Request to step down
by Jim Jagielski
I feel the need for a Mentor-as-board-member slot is no longer
required. I therefore ask to step down, unless the rest of the
board feels otherwise.
Jim Jagielski | jimjag(a) | 443-324-8390 (cell)
12 years, 8 months
oVirt Workshop at LinuxCon North America
by Leslie Hawthorn
Hello everyone,
Following up from this week's IRC meeting, we've asked the Linux
Foundation to replicate the agenda from LinuxCon Japan on the LC North
America site. That's in process, but they'd like us to get the names and
bios of our confirmed speakers to them no later than next Wednesday, 27
June 2012.
I'll leave it to everyone to wrangle about who would like to speak and
cover particular sessions. My goal with this workshop is to have a more
diverse speaker line up, so please do volunteer if you're attending
LinuxCon North America and would be willing to lead a session(s).
[0] -
Leslie Hawthorn
Community Action and Impact
Open Source and Standards @ Red Hat
12 years, 8 months
Re: [Users] What are you looking for from oVirt?
by Itamar Heim
On 06/29/2012 06:15 PM, Nathan Stratton wrote:
> I must admit the first part of managing GlusterFS with 3.3 works very
> well out of the box on oVirt 3.1.
> Turn on GlusterFS in the cluster
> Add your nodes
> Manually add the peers in Gluster
> Edit /etc/nfsmount.conf and set Defaultproto=tcp and Defaultvers=3
> Create your gluster volume
> Start the volume
> Mount it in on one of your nodes in say /mnt
> chown 36.36 /mnt
> The only problem now is that you have to now use the volume as a NFS
> server.
why not as posixfs?
12 years, 8 months
Re: storage domain recovery (was [Users] What are you looking for from oVirt?)
by Itamar Heim
On 06/28/2012 02:57 AM, Robert Middleswarth wrote:
> As for the question of stability the file storage system in 3.0 can be a
> bit unstable. If your NFS share disappears for a few mins the file
> system tends to go offline and wont reactivate. Not sure about iscsi or
> FC since I don't have access to those file systems.
3.1 adds distinction between a storage domain going down due to an error
or admin maintaining it.
in case of an error, there is a new recovery mechanism in 3.1 which
should improve this.
12 years, 8 months
oVirt Weekly Meeting Minutes -- 2012-06-27
by Ofer Schreiber
Minutes (text):
#ovirt: oVirt Weekly Sync
Meeting started by oschreib at 14:00:19 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* agenda and roll call (oschreib, 14:00:29)
(oschreib, 14:12:20)
* Status of next release (oschreib, 14:12:41)
* GA date is July 9th (oschreib, 14:12:53)
* 11 blocker currently in the 3.1 tracker (oschreib, 14:13:12)
(oschreib, 14:13:32)
* Sanlock locking failed for readonly devices (component: libvirt,
status: ASSIGNED) (oschreib, 14:16:17)
(oschreib, 14:16:32)
* IDEA: the feature owner can put the wiki page in a different
category e.g. [[Category:Feature complete]] (quaid, 14:16:56)
* patch waiting for a review (oschreib, 14:18:12)
* It's impossible to create bond with setupNetworks (component: vdsm,
status: ASSIGNED) (oschreib, 14:19:13)
(oschreib, 14:19:23)
* merged upstream, waiting for the Fedora backport (oschreib,
* vdsmd init script times out due to lengthy semanage operation
(component: vdsm, status: POST) (oschreib, 14:23:48)
(oschreib, 14:23:57)
* patch in review (oschreib, 14:26:55)
* 3.1: sshd daemon is not starting correctly after complete the
installation of oVirt Node (component: node, status: MODIFIED)
(oschreib, 14:27:26)
(oschreib, 14:27:35)
* LINK: (danken,
* bug fixed, new node build today if possible (oschreib, 14:30:01)
* ACTION: mburns to build and upload new node version (oschreib,
* 3.1: iptables blocking communication between node and engine
(component: node, status: MODIFIED) (oschreib, 14:31:30)
(oschreib, 14:31:36)
* should be in next build (oschreib, 14:33:07)
