RFC: oVirt NetApp workshop Call for Content
by Dave Neary
Hi all,
I just put a draft call for content in a new page for the NetApp
workshop on the wiki: http://www.ovirt.org/NetApp_Workshop_January_2013
The call for contents is basically a copy of the topic list from the KVM
Forum/oVirt Workshop in Barcelona. Some points to note:
* I set the deadline close, so that we could notify speakers before the
holidays, and allow people coming from further away to organise travel
arrangements. Is 2 weeks for a Call for Content enough?
* We will re-use the workshop-pc mailing list for proposals and
discussion. There was an open discussion point about what our
subscription and posting policy should be for the list - I suggest that
non-members may post to the list, and anyone can subscribe.
I would like to actively reach out to some oVirt users and partners to
ensure that we have a diverse set of content for the conference - I
would expecially like to hear some interesting case studies about the
ways that oVirt is being used!
Can I get some comments on this quickly, please? If it is acceptable, I
would like to push it more widely this evening.
Call for Content
We are actively seeking speakers for this workshop. We are interested in
talks in the following areas:
* Case studies of oVirt deployments
* Using oVirt effectively
* oVirt Project Roadmaps
* Deep dives into features/areas
* Deep dives into code/debugging/tuning
* Integration and extensions
* Components: engine, vdsm, node, sdk/cli, reports, mom, guest agent,
* Subjects: network, storage, vm life cycle, scheduling & sla,
gluster, etc.
* Packaging, installation and distributions
* Community infrastructure and services
Please submit talk proposals for review by sending a message to
workshop-pc(a)ovirt.org. Your email should include your full name, speaker
biography and your talk abstract. We will accept submissions through
Friday, 14 December 2012 at 23:55 UTC. Speakers will be notified of
acceptance by Friday, 21 December 2012.
Accepted speakers should plan to submit their slides to the
workshop-pc(a)ovirt.org mailing list no later than close of business on
Friday, 18 January 2013.
Dave Neary - Community Action and Impact
Open Source and Standards, Red Hat - http://community.redhat.com
Ph: +33 9 50 71 55 62 / Cell: +33 6 77 01 92 13
12 years, 2 months
Minutes :: Infra weekly sync :: 20121126
by Karsten 'quaid' Wade
Minutes (text):
#ovirt: oVirt Infra weekly
Meeting started by quaid at 15:00:17 UTC. The full logs are available at
http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2012/ovirt.2012-11-26-15.00.log.html .
Meeting summary
* Agenda (quaid, 15:02:24)
* MediaWiki & www (quaid, 15:04:16)
* Remaining problem of a mod_rewrite rule to get the logo visible
(quaid, 15:05:04)
* LINK: http://fpaste.org/NEgP/ (quaid, 15:07:42)
(quaid, 15:08:06)
* process to transfer sites should take 45 to 90 minutes (quaid,
* ACTION: quaid to arrange DNS cutover timing based on the idea that
we'll have this working within 2 days (quaid, 15:13:18)
* need to make sure wiki images are showing up in pages (quaid,
* MediaWiki backup script (quaid, 15:19:56)
* I forgot to remove this topic but I think we're covered with this
because we'll need a new backup procedure for the new OpenShift
based tool (quaid, 15:20:32)
* of course if I write that script it may have the same problem, so
I'll be coming back later for help on that :) (quaid, 15:20:48)
* Hosting (quaid, 15:20:56)
* My Red Hat IT contact told me last week he is provisioning two
servers at RackSpace for us, bare metal to use as we wish (quaid,
* RackSpace servers should be available this week or next, depending
on how fast the paper churns (quaid, 15:21:44)
* We're also proceeding with plans for Alter Way work, and may start
installing & such but not switchover data until paper churns there
(quaid, 15:23:28)
* ACTION: quaid to tell people status of 'broken' script & to please
