Re: [Users] Following Up on LinuxCon Japan Workshop
by Barak Azulay
On 06/17/2012 10:00 AM, Yair Zaslavsky wrote:
> On 06/14/2012 06:02 PM, Barak Azulay wrote:
>> On 06/14/2012 02:41 AM, Mike Burns wrote:
>>> Hi Leslie,
>>> On Wed, 2012-06-13 at 15:14 -0700, Leslie Hawthorn wrote:
>>>> Hello everyone,
>>>> I'd like to collect feedback from everyone on last week's oVirt workshop
>>>> at LinuxCon Japan. [0] Please reply back with comments by close of
>>>> business this Friday, 15 June.
>>>> Once we have gathered feedback on list, I'll capture it on the oVirt
>>>> wiki. We can then use what we've learned to help construct the agenda
>>>> and other plans for other upcoming oVirt workshops at LinuxCons. [1]
>>>> If you know that you would like to volunteer as an instructor for future
>>>> workshops or would like to suggest alternate content for the workshop,
>>>> please include that in your feedback.
>>>> - Course Material
>>>> What sessions were most well received? Which ones require improvement?
>>>> Any additional sessions we'd suggest?
>>> All of the sessions seemed to be well received. I don't know that any
>>> need blatant improvement, though they could probably all take a bit of
>>> slide updates. The ovirt-node presentation was especially out of date
>>> (my fault) with it's screenshots.
>> I would like to add:
>> - a demo is a must in a workshop, as it is the most effective and
>> impressive way to attract people.
>> - I think the ovirt-engine presentation needs a bit more meat
> What stuff do you think we need to add to this presentation?
> Can you be more specific?
> Thanks,
> Yair
- better diagrams
- code structure
- go over a simple example-command work flow - from entry till DB ...
and many more
>> - I would also add vertical presentations:
>> * ovirt network
>> * ovirt storage
>> * ovirt vm life cycle
>> Of course all the above should be presented after the arch& demo
>> presentation
>>>> - Audience Participation
>>>> How many attendees? How did the Q&A periods go? Would we like to prepare
>>>> a post-event attendee survey? (I recommend we do the survey and can
>>>> prepare some questions for the group if that's useful.)
>>> There were probably between 25-35 people through the course of the day
>>> for all the presentations.
>> I gave also an intro/arch talk also in the virt mini-summit, I actually
>> gave 2.
>> I volunteered to cover for one of the presenters that surprisingly
>> didn't show up on time, because of the confusion this session was rather
>> small (~40)
>> In the second one (in my scheduled slot), there were about ~80.
>>> There wasn't really a lot of time set aside for Q&A aside from a few
>>> minutes at the end of each presentation and the breaks in between
>>> presentations. During those times, there generally were people asking
>>> questions.
>> Actually I wasn't expecting too many questions due to the different
>> culture of the audience, but we did get questions and people showed
>> interest.
>> Most of the interesting questions came during the breaks, and I had a
>> few white-board sessions with those people.
>>> I think we should prepare the survey in advance of the next workshop and
>>> ask people to fill it out during the workshop, rather than coming back a
>>> couple weeks after the fact. We didn't really collect names of the
>>> people in attendance and I expect that a fair number of people
>>> registered attended the Gluster Conference.
>> The linux foundation scanned all the participants tags, so I guess they
>> can supply the names.
>>>> - Developer/user traction resulting from engaging at workshop
>>>> Did this workshop help us to gain new developers or users? Reinforce
>>>> relationships with existing community members?
>>> Only time will really tell here. People definitely seemed interested
>>> and there were a couple people already downloading and installing the
>>> bits during the workshop. I got the impression that most of the people
>>> there were more corporate focused -- Hitachi and Fujitsu were both well
>>> represented. They're from companies that have previously expressed
>>> interest in the project.
>> Hard to tell,
>> I had a feeling that there was also a none developers group that came
>> also to learn about ovirt, more of the consultant type that actually
>> considering ovirt as an option.
