oVirt Weekly Sync Meeting Minutes :: 2011-12-07
by Robyn Bergeron
Thanks for coming today, everyone.
Minutes: http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2011/ovirt.2011-12-07-15.00.html
Full Log:
#ovirt: oVirt Sync Meeting
Meeting started by rbergeron at 15:00:25 UTC. The full logs are
available at
http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2011/ovirt.2011-12-07-15.00.log.html .
Meeting summary
* Who's around? (rbergeron, 15:00:50)
* Who's here is captured at the end of the meeting minutes - you can
see number of lines said per person. :) (rbergeron, 15:01:47)
* Press release status (rbergeron, 15:03:42)
* The press release is complete with all approvals, working through
the final process in all companies' pr teams, expected to hit wire
on 14th. (rbergeron, 15:05:24)
* LINK: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:2011-09-08_Intel
(rbergeron, 15:17:40)
* AGREED: git + instructions + link to in-progress work need to be up
/ validated by Press release on Wed. Dec 14 (rbergeron, 15:35:32)
* ACTION: rbergeron to seek volunteers on-list re: reviewing current
git instructions, identifying issues/problems (rbergeron, 15:37:37)
* sgordon has volunteered for assisting in editing git instructions
(rbergeron, 15:37:50)
* First Release Date (rbergeron, 15:37:53)
* LINK: http://www.ovirt.org/wiki/Building_Ovirt_Engine (sgordon,
* LINK: http://www.ovirt.org/wiki/Node_Building (sgordon, 15:38:46)
* LINK: http://www.ovirt.org/wiki/First_release (sgordon, 15:39:11)
* LINK: http://www.ovirt.org/wiki/Building_Ovirt_Engine (rbergeron,
* LINK: http://www.ovirt.org/wiki/Installing_VDSM_from_rpm
(rbergeron, 15:42:53)
* LINK: http://www.ovirt.org/wiki/First_release (quaid, 15:59:29)
* ACTION: oschreib to confirm on arch list if projects will be ready
for a release on jan. 31 with a freeze 2 weeks prior (rbergeron,
* each project can freeze beforehand as well, as long as they can
provide something stable enough for release (rbergeron, 16:08:07)
* RPM stuff (rbergeron, 16:09:22)
* sgordon hasn't gotten any feedback on
http://lists.ovirt.org/pipermail/arch/2011-November/000090.html yet,
so no movement (rbergeron, 16:09:38)
* Any other business? (rbergeron, 16:11:20)
Meeting ended at 16:13:16 UTC.
Action Items
* rbergeron to seek volunteers on-list re: reviewing current git
instructions, identifying issues/problems
* oschreib to confirm on arch list if projects will be ready for a
release on jan. 31 with a freeze 2 weeks prior
Action Items, by person
* oschreib
* oschreib to confirm on arch list if projects will be ready for a
release on jan. 31 with a freeze 2 weeks prior
* rbergeron
* rbergeron to seek volunteers on-list re: reviewing current git
instructions, identifying issues/problems
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* rbergeron (113)
* cctrieloff (51)
* oschreib (34)
* quaid (33)
* sgordon (31)
* itamar (28)
* cdub (9)
* xTs_w (9)
* pmyers (8)
* ovirtbot (5)
* aliguori (1)
* ovedo (1)
* mestery (1)
* smoser (1)
* jarod (1)
* MarkBaker (1)
* aglitke (1)
* mdday (1)
* gargya (1)
* rharpermob1 (1)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot
13 years, 2 months
oVirt Weekly Sync Meeting Agenda :: 2011-11-07
by Robyn Bergeron
oVirt Sync Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, December 7, 2011 - 15:00 UTC (10:00am US Eastern, 7:00am US
Invitees: board(a)ovirt.org list subscribers
IRC Meeting
* irc.oftc.net in #ovirt
Agenda topics include:
* Press release status
* Updates on availability of presentations for general usage
* First release
* Discussing/confirming a first release date
* Ongoing repository discussion (sgordon)
* Upcoming Event Planning
* BYOT (Bring your own topic)
See you there!
