Register now for KVM Forum and the oVirt developers summit!
by Dave Neary
Hi everyone,
The KVM Forum in Edinburgh this year will have lots of great oVirt
related content this year:
And on day 3 of the conference, Wednesday October 23rd, we will have an
oVirt Developers Summit, where we will have a small number of oVirt
specific presentations, and working sessions to talk about the future of
Register now - it's free for the first 200 people to sign up!
We want to get a critical mass of oVirt developers in the same room in
Edinburgh to make good progress on the oVirt 3.4 and beyond project
We're still putting together a full schedule of oVirt related content,
specifically for the KVM Forum, but already we have a good list of oVirt
content for the week:
Monday, October 21:
11:00am - RAM Snapshots in oVirt - Arik Hadas, Red Hat
12:00pm - oVirt and Cloud-Init integration - Omer Frenkel, Red Hat
2:20pm - Empowering Data Center Virtualization Using KVM - Livnat Peer,
Red Hat
4:40pm - Converged Infrastrucure with Open Source - Theron Conrey
Tuesday, October 22:
11:10am - Notes on Taking KVM-on-KVM Nested Virtualization for a Spin -
Kashyap Chamarthy, Red Hat
12:10pm - Cloud Computing with KVM - Tony Gargya, IBM
Wednesday, October 23:
11:05am - (Tutorial) Scripting And Integration with the oVirt Engine -
Oved Ourfali, Red Hat
Once I have a complete list of oVirt related content in the KVM Forum
and oVirt developer summit, I will come back to the list.
Reserve your spot now! The first 200 to register for the KVM Forum can
go free, and get a discount for the entire conference (including
LinuxCon Euroope and CloudOpen Europe).
Dave Neary - Community Action and Impact
Open Source and Standards, Red Hat -
Ph: +33 9 50 71 55 62 / Cell: +33 6 77 01 92 13
11 years, 5 months
oVirt Weekly Meeting Minutes -- 2013-08-28
by Mike Burns
Minutes (text):
#ovirt: oVirt Weekly Sync
Meeting started by mburns at 14:00:09 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* agenda and roll call (mburns, 14:00:28)
* 3.3 status (mburns, 14:00:37)
* infra update (mburns, 14:00:43)
* conferences and workshops (mburns, 14:00:48)
* other topics (mburns, 14:00:59)
* 3.3 update (mburns, 14:04:40)
* no blocker review today, it was done yesterday in the go/no-go
meeting (mburns, 14:04:59)
* release delayed by 1 week (mburns, 14:05:09)
* new vdsm and node builds are published to (mburns,
* new engine build to be posted later today (mburns, 14:05:42)
* GA is set for next wednesday (mburns, 14:08:18)
* go/no-go set for next tuesday (mburns, 14:08:27)
* Infra update (mburns, 14:14:39)
* working on using available storage space on rackspace machines
(mburns, 14:16:32)
* plan to use gluster eventually, but that is wip (mburns, 14:17:21)
* jenkins slaves improved to allow more jobs to run (mburns,
* move of backups from resources to rackspace is still planned
(mburns, 14:21:11)
* LINK: 3.3 release tracker bug: (dneary,
* jenkins master upgraded to latest LTS release (mburns, 14:24:23)
* Conferences and Workshops (mburns, 14:25:43)
* schedule is put together for the KVM Forum/oVirt meetings,
notifications should go out this week (mburns, 14:27:41)
* please register for KVM Forum, it gets you into the oVirt sessions
as well (mburns, 14:28:00)
* first 200 to register are free (mburns, 14:28:22)
* there will be a management track on the afternoon of the 22nd
(mburns, 14:28:53)
* and ovirt specific sessions on day 3 in the morning (mburns,
* and developer meetings in the afternoon (mburns, 14:29:13)
* there are also some CloupOpen sessions on monday for oVirt (mburns,
* that does require separate linuxcon/cloudopen registration (mburns,
* some cloud open sessions: ovirt live snapshots with ram, intro to
ovirt, cloud-init, 2 hours of training (mburns, 14:33:27)
* dneary working on plans for ovirt workshops but no details yet
(mburns, 14:36:50)
* Other Topics (mburns, 14:37:28)
* ACTION: oschreib to track down feature owners and have them provide
screenshots and plain english descriptions (oschreib, 14:43:25)
Meeting ended at 14:49:38 UTC.
