oVirt Weekly Meeting Minutes -- 2013-01-30
by Mike Burns
Minutes (text):
#ovirt: oVirt weekly meeting
Meeting started by mburns at 15:00:43 UTC. The full logs are available
at http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2013/ovirt.2013-01-30-15.00.log.html
Meeting summary
[View More]--
* agenda and roll call (mburns, 15:01:17)
* Workshop update (mburns, 15:03:28)
* Sunnyvale workshop went great (mburns, 15:05:33)
* almost 100 registered (~30% no-show for first 2 days) (mburns,
* board meeting had almost full attendance (mburns, 15:06:09)
* got support for proposed marketing, now need to follow up with the
community (mburns, 15:06:26)
* next event: Oved Ourfali presenting on deltacloud integration into
oVirt at Puppet Camp (mburns, 15:09:04)
* FOSDEM -- we are out in force with the virt devroom (mburns,
* finalized dates for Shanghai workshop at Intel -- May 8-9 (mburns,
* release status (mburns, 15:11:55)
* test day tomorrow (31-Jan) (mburns, 15:12:06)
* beta announcement ready, to be sent later today (mburns, 15:12:21)
* ovirt-node packages and image in final testing, to be posted today
(mburns, 15:12:50)
* ovirt-node blocked by vdsm bug 905728 (patch:
http://gerrit.ovirt.org/#/c/11527/ ) (mburns, 15:14:03)
* but we can workaround this issue in ovirt-node for the beta
(mburns, 15:14:19)
* Test Day: all are invited to participate (mburns, 15:16:42)
* please sign up on http://www.ovirt.org/Testing/OvirtTestDay
(mburns, 15:17:02)
* ACTION: mburns to review testday wiki node section (mburns,
* ACTION: mburns to send out beta announcement (mburns, 15:21:50)
* ACTION: mburns to post ovirt-node for beta/test day (mburns,
(mburns, 15:22:38)
* ^^ a list of the bugs being tracked for the release (mburns,
* Bug 879180 -- https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=879180
(mburns, 15:23:51)
* New -- against NetworkManager (mburns, 15:24:01)
* ACTION: ovirt-node bugs on the list are all targeted for the beta,
mburns will update bugs later today (mburns, 15:27:17)
* only bugs not at least on POST in the list (outside ovirt-node bugs)
are 879180 and 884990 (mburns, 15:27:59)
* both of which are in core fedora components (mburns, 15:28:13)
* not ovirt components (mburns, 15:28:48)
* Infra report (mburns, 15:35:27)
* new hardware from AlterWay not set up yet, but in progress (mburns,
* infra team meetup at FOSDEM ( ewoud quaid dneary Rydekull )
(mburns, 15:38:18)
* Other topics (mburns, 15:39:15)
Meeting ended at 15:46:46 UTC.
Action Items
* mburns to review testday wiki node section
* mburns to send out beta announcement
* mburns to post ovirt-node for beta/test day
* ovirt-node bugs on the list are all targeted for the beta, mburns will
update bugs later today
Action Items, by person
* mburns
* mburns to review testday wiki node section
* mburns to send out beta announcement
* mburns to post ovirt-node for beta/test day
* ovirt-node bugs on the list are all targeted for the beta, mburns
will update bugs later today
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* mburns (94)
* dneary (18)
* oschreib (12)
* mgoldboi (10)
* danken1 (6)
* Rydekull (6)
* ewoud (5)
* ovirtbot (5)
* Jur (3)
* jb_netapp (2)
* YamaKasY (2)
* teuf_ (1)
* dustins (1)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot
[View Less]
12 years, 1 month
Minutes :: Infra weekly :: 2013-01-28
by Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden
Minutes (text):
#ovirt Meeting
Meeting started by ewoud at 15:10:20 UTC. The full logs are available at
http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2013/ovirt.2013-01-28-15.10.log.html .
