On 06/17/2012 10:29 AM, Barak Azulay wrote:
>> I would agree with Mike on the room setup.
>> I would prefer facing the presentation rather than having to look
>> aside.
>> In addition and related to the preparations for the workshop,
>> Since it was setup so late, the linux foundation thought that setting
>> the workshop means canceling the mini-summit presentation slot.
>> So all the handouts& schedule boards hanged around the summit did no
>> include this talk, anyway eventually they hanged a hand written
>> schedule
>> update, but I assume more people would have come if they knew.
>> The web schedule was updated.
To follow up on this piece of feedback - the Virtualization Mini-Summit
is organized by community members, not the Linux Foundation. They were
unsure why the oVirt presentation had dropped from the Virtualization
Mini-Summit track and, in fact, hadn't realized it had occurred when we
contacted them to follow up. The presentation was readded to the agenda
and life was good, except for the schedule boards and printed schedules.
We're unlikely to find ourselves in this position again, but in any case
I'll make sure that all materials needed for schedules are in to the LF
in a timely fashion so our information is included and widely available
to attendees.
Leslie Hawthorn
Community Action and Impact
Open Source and Standards @ Red Hat