, 14:05:27)
* Meeting time (quaid_, 14:06:40)
* ACTION: quaid to put up a calendar to find a new meeting time
(quaid_, 14:08:16)
* Jenkins (quaid_, 14:09:12)
* Hosting (quaid_, 14:11:37)
* ACTION: dneary to talk with in person about hosting
needs (quaid_, 14:20:02)
(quaid_, 14:22:00)
* Jenkins (quaid_, 14:35:53)
* Puppet (quaid_, 14:38:09)
* ACTION: ewoud to respark discussion on Puppet on mailing list
(quaid_, 14:50:03)
* Foreman is also being considered, as discussed (quaid_, 14:50:16)
Meeting ended at 14:59:18 UTC.
Action Items
* quaid to put up a calendar to find a new meeting time
* dneary to talk with in person about hosting needs
* ewoud to respark discussion on Puppet on mailing list
Action Items, by person
* dneary
* dneary to talk with in person about hosting needs
* ewoud
* ewoud to respark discussion on Puppet on mailing list
* quaid to put up a calendar to find a new meeting time
People Present (lines said)
* quaid_ (58)
* dneary (18)
* ewoud (14)
* ovirtbot (5)
* RobertM (3)
* glafouille (1)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`:
Karsten 'quaid' Wade, Sr. Analyst - Community Growth .^\
@quaid ( \v' gpg: AD0E0C41
12 years, 4 months
Call for Agenda Items -- oVirt Weekly Sync 2012-09-26
by Mike Burns
Meeting Time and Place
oVirt Weekly Sync
* Wednesdays @ 15:00 UTC (may change during DST changes) - always
at 7:00am US Pacific, 10:00am US Eastern.
* To see in your timezone date -d 'WEDNESDAY 1000 EDT'
* On IRC: #ovirt on
This is the agenda for the 2012-09-26 meeting:
* Status of Next Release (Release Criteria, Target GA date)
* Sub-project reports (engine, vdsm, node, infra)
* Workshops
If you have other topics, please reply to me and I will add them to the
agenda. If you propose a topic, please be prepared to lead the
discussion during the meeting.
Please note that this week's meeting will be run by Karsten (quaid)
since I'm out of the office.
12 years, 4 months
Re: the new oVirt website: live preview!
by Daniel Veillard
On Wed, Sep 19, 2012 at 03:38:26PM +0200, Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 19, 2012 at 09:56:46AM +0200, Garrett LeSage wrote:
> > Check out the new site here:
> >
> > I've turned the Inkscape mockups into a real, working website,
> > powered by MediaWiki.
> Awesome job to base it on mediawiki. I love having a single place to
> edit the site, guarded by permissions for stuff like the frontpage. How
> easy to maintain is it when we want to upgrade mediawiki?
Looks nice indeed !
A bit of feedback too:
> Haven't checked it in-depth yet but I'm wondering if the search should
> be promoted to the top navigation.
Seconded, even if the new site makes a better use of today's large
screens, the search is currently always hidden until one scrolls down
The vertical spacing between 2 paragraphs or bulleted items looks a
tad bit too large to my eye compared to the spacing between lines.
The top page and the Download page don't even tell what licence
is applicable, IMHO that crucial information should be presented to
the user between the time it hits the home page and the time he's told
how to install it on Fedora 17.
thanks !
Daniel Veillard | libxml Gnome XML XSLT toolkit
daniel(a) | Rpmfind RPM search engine | virtualization library
12 years, 4 months
the new oVirt website: live preview!
by Garrett LeSage
Hi everyone!
Check out the new site here:
I've turned the Inkscape mockups into a real, working website, powered
by MediaWiki.
## Background ##
During last week's IRC meeting, we talked about the possibility of using
MediaWiki as community CMS. I spent this week making a custom skin that
both works with some simple layout as well as standard MediaWiki pages.
It's also worth noting that it works on all screen resolutions and
browser widths — the whole design is “responsive” which means it's
optimized for mobile phones too, which is perfect for looking up
documentation or telling people about oVirt at conferences and while
## Discussion ##
I would like to propose that we discuss the new website design &
implementation during this week's IRC meeting, especially since there's
now even more to see.
