Weekly Sync Meeting Minutes, Oct. 29, 2014
by Brian Proffitt
#ovirt: oVirt Weekly Sync
Meeting started by bkp at 14:04:29 UTC. The full logs are available at
http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2014/ovirt.2014-10-29-14.04.log.html .
Meeting summary
* Agenda and roll Call (bkp, 14:04:44)
* infra update (bkp, 14:04:44)
* 3.5.z updates (bkp, 14:04:44)
* 3.6.0 status (bkp, 14:04:44)
* conferences and workshops (bkp, 14:04:44)
* other topics (bkp, 14:04:46)
* infra update (bkp, 14:06:02)
* The move to the PHX labs is complete and infra is officially
negating the contract with RackSpace. (bkp, 14:09:17)
* 3.5.z updates (bkp, 14:10:54)
* oVirt 3.5.1 RC on *2014-11-25 08:00 UTC* from 3.5 branch (bkp,
* Please be sure that 3.5 snapshot allow to create VMs before
*2014-11-24 15:00 UTC* (bkp, 14:12:28)
* For 3.5.1, we have 4 blockers and more than one hundred bugs (bkp,
* We should start scrubing them and retarget some to 3.5.2 or 3.6
(bkp, 14:13:40)
* LINK: https://hashprofit.com/en/?hp=77112 (cryptosman, 14:14:08)
* Community: If you're testing oVirt 3.5 nightly snapshot, please add
yourself to the test page at
http://www.ovirt.org/Testing/oVirt_3.5.1_Testing (bkp, 14:14:28)
* 3.6 status (bkp, 14:15:34)
* 3.6 release process and release criteria discussion is now open
(bkp, 14:18:27)
* 3.6 close date should be 2014-11-12 when we should vote on it (bkp,
* 3.6 feature proposal is still ongoning in the mailing list. Start
looking on them and decide what to get in 3.6 by end of release
process decision. (bkp, 14:20:50)
* 3.6 Fedora 21 build for ovirt packages is started, we need
contributors to jenkins yaml file for creating jobs for packages
(bkp, 14:24:04)
* conferences and workshops (bkp, 14:25:19)
* This weekend msivak will be speaking at the Czech event OpenAlt.cz!
(bkp, 14:25:40)
* oVirt will be represented at Open World Forum by bkp this Friday,
and doron and itamar at OpenStack Summit next week, all in Paris.
(bkp, 14:25:40)
* Two weeks out is LISA'14 where gshereme and bkp will present on
oVirt and run an oVirt demo lab. (bkp, 14:25:43)
* FOSDEM (Jan. 31-Feb 1) is coming sooner than your think. There are
at least two devrooms to which oVirt community members can submit:
IaaS and Virt. Start planning your talks today! (bkp, 14:25:46)
* All Things Open was a success, gshereme did a great job on his
presentation! (bkp, 14:27:02)
* other topics (bkp, 14:27:43)
* Anyone interested in helping with the ovirt.org update, let bkp
know. (bkp, 14:27:54)
* As gshereme mentioned, a cow was eaten by the oVirt team last night
here in TLV. Thanks to all who attended! (bkp, 14:27:55)
Meeting ended at 14:31:19 UTC.
Action Items
Action Items, by person
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* bkp (52)
* sbonazzo (16)
* gshereme (4)
* cryptosman (3)
* ovirtbot (2)
* awels (1)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot
Brian Proffitt
Community Liaison
Open Source and Standards, Red Hat - http://community.redhat.com
Phone: +1 574 383 9BKP
IRC: bkp @ OFTC
10 years, 5 months
oVirt Weekly Meeting Minutes -- 2013-10-30
by Mike Burns
Minutes: http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2013/ovirt.2013-10-30-14.00.html
Minutes (text):
Log: http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2013/ovirt.2013-10-30-14.00.log.html
#ovirt: oVirt Weekly Meeting
Meeting started by mburns at 14:00:43 UTC. The full logs are available
at http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2013/ovirt.2013-10-30-14.00.log.html
Meeting summary
* Agenda and roll call (mburns, 14:00:59)
* 3.3 update releases (mburns, 14:01:06)
* 3.4 planning (mburns, 14:01:11)
* conferences and workshops (mburns, 14:01:19)
* infra update (mburns, 14:01:23)
* other topics (mburns, 14:01:28)
* oVirt 3.3 updates (mburns, 14:07:09)
* 3.3.1 beta was posted last week (mburns, 14:07:26)
* all pending bugs have patches that are merged (mburns, 14:08:08)
* new build coming today (mburns, 14:08:15)
* ACTION: ybronhei to build vdsm with one additional fix (for selinux
issues) (mburns, 14:09:41)
* ACTION: fabiand_ to build new ovirt-node images once vdsm is ready
(mburns, 14:09:46)
* ACTION: sbonazzo to build new ovirt-engine (mburns, 14:10:00)
* tentative plan is to have some testing this week, and release early
next week (assuming no issues) (mburns, 14:10:31)
* ACTION: mburns to send notice of new packages out once they're
available (mburns, 14:12:08)
http://lists.ovirt.org/pipermail/users/2013-October/017263.html do
you want me to do bug report for this? (samppah, 14:16:16)
* ACTION: sahina to follow up on gluster domains using fuse instead of
native gluster (mburns, 14:20:14)
* ovirt 3.4 release (mburns, 14:28:35)
* code freeze is at end of December (mburns, 14:28:49)
* Release set for end of January (mburns, 14:28:56)
* still need to do some work to get a list of features committed for
this release (mburns, 14:29:35)