>>>> - Promotion of the event, both before and after
>>>> What could be done to more effectively promote the event prior to the
>>>> workshops? Videos and slides from the workshop should be posted on the
>>>> LC Japan site tomorrow; what action would the community like to take to
>>>> promote this content?
>>> Not really my area of expertise -- promoting. Probably better to get
>>> information out there earlier that the workshop is happening. It seemed
>>> to be a bit of a fire drill getting things together for this workshop
>>> since it was only about a month before that we decided to run it.
>>> Future workshops shouldn't be as big a deal.
>> I would say we need a lot of promotion, I was actually accessed by a few
>> people after the into presentation, saying they had no idea that ovirt
>> is so mature and feature reach.
>> This message should be conveyed before the workshop.
>>> Probably an email announcement to users@ with a link to the
>>> presentations/videos is the right next step.
>>>> - A/V and Room Set up
>>>> Did the seating arrangements work well for the workshop format? Did the
>>>> A/V work well, including the videotaping process?
>>> Our room was setup with 5 round tables seating 10 people each. I'm not
>>> sure that it was really the right layout. I expected either rows of
>>> chairs or long tables with chairs all facing the presentation screen.
>>> A/V worked seamlessly. It was all setup already when we arrived.
>> I would agree with Mike on the room setup.
>> I would prefer facing the presentation rather than having to look aside.
>> In addition and related to the preparations for the workshop,
>> Since it was setup so late, the linux foundation thought that setting
>> the workshop means canceling the mini-summit presentation slot.
>> So all the handouts& schedule boards hanged around the summit did no
>> include this talk, anyway eventually they hanged a hand written schedule
>> update, but I assume more people would have come if they knew.
>> The web schedule was updated.
>>>> - Food and beverage
>>>> Did the catered in lunch help to keep the flow of the workshop
>>>> productive? Was the food of good quality and in keeping with the needs
>>>> of attendee dietary constraints?
>>> I had no issues with the food. People seemed to take the opportunity
>>> more to step out and take a break, rather than sit and continue
>>> discussing.
>> I agree
>>>> - Give aways
>>>> We did not produce attendee gifts for the oVirt workshop. Thoughts on
>>>> whether this would be a welcome addition in the future? Suggestions for
>>>> type of gift also welcome.
>>> It would have been nice to have some sort of SWAG to give away, whether
>>> just fancy handouts or stickers. It would be even better if we could
>>> have some sort of appliance with ovirt pre-installed and configured on a
>>> usb stick as well, but that's probably a year or 2 down the road.
>>>> - Any other feedback
>>> It's probably better if there are people from a wider range of the
>>> sub-projects than we had in Japan. I think that between Barak and I, we
>>> managed to cover the majority of the project, but I think it would be
>>> better to have someone from each major subproject there.
>>> I expect that either myself or someone from the Node team will be
>>> attending at least LinuxCon NA, LinuxCon Europe and the NetApp
>>> workshops. We'll certainly handle the Node presentation for each of
>>> these workshops.
>> It looks like ovirt& gluster workshops will happen side by side in the
>> near future.
>> I don't know if this is possible but I would do the workshops in
>> different days (of the summit) so people that want to participate in
>> both workshops can do it.
>> I know for sure that in Japan many registered for both workshops
>> Barak
>>> Mike
>>>> If it is preferable to discuss this feedback real-time, I will ask Mike
>>>> Burns to give us more time for this topic during next week's oVirt IRC
>>>> meeting.
>>>> [0] -
>>>> [1] -
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> LH
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Arch mailing list
>>> Arch(a)
>> _______________________________________________
>> Arch mailing list
>> Arch(a)
12 years, 9 months
What are you looking for from oVirt?
by Dave Neary
Hi everyone,
That is a grand subject for my first "proper" email to the Users list,
and it definitely needs some context! So let me introduce myself.
My name is Dave Neary, and I recently started working for a group which
is being formed inside Red Hat called OSAS (open source and standards).