* ovirt-node can't be approved due to missing /rhev/data-center
(component: vdsm, status: ON_QA) (oschreib, 14:33:45)
(oschreib, 14:33:51)
* waiting for a verification (oschreib, 14:35:29)
* 3.1 Allow to create VLANed network on top of existing bond
(component: vdsm, status: POST) (oschreib, 14:36:05)
(oschreib, 14:36:20)
* pushed upstream, should be backported tomorrow to Fedora (oschreib,
* Failed to add host - does not accept vdsm 4.10 (component: vdsm,
status: ON_QA) (oschreib, 14:41:24)
(oschreib, 14:41:33)
* waiting for a verification (oschreib, 14:43:51)
* [vdsm][bridgeless] BOOTPROTO/IPADDR/NETMASK options are not set on
interface (component: vdsm, status: NEW) (oschreib, 14:44:18)
(oschreib, 14:44:26)
* not a 3.1 blocker (oschreib, 14:51:06)
* Leak of keystore file descriptors in ovirt-engine (component:
engine, status: MODIFIED) (oschreib, 14:52:00)
(oschreib, 14:52:08)
* pushed and backported, waiting for a build (oschreib, 14:52:22)
* Sub-project reports (oschreib, 14:55:08)
* status covered in BZ overview (oschreib, 14:57:17)
* Upcoming workshops (oschreib, 14:57:29)
* no updates about upcoming workshops (oschreib, 14:59:25)
* Release notes (oschreib, 14:59:56)
* 3.1 release notes should be given to sgordon by mail (oschreib,
* ACTION: oschreib to nag maintainers about RN (oschreib, 15:06:04)
Meeting ended at 15:08:51 UTC.
Action Items
* mburns to build and upload new node version
* oschreib to nag maintainers about RN
Action Items, by person
* mburns
* mburns to build and upload new node version
* oschreib
* oschreib to nag maintainers about RN
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* oschreib (119)
* sgordon (24)
* danken (18)
* RobertM (10)
* ilvovsky (8)
* quaid (6)
* fabiand (6)
* mburns (4)
* ofrenkel (3)
* READ10 (2)
* ovirtbot (2)
* Guest1297 (1)
* crobinso (1)
* dustins (1)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`:
12 years, 8 months
Following Up on LinuxCon Japan Workshop
by Leslie Hawthorn
Hello everyone,
I'd like to collect feedback from everyone on last week's oVirt workshop
at LinuxCon Japan. [0] Please reply back with comments by close of
business this Friday, 15 June.
Once we have gathered feedback on list, I'll capture it on the oVirt
wiki. We can then use what we've learned to help construct the agenda
and other plans for other upcoming oVirt workshops at LinuxCons. [1]
If you know that you would like to volunteer as an instructor for future
workshops or would like to suggest alternate content for the workshop,
please include that in your feedback.
- Course Material
What sessions were most well received? Which ones require improvement?
Any additional sessions we'd suggest?
- Audience Participation
How many attendees? How did the Q&A periods go? Would we like to prepare
a post-event attendee survey? (I recommend we do the survey and can
prepare some questions for the group if that's useful.)
- Developer/user traction resulting from engaging at workshop
Did this workshop help us to gain new developers or users? Reinforce
relationships with existing community members?
- Promotion of the event, both before and after
What could be done to more effectively promote the event prior to the
workshops? Videos and slides from the workshop should be posted on the
LC Japan site tomorrow; what action would the community like to take to
promote this content?
- A/V and Room Set up
Did the seating arrangements work well for the workshop format? Did the
A/V work well, including the videotaping process?
- Food and beverage
Did the catered in lunch help to keep the flow of the workshop
productive? Was the food of good quality and in keeping with the needs
of attendee dietary constraints?
- Give aways
We did not produce attendee gifts for the oVirt workshop. Thoughts on
whether this would be a welcome addition in the future? Suggestions for
type of gift also welcome.