hang on (quaid, 15:25:06)
* Trac review (quaid, 15:27:15)
* I'm moving this topic to the end of the meeting, as it's a bit of
administrivia that we don't need to do in the middle - often it's
covered by other open items anyway, so putting it at the end will
make it faster (quaid, 15:27:43)
* ACTION: quaid to move this topic to the end of the agenda
permanently (quaid, 15:27:55)
* Puppet (quaid, 15:28:30)
* ewoud has a proof of concept (POC) Foreman install running: (quaid,
* LINK: https://foreman.ekohl.nl (quaid, 15:30:57)
* ewoud is working on the initial Puppet manifests (quaid, 15:31:25)
* ACTION: quaid, dcaro, dneary will help ewoud with Puppet manifests
(quaid, 15:34:06)
* Puppet manifest discussion to happen on infra(a)ovirt.org ASAP
(quaid, 15:34:51)
* Jenkins (quaid, 15:39:54)
* jenkins.ovirt.org updated to latest for security fix (quaid,
* ACTION: we should consider using openid auth in new jenkins server
(eedri, 15:43:04)
* we've been adding new power users, who offest the load on the Infra
tream by enabling people with experience to enhance sub projects in
Jenkins (quaid, 15:43:18)
* IDEA: we should consider using openid auth in new Jenkins server
(quaid, 15:43:40)
* ACTION: eedri will work on OpenID for Jenkins (quaid, 15:45:32)
* ACTION: oVirt Infra to make a Foreman feature request to have OpenID
(quaid, 15:46:30)
* ACTION: quaid to look in to MediaWiki and OpenID (quaid, 15:46:39)
* Puppet/Foreman (quaid, 15:48:47)
* AGREED: using foreman rpms deployments is better than using the
foreman git repo (quaid, 16:01:53)
* Gerrit (quaid, 16:02:06)
* I think the Infra git repo is available, but I haven't put anything
in it (quaid, 16:02:26)
* Process for bringing in new people to INfra (quaid, 16:04:15)
* we need a discussion on list where everyone can be involved (quaid,
* ACTION: quaid to start new thread ASAP (quaid, 16:04:51)
* Trac review (quaid, 16:06:02)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/ovirt/report/1 (quaid, 16:06:11)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/ovirt/ticket/10 (quaid, 16:06:47)
* renaming of mailing list arch > devel is happening after the
www/wiki transfer is all worked out, priority-wise (quaid,
* ACTION: quaid needs to put together a migration plan, so people are
warned to fix mail filter rules, etc. (quaid, 16:07:37)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/ovirt/ticket/11 (quaid, 16:07:55)
* slow mailing list show resolve when we move it to Alter Way, leaving
this open for now so we can be sure it is better (quaid, 16:08:11)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/ovirt/ticket/13 (quaid, 16:08:46)
* Is this an Infra task? (quaid, 16:09:06)
* ACTION: quaid to find out if this is an Infra ticket or now (quaid,
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/ovirt/ticket/5 (quaid, 16:09:43)
* We'll need to have a how to file a ticket process in place one
before doing all the hosting switching (quaid, 16:10:18)
* ACTION: quaid to takeover this ticket (quaid, 16:10:53)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/ovirt/ticket/12 (quaid, 16:11:20)
* ACTION: quaid to revive the thread on this, get it fixed or lined up
to change with new hosting (quaid, 16:11:59)
Meeting ended at 16:14:54 UTC.
Action Items
* quaid to arrange DNS cutover timing based on the idea that we'll have
this working within 2 days
* quaid to tell people status of 'broken' script & to please hang on
* quaid to move this topic to the end of the agenda permanently
* quaid, dcaro, dneary will help ewoud with Puppet manifests
* we should consider using openid auth in new jenkins server
* eedri will work on OpenID for Jenkins
* oVirt Infra to make a Foreman feature request to have OpenID
* quaid to look in to MediaWiki and OpenID
* quaid to start new thread ASAP
* quaid needs to put together a migration plan, so people are warned to
fix mail filter rules, etc.