## Next steps ##
The website theme (including the signed-in state) is nearly done and
looks amazingly similar to the mockups[1]. We have some content for the
first few pages. There's still a bit more to do before making it live,
[1] mockups:
The next steps are:
1. Fix any bugs found with the MediaWiki skin / theme
2. Work on content for the remaining pages
3. Map links on the main pages to existing content
4. Write additional content where necessary (if there's no page yet)
5. Upgrade MediaWiki on oVirt
6. Make sure the new pages are on the current wiki
7. Install the skin and a few configuration settings
8. Flip the switch (immediately after step 7), and we have a new site!
## One more thing... ##
It wouldn't be a great demo without letting you all testdrive the
wiki-ness of the site, right? I've created a test user for everyone to
quickly sign in and kick the tires on the wiki instance.
User: test
Pass: demodemo
You can also create your own account, if you'd like to. Please note that
this is a temporary site for development purposes, and is not intended
as a production website for oVirt. That said, it's a good place to play
You'll only see the wiki-ish stuff when you're signed in, and I worked
hard to put them at the top of the page in an orderly fashion. Click on
the items at the top to see menus with all the standard MediaWiki
features, except grouped. Even the header is a dropdown (to see the
different modes on the page). Since editing is key to any wiki, I made
the edit action a stand-alone button at the top.
Also, when you're logged in, you'll notice that "Home", "Download", and
"Community" are locked down so that only those in the administrator
group can edit. Feel free to edit other pages or make new ones.
In addition, you might see some weirdness when using the site, as I'm
not 100% done developing it. It's fairly stable, but it still is an
alpha preview. I may alter things further or turn on some debugging
output from time to time. Generally, though, I'll try to keep it in a
working state. Just ping me on IRC if you have any concerns.
## In closing ##
I'd like to thank the team for challenging me during last week's meeting
about using MediaWiki in this wiki-as-a-website concept. It's been a fun
and interesting week jumping back into PHP after so long. I like the
results, and I hope you do too!
= = =
I'm looking forward to your feedback, both here on the list, and also in
the IRC meeting!
12 years, 5 months
Re: the new oVirt website: live preview!
by Garrett LeSage
On 09/19/2012 03:38 PM, Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden wrote:
> Awesome job to base it on mediawiki.
> I love having a single place to edit the site, guarded by permissions
> for stuff like the frontpage.
Yeah, I think it'll make a much more cohesive site, and would make it
easier for everyone to edit everything (provided they have permissions
to do so — but I'm only suggesting the main pages be locked down to a
select group).
> How easy to maintain is it when we want to upgrade mediawiki?
Two of my main goals when making this were to make the site:
1) editable by all
2) easily maintainable for the oVirt infrastructure team
A complimentary goal was to make the skin:
3) reusable by others
I met all three above goals by basing it on MediaWiki's default theme
"Vector" (although it has a lot of changes) and also on Twitter's
Bootstrap, so that we would benefit from updates from both projects, and
we can use formatting from each. (Basically: Near-instant documentation
and support for updates!)
Since I intentionally made the base skin reusable, it *could* easily be
picked up by other sites. (The oVirt theme is just a little layer on top
of the MediaWiki skin that simply changes the fonts and colors and adds
a little bit of oVirt style elsewhere in the site too.) The more popular
it is elsewhere, the more bugfixes, improvements, and quick updates to
new MediaWiki versions we'll get.
> Haven't checked it in-depth yet but I'm wondering if the search should
> be promoted to the top navigation.
I've gotten a lot of feedback about that. I'm going to consider ways to
fit it in.
It's probably useful to point out that, right now, doesn't
have a working search (try searching for "download", "git", etc.) — yet
it's one of the most prominent elements. The theme, as-is, is a huge
step in the right direction, as search actually *works*. (The results
still need to be a bit beautified, but that's on the todo.)
Also, I strongly believe search shouldn't be *needed* on a site... but
it's good to have, however. People should be able to find the content
they're looking for without having to resort to a search. On a website,
search should secondary to navigation and hyperlinked content, used when
all else fails.
> Also would like to a see a difference in existing and non-existing links.
It's actually there in the CSS, but I commented it out for now, as most
all of the links are non-existing.