The role of my group is to help make any open source projects that Red
Hat works in successful, and I would really like to help take oVirt to
the next level in terms of adoption and contribution.
One of the things I'm still figuring out is what the natural audience
for oVirt is, and what you all like about oVirt, and would like to see
improved. Based on that, I would like to propose areas we as a community
can concentrate on related to the product, the website, and our
marketing and promotion, but the first step is still to get a better
idea what the target audience for oVirt is, and should be.
So - how are you using oVirt? Why did you choose it over alternatives?
What do you like about it? and what would you like to see change,
whether that is in terms of technical, process, or marketing changes?
I'm here to help, but to do so I need your help first!
Please feel free to reply to me on-list (if you'd like to start
discussion) or off-list (if you'd like your feedback to be more
discrete). Any feedback at all will be helpful.
Thank you very much - I look forward to hearing from as many of you as
PS. I'm still figuring out proper mailing list etiquette for this
project - I've added board@ and arch@ to CC since I expect our work to
have project-wide consequences, but it's more to keep people informed at
this point. Please let me know off-list if I'm doing something I shouldn't!
Dave Neary
Community Action and Impact
Open Source and Standards Team, Red Hat
Phone: +33 9 50 71 55 62
12 years, 9 months
Re: [Users] What are you looking for from oVirt?
by Andrew Cathrow
----- Original Message -----
> From: "Nathan Stratton" <nathan(a)>
> To: "Andrew Cathrow" <acathrow(a)>
> Cc: "arch" <arch(a)>, "Users" <users(a)>, "board" <board(a)>, "Dave Neary" <dneary(a)>
> Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2012 11:57:35 AM
> Subject: Re: [Users] What are you looking for from oVirt?
> On Wed, 13 Jun 2012, Andrew Cathrow wrote:
> > What does your deployment look like - it's be great to understand
> > how you're using it - eg. Linux guests only, Windows, size of
> > deployment - do your users use poweruser portal etc.
> I have 2 deployments I am working on with two different companies.
> The first is two clusters (SJC and NYC) each with 20 boxes PXEBooted
> to
> a backend NetApp. All guests are Linux (Centos, RHEL, and Fedora).
> One of
> the unique things with the clusters is they use read only linux and
> root.
> The 2nd is still in design stage, but is starting out with 3 clusters
> (East / West US and Europe) each with 20 boxes. Each server is based
> on
> white label Xeon E5-2687W, 128GB RAM, 10GBase-T, and 12 SATA disks on
> a
> hardware RAID 6 controller. This is also going to use shared NFS read
> only
> root with PXEBoot from NetApps.
> I have been running GlusterFS on and off for 5 years and are looking
> at
> running GlusterFS on all the raw 300TB RAID6 in each server. Each
> server
> will be a brick, two servers with distribute for redundancy, 10
> distribute pairs then will be unified. I have been trying to use this
> for
> raw image store for years, but its just not ready, so we will use
> NetApp
> for that, however GlusterFS will be very handy for tier 2 bulk
> storage.
> > GlusterFS and Quantum are certainly in the works, but in a separate
> > thread I'd love to hear feedback on the API what the
> > issues/enhancements are.
> > Would you be able to post some initial comments on that?
> APIs are great today on the backend, we are looking at the ability to
> modify the front end so we can tie it into our portal allowing users
> to
> manage their VMs seamless with the other services we offer.
So are you looking to extend the power user portal or something more?