* quaid to find out if this is an Infra ticket or now
* quaid to takeover this ticket
* quaid to revive the thread on this, get it fixed or lined up to change
with new hosting
Action Items, by person
* dcaro
* quaid, dcaro, dneary will help ewoud with Puppet manifests
* dneary
* quaid, dcaro, dneary will help ewoud with Puppet manifests
* eedri
* eedri will work on OpenID for Jenkins
* ewoud
* quaid, dcaro, dneary will help ewoud with Puppet manifests
* quaid
* quaid to arrange DNS cutover timing based on the idea that we'll
have this working within 2 days
* quaid to tell people status of 'broken' script & to please hang on
* quaid to move this topic to the end of the agenda permanently
* quaid, dcaro, dneary will help ewoud with Puppet manifests
* quaid to look in to MediaWiki and OpenID
* quaid to start new thread ASAP
* quaid needs to put together a migration plan, so people are warned
to fix mail filter rules, etc.
* quaid to find out if this is an Infra ticket or now
* quaid to takeover this ticket
* quaid to revive the thread on this, get it fixed or lined up to
change with new hosting
* we should consider using openid auth in new jenkins server
* oVirt Infra to make a Foreman feature request to have OpenID
People Present (lines said)
* quaid (140)
* eedri (30)
* ewoud (28)
* dneary (21)
* dcaro (7)
* garrett_ (5)
* ovirtbot (5)
* karimb (4)
* ohadlevy (3)
* sgordon (1)
* adrian15 (1)
* Rydekull (1)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot
Karsten 'quaid' Wade, Sr. Analyst - Community Growth
http://TheOpenSourceWay.org .^\ http://community.redhat.com
@quaid (identi.ca/twitter/IRC) \v' gpg: AD0E0C41
12 years, 3 months
Minutes :: Infra weekly sync :: 20121119
by Karsten 'quaid' Wade
Minutes (text):
#ovirt Meeting
Meeting started by dneary at 15:02:34 UTC. The full logs are available
at http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2012/ovirt.2012-11-19-15.02.log.html
Meeting summary
(ewoud, 15:03:42)
(dneary, 15:04:29)
* MediaWiki and www (dneary, 15:07:05)
* I still have about 3 hours of work to do to get the alpha state
there (quaid_, 15:08:46)
* process includes working up the how-to for the final cutover
(quaid_, 15:09:30)
* so we'll know by the end of my today what it will take to do the
switchover on the server side (quaid_, 15:09:59)
* MediaWiki backup script (quaid_, 15:11:05)
* We've been getting a daily nag from MediaWiki back-up about leading
/s being stripped to infra@, and there have been a number of
suggestions about suppressing the warning (dneary, 15:13:17)
* A number of suggestions have been made about suppressing them
(dneary, 15:13:49)
* LINK: http://fpaste.org/g07g/ (quaid_, 15:17:04)
* Admin for dneary (quaid_, 15:21:22)
* Team needs to review "joining" process to include dneary (quaid_,
* server is running php-5.3.3-3.el6_2.8.i686 (quaid_, 15:34:37)
* AGREED: We'll fix the theme problem together right after the
meeting, and continue the dneary-in-Infra discussion on-list
(quaid_, 15:37:42)
* Hosting (quaid_, 15:39:37)
* Without going into internal Red Hat details, it is taking me longer
than expected getting a hosting agreement approved (dneary,
* It is slowly moving in the right direction (dneary, 15:41:07)
* No news right now about the Red Hat IT hosting offer, something is
in the works (quaid_, 15:41:41)
* Kevin Mazière from Alter Way is now a member of infra@ and has
posted several times already, and he is awaiting a revival of the
thread re our requirements for the server (dneary, 15:41:51)
* I have talked to Stéphane Vincent, and we agree that we can get
going preparing the hosting while sorting out the details of the
agreement (dneary, 15:42:27)
* AGREED: we can work on the pre-cutover while doing the agreement
paperwork, in parallel (quaid_, 15:43:19)
* ACTION: ewoud to reply to existing thread "Moving Jenkins to Alter
Way Hosting" with details about the networking needs (quaid_,
* ACTION: quaid to get an update on Red Hat offer by next meeting
(quaid_, 15:49:00)
* Puppet (quaid_, 15:51:41)
* Puppet/Foreman (quaid_, 15:51:51)
* ACTION: ewoud to build a POC for playing around with Foreman
(quaid_, 15:53:53)
* ACTION: dneary (and quaid) to help and learn Puppet/Foreman
(quaid_, 15:58:09)
* ACTION: dneary to start the basics Puppet/Foreman wiki page
(quaid_, 16:00:35)
* ACTION: team to help populate the wiki page as we proceed (quaid_,
Meeting ended at 16:08:32 UTC.