Here's how it works:
* When you're signed in, right now the links turn orange. I could make
them red (like the default) or underlined or strikethrough — or even
blink (if we really wanted to). I could also display icons or text
before or afterward too.
* When you're *not* signed in, I will have it so that the link doesn't
change color or change the mouse when it is hovered. (Basically: it
looks like the text on the rest of the page.) Naturally, since we don't
have much content on this website preview right now, and I wanted to
display what it _would_ look like on the actual site, I decided to
disable this feature for the time being.
Thanks for the feedback!
12 years, 5 months
oVirt Weekly Meeting Minutes -- 2012-09-19
by Mike Burns
Minutes (text):
#ovirt: oVirt Weekly Sync
Meeting started by mburns at 14:00:14 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* agenda and roll call (mburns, 14:00:22)
* Project Manager Election results (mburns, 14:02:47)
* as we were organizing, we decided against the election (mburns,
* it was agreed that mburns would serve as Project Manager (mburns,
* and mgoldboi would serve as backup (mburns, 14:03:49)
* we'll probably split the role a bit with mgoldboi taking the lead on
some parts and mburns on others (mburns, 14:04:35)
* Release Status (mburns, 14:05:10)
* Devel freeze currently scheduled for Nov 14 (mburns, 14:05:41)
* GA currently scheduled for mid Dec (mburns, 14:06:03)
* as of right now, the plan is to make the release primarily a bug fix
and stabilization release (mburns, 14:06:35)
* mburns will be working on pulling together feature lists from the
component maintainers over the next couple weeks (mburns, 14:07:12)
* subproject status -- Node (mburns, 14:08:56)
* still no movement on the nfs issue, though it appears to be
something to be handled by the vdsm team (mburns, 14:09:20)
* mburns working on a centos based node (though not overly close at
the moment) (mburns, 14:09:48)
* team is currently in more of a bug-fix mode than a new feature mode,
but will have planned features list for 3.2 soon (mburns, 14:11:07)
* subproject status -- vdsm (mburns, 14:11:22)
* nothing to report (mburns, 14:13:54)
* subproject status -- engine (mburns, 14:14:04)
* nothing new to report (mburns, 14:14:55)
* subproject status -- infra (mburns, 14:15:08)
* Infra trying to tie up temporary hosting, Jenkins host turns out to
be fairly costly need, so I'm collecting the recommendation to see
if I can get more budget approved for a short term (quaid,
* we should be able to switch Gerrit over to a better solution under
the current approved budget spend (quaid, 14:17:45)
* Jenkins needs fast IO & RAID 5 or 10 is expensive under hosting
solutions (quaid, 14:19:41)
* I talked with RHT IT about hosting, that is coming down the pipe
soon (quaid, 14:19:57)
(quaid, 14:21:19)
* workshops (mburns, 14:21:46)
* for Bangalore workshop, jbrooks dneary quaid have agreed to help
with surveys (mburns, 14:24:32)
* Bangalore split into 2 days, one dev focused, one user focused
(mburns, 14:24:47)
* for KVM Forum + oVirt Workshop, jbrooks is working on pre-attendee
survey (mburns, 14:25:24)
* looking for board companies to help spread the word (mburns,
* lh is stepping into more of a consultant role and attendee outreach
(mburns, 14:26:28)
* ACTION: Board companies help spread the word about KVM Forum + oVirt
(quaid, 14:26:29)
* Bangalore is currently full (mburns, 14:26:46)
* KVM Forum+oVirt is at 25% currently (50 out of 200) (mburns,
* we need CFP submissions for oVirt Workshop at KVM Forum/LinuxCon
Europe (mburns, 14:27:56)
* workshop at NetApp in planning for January (mburns, 14:29:45)
* Other Topics (mburns, 14:30:27)
* mburns is out for next weeks meeting, mgoldboi will run the meeting
instead (mburns, 14:30:49)
* Website (mburns, 14:31:10)
* LINK: (garrett_, 14:31:59)
* LINK: (mburns, 14:32:14)
* demo version of completely in mediawiki (mburns,
* some debate about location of search box (mburns, 14:45:30)
* works completely with existing wiki content (mburns, 14:45:50)
* LINK: ←
here are the release notes, for example (garrett_, 14:46:30)
* plan for deploying this to production is included on the mailing
lists (mburns, 14:52:48)
* please give feedback on site design and plan forward on list
(mburns, 14:53:10)
(mburns, 14:54:10)
(dneary, 14:54:42)
* ACTION: quaid to talk with OpenShift folks about the 'ovirt'
namespace and account (quaid, 14:59:26)
Meeting ended at 15:03:03 UTC.
