oVirt Weekly Meeting Minutes -- 2013-10-30
by Mike Burns
Minutes: http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2013/ovirt.2013-10-30-14.00.html
Minutes (text):
Log: http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2013/ovirt.2013-10-30-14.00.log.html
#ovirt: oVirt Weekly Meeting
Meeting started by mburns at 14:00:43 UTC. The full logs are available
at http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2013/ovirt.2013-10-30-14.00.log.html
Meeting summary
* Agenda and roll call (mburns, 14:00:59)
* 3.3 update releases (mburns, 14:01:06)
* 3.4 planning (mburns, 14:01:11)
* conferences and workshops (mburns, 14:01:19)
* infra update (mburns, 14:01:23)
* other topics (mburns, 14:01:28)
* oVirt 3.3 updates (mburns, 14:07:09)
* 3.3.1 beta was posted last week (mburns, 14:07:26)
* all pending bugs have patches that are merged (mburns, 14:08:08)
* new build coming today (mburns, 14:08:15)
* ACTION: ybronhei to build vdsm with one additional fix (for selinux
issues) (mburns, 14:09:41)
* ACTION: fabiand_ to build new ovirt-node images once vdsm is ready
(mburns, 14:09:46)
* ACTION: sbonazzo to build new ovirt-engine (mburns, 14:10:00)
* tentative plan is to have some testing this week, and release early
next week (assuming no issues) (mburns, 14:10:31)
* ACTION: mburns to send notice of new packages out once they're
available (mburns, 14:12:08)
http://lists.ovirt.org/pipermail/users/2013-October/017263.html do
you want me to do bug report for this? (samppah, 14:16:16)
* ACTION: sahina to follow up on gluster domains using fuse instead of
native gluster (mburns, 14:20:14)
* ovirt 3.4 release (mburns, 14:28:35)
* code freeze is at end of December (mburns, 14:28:49)
* Release set for end of January (mburns, 14:28:56)
* still need to do some work to get a list of features committed for
this release (mburns, 14:29:35)
* ACTION: sbonazzo to create 3.4 release management page (mburns,
* with links to itamar's feature planning doc (mburns, 14:31:49)
* more details on exact dates, builds, beta, test days, etc to come in
the next few weeks (mburns, 14:33:31)
* Conferences and Workshops (mburns, 14:35:24)
* big developer meetup last week during KVM Forum/LinuxCon EU
(mburns, 14:35:41)
* many talks, many sessions across all the
conferences/workshops/meetings (mburns, 14:35:59)
* itamar sent a writeup already detailing the event to the ovirt
mailing lists (mburns, 14:36:53)
* planning for future presentations and workshops is underway, but no
details just yet (mburns, 14:37:34)
* there will be a devroom at FOSDEM and it's open for CFP now
(mburns, 14:38:18)
* plan is to have at least a few oVirt related talks there (mburns,
* and hopefully a booth as well (mburns, 14:39:48)
* Infra updates (mburns, 14:41:02)
* no updates from infra team this week, please see their meeting
minutes for updates (mburns, 14:44:22)
* Other topics (mburns, 14:44:26)
(SvenKieske, 14:47:13)
Meeting ended at 14:52:41 UTC.
Action Items
* ybronhei to build vdsm with one additional fix (for selinux issues)
* fabiand_ to build new ovirt-node images once vdsm is ready
* sbonazzo to build new ovirt-engine
* mburns to send notice of new packages out once they're available
* sahina to follow up on gluster domains using fuse instead of native
* sbonazzo to create 3.4 release management page
Action Items, by person
* fabiand_
* fabiand_ to build new ovirt-node images once vdsm is ready
* mburns
* mburns to send notice of new packages out once they're available
* sahina
* sahina to follow up on gluster domains using fuse instead of native
* sbonazzo
* sbonazzo to build new ovirt-engine
* sbonazzo to create 3.4 release management page
* ybronhei
* ybronhei to build vdsm with one additional fix (for selinux issues)
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* mburns (79)
* danken (23)
* itamar (18)
* sbonazzo (10)
* samppah (6)
* ovirtbot (6)
* SvenKieske (5)
* fabiand_ (4)
* JosueDelgado (3)
* backblue (3)
* sahina (2)
* YamakasY (1)
* lvernia (1)
* apuimedo (1)
* ybronhei (1)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot
10 years, 4 months
oVirt Weekly Meeting Minutes: May 21, 2014
by Brian Proffitt
Minutes: http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2014/ovirt.2014-05-21-14.02.html
Minutes (text): http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2014/ovirt.2014-05-21-14.02.txt
Log: http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2014/ovirt.2014-05-21-14.02.log.html
#ovirt: oVirt Weekly Sync
Meeting started by bkp at 14:02:03 UTC. The full logs are available at
http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2014/ovirt.2014-05-21-14.02.log.html .