Action Items
* oschreib to track down feature owners and have them provide
screenshots and plain english descriptions
Action Items, by person
* oschreib
* oschreib to track down feature owners and have them provide
screenshots and plain english descriptions
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* mburns (75)
* dneary (29)
* oschreib (17)
* mattymo (6)
* itamar (5)
* eedri (4)
* ewoud (3)
* sahina (3)
* ovirtbot (3)
* lvernia (1)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`:
11 years, 5 months
oVirt 3.3 Release Go/No-Go Meeting Minutes
by Ofer Schreiber
Minutes (text):
#ovirt: ovirt 3.3 go/no-go
Meeting started by oschreib at 13:04:41 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* agenda (oschreib, 13:05:00)
* Release tracker review (oschreib, 13:05:15)
* Communications (oschreib, 13:05:38)
* other topics (oschreib, 13:05:47)
* Go/No-Go decision (oschreib, 13:05:56)
* blokcer review (oschreib, 13:55:01)
* Bug 988299 - Impossible to start VM from Gluster Storage Domain
(gluster, MODIFIED) (oschreib, 13:55:20)
* bug should be ON_QA (oschreib, 13:59:50)
* Bug 997362 - [engine-config] /var/log/ovirt-engine/engine-config.log
doesn't exist (engine, MODIFIED) (oschreib, 14:01:24)
* Bug 987939 - engine-setup -> engine-cleanup -> engine-setup -> fails
(engine, NEW) (oschreib, 14:04:15)
* bug removed from blocker list. (oschreib, 14:07:22)
* review done (oschreib, 14:07:43)
* agreed: 3.3 Release is no-go for this week (oschreib, 14:10:38)
* one week delay, with new node and engine builds within 24 hours
(oschreib, 14:11:03)
* release communication (oschreib, 14:11:27)
* communication should be ready until 03-Sep (oschreib, 14:17:21)
Meeting ended at 14:18:46 UTC.
People Present (lines said)
* oschreib (93)
* mburns (76)
* alonbl (34)
* danken (34)
* apuimedo (26)
* mskrivanek (20)
* dneary (8)
* fsimonce (5)
* jbrooks (4)
* doron (4)
* ovirtbot (3)
* tal (2)
* sahina (2)
* lvernia (1)
* ecohen (1)
* masayag (1)
* lhornyak (1)
11 years, 5 months
oVirt 3.3 release delayed 1 week
by Mike Burns
At todays go/no-go meeting, it was determined that due to some late
issues, the release is being pushed back by 1 week. The new scheduled
release is 2013-09-04.
New packages will be available within the next 24 hours.
11 years, 5 months
suggesting new Vdsm maintaniner(s)
by Dan Kenigsberg
Nominating Toni Puimedon and/or Mark Wu as maintainers
During their recent year-or-two of participation in Vdsm development,
both Toni and Mark has demonstrated a genuine care for the health and
evolution of the the project.
They both carry this hard-to-quantify quality of serious-mindedness when
reviewing patches.
Toni's 73 committed patches touch everything that is related to network
configuration and reporting
27 vdsm/
11 lib/vdsm/
8 vdsm/
8 tests/
7 vdsm/
7 vdsm/netconf/
5 vdsm/
4 vdsm/
... similar to Mark's 80:
16 vdsm/
12 vdsm/netconf/
12 vdsm/
7 vdsm/
6 lib/vdsm/
5 vdsm/
5 vdsm/
4 vdsm/
4 vdsm/
4 vdsm/
I suggest that both of them obtain +2/-2 rights, in the understanding
that they are to be used on net-related parts of the code. This is
particularly important given my nearing, relatively long, vacation.
What do you say?