Action Items
* Board companies help spread the word about KVM Forum + oVirt
* quaid to talk with OpenShift folks about the 'ovirt' namespace and
Action Items, by person
* quaid
* quaid to talk with OpenShift folks about the 'ovirt' namespace and
* Board companies help spread the word about KVM Forum + oVirt
People Present (lines said)
* garrett_ (115)
* mburns (89)
* quaid (35)
* lh (27)
* sgordon_ (22)
* dneary (18)
* ovirtbot (14)
* jb_netapp (4)
* Guest7524 (2)
* fsimonce (2)
* doron (1)
* RobertM (1)
* dustins (1)
* mgoldboi (0)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`:
12 years, 5 months
Call for Agenda Items -- oVirt Weekly Meeting 2012-09-19
by Mike Burns
Meeting Time and Place
oVirt Weekly Sync
* Wednesdays @ 15:00 UTC (may change during DST changes) - always
at 7:00am US Pacific, 10:00am US Eastern.
* To see in your timezone date -d 'WEDNESDAY 1000 EDT'
* On IRC: #ovirt on
This is the agenda for the 2012-09-19 meeting:
* Status of Next Release (Release Criteria, Target GA date)
* Sub-project reports (engine, vdsm, node, infra)
* Workshops
If you have other topics, please reply to me and I will add them to the
agenda. If you propose a topic, please be prepared to lead the
discussion during the meeting.
12 years, 5 months
Meeting minutes :: oVirt Infra weekly :: 2012-09-18
by Karsten 'quaid' Wade
Minutes (text):
#ovirt: oVirt Infra weekly sync
Meeting started by quaid at 14:13:08 UTC. The full logs are available at .
Meeting summary
* rollcall, agenda call (quaid, 14:13:19)
* Task tracking update (quaid, 14:19:33)
* LINK: (quaid, 14:19:54)
* LINK: (quaid, 14:20:59)
* ACTION: quaid to adjust fields in oVirt Trac to be useful to Infra
team (quaid, 14:22:41)
* ACTION: quaid to post about initial Trac changes to infra(a)
for feedback and finalization (quaid, 14:23:13)
* Hosting (quaid, 14:23:30)
* quaid talked with RHT IT last week about VMs for oVirt (and other
projects); there are things happening very soon; am seeing if there
is a box we can reuse for Jenkins soonest (quaid, 14:34:18)
* Jenkins anything (quaid, 15:04:33)
Meeting ended at 15:29:39 UTC.
Action Items
* quaid to adjust fields in oVirt Trac to be useful to Infra team
* quaid to post about initial Trac changes to infra(a) for
feedback and finalization
Action Items, by person
* quaid
* quaid to adjust fields in oVirt Trac to be useful to Infra team
* quaid to post about initial Trac changes to infra(a) for
feedback and finalization
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* quaid (60)
* RobertM (23)
* sgordon (12)
* dneary (8)
* ewoud (3)
* ovirtbot (3)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`:
Karsten 'quaid' Wade, Sr. Analyst - Community Growth .^\
@quaid ( \v' gpg: AD0E0C41
12 years, 5 months
Project Manager Election (Cancelled)
by Mike Burns
Just a quick update. Moran and I had a couple behind the scenes emails
about this. We decided that:
1. Mike will be Project Manager and continue to lead the meetings, etc.
2. Moran will server as the backup or VPM (vice project manager)
3. We'll both share the responsibilities, though we haven't worked out
who will cover what yet.
Any objections?
12 years, 5 months
oVirt Workshop demo hardware
by Mike Burns
Hi Michael, Ryan, other board members,
One of the things that came out after the workshop in San Diego was the
lack of a true demo environment that people could see and interact with.
We would like to do something in Barcelona during the workshop and
possibly beforehand at the oVirt booth. Is it possible for your
companies to donate some hardware to the cause for that week so we can
have something for attendees to see and use?
12 years, 5 months