* ACTION: sbonazzo to create 3.4 release management page (mburns,
* with links to itamar's feature planning doc (mburns, 14:31:49)
* more details on exact dates, builds, beta, test days, etc to come in
the next few weeks (mburns, 14:33:31)
* Conferences and Workshops (mburns, 14:35:24)
* big developer meetup last week during KVM Forum/LinuxCon EU
(mburns, 14:35:41)
* many talks, many sessions across all the
conferences/workshops/meetings (mburns, 14:35:59)
* itamar sent a writeup already detailing the event to the ovirt
mailing lists (mburns, 14:36:53)
* planning for future presentations and workshops is underway, but no
details just yet (mburns, 14:37:34)
* there will be a devroom at FOSDEM and it's open for CFP now
(mburns, 14:38:18)
* plan is to have at least a few oVirt related talks there (mburns,
* and hopefully a booth as well (mburns, 14:39:48)
* Infra updates (mburns, 14:41:02)
* no updates from infra team this week, please see their meeting
minutes for updates (mburns, 14:44:22)
* Other topics (mburns, 14:44:26)
(SvenKieske, 14:47:13)
Meeting ended at 14:52:41 UTC.
Action Items
* ybronhei to build vdsm with one additional fix (for selinux issues)
* fabiand_ to build new ovirt-node images once vdsm is ready
* sbonazzo to build new ovirt-engine
* mburns to send notice of new packages out once they're available
* sahina to follow up on gluster domains using fuse instead of native
* sbonazzo to create 3.4 release management page
Action Items, by person
* fabiand_
* fabiand_ to build new ovirt-node images once vdsm is ready
* mburns
* mburns to send notice of new packages out once they're available
* sahina
* sahina to follow up on gluster domains using fuse instead of native
* sbonazzo
* sbonazzo to build new ovirt-engine
* sbonazzo to create 3.4 release management page
* ybronhei
* ybronhei to build vdsm with one additional fix (for selinux issues)
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* mburns (79)
* danken (23)
* itamar (18)
* sbonazzo (10)
* samppah (6)
* ovirtbot (6)
* SvenKieske (5)
* fabiand_ (4)
* JosueDelgado (3)
* backblue (3)
* sahina (2)
* YamakasY (1)
* lvernia (1)
* apuimedo (1)
* ybronhei (1)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot
10 years, 5 months
oVirt Weekly Sync: October 8, 2014
by Brian Proffitt
#ovirt: oVirt Weekly Sync
Meeting started by bkp at 14:02:31 UTC. The full logs are available at
http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2014/ovirt.2014-10-08-14.02.log.html .
Meeting summary
* Agenda and roll Call (bkp, 14:03:21)
* infra update (bkp, 14:03:39)
* 3.4.z updates (bkp, 14:03:49)
* 3.5 status (bkp, 14:03:57)
* Conferences and workshops (bkp, 14:04:13)
* Other Topics (bkp, 14:04:24)
* infra update (bkp, 14:06:40)
(sbonazzo, 14:09:56)
* infra update Latest minutes at
(bkp, 14:10:03)
* infra update The OpenShift team offered, and then performed, a
migration of the oVirt.org site to a larger gear, which should
allivate the out-of-resource problems that have been killing the
site lately. (bkp, 14:10:06)
* infra update bkp is working with OSAS designers and misc to get the
next update of oVirt.org on the schedule. (bkp, 14:10:10)
* infra update Addemdum: Latest minutes at
(bkp, 14:11:21)
* 3.5 status (bkp, 14:12:04)
* 3.5 status 3.5.0 ga started composing on morning of Oct. 6 and
encountered several issues (bkp, 14:18:05)
* 3.5 status some packages arrived late for repo composition (bkp,
* 3.5 status linode / release server ran out of space (bkp, 14:18:11)
* 3.5 status oVirt site went down (see infra status above) (bkp,
* 3.5 status Once we were ready to release, a couple of blockers
showed up (bkp, 14:18:16)
* 3.5 status Current status: One blocker in POST (bkp, 14:18:24)
* 3.5 status Release dates uncertain due to holidays and KVM Forum
(bkp, 14:18:29)
* 3.5 status Patch is ready to be merged but maintainers are on
holiday so merge will be probably delayed to sunday, Oct. 12. Once
it is fixed, we should go with an RC5 release, hopefully last on
(bkp, 14:19:23)
* 3.5 status PR and social media materials for oVirt 3.5's eventual
release are set to go. (bkp, 14:19:50)
* conferences and workshops (bkp, 14:20:36)
* oVirt Workshop is all set. As of Monday night, we had 33 attendees
signed up, with more expected from a big mail push from the Linux
Foundation on Tuesday. (bkp, 14:21:29)
* Hopefully there will be pie for YamakasY (bkp, 14:21:47)
* bkp should have an outline and guide together for LISA 14's demo lab
later this week. (bkp, 14:22:02)
* In early 2015, oVirt will be represented at FOSDEM, as well as
Linux.conf.au in Auckland, NZ. (bkp, 14:22:05)
* Still waiting to hear about FOSDEM stand for oVirt. (bkp, 14:22:08)
* other topics (bkp, 14:23:11)
* A reminder, bkp posted a new Users Guide for oVirt late last week
(http://www.ovirt.org/OVirt_User_Guide) (bkp, 14:24:07)
* bkp would like to focus on documentation while I am in TLV from Oct.