Action Items
* ewoud to reply to existing thread "Moving Jenkins to Alter Way
Hosting" with details about the networking needs
* quaid to get an update on Red Hat offer by next meeting
* ewoud to build a POC for playing around with Foreman
* dneary (and quaid) to help and learn Puppet/Foreman
* dneary to start the basics Puppet/Foreman wiki page
* team to help populate the wiki page as we proceed
Action Items, by person
* dneary
* dneary (and quaid) to help and learn Puppet/Foreman
* dneary to start the basics Puppet/Foreman wiki page
* ewoud
* ewoud to reply to existing thread "Moving Jenkins to Alter Way
Hosting" with details about the networking needs
* ewoud to build a POC for playing around with Foreman
* quaid to get an update on Red Hat offer by next meeting
* team to help populate the wiki page as we proceed
People Present (lines said)
* quaid_ (121)
* dneary (93)
* ewoud (30)
* garrett_ (18)
* YamakasY (11)
* ovirtbot (8)
* gobbe (5)
* eedri (5)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot
Karsten 'quaid' Wade, Sr. Analyst - Community Growth
http://TheOpenSourceWay.org .^\ http://community.redhat.com
@quaid (identi.ca/twitter/IRC) \v' gpg: AD0E0C41
12 years, 3 months
Re: Fwd: oVirt Weekly Meeting Minutes -- 2012-11-14
by Michael Pasternak
just to update, - i did sanity testing of sdk & cli for build and
functionality on f18 and didn't see any issue.
Michael Pasternak
RedHat, ENG-Virtualization R&D
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: oVirt Weekly Meeting Minutes -- 2012-11-14
> Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2012 07:17:33 -0500
> From: Mike Burns <mburns(a)redhat.com>
> To: board <board(a)ovirt.org>, users <users(a)ovirt.org>
> Minutes: http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2012/ovirt.2012-11-14-15.00.html
> Minutes (text): http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2012/ovirt.2012-11-14-15.00.txt
> Log: http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2012/ovirt.2012-11-14-15.00.log.html
> ============================
> #ovirt: oVirt Weekly Meeting
> ============================
> Meeting started by mburns at 15:00:23 UTC. The full logs are available
> at http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2012/ovirt.2012-11-14-15.00.log.html
> .
> Meeting summary
> ---------------
> * agenda and roll call (mburns, 15:00:39)
> * Release Status (mburns, 15:03:34)
> * LINK: http://wiki.ovirt.org/wiki/OVirt_3.2_release-management
> (mburns, 15:03:46)
> * beta/feature freeze delayed until 28-Nov (mburns, 15:16:22)
> * GA delayed until 09-Jan (mburns, 15:16:30)
> * engine almost ready for F18 (mburns, 15:17:19)
> * vdsm needs some work, hope to hit feature freeze (mburns, 15:17:30)
> * node needs some work, should hit feature freeze (mburns, 15:17:39)
> * history/reports will likely be async (mburns, 15:17:53)
> * sdk/cli update coming later (mburns, 15:18:03)
> * guest-agent needs testing (mburns, 15:18:18)
> * subproject report -- infra (mburns, 15:25:33)
> * other sub-projects covered in release status, so skipping them
> (mburns, 15:26:11)
> * infra team still recovering from wiki/mailing list outage (mburns,
> 15:27:45)
> * mburns, quaid, oschreib and eedri have access to server during
> future emergencies (dneary, 15:28:58)
> * infra team working out contact methods to handle outages quicker in
> the future (mburns, 15:29:47)
> * MediaWiki instance is en route to being migrated; naked instance at
> (quaid, 15:30:08)
> * LINK: http://wiki-ovirt.rhcloud.com (quaid, 15:30:14)