- Any other feedback
If it is preferable to discuss this feedback real-time, I will ask Mike
Burns to give us more time for this topic during next week's oVirt IRC
[0] -
[1] -
Leslie Hawthorn
Community Action and Impact
Open Source and Standards @ Red Hat
12 years, 8 months
oVirt initiatives
by Dave Neary
Hi all,
With a number of colleagues and members of the oVirt community, we have
been thinking about how we can help oVirt's adoption and increase
developer participation and diversity in the project.
What we've come up with is a broad definition of the target audience for
the project, and a three-phase set of initiatives we believe will help
the project be more successful.
I'm bringing this to the board list because I would really like your
feedback and assistance in helping make this a reality - it's important
for me to know that we're proposing things which the project & community
think are important.
The sample user we discussed (based on feedback from Users and the
persona I sent previously was a cost-sensitive sysadmin, potentially
looking to move to a KVM-based virtualisation solution, working on a
small virtualisation set-up in a test lab environment. He loves open
source because it means he can test and deploy it without approval,
adoption is bottom-up, and he can tweak it to suit his needs.
We want to focus on people who want to download and try it in ~30
minutes - running an engine and a node on the same machine (potentially
a laptop or desktop machine) and on getting people started with small
set-ups - perhaps two nodes and a laptop running the engine.
Given that target audience and positioning, the three phases we propose are:
Phase 1: Web presence
We want to review the website and wiki to ensure that the content is
appropriate for our target audience, that we're making it easy to adopt
oVirt. This will cover the top level navigation, the organisation of
information in the website and wiki to make it easy to find, development
of new content to focus on the beginner experience (including videos,
tutorials, and screenshots). At the end of this, when someone from our
core audience comes to the website it should be immediately clear to him
that we are offering a solution to a problem he has.
We plan to start working on this through the Infra, Users and
engine-devel mailing lists (depending on which one is most appropriate)
immediately, and complete this work in the next 3 months.
Phase 2: Adoption
We need packages for all the main Linux distributions. Packaging oVirt
for OSes other than Fedora is tricky because of various differences in
config file placement, low-level tools and so on. But this must get
done, and we'd like for it to be a priority for the project.
We also want to help the project with its promotion - both in terms of
content on the site, and driving traffic here through conference
outreach, articles in tech press, social media and blogs pringing people
here via the nice to consume content (videos, tutorials, etc) which we
would like to see produced.
In addition, we would like to ask for your help in running a set of
oVirt meet-ups around the world, with the co-operation of board members,
to show oVirt to the people who are interested in it, and prefer a
high-touch approach.
This will take longer, but we expect to see some movement on this front
in the next 6 to 9 months.
Phase 3: Expanding the target audience
While the low-end user with small virtualisation will help us drive
adoption, we also want to help oVirt appeal to a broader audience. We'd
like to help do a UX review of the installation and configuration
process, and the Engine UI, to make the oVirt experience more pleasant
for both limited-hardware users (people using all-in-one in 3.1) and for
more sophisticated users. This is a longer term goal, of cours,e but we
would like to see the results of this UX review in a future release of
oVirt in ~12 to 15 months.
Looking forward to your feedback!
Dave Neary
Community Action and Impact
Open Source and Standards Team, Red Hat
Phone: +33 9 50 71 55 62
12 years, 8 months
Re: How to go about building up trust?
by Carl Trieloff
On 06/22/2012 01:04 PM, Robert Middleswarth wrote:
> A shell and limited sudo access might be a good place to start.
> Wouldn't be able to fix everything but might be able to help in area's
> were the current group isn't strong or able to fix some outage problems.
+1, I also think it is time for us as a project to start taking steps
to start bringing those into the project who have be around awhile and
are know quantities. generally I would advise that we are a little more
lenient mature the procedures as the project matures.