Meeting summary
* LINK: http://www.ovirt.org/…
[View More]Infrastructure_team_meetings#2013-01-28
(ewoud, 15:10:37)
* Agenda: http://www.ovirt.org/Infrastructure_team_meetings#2013-01-28
(dneary, 15:11:24)
* hosting (ewoud, 15:13:28)
* ACTION: dneary to ensure that ewoud, eedri and dcaro get admin
access to Jenkins server (dneary, 15:15:07)
* ACTION: dneary to check who can add Rydekull and ewoud as admins for
linode1 (dneary, 15:17:28)
* no progress on new hosting due to missing credentials (ewoud,
* first jenkins install will be manual, puppetized later on (ewoud,
* ACTION: dneary ensure people receive logins (ewoud, 15:22:08)
* jenkins (ewoud, 15:22:33)
* current rhel vms (ec2) were upgraded to 6.3 (ewoud, 15:23:04)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/ovirt/ticket/34 (eedri, 15:24:33)
* python-nose1.1 was installed and linked on rhel vms (eedri,
* gerrit (ewoud, 15:36:50)
* fosdem (ewoud, 15:37:58)
* ACTION: ewoud propose a time to meet at fosdem (ewoud, 15:41:55)
* trac review (ewoud, 15:42:08)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/ovirt/report/1 (ewoud, 15:43:08)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/ovirt/ticket/31 Licensing (rights)
link disappears when graphic is not used (ewoud, 15:44:25)
* Other business? (ewoud, 15:46:58)
Meeting ended at 15:48:36 UTC.
Action Items
* dneary to ensure that ewoud, eedri and dcaro get admin access to
Jenkins server
* dneary to check who can add Rydekull and ewoud as admins for linode1
* dneary ensure people receive logins
* ewoud propose a time to meet at fosdem
Action Items, by person
* dcaro
* dneary to ensure that ewoud, eedri and dcaro get admin access to
Jenkins server
* dneary
* dneary to ensure that ewoud, eedri and dcaro get admin access to
Jenkins server
* dneary to check who can add Rydekull and ewoud as admins for linode1
* dneary ensure people receive logins
* eedri
* dneary to ensure that ewoud, eedri and dcaro get admin access to
Jenkins server
* ewoud
* dneary to ensure that ewoud, eedri and dcaro get admin access to
Jenkins server
* dneary to check who can add Rydekull and ewoud as admins for linode1
* ewoud propose a time to meet at fosdem
* Rydekull
* dneary to check who can add Rydekull and ewoud as admins for linode1
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* ewoud (69)
* dneary (37)
* eedri (33)
* Rydekull (15)
* ovirtbot (4)
* is (1)
* dcaro|mtg (1)
* fabiand (1)
* dcaro (0)
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.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot
[View Less]
12 years, 1 month
oVirt Weekly Meeting -- 2013-01-23
by Mike Burns
Minutes: http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2013/ovirt.2013-01-23-15.00.html
Minutes (text): http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2013/ovirt.2013-01-23-15.00.txt
Log: http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2013/ovirt.2013-01-23-15.00.log.html
#ovirt: oVirt Weekly Meeting
Meeting started by mburns_ovirt_ws at 15:00:57 UTC. The full logs are
available at
http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2013/ovirt.2013-01-23-15.00.log.html .
[View More]Meeting summary
* agenda and roll call (mburns_ovirt_ws, 15:01:05)
* Release status (mburns, 15:04:10)
* vdsm and engine rpms are posted to ovirt-beta repo (mburns,
* testing is ongoing with ovirt-node (mburns, 15:04:43)
* hope to have ovirt-node packages and image uploaded and beta
announcement sent today (mburns, 15:05:10)
* workshops (dneary, 15:08:24)
* Sunnyvale workshop on now. 90 registered, ~70 attendees for day 1
(dneary, 15:08:51)
* Dates for Shanghai workshop in Intel's campus there have been pushed
back (dneary, 15:09:29)
* Shanghai workshop will now happen on May 8-9, 2013 (dneary,
* Call for participation and registration for that workshop will go
online next week (dneary, 15:10:38)
* oVirt Board meeting during the NetApp workshop is planned for
tomorrow, Thursday 24 Jan. Remote attendance is possible - please
contact dneary(a)redhat.com or lhawthor(a)redhat.com to attend remotely
(dneary, 15:13:33)
* Board meeting starts at 09:00 AM PST, 17:00 UTC (mburns, 15:16:38)
* Infra update (quick) (mburns, 15:17:15)
* <quaid> we've got *both* sets of servers & I'll be distributing
access to the Infra maintainers later today so work can continue in
my absence (mburns, 15:17:38)
* Release Status (continued) (mburns, 15:18:02)
* Q from aglitke -- will we have a 3.2 ovirt on a stick? (mburns,
* A - yes, it's already in use at the workshop right now (mburns,
* next step is to get it into a jenkins build to build it daily
(mburns, 15:19:07)
* question from linex about upgrades -- will it be a simple package
update to go from 3.1 to 3.2? (mburns, 15:19:34)
* answer -- no, 3.1 runs on F17 and 3.2 on F18, so there is an OS
upgrade involved as well as running engine-upgrade (mburns,
* upgrade from 3.2 beta to 3.2 GA *should* be more smooth (mburns,
* Proposal -- since we don't have beta ready yet, slip test day from
24-Jan to 29-Jan and GA from 30-Jan to 06-Feb (mburns, 15:24:12)
* question -- release note status (mburns, 15:25:16)
* sgordon and cheryn tan are coordinating (mburns, 15:25:29)
* maintainers need to be responsive is asked for info from them if we
hope to have them available on time (mburns, 15:25:48)
* should have a draft ready for the 29th (mburns, 15:26:13)
* AGREED: release date to slip 1 week to 06-Feb and test day to 29-Jan
(mburns, 15:27:40)
* Other Topics (mburns, 15:29:40)
Meeting ended at 15:32:24 UTC.