> * expect to have mirroring working by the end of the week, meaning we
> can schedule DNS cutover for whenever is best (quaid, 15:30:39)
> * still working details for other hosting situations, hoping they
> resolve within the next few weeks (quaid, 15:31:17)
> * after wiki is off server that only saves ~200MB running, so not much
> compared to what else fills the disk, maybe a week or two of time
> that buys us (quaid, 15:31:54)
> * LINK:
> http://lists.ovirt.org/pipermail/infra/2012-November/001353.html
> (quaid, 15:33:23)
> * LINK:
> http://lists.ovirt.org/pipermail/infra/2012-November/001353.html
> (mburns, 15:33:32)
> * active infra@ discussion needs to happen about "to have /wiki or
> not" (quaid, 15:34:04)
> * Workshops - Barcelona (recap) (mburns, 15:36:06)
> * eedri has been added to sudoers on linode01 (quaid, 15:36:53)
> * Barcelona Workshops had people - room was over 50% full (except for
> 9am slots of Wednesday and Thursday - on Wednesday we clashed with
> keynotes, on Thursday I think people started arriving around 10)
> (dneary, 15:37:44)
> * oVirt booth generated a lot of foot traffic and questions (mburns,
> 15:37:49)
> * Barcelona Workshops had people - room was over 50% full (except for
> 9am slots of Wednesday and Thursday - on Wednesday we clashed with
> keynotes, on Thursday I think people started arriving around 10)
> (mburns, 15:38:00)
> * On Wednesday, we had a full house (~80 people if I counted right)
> for several sessions after the keynotes (dneary, 15:38:20)
> * USB keys and mugs were well received as gifts (dneary, 15:39:14)
> * dneary to gather presentations together in wiki for posterity
> (dneary, 15:39:26)
> * We met with several interesting oVirt users or potential users -
> dneary will follow up to see if we can use them as case studies when
> they've successfully deployed (dneary, 15:40:23)
> * ACTION: lh to talk to suehle about handout on what is ovirt and see
> what can be done (lh, 15:40:56)
> * looking to expand to conferences beyond linuxcon (mburns, 15:44:45)
> * definitely want booths for as many as we can (mburns, 15:45:36)
> * please submit conference suggestions to workshop-pc(a)ovirt.org
> (mburns, 15:47:13)
> * Workshop -- NetApp (Sunnyvale, CA, US) (mburns, 15:49:03)
> * January 22-24 (mburns, 15:49:18)
> * dates are confirmed (mburns, 15:50:19)
> * need to coordinate with some facilities people to ensure nothing
> slips through the cracks (mburns, 15:50:37)
> * CFP to open shortly after new web site is live (mburns, 15:51:02)
> * LINK:
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/15UBzC_5moynUSjzZWl8e_pxorc0-gip03JADd...
> (lh, 15:51:10)
> * LINK:
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/15UBzC_5moynUSjzZWl8e_pxorc0-gip03JADd...
> (mburns, 15:51:40)
> * ACTION: dneary to follow up on organizing a board meeting (mburns,
> 15:58:42)
> * seating for ~150 people (mburns, 15:58:49)
> * web site (mburns, 16:00:00)
> * ACTION: quaid to start the new wiki splash page & publicize its
> existence so others can help get it fixed up right (quaid,
> 16:11:03)
> * garrett_ and quaid to work on getting new site live asap (mburns,
> 16:11:33)
> * IDEA: the point is, when poeople write "the wiki" they need to link
> to this splash page directly vs. the ovirt.org/ (quaid, 16:11:34)
> * IDEA: it will be helpful to have something in the front page that
> says "the wiki" in an obvious location (quaid, 16:11:51)
> * ACTION: quaid to load new theme on current wiki to start local
> testing using user preferences (quaid, 16:19:52)
> Meeting ended at 16:28:55 UTC.