> ><>
> Nathan Stratton
> nathan at
12 years, 9 months
oVirt Weekly Meeting Minutes -- 2012-06-13
by Mike Burns
Minutes (text):
#ovirt: ovirt weekly sync
Meeting started by mburns at 14:01:14 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* roll call and agenda (mburns, 14:01:26)
* Status for next release (mburns, 14:03:56)
* LINK: (mburns,
* LINK: (mburns,
* status: Modified (mburns, 14:06:20)
* in latest beta rpms (mburns, 14:08:00)
* LINK: (mburns,
* very close to completion on this bug, one issue still remaining,
then build and post (mburns, 14:08:51)
* engine will rebase to latest and rebuild (mburns, 14:11:45)
* new packages to mburns before EOD (mburns, 14:11:55)
* ovirt-node will try to post something for tomorrow (mburns,
* vdsm 4.10.0 built and will be posted today to beta area (mburns,
* ACTION: mburns to update when packages are posted to beta area
(mburns, 14:16:32)
* ACTION: mgoldboi to coordinate rpms for engine, clie, sdk, vdsm,
guest-agent and send details of locations to mburns (mburns,
* ACTION: to post rpms to beta and send announcement (mburns,
* test day (mburns, 14:24:29)
* community coordination for test day (mburns, 14:35:38)
* each sub-project will have someone helping (mburns, 14:35:50)
* ykaul will do cleanup of test day page (mburns, 14:36:00)
* all issues should be track on the test day wiki (mburns, 14:36:12)
* LINK: (mburns,
* Workshops (mburns, 14:37:29)
* LinuxCon Japan workshop help on Friday 8-June (mburns, 14:39:15)
* post-mortem to be done next week for LC Japan (mburns, 14:39:43)
* will need input from everyone on agenda for LC North America in
August (mburns, 14:40:08)
* How can OSAS team help? (mburns, 14:42:17)
* OSAS == Open Source and Standards (mburns, 14:42:42)
* infra team as a sub-project (mburns, 14:57:31)
might be interesting in that regard (ewoud, 15:14:02)
Meeting ended at 15:16:06 UTC.
Action Items
* mburns to update when packages are posted to beta area
* mgoldboi to coordinate rpms for engine, clie, sdk, vdsm, guest-agent
and send details of locations to mburns
* to post rpms to beta and send announcement
Action Items, by person
* mburns
* mburns to update when packages are posted to beta area
* mgoldboi to coordinate rpms for engine, clie, sdk, vdsm, guest-agent
and send details of locations to mburns
* mgoldboi
* mgoldboi to coordinate rpms for engine, clie, sdk, vdsm, guest-agent
and send details of locations to mburns
* to post rpms to beta and send announcement
People Present (lines said)
* mburns (146)
* dneary (51)
* RobertM (23)
* aglitke (22)
* mgoldboi (13)
* lh (9)
* itamar1 (9)
* ewoud (7)
* mpastern (7)
* ovirtbot (7)
* ykaul (6)
* rharper (5)
* sgordon (3)
* lpeer (3)
* garrett (3)
* quaid (2)
* danken (2)
* coredumb (2)
* rickyh (1)
* Guest3690 (1)
* ofrenkel (1)
* jb_netapp (1)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`:
12 years, 9 months
Re: [Users] What are you looking for from oVirt?
by Andrew Cathrow
----- Original Message -----
> From: "Nathan Stratton" <nathan(a)>
> To: "Dave Neary" <dneary(a)>
> Cc: "arch" <arch(a)>, "Users" <users(a)>, "board" <board(a)>
> Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2012 11:29:38 AM
> Subject: Re: [Users] What are you looking for from oVirt?
> On Wed, 13 Jun 2012, Dave Neary wrote:
> > So - how are you using oVirt? Why did you choose it over
> > alternatives? What
> > do you like about it? and what would you like to see change,
> > whether that is
> > in terms of technical, process, or marketing changes? I'm here to
> > help, but
> > to do so I need your help first!
> Small private cloud deployments. We choose it because it was focused
> on
> KVM, RedHat driven, simple to manage, and libvirt based. Would love
What does your deployment look like - it's be great to understand how you're using it - eg. Linux guests only, Windows, size of deployment - do your users use poweruser portal etc.
> to see
> real glusterfs integration, quantum integration, and better API.
GlusterFS and Quantum are certainly in the works, but in a separate thread I'd love to hear feedback on the API what the issues/enhancements are.
Would you be able to post some initial comments on that?