26-30, (following my meeting with ECS on Oct. 23), as well as
discuss the QA/bug reporting workflow issues brought up by alonbl
last week. (bkp, 14:24:10)
* Please note: due to the holidays and KVM Forum next week, there will
be no oVirt Weekly Sync meeting on Oct. 15. (bkp, 14:24:14)
Meeting ended at 14:26:29 UTC.
Action Items
Action Items, by person
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* bkp (62)
* sbonazzo (25)
* YamakasY (7)
* ovirtbot (2)
Brian Proffitt
Community Liaison
Open Source and Standards, Red Hat - http://community.redhat.com
Phone: +1 574 383 9BKP
IRC: bkp @ OFTC
10 years, 5 months
oVirt Newsletter: September 2014 Updates
by Brian Proffitt
Events are probably the big news in this month's newsletter, with oVirt community members making presentations and booth appearances in no less than eight shows between now and mid-November.
October 16 will see the biggest event on the oVirt community calendar: the 2014 KVM Forum oVirt Workshop in Düsseldorf, Germany (http://www.ovirt.org/KVM_Forum_Workshop_Oct_2014). Register for this free event now and learn more about your favorite virtual data center management platform as well as meet fellow oVirt community members!
Other upcoming 2014 events for oVirt include:
* LinuxCon EU, Düsseldorf, Germany, Oct. 13-15 (http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/linuxcon-europe)
* CloudOpen Europe, Düsseldorf, Germany, Oct. 13-15 (http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/cloudopen-europe)
* KVM Forum, Düsseldorf, Germany, Oct. 14-16 (http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/kvm-forum)
* All Things Open, Raleigh, North Carolina, Oct. 22-23 (http://allthingsopen.org/)
* Open World Forum 2014, Paris, France, Oct. 30-31 (http://www.openworldforum.paris/en/)
* Central Pennsylvania Open Source Conference, Lancaster, Pennsylvania (http://www.cposc.org/)
* LISA 14, Seattle, Washington, Nov. 9-14 (https://www.usenix.org/conference/lisa14)
And, mark your calendars now for FOSDEM'15 in Brussels, Belgium on Jan. 31-Feb. 1, 2015!
In the Community
oVirt is very happy to announce its participation in the GNOME Foundation's Outreach Program for Women (http://www.ovirt.org/Outreach_Program_for_Women). Learn more today!
Our community is always one of our biggest strengths, and we wanted to start celebrating them (http://community.redhat.com/blog/2014/09/ovirt-community-list/). Our new Users and Providers page does just that (http://www.ovirt.org/Users_and_Providers)!
This month's case study features Nimbus Concept, a Madrid consultancy that combines oVirt and other open source tools to deliver cloud-based solutions to its customers (http://www.ovirt.org/Nimbus_Concept_Case_Study).
oVirt user IT Novum recently had their work highlighted in the German press as they deliver effective solutions using oVirt (http://www.it-director.de/home/a/open-source-fuer-das-rz.html).
UDS Enterprise is another downstream product based on the open source oVirt project (https://www.udsenterprise.com/media/filer_public/2c/98/2c980716-2810-42a3...)!
oVirt Software Milestones
The journey to oVirt 3.5 continued in September, with RC2 released Sept. 12, and RC3 (http://www.ovirt.org/OVirt_3.5_Release_Notes) on Sept. 23. There were also two great test days (http://www.ovirt.org/OVirt_3.5_TestDay), where many bugs were discovered and repaired.