> Action Items
> ------------
> * lh to talk to suehle about handout on what is ovirt and see what can
> be done
> * dneary to follow up on organizing a board meeting
> * quaid to start the new wiki splash page & publicize its existence so
> others can help get it fixed up right
> * quaid to load new theme on current wiki to start local testing using
> user preferences
> Action Items, by person
> -----------------------
> * dneary
> * dneary to follow up on organizing a board meeting
> * lh
> * lh to talk to suehle about handout on what is ovirt and see what can
> be done
> * quaid
> * quaid to start the new wiki splash page & publicize its existence so
> others can help get it fixed up right
> * quaid to load new theme on current wiki to start local testing using
> user preferences
> * (none)
> People Present (lines said)
> ---------------------------
> * mburns (108)
> * dneary (61)
> * lh (60)
> * quaid (54)
> * garrett_ (42)
> * itamar (19)
> * ovirtbot (12)
> * mgoldboi (11)
> * YamakasY (7)
> * sgordon (3)
> * val0x00ff (2)
> * mskrivanek (2)
> * oschreib (2)
> * ovedo (1)
> * ewoud (1)
> * eedri (1)
> * rgolan (1)
> * fsimonce (1)
> Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
> .. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot
> _______________________________________________
> Board mailing list
> Board(a)ovirt.org
> http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/listinfo/board
12 years, 3 months
oVirt Weekly Meeting Minutes -- 2012-11-14
by Mike Burns
Minutes: http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2012/ovirt.2012-11-14-15.00.html
Minutes (text): http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2012/ovirt.2012-11-14-15.00.txt
Log: http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2012/ovirt.2012-11-14-15.00.log.html
#ovirt: oVirt Weekly Meeting
Meeting started by mburns at 15:00:23 UTC. The full logs are available
at http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2012/ovirt.2012-11-14-15.00.log.html
Meeting summary
* agenda and roll call (mburns, 15:00:39)
* Release Status (mburns, 15:03:34)
* LINK: http://wiki.ovirt.org/wiki/OVirt_3.2_release-management
(mburns, 15:03:46)
* beta/feature freeze delayed until 28-Nov (mburns, 15:16:22)
* GA delayed until 09-Jan (mburns, 15:16:30)
* engine almost ready for F18 (mburns, 15:17:19)
* vdsm needs some work, hope to hit feature freeze (mburns, 15:17:30)
* node needs some work, should hit feature freeze (mburns, 15:17:39)
* history/reports will likely be async (mburns, 15:17:53)
* sdk/cli update coming later (mburns, 15:18:03)
* guest-agent needs testing (mburns, 15:18:18)
* subproject report -- infra (mburns, 15:25:33)
* other sub-projects covered in release status, so skipping them
(mburns, 15:26:11)
* infra team still recovering from wiki/mailing list outage (mburns,
* mburns, quaid, oschreib and eedri have access to server during
future emergencies (dneary, 15:28:58)
* infra team working out contact methods to handle outages quicker in
the future (mburns, 15:29:47)
* MediaWiki instance is en route to being migrated; naked instance at
(quaid, 15:30:08)
* LINK: http://wiki-ovirt.rhcloud.com (quaid, 15:30:14)
* expect to have mirroring working by the end of the week, meaning we
can schedule DNS cutover for whenever is best (quaid, 15:30:39)
* still working details for other hosting situations, hoping they
resolve within the next few weeks (quaid, 15:31:17)
* after wiki is off server that only saves ~200MB running, so not much
compared to what else fills the disk, maybe a week or two of time
that buys us (quaid, 15:31:54)
(quaid, 15:33:23)
(mburns, 15:33:32)
* active infra@ discussion needs to happen about "to have /wiki or
not" (quaid, 15:34:04)
* Workshops - Barcelona (recap) (mburns, 15:36:06)
* eedri has been added to sudoers on linode01 (quaid, 15:36:53)
* Barcelona Workshops had people - room was over 50% full (except for
9am slots of Wednesday and Thursday - on Wednesday we clashed with
keynotes, on Thursday I think people started arriving around 10)
(dneary, 15:37:44)