Meeting summary
* Agenda and Roll Call (bkp, 14:02:19)
* infra updates (bkp, 14:02:42)
* 3.4.z updates (bkp, 14:02:42)
* 3.5 planning (bkp, 14:02:42)
* conferences and workshops (bkp, 14:02:42)
* other topics (bkp, 14:02:42)
* infra updates (bkp, 14:03:01)
* infra os1 issues solved, will add new slaves in the following days
(bkp, 14:06:28)
* 3.4.z updates (bkp, 14:08:05)
* 3.4.z updates 3.4.2: RC scheduled for 2014-05-27 (bkp, 14:11:53)
* 3.4.z updates SvenKieske sent a list of proposed blockers to be
http://lists.ovirt.org/pipermail/users/2014-May/024518.html (bkp,
* 3.4.z updates Bug 1037663 status: ovirt-log-collector: conflicts
with file from package sos >= 3.0, sbonazzo working with sos
maintainer for coordinating oVirt 3.4.2 release. Not a blocker.
(bkp, 14:11:53)
* 3.4.z updates Discussion is ongoing on mailing list for other bugs
(bkp, 14:11:54)
* 3.5 planning (bkp, 14:12:20)
* 3.5 planning UX Phase one of patternfly is in, and the sorting infra
(bkp, 14:14:53)
* 3.5 planning UX Issues fixed as they are reported. (bkp, 14:14:53)
* 3.5 planning SLA All planned 3.5 features will be ready on time,
fingers crossed :) (bkp, 14:18:22)
* 3.5 planning SLA NUMA feature: APIs (GUI and RESTful) still missing.
(bkp, 14:18:22)
* 3.5 planning SLA optaplanner: in advanced development state. (bkp,
* 3.5 planning SLA Limits (blkio and cpu, incluiding disk and cpu
profile, including refactoring current network qos and vnic profile
to suit new sla/profiles infra): we are working on them nowadays (no
real issues there) (bkp, 14:18:22)
* 3.5 planning SLA Scheduling RESTful API: developed now - patch this
evening (bkp, 14:18:22)
* LINK: http://www.ovirt.org/Features/Self_Hosted_Engine_iSCSI_Support
all patches have been pushed and under review (sbonazzo, 14:20:07)
* LINK: http://www.ovirt.org/Features/oVirt_Windows_Guest_Tools
(sbonazzo, 14:20:55)
* 3.5 planning integration ovirt 3.5.0 alpha released yesterday (bkp,
* 3.5 planning integration ovirt live iso uploaded this afternoon
(bkp, 14:22:47)
* 3.5 planning integration ovirt node iso will follow (bkp, 14:22:47)
* 3.5 planning integration 3.5.0 Second Alpha scheduled for May 30 for
Feature Freeze (bkp, 14:22:47)
* 3.5 planning integration
http://www.ovirt.org/Features/Self_Hosted_Engine_iSCSI_Support all
patches have been pushed and under review (bkp, 14:22:47)
* 3.5 planning integration There's an issue on additional host setup,
but should be fixed easily. Patch pushed an under review. (bkp,
* 3.5 planning integration F20 support started for ovirt-engine,
hopefully ready for alpha 2 (bkp, 14:22:52)
* 3.5 planning virt Unfinished features are closer to completition...