11 years, 5 months
oVirt Weekly Meeting Minutes -- 2013-08-21
by Mike Burns
Minutes (text):
#ovirt: oVirt Weekly Meeting
Meeting started by oschreib at 14:01:24 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* agenda and roll call (oschreib, 14:01:34)
* 3.3 status update (oschreib, 14:01:42)
* infra team update (oschreib, 14:02:04)
* Conference and Workshop (oschreib, 14:02:11)
* Other Topics (oschreib, 14:02:19)
* 3.3 Release update (oschreib, 14:11:44)
* ovirt 3.3 releae page and tracker: (oschreib, 14:11:57)
* LINK: (oschreib,
(oschreib, 14:12:12)
* GA is one week from now (oschreib, 14:12:35)
* RC build has been uploaded to, thanks mburns (oschreib,
* Blocker review (oschreib, 14:13:43)
* Bug 988299 - Impossible to start VM from Gluster Storage Domain
(engine, MODIFIED) (oschreib, 14:14:02)
* probably fixed (oschreib, 14:16:19)
* ACTION: sahina to verify 988299 is pushed (oschreib, 14:16:37)
* Bug 994523 - [vdsm][multiple gateways] Keep ovirt management as
default in the main routing table always (engine, MODIFIED)
(oschreib, 14:17:08)
* patch for 988299 is not merged yet ( ) (mburns, 14:23:34)
* need new vdsm build with this patch (mburns, 14:23:43)
* Bug 994604 - Users cannot log into UserPortal (engine, MODIFIED)
(oschreib, 14:24:52)
* ACTION: ecohen to push into 3.3 branch (oschreib, 14:26:18)
* ACTION: oschreib to rebuild engine afterwards (oschreib, 14:26:31)
* Bug 997362 - [engine-config] /var/log/ovirt-engine/engine-config.log
doesn't exist (engine, MODIFIED) (oschreib, 14:27:46)
* ACTION: emesika to check with 997362 (oschreib, 14:32:10)
* Blocker review done (oschreib, 14:32:18)
* ACTION: oschreib to send mail on release go/no-go meeting
(oschreib, 14:40:29)
* workshops and conferences (mburns, 14:42:03)
* ovirt developer meetings and planning to happen at KVM Forum (21-23
October in Edinburgh) (mburns, 14:42:36)
* there will be additional oVirt content during KVM Forum as well
(mburns, 14:43:27)
* dneary to make sure everyone that should be there is in attendance
for ovirt dev meetings (mburns, 14:45:45)
* jbrooks has been working on release notes, announcement, etc
(mburns, 14:48:17)
* ACTION: oschreib to check about 3.3 live distro (oschreib,
* infra update (mburns, 14:52:40)
* extra storage in rackspace servers, so backups will be migrated
there (mburns, 14:55:39)
* new centos 6.4 slaves are only (mburns, 14:55:47)
* new puppet classes added to manage jenkins slaves (mburns,
* more room for additional jenkins slaves (mburns, 14:56:04)
* jenkins updates to latest LTS (long term stable) (mburns, 14:56:40)
* hosted-engine-setup and ha builds are now built nightly and pushed
to nightly repos (mburns, 14:58:03)
* in process of adding network functional testing to jenkins (mburns,
* Other Topics (mburns, 14:59:49)
* no other topics (mburns, 15:02:04)
Meeting ended at 15:02:09 UTC.
Action Items
* sahina to verify 988299 is pushed
* ecohen to push into 3.3 branch
* oschreib to rebuild engine afterwards
* emesika to check with 997362
* oschreib to send mail on release go/no-go meeting
* oschreib to check about 3.3 live distro
Action Items, by person
* ecohen
* ecohen to push into 3.3 branch
* emesika
* emesika to check with 997362
* oschreib
* oschreib to rebuild engine afterwards
* oschreib to send mail on release go/no-go meeting
* oschreib to check about 3.3 live distro
* sahina
* sahina to verify 988299 is pushed
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* oschreib (75)
* mburns (52)
* dneary (17)
* ecohen (10)
* eedri (9)
* jbrooks (8)
* sahina (7)
* awels (6)
* emesika (6)
* amuller (4)
* sbonazzo (4)
* ovirtbot (4)
* sgotliv (3)
* knesenko (1)
* lvernia (1)
* mskrivanek (1)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`:
11 years, 5 months
Hi Resolution .eps logo?
by Benedict, Jon
Hi folks,
Our CTO office/Standards group is in the process of updating their web page and would like to include the oVirt logo. Do we have a hi res .eps logo, or reasonable facsimile?