13 years, 2 months
Re: oVirt Weekly Sync Meeting Minutes :: 2011-11-30
by Karsten Wade
I'll drive planning something for LinuxCon NA, and let someone else handle Barcelona. :)
- Karsten
"Benedict, Jon" <bjon(a)netapp.com> wrote:
On 12/1/11 7:43 AM, "Robyn Bergeron" <rbergero(a)redhat.com> wrote:
> On 12/01/2011 01:50 AM, Dor Laor wrote:
>> On 11/30/2011 10:41 PM, Robyn Bergeron wrote:
>>> * Upcoming event planning (rbergeron, 15:08:43)
>> The next kvm forum 2012 will be in Barcelona on November.
>> If ovirt wishes to co-locate which IMHO makes allot of sense, you need
>> to take an action with Linux Foundation NOW in order to reserve space.
> Is KVM Forum preceding LinuxCon, as it did in NA this past year?
> Is an oVirt workshop it something we'd want to have as a multi-day
> event, or a single day event, and is it something that can overlap with
> either KVM Forum or Linuxcon, or should it be its own day?
I don't believe it's an overlap this year. As noted, KVM Forum is in
Barcelona in November. LinuxCon (NA) is in San Diego, CA in August.
> I'm feeling like one day, in-between KVM Forum and LinuxCon might be
> logical, assuming none of them overlap on days. That way people not
> attending both events can have a chance to attend.
>> +1 for co-locating it w/ kvm
>>> * Robyn received word that we can have a full day room at the Red Hat
>>> dev. conference in Brno in Feb. (17th/18th, not sure on exact day
>>> yet) (rbergeron, 15:10:18)
>>> * ACTION: rbergero to work on the events wiki page and fill up with
>>> events where we should plan presence (rbergeron, 15:11:00)
>>> * ACTION: rbergeron to also add confs with papers, when to submit,
>>> etc. (rbergeron, 15:11:43)
>>> * waiting on FOSDEM to find out about availability for conference
>>> session (rbergeron, 15:13:25)
>>> * is probably best to get basic planning for conferences done in the
>>> next 2 weeks or so, people are working budgets. (rbergeron,
>>> 15:14:47)
>>> * Booth interest exists, but we need to see WHO CAN GO :) (for
>>> (rbergeron, 15:18:51)
>>> * ACTION: cctrieloff to hack on an official presentation this week
>>> for
>>> use by others at events (rbergeron, 15:20:46)
>>> * LINK:
>>> http://www.ovirt.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/Ovirt-WorkShop-Invitation.pd
>>> f
>>> (quaid, 15:21:39)
> _______________________________________________
> Board mailing list
> Board(a)ovirt.org
> http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/listinfo/board
Jon Benedict
Technical Marketing Engineer
Virtualization & Cloud
Blog http://captainkvm.com | Twitter @CaptainKVM
919.476.5093 Direct
919.757.7789 Mobile
Board mailing list
13 years, 2 months
oVirt Weekly Sync Meeting Minutes :: 2011-11-30
by Robyn Bergeron
Minutes: http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2011/ovirt.2011-11-30-15.00.html
Full Log:
Full minutes follow below.
#ovirt: oVirt Weekly Sync Meeting
Meeting started by rbergeron at 15:00:13 UTC. The full logs are
available at
http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2011/ovirt.2011-11-30-15.00.log.html .