but nothing got in yet. (bkp, 14:29:06)
* 3.5 planning virt Last week spent fixing major bugs. (bkp,
* 3.5 planning Gluster Volume capacity - vdsm dependency on
libgfapi-python needs to be added (bkp, 14:34:31)
* 3.5 planning Gluster Volume profile - review comments on patches
incorporated and submitted, need final review and approval (bkp,
* 3.5 planning Gluster REST API in progress (bkp, 14:34:31)
* 3.5 planning node All features are in progress. (bkp, 14:37:59)
* 3.5 planning node Two features up for review (generic registration
and hosted engine plugin) (bkp, 14:37:59)
* 3.5 planning node Appliances can also be built, now all needs to be
reviewed and tested. (bkp, 14:37:59)
* 3.5 planning node ETA for a node with the bits in place by early
next week. (bkp, 14:37:59)
* 3.5 planning network All Neutron appliance oVirt code is merged.
Feature now depends on some OpenStack repository processes that are
async with oVirt releases. oVirt side completed. (bkp, 14:42:17)
* 3.5 planning network The two MAC pool features are in a tough
review, so they're in danger even for the new deadline of end of
May. (bkp, 14:42:17)
* 3.5 planning network Progress with the RHEL bug on which bridge_opts
depends upon is unknown. danken adds that it is not a blocker for
3.5 (bkp, 14:42:17)
* 3.5 planning network [UPDATE] Progress with the RHEL bug on which
bridge_opts depends upon done (with an asterisk). (bkp, 14:43:34)
* 3.5 planning storage Store OVF on any domains - merged (bkp,
* 3.5 planning storage Disk alias recycling in web-admin portal -
merged (bkp, 14:49:13)
* 3.5 planning storage [RFE] Snapshot overview in webadmin portal -
merged (bkp, 14:49:13)
* 3.5 planning storage import existing data domain - phase one was
revised yesterday, should be reviewed today and tommorow, and
hopefully be merged by end of week (bkp, 14:49:13)
* 3.5 planning storage Sanlock fencing seems this will slip 3.5.0
after (infra required a late redesign) (bkp, 14:49:13)
* 3.5 planning storage live merge (delete snapshot) - in progress.
Three patches upstream (engine side), one is going to be merged soon
(today hopefully), the other two under review. (bkp, 14:49:14)
* 3.5 infra Working hard on 3.5 features, and hope everything will
make it on time. (bkp, 14:49:53)
* 3.5 infra The current status is in the planning wiki. (bkp,
* 3.5 infra If infra-related questions pop up then just email them,
and ovedo will answer them this evening/tomorrow. (bkp, 14:49:53)
* conferences and workshops (bkp, 14:50:22)
* Conferences OpenStack Israel is still on for June 2. (bkp,
* Conferences FrOSCON CfP closes May 23 (bkp, 14:51:50)
* Conferences OSCON Open Cloud Day CfP closes May 27 (bkp, 14:51:50)
* ACTION: More conference participation is needed for 2014. See bkp
for help planning/submitting presentations. (bkp, 14:51:50)
* other topics (bkp, 14:53:04)
Meeting ended at 14:56:14 UTC.
Action Items
* More conference participation is needed for 2014. See bkp for help
planning/submitting presentations.
Action Items, by person
* bkp
* More conference participation is needed for 2014. See bkp for help
planning/submitting presentations.
People Present (lines said)
* bkp (115)
* sbonazzo (32)
* lvernia (14)
* gchaplik (12)
* nsoffer (11)
* fabiand (9)
* mskrivanek (8)
* danken (5)
* awels (4)
* dcaro (3)
* sahina (3)
* ovirtbot (3)
* jb_badpenny (1)
* SvenKieske (1)
* fsimonce (1)
* mburns (1)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot
Brian Proffitt
oVirt Community Manager
Project Atomic Community Lead
Open Source and Standards, Red Hat - http://community.redhat.com
Phone: +1 574 383 9BKP
IRC: bkp @ OFTC
10 years, 9 months