> ><>
> Nathan Stratton
> nathan at
> _______________________________________________
> Users mailing list
> Users(a)
12 years, 9 months
Hosting MOM on
by Adam Litke
We are currently in the process of integrating MOM with vdsm. Today the MOM
code is hosted on github and the mailing lists are on Google Groups. Since the
bulk of MOM development activity surrounds oVirt I would like to ask if oVirt
would be willing to host it in gerrit and provide some mailing lists. Doing
this will help interlock the development of these two projects. If there is
affirmative agreement, I would request the following be created:
Gerrit project / repo: mom
- Please add aglitke <agl(a)> as the project maintainer/admin
Mailing lists:
- mom-devel: Developement discussions for MOM
- mom-patches: To be used for gerrit status notifications (ala vdsm-patches)
Thanks for your consideration.
Adam Litke <agl(a)>
IBM Linux Technology Center
12 years, 9 months
oVirt Weekly Meeting Minutes -- 2012-06-06
by Ofer Schreiber
Minutes (text):
#ovirt: oVirt Weekly Sync
Meeting started by oschreib at 14:01:34 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* agenda and roll call (oschreib, 14:01:45)
* Release status (oschreib, 14:04:32)
* devel freeze June 7 (tomorrow) (oschreib, 14:04:44)
* Beta shortly after (oschreib, 14:04:50)
* GA June 27 (oschreib, 14:04:56)
* test day June 14 (oschreib, 14:05:07)
(oschreib, 14:06:51)
* AGREED: ovirt 3.1 feature freeze will be 07.06.2012 (tomorrow)
(oschreib, 14:09:04)
* node should be ready few days after (oschreib, 14:09:17)
* vdsm is in feature freeze (aglitke, 14:11:47)
* AGREED: mburns will be release manager next week (oschreib,
* ACTION: mburns to replace oschreib as release manager next week
(oschreib, 14:14:05)
* sub project status -- vdsm (oschreib, 14:14:29)
* AGREED: vdsm version should be bumped (oschreib, 14:20:20)
* ACTION: danken to handle vdsm version until tomorrow (oschreib,
* sub project status -- engine (oschreib, 14:21:15)
* things in good shape on the engine side (oschreib, 14:23:00)
* sub project status -- node (oschreib, 14:23:31)
(oschreib, 14:25:39)
* node should support F17 in the next couple of days (oschreib,
* ACTION: fabiand to update BZ#824420 (oschreib, 14:26:50)
* Workshops and Conferences (oschreib, 14:27:17)
* bazulay and mburns are presenting ovirt in linux con Japan this week
(oschreib, 14:29:40)
* there will be an ovirt day in n linuxcon NA, then 2.5 co-hosted with
kvm forum in linuxcon europe (oschreib, 14:31:43)
* Other Topics (oschreib, 14:31:48)
* LINK: (oschreib,
* pre feature freeze F17 builds (oschreib, 14:33:40)
* ACTION: oschreib to look for test day lead (oschreib, 14:37:03)
* vdsms's setupNetwork is broken (oschreib, 14:39:15)
* ACTION: aglitke to link setupNetwork bug on (oschreib,
Meeting ended at 14:55:40 UTC.
Action Items
* mburns to replace oschreib as release manager next week
* danken to handle vdsm version until tomorrow
* fabiand to update BZ#824420
* oschreib to look for test day lead
* aglitke to link setupNetwork bug on
Action Items, by person
* aglitke
* aglitke to link setupNetwork bug on
* danken
* danken to handle vdsm version until tomorrow
* fabiand
* fabiand to update BZ#824420
* oschreib
* mburns to replace oschreib as release manager next week
* oschreib to look for test day lead
People Present (lines said)
* oschreib (99)
* aglitke (31)
* danken (24)
* itamar (14)
* ovirtbot (7)
* ykaul (6)
* doron (6)
* fabiand (6)
* dustins (3)
* mgoldboi (3)
* rickyh (2)
* eedri (2)
* yeylon_ (1)
* sgordon_ (1)
* mestery (1)
* ykaul1 (1)
* aaglitke (0)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`:
12 years, 9 months