12 years, 8 months
oVirt Weekly Meeting Minutes -- 2012-06-20
by Mike Burns
Minutes (text):
#ovirt: oVirt Weekly Sync
Meeting started by mburns at 14:00:42 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* agenda and roll call (mburns, 14:01:16)
* Status of next release (mburns, 14:04:16)
* 9 bugs in 3.1 release tracker (oschreib, 14:06:12)
(oschreib, 14:06:16)
* current targeted GA is 27-June (mburns, 14:06:22)
* LINK: (oschreib,
* LINK: (mburns,
* new beta build (3.1.0-0.1.20120620git6ef9f8.fc17) available
(oschreib, 14:10:58)
(oschreib, 14:11:36)
* libvirt - Sanlock locking failed for readonly devices (MODIFIED)
(oschreib, 14:11:57)
* waiting on danpb (oschreib, 14:25:17)
* LINK: (mburns,
(oschreib, 14:26:37)
* VDSM - It's impossible to create bond with setupNetworks (ASSIGNED)
(oschreib, 14:26:58)
* WIP (oschreib, 14:29:45)
(oschreib, 14:31:02)
* VDSM - vdsmd init script times out due to lengthy semanage operation
(ASSIGNED) (oschreib, 14:31:21)
* WIP (oschreib, 14:35:39)
(oschreib, 14:36:43)
* node - sshd daemon is not starting correctly after complete the
installation of oVirt Node (NEW) (oschreib, 14:36:58)
* WIP, fix to be push in the next couple of days (oschreib, 14:37:42)
(oschreib, 14:37:55)
* node - iptables blocking communication between node and engine
(POST) (oschreib, 14:38:06)
* in review, should be in next build (oschreib, 14:38:46)
(oschreib, 14:38:56)
* vdsm - ovirt-node can't be approved due to missing /rhev/data-center
(POST) (oschreib, 14:39:15)
* pushed upstream, need to rebase to ovirt-3.1 branch (oschreib,
(oschreib, 14:40:39)
* vdsm - Failed to add host - does not accept vdsm 4.10 (POST)
(oschreib, 14:41:09)
* pushed (oschreib, 14:42:42)
* ACTION: douglas please push
upstream and to ovirt-3.1 (danken, 14:46:12)
* ACTION: douglas please push
upstream and to ovirt-3.1 (oschreib, 14:47:52)
* AGREED: GA will be postponed to the 9th of July (oschreib,
* upcoming workshops (mburns, 14:56:11)
* feedback from LC Japan (mburns, 14:57:50)
(mburns, 14:57:56)
* time to begin planning for LC North America (San Diego, Aug 29-31)
(mburns, 14:58:34)
* has reached out requesting oVirt related presentations
(mburns, 15:01:16)
(dneary, 15:03:01)
* lh to send agenda to LinuxCon North America (mburns, 15:04:23)
* other topics (mburns, 15:04:52)
* ACTION: sgordon to send email about release notes (mburns,
* ACTION: dneary to ensure that discussion starts on infra@ on the
creation of a community infrastructure team (dneary, 15:12:46)
* ACTION: dneary to ensure that discussion starts on infra@ on the
creation of a community infrastructure team (mburns, 15:13:09)
Meeting ended at 15:15:08 UTC.
Action Items
* douglas please push upstream and to
* douglas please push upstream and to
* sgordon to send email about release notes
* dneary to ensure that discussion starts on infra@ on the creation of a
community infrastructure team
* dneary to ensure that discussion starts on infra@ on the creation of a
community infrastructure team
Action Items, by person
* dneary
* dneary to ensure that discussion starts on infra@ on the creation of
a community infrastructure team
* dneary to ensure that discussion starts on infra@ on the creation of
a community infrastructure team
* sgordon
* sgordon to send email about release notes
* douglas please push upstream and
to ovirt-3.1
* douglas please push upstream and
to ovirt-3.1
People Present (lines said)
* oschreib (93)
* mburns (74)
* dneary (18)
* danken (15)
* lh (14)
* sgordon (8)
* fsimonce (8)
* quaid (7)
* ilvovsky (6)
* ykaul (4)
* itamar (3)
* RobertM (3)
* ovirtbot (3)
* rharper (3)
* yzaslavs (2)
* Guest571 (1)
* mkolesni (1)
* mkolesni_ (1)
* ofrenkel (1)
* READ10 (1)
* miki (1)
* masayag (1)
* mgoldboi (1)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`:
12 years, 8 months