* oVirt booth generated a lot of foot traffic and questions (mburns,
* Barcelona Workshops had people - room was over 50% full (except for
9am slots of Wednesday and Thursday - on Wednesday we clashed with
keynotes, on Thursday I think people started arriving around 10)
(mburns, 15:38:00)
* On Wednesday, we had a full house (~80 people if I counted right)
for several sessions after the keynotes (dneary, 15:38:20)
* USB keys and mugs were well received as gifts (dneary, 15:39:14)
* dneary to gather presentations together in wiki for posterity
(dneary, 15:39:26)
* We met with several interesting oVirt users or potential users -
dneary will follow up to see if we can use them as case studies when
they've successfully deployed (dneary, 15:40:23)
* ACTION: lh to talk to suehle about handout on what is ovirt and see
what can be done (lh, 15:40:56)
* looking to expand to conferences beyond linuxcon (mburns, 15:44:45)
* definitely want booths for as many as we can (mburns, 15:45:36)
* please submit conference suggestions to workshop-pc(a)ovirt.org
(mburns, 15:47:13)
* Workshop -- NetApp (Sunnyvale, CA, US) (mburns, 15:49:03)
* January 22-24 (mburns, 15:49:18)
* dates are confirmed (mburns, 15:50:19)
* need to coordinate with some facilities people to ensure nothing
slips through the cracks (mburns, 15:50:37)
* CFP to open shortly after new web site is live (mburns, 15:51:02)
(lh, 15:51:10)
(mburns, 15:51:40)
* ACTION: dneary to follow up on organizing a board meeting (mburns,
* seating for ~150 people (mburns, 15:58:49)
* web site (mburns, 16:00:00)
* ACTION: quaid to start the new wiki splash page & publicize its
existence so others can help get it fixed up right (quaid,
* garrett_ and quaid to work on getting new site live asap (mburns,
* IDEA: the point is, when poeople write "the wiki" they need to link
to this splash page directly vs. the ovirt.org/ (quaid, 16:11:34)
* IDEA: it will be helpful to have something in the front page that
says "the wiki" in an obvious location (quaid, 16:11:51)
* ACTION: quaid to load new theme on current wiki to start local
testing using user preferences (quaid, 16:19:52)
Meeting ended at 16:28:55 UTC.
Action Items
* lh to talk to suehle about handout on what is ovirt and see what can
be done
* dneary to follow up on organizing a board meeting
* quaid to start the new wiki splash page & publicize its existence so
others can help get it fixed up right
* quaid to load new theme on current wiki to start local testing using
user preferences
Action Items, by person
* dneary
* dneary to follow up on organizing a board meeting
* lh
* lh to talk to suehle about handout on what is ovirt and see what can
be done
* quaid
* quaid to start the new wiki splash page & publicize its existence so
others can help get it fixed up right
* quaid to load new theme on current wiki to start local testing using
user preferences
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* mburns (108)
* dneary (61)
* lh (60)
* quaid (54)
* garrett_ (42)
* itamar (19)
* ovirtbot (12)
* mgoldboi (11)
* YamakasY (7)
* sgordon (3)
* val0x00ff (2)
* mskrivanek (2)
* oschreib (2)
* ovedo (1)
* ewoud (1)
* eedri (1)
* rgolan (1)
* fsimonce (1)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot
12 years, 3 months
Wiki and Mailing Lists Outage -- 2012-11-14
by Mike Burns
We experienced an outage today in both the wiki and the mailing lists.
* Wiki content was available throughout the outage, but attempts to
login or edit received an error message about requiring cookies to be
* All mails to the mailing list failed to show up on the lists, but
also did not return rejection messages.
This was caused by an "Out of Space" error on the host running both of
these services. A temporary workaround was put in place to get both
services up and running again.
Action Taken:
Remove the oldest gerrit backup (600MB)
Remove some older non-functional ovirt-node-iso images and rpms from the
releases (source remains there)
Long term solution:
Migrating these services away from a single host onto hosted solutions
(OpenShift, AlterWay).