Action Items
Action Items, by person
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* mburns (60)
* dneary (20)
* aglitke (19)
* mburns_ovirt_ws (7)
* sgordon (5)
* linex (5)
* ovirtbot (4)
* Rydekull (2)
* quaid (1)
* dustins (1)
* oschreib (0)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot
[View Less]
12 years, 1 month
Minutes :: Infra weekly :: 2013-01-21
by Karsten 'quaid' Wade
Minutes (text):
#ovirt: Infra weekly
Meeting started by quaid at 15:01:25 UTC. The full logs are available at
http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2013/ovirt.2013-01-21-15.01.log.html .
Meeting summary
* …
[View More]Agenda & roll-call (quaid, 15:02:00)
* LINK: http://www.ovirt.org/Infrastructure_team_meetings#2012-01-21
(quaid, 15:02:07)
* Vacation coverage (quaid, 15:05:38)
* Missing Infra info on who, what, decisions, etc. (quaid, 15:08:27)
* LINK: http://www.ovirt.org/Becoming_an_Infrastructure_team_member
(quaid, 15:08:58)
* LINK: http://www.ovirt.org/Infrastructure_team_assignments (quaid,
* LINK: http://www.ovirt.org/Infrastructure#Decision_process (quaid,
* Hosting (quaid, 15:12:13)
* eedri should have access to the AlterWay servers to turn one of them
in to the about-to-be Jenkins master (quaid, 15:12:50)
* those machines will be Puppetized after we get them installed, to
save time (not have to wait for puppet/foreman) (quaid, 15:13:26)
* ewoud also should have access & be coordinating with eedri (quaid,
* RackSpace hosts are going to come online probably while quaid is on
vacation; if he sees the keys, he'll pass along access to eedri &
ewoud for turning one of them in to a Jenkins slaves host (quaid,
* ACTION: dneary to follow-up about RHEL entitlements for RackSpace
(quaid, 15:15:15)
* quaid added 15 GB of space to the Linode instance to carry us over
to migration, hopefully (quaid, 15:16:41)
* no update on Infiniband hosting sponsorship, being worked on
(quaid, 15:17:38)
* Puppet (quaid, 15:20:17)
* Puppet to be hosted on AlterWay second server (quaid, 15:20:32)
* ewoud should have info to install VMs on that second server to work
on Puppet, Foreman, smartproxy, etc. (quaid, 15:21:03)
* we need to schedule out this migration a bit better, but puppet will
arrive after the Jenkins migration (quaid, 15:21:19)
* ACTION: quaid to get Jenkins master credentials to eedri & dcaro
asap (quaid, 15:23:08)
* Jenkins (quaid, 15:24:49)
* Working on Jenkins master migration plan - eedri, dcaro (quaid,
* server for Jenkins slaves to arrive in a few weeks (quaid,
* Gerrit (quaid, 15:30:18)
* Gerrit is steady, no plans underway to move it (yet), will need to
plan that carefully (quaid, 15:30:44)
* Any other business? (quaid, 15:32:10)
* Trac ticket review (quaid, 15:34:33)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/ovirt/report/1 (quaid, 15:34:49)
Meeting ended at 15:42:28 UTC.
Action Items
* dneary to follow-up about RHEL entitlements for RackSpace
* quaid to get Jenkins master credentials to eedri & dcaro asap
Action Items, by person
* dcaro
* quaid to get Jenkins master credentials to eedri & dcaro asap
* eedri
* quaid to get Jenkins master credentials to eedri & dcaro asap
* quaid
* quaid to get Jenkins master credentials to eedri & dcaro asap
* dneary to follow-up about RHEL entitlements for RackSpace
People Present (lines said)
* quaid (85)
* Rydekull (21)
* backblue (16)
* ewoud (6)
* mburns_ovirt_ws (5)
* eedri (3)
* ovirtbot (2)
* danken2 (1)
* dcaro (1)
Karsten 'quaid' Wade, Sr. Analyst - Community Growth
http://TheOpenSourceWay.org .^\ http://community.redhat.com
@quaid (identi.ca/twitter/IRC) \v' gpg: AD0E0C41
[View Less]
12 years, 1 month
oVirt features survey - please participate!
by Dave Neary
Hi everyone,
After the mammoth thread these past few days on what you would like to
see next from oVirt, Itamar and I have put together a list of all of the
features you requested and made a survey to help us understand a bit
more which features are more important to you, and the way in which you
use oVirt.