Meeting summary
* Who's here? (rbergeron, 15:00:41)
* cctrieloff, jumper45, smoser, pmyers, ovedo, dannf, masayag,
oschreib, jimjag, ykaul, sgordon, aglitke, quaid, doron present
(rbergeron, 15:02:11)
* itamar present (rbergeron, 15:02:20)
* Today's Agenda (rbergeron, 15:02:25)
* Today's Agenda: Press release status, upcoming event planning, First
release "stuff", FTP/repository "stuff". (rbergeron, 15:02:59)
* lpeer, acathrow present (rbergeron, 15:03:11)
* Press Release Status (rbergeron, 15:03:52)
* rharper present (rbergeron, 15:04:10)
* Still waiting on Cisco, but is in progress. Just waiting on
corporate signoff, etc. (rbergeron, 15:05:55)
* Upcoming event planning (rbergeron, 15:08:43)
* Robyn received word that we can have a full day room at the Red Hat
dev. conference in Brno in Feb. (17th/18th, not sure on exact day
yet) (rbergeron, 15:10:18)
* ACTION: rbergero to work on the events wiki page and fill up with
events where we should plan presence (rbergeron, 15:11:00)
* ACTION: rbergeron to also add confs with papers, when to submit,
etc. (rbergeron, 15:11:43)
* waiting on FOSDEM to find out about availability for conference
session (rbergeron, 15:13:25)
* is probably best to get basic planning for conferences done in the
next 2 weeks or so, people are working budgets. (rbergeron,
* Booth interest exists, but we need to see WHO CAN GO :) (for FOSDEM)
(rbergeron, 15:18:51)
* ACTION: cctrieloff to hack on an official presentation this week for
use by others at events (rbergeron, 15:20:46)
(quaid, 15:21:39)
* First Release stuff. (rbergeron, 15:21:45)
* ACTION: acathrow to take a crack at a presentation starting
w/features, gui sutff, move into tech architecture, someone else can
add contributions/getting started (rbergeron, 15:25:47)
* oschreib is confirmed as the Release Manager for the first release.
:) (rbergeron, 15:30:03)
* LINK: http://www.ovirt.org/wiki/First_release (quaid, 15:32:49)
* itamar: so i'm for treating the versions as major, going 6 months
cycle (except for maybe first few which will do more rapidly to
shape things up). and we provide upgrade support for last 2 major
versions (cctrieloff, 15:54:46)
* ftp (cctrieloff, 15:55:39)
* sgordon discussed RPM / repo stuff onlist yesterday in arch@; please
read and digest and respond (rbergeron, 16:03:15)
* Opening of Lists (rbergeron, 16:05:14)
Meeting ended at 16:20:36 UTC.
Action Items
* rbergero to work on the events wiki page and fill up with events where
we should plan presence
* rbergeron to also add confs with papers, when to submit, etc.
* cctrieloff to hack on an official presentation this week for use by
others at events
* acathrow to take a crack at a presentation starting w/features, gui
sutff, move into tech architecture, someone else can add
contributions/getting started
Action Items, by person
* acathrow
* acathrow to take a crack at a presentation starting w/features, gui
sutff, move into tech architecture, someone else can add
contributions/getting started
* cctrieloff
* cctrieloff to hack on an official presentation this week for use by
others at events
* rbergeron
* rbergeron to also add confs with papers, when to submit, etc.
* rbergero to work on the events wiki page and fill up with events
where we should plan presence
People Present (lines said)
* rbergeron (122)
* cctrieloff (56)
* quaid (49)
* sgordon (40)
* itamar (23)
* oschreib (19)
* jimjag (16)
* pmyers (15)
* abaron (11)
* smoser (11)
* doron_{^_^} (10)
* aliguori (7)
* acathrow (7)
* ovirtbot (5)
* jumper45 (4)
* lpeer (2)
* ovedo (2)
* ykaul (2)
* rharper (2)
* ichristo (1)
* oschreib1 (1)
* aglitke (1)
* masayag (1)
* alon (1)
* dannf (1)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot
13 years, 2 months
Fwd: Your message to Engine-devel awaits moderator approval
by Anthony Liguori
I really don't want to be autosubscribed to 10 more mailing lists. Can we
please open the various ovirt lists?
I'm already getting multiple copies of a bunch of emails because of how much
things are being cross posted. It's getting fairly frustrating.
Anthony Liguori
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Your message to Engine-devel awaits moderator approval
Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2011 10:52:38 -0500
From: engine-devel-bounces(a)ovirt.org
To: anthony(a)codemonkey.ws
Your mail to 'Engine-devel' with the subject
Re: Announcing a proof of concept REST API for VDSM
Is being held until the list moderator can review it for approval.
The reason it is being held:
Post by non-member to a members-only list
Either the message will get posted to the list, or you will receive
notification of the moderator's decision. If you would like to cancel
this posting, please visit the following URL:
13 years, 2 months