Current Situation:
Wiki is back up and running, login works as expected
Lists are processing the backlog of emails since the outage began.
At this time, it does not appear that any mail was lost due to the
Thanks for the patience and understanding
12 years, 3 months
Minutes :: Infra team weekly :: 2012-11-12
by Karsten 'quaid' Wade
Minutes (text):
#ovirt: oVirt Infra weekly
Meeting started by quaid at 15:01:15 UTC. The full logs are available at
http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2012/ovirt.2012-11-12-15.01.log.html .
Meeting summary
* Agenda & rollcall (quaid, 15:01:52)
(quaid, 15:02:48)
* MediaWiki & www (quaid, 15:05:32)
(quaid, 15:06:01)
* LINK: http://fpaste.org/2dU2/ < Is this normal when a virtual disk
is being created? Seems too slow to me. (val0x00ff, 15:06:34)
(quaid, 15:16:07)
* special rules for favicon.ico, robots.txt are needed (quaid,
* periodic bugs because it's not the expected configuration (quaid,
* not supported by MW developers (quaid, 15:17:12)
* AGREED: We need to resolve this on-list ultimately, moving
discussion back there (quaid, 15:21:44)
* Hosting (quaid, 15:34:56)
* No update from Red Hat IT (quaid, 15:35:20)
* ACTION: quaid to get a RHT IT update (quaid, 15:35:34)
* OpenShift hosting is in the works for the new MediaWiki instance
(quaid, 15:35:46)
* dneary is working the T&Cs with Red Hat France (quaid, 15:38:15)
* Stephane invited to work out requirements and prep on infra@
(quaid, 15:38:36)
* ACTION: dneary to follow up with Stephane this week (quaid,
* Trac review (quaid, 15:39:52)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/ovirt/report/1 (quaid, 15:40:27)
* Ticket #4 is in progress and been discussed today (updating www) -
garrett has the theme done but unnammed, ready to use
https://fedorahosted.org/ovirt/ticket/4 (quaid, 15:41:35)
* Ticket #6 is an open thread on the mailing list (foreman/puppet),
ewoud is not available right now to discuss
https://fedorahosted.org/ovirt/ticket/6 (quaid, 15:43:01)
* Ticket #10 (arch@ => devel@) is unchanged, I'm just prioritizing
doing it after we get the www done
https://fedorahosted.org/ovirt/ticket/10 (quaid, 15:43:58)
* Ticket #11 (slow mailman response), I'm supposing it will resolve
when we move the list server or take load off the server it is on
https://fedorahosted.org/ovirt/ticket/11 (quaid, 15:46:12)
* Ticket #5 (how-to use Trac) is low priority but will eventually get
done :) https://fedorahosted.org/ovirt/ticket/5 (quaid, 15:47:43)
* Puppet (quaid, 15:49:03)
* ongoing discussion on list about how to handle this, is tied in to
hosting changes (quaid, 15:49:35)
* Jenkins (quaid, 15:50:51)
* Gerrit (quaid, 15:57:34)
* no update for this topic, may remove from standing agenda for now or
until move planned (quaid, 15:57:56)
* Any other business? (quaid, 15:58:30)
Meeting ended at 16:01:32 UTC.
Action Items
* quaid to get a RHT IT update
* dneary to follow up with Stephane this week
Action Items, by person
* dneary
* dneary to follow up with Stephane this week
* quaid
* quaid to get a RHT IT update
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* quaid (88)
* garrett_ (53)
* sgordon (27)
* dneary (22)
* ovirtbot (10)
* ewoud (7)
* val0x00ff (7)
* RobertM (2)
* eedri_ (1)
* yuner_ (1)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot
Karsten 'quaid' Wade, Sr. Analyst - Community Growth
http://TheOpenSourceWay.org .^\ http://community.redhat.com
@quaid (identi.ca/twitter/IRC) \v' gpg: AD0E0C41
12 years, 3 months