It will take you between 1 and 3 minutes to participate in this survey,
and help prioritise efforts for the next version or two of …
[View More]oVirt. If you
know of people who are oVirt users, but who are not on this mailing
list, please feel free to forward this link on to them!
Also, let me remind you that you can see first hand what is coming in
the upcoming oVirt 3.2 release and talk to the people behind oVirt
during the oVirt Workshop in NetApp HQ, Sunnyvale, California next week.
Registration is still open for another day or so, and we have about 10
places still available. Sign up now!
Dave Neary - Community Action and Impact
Open Source and Standards, Red Hat - http://community.redhat.com
Ph: +33 9 50 71 55 62 / Cell: +33 6 77 01 92 13
[View Less]
12 years, 1 month
oVirt Weekly Meeting Minutes
by Mike Burns
Minutes: http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2013/ovirt.2013-01-16-15.00.html
Minutes (text): http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2013/ovirt.2013-01-16-15.00.txt
Log: http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2013/ovirt.2013-01-16-15.00.log.html
#ovirt: oVirt Weekly Sync
Meeting started by mburns at 15:00:23 UTC. The full logs are available
at http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2013/ovirt.2013-01-16-15.00.log.html
Meeting summary
[View More]---------
* agenda and roll call (mburns, 15:00:29)
* release status (mburns, 15:04:28)
* we're supposed to be posting the beta versions of packages (mburns,
* (actually were supposed to do this yesterday) (mburns, 15:05:03)
* engine builds running now, to be posted when complete (mburns,
* vdsm build is available in fedora updates testing, but not core
fedora yet (mburns, 15:06:48)
* vdsm packages downloaded from koji and loaded into beta area on
ovirt.org (mburns, 15:07:10)
* otopi and ovirt-host-deploy built and uploaded (mburns, 15:07:19)
* ovirt-node and ovirt-node iso are coming shortly, but needed vdsm
and ovirt-host-deploy uploaded first (mburns, 15:07:47)
* build run, now in smoketesting prior to posting (mburns, 15:07:58)
* mom from fedora is good (mburns, 15:10:26)
* still waiting on cli/sdk (mburns, 15:11:35)
* still waiting on log-collector image-uploader iso-uploader
guest-agent (mburns, 15:12:06)
* proposal: leave alpha packages in beta for missing packages and get
updated packages in background (mburns, 15:20:55)
* AGREED: will move into beta with alpha packages for guest-agent,
log-collector, iso and image uploaders, sdk/cli (mburns, 15:22:39)
* steps left to start beta: (mburns, 15:22:56)
* 1. upload new ovirt-engine rpms (mburns, 15:23:09)
* 2. finalize smoketesting, build, and post ovirt-node and
ovirt-node-iso rpms (mburns, 15:23:35)
* 3. send announcement (mburns, 15:23:45)
* ACTION: oschreib_ to follow up with mpastern and kroberts for beta
branching and packaging (mburns, 15:25:43)
* ACTION: mburns to finish ovirt-node related beta tasks (mburns,
* ACTION: mburns to send out beta announcement (mburns, 15:26:01)
* one other request for maintainers -- please keep the tracker bug
updated with release blocking issues (mburns, 15:26:33)
* LINK: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=881006 (mburns,
* Test Day scheduled for 24-Jan (Next Thursday) (mburns, 15:28:25)
* workshops (mburns, 15:29:33)
* no updates on Shanghai workshop, updates coming next week (mburns,
* registration for Sunnyvale (NetApp) is open until tomorrow (mburns,
* Board Meeting is arranged, good attendance expected (mburns,
* for remote participation at the board meeting, please contact dneary
(mburns, 15:33:21)
* not really a workshop, but somewhat related -- I'll be attending
FUDCon this weekend and will propose both a talk on oVirt and will
work with people who want to deploy oVirt (mburns, 15:34:50)
* please feel free to say hi if you're also attending (mburns,
(lh, 15:40:02)
* ACTION: lh to confirm with Intel we are "go" for Shanghai workshop
on 20 - 21 March (quaid, 15:41:08)
* Shanghai dates are confirmed for 20-21 