Jon Benedict
Technical Marketing Engineer, NetApp
Red Hat Technologies
Data Center Platforms
Internal Portal
Blog | Twitter @CaptainKVM
11 years, 5 months
oVirt Weekly Meeting Minutes -- 2013-08-07
by Ofer Schreiber
Minutes (text):
#ovirt: oVirt Weekly Meeting
Meeting started by oschreib at 14:04:19 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* agenda and roll call (oschreib, 14:04:28)
* 3.3 status update (oschreib, 14:04:48)
* infra team update (oschreib, 14:05:16)
* Conference and Workshop (oschreib, 14:05:23)
* Other Topics (oschreib, 14:05:27)
* 3.3 status update (oschreib, 14:07:06)
* ovirt 3.3 releae page and tracker: (oschreib, 14:07:13)
* LINK: (oschreib,
(oschreib, 14:07:24)
* blocker review (oschreib, 14:10:32)
* : Bug 984586 - Cannot start a VM with USB Native - Exit message:
internal error Could not format channel target type. (backend,
MODIFIED) (oschreib, 14:11:10)
* Bug should have been fixed. (oschreib, 14:16:42)
* LINK: is in ovirt-engine-3.3
branch (evilissimo, 14:17:56)
* Bug 988004 - [vdsm] OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory:
'/sys/class/net/ovirtmgmt/brif' (vdsm ON_QA) (oschreib, 14:18:53)
* bug already fixed (oschreib, 14:22:40)
* Bug 988065 - Migration fails - AttributeError: 'ConsoleDevice'
object has no attribute 'alias' (vdsm, MODIFIED) (oschreib,
* pushed, not sure about build yet (oschreib, 14:24:01)
* Bug 988299 - Impossible to start VM from Gluster Storage Domain
(engine, NEW) (oschreib, 14:26:23)
* no qemu 1.3 for centos 6.4, we might want to release note that
issue, followup in the mailing list (oschreib, 14:37:05)
* BZ#988397 - ovirt-node post-installation setup networks fails when
NetworkManager is running (vdsm, ON_QA) (oschreib, 14:39:19)
* bug is fixed (oschreib, 14:42:11)
* BZ#994523 - [vdsm][multiple gateways] Keep ovirt management as
default in the main routing table always (vdsm, POST) (oschreib,
* should be pushed today (oschreib, 14:44:44)
* BZ#990963 - vdsm must require selinux-policy-3.12.1-68.fc19 (vdsm,
MODIFIED) (oschreib, 14:45:23)
* issue fixed (oschreib, 14:47:30)
* BZ#988990 - oVirt 3.3 - (vdsm-network): netinfo - ValueError:
unknown bridge ens3 (vdsm, ON_QA) (oschreib, 14:48:05)
* issue fixed (oschreib, 14:50:49)
* Bug 988986 - libvirt network directory is not persisted (node, POST)
(oschreib, 14:51:13)
* fix is posted, should be closed in by tomorrow (oschreib, 14:53:56)
* : BZ#988849 - edit-node does not handle firewall rules (node, NEW)
(oschreib, 14:55:48)
* fix should be published today (oschreib, 14:57:34)
* Bug 987939 - engine-setup -> engine-cleanup -> engine-setup -> fails
(installer, NEW) (oschreib, 14:58:08)
* no updates yet, (oschreib, 14:59:16)
* RC at 2013-08-14, GA at 2013-08-28 (oschreib, 15:07:12)
* other topics (oschreib, 15:07:34)
Meeting ended at 15:09:49 UTC.
People Present (lines said)
* oschreib (111)
* apuimedo (31)
* danken (26)
* deepakcs (21)
* evilissimo (11)
* ybronhei (10)
* jboggs (10)
* amuller_WFH (5)
* tontsa (3)
* itamar (3)
* alonbl (3)
* outi_ (2)
* ovirtbot (2)
* jb_netapp (1)
* derez (1)
* dustins_ntap (1)
* sahina (1)
* ofri (1)
* amureini (1)
* fabiand (1)
Ofer Schreiber
11 years, 6 months