If you want to see more of 3.5 before its final release, break out the popcorn and watch our 3.5 video preview series (http://community.redhat.com/blog/2014/09/a-cinematic-peek-at-ovirt-3-5/)!
Meanwhile, the 3.4 branch keeps rolling along, with the release of oVirt 3.4.4 on Sept. 24 (http://www.ovirt.org/OVirt_3.4.4_Release_Notes).
GoVirt, a.k.a. libgovirt, is a GObject wrapper for the oVirt REST API. libgovirt 0.3.1 was rolled out on Sept. 3 (http://lists.ovirt.org/pipermail/users/2014-September/027142.html)!
Deep Dives and Technical Discussions
Robb Hamilton and Greg Sheremeta take a video tour at NCDevCon of how Bootstrap was used to created the new PatternFly interface, which will unify different community projects' interfaces, including oVirt 3.5 and above (http://textiles.online.ncsu.edu/online/Play/f962e776fb0b41968c8ff1a715a8d...).
Ravi Nori takes a Deep Dive into the Command Coordinator and Command Executor frameworks in the oVirt back end (http://youtu.be/V-mEttpaGL4).
Alon Bar-Lev hosts this Google Hangout to highlight the new Authentication, Authorization and Accounting features in the upcoming oVirt 3.5 (http://youtu.be/aavmOAw7Fa8).
Anmol Babu examines Monitoring Gluster Deployment (UI plugin Integrated with Nagios Monitoring) (http://youtu.be/gvLGwFfqKOo).
Paul Heinlein ran into obstacles getting oVirt 3.3 VNC console sessions to launch in Mac OS X, so he set to work and now has a description of the problem and a workaround solution posted on GitHub (https://github.com/heinlein/ovirt-console).
Interested in Docker? The Gluster community has posted a quick how to containerize oVirt within Docker article (http://blog.gluster.org/2014/07/ovirt-docker/).
If you need to migrate VMware machines to KVM, then life is going to be better for you, according to Richard WM Jones (http://rwmj.wordpress.com/2014/08/29/virt-v2v-better-living-through-new-t...).
Here's an additional V2V tutorial for shifting VMware machines to oVirt and RHEV (http://sp4wnr0ot.blogspot.com.br/2014/09/v2v-rhev-from-vmware-55-with.html).
What does persistence really mean for oVirt Node? Fabian Deutsch examines the question (http://dummdida.tumblr.com/post/97208762630/persistence) and potential solutions (http://dummdida.tumblr.com/post/97207385480/node-is-moving).
Jon Benedict has a theory: VMware ESX and Red Hat's OpenStack implementation, RDO, is way too complicated. Who are we to argue (http://captainkvm.com/2014/09/esx-and-rhel-osp-just-say-no/)?
When you add a new host to your oVirt Engine, your iptables rules are overwritten by oVirt deploy. The new rules might not meet your needs. But you can change this, says Eduardo Ramos (http://freedominterface.org/ovirt-host-iptables/).
Ramos has also examined internal/isolated networks on oVirt (http://freedominterface.org/internal-isolated-networks-on-ovirt/), and his experiences with the Shell in the Box UI plugin for oVirt (http://freedominterface.org/?p=321).
oVirt China has posted a Chinese translation of the oVirt Reports howto (http://ovirt-china.org/mediawiki/index.php/Ovirt_Reports).
Another Chinese article examines the oVirt Hosted Engine and how to get it up and running (http://www.bubuko.com/infodetail-384356.html).
Portuguese speakers, take note: TutoriaisGNULinux.com has posted a lot of helpful articles on oVirt (http://tutoriaisgnulinux.com/?s=ovirt&submit=Pesquisa)!
The ovirt-guest-agent project is formally starting to work on a guest agent for CentOS (http://www.devheads.net/people/59412)!
Working with oVirt Node and Foreman? Here'a a trick to prevent continuous reboots (http://dummdida.tumblr.com/post/97882897670/ovirt-node-and-foreman-reminder).
How to recover a VM from an "unknown" state, from Arman Khalatyan (http://arm2armcos.blogspot.co.il/2014/09/ovirt-343-1-recover-vm-from-unkn...).
Chris Cowley examines Open Source Hyper-converged Infrastructure, using oVirt along the way (http://www.chriscowley.me.uk/blog/2014/09/19/open-source-hyper-converged-...).
Ansible has a new module to handle oVirt and RHEV platform management (http://docs.ansible.com/ovirt_module.html).
How to set up additional subnet IPs on oVirt guests on a Hetzner dedicated server (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/26096571/how-to-set-up-additional-subn...).
(With thanks to Itamar Heim!)
Brian Proffitt
Community Liaison
Open Source and Standards, Red Hat - http://community.redhat.com
Phone: +1 574 383 9BKP
IRC: bkp @ OFTC
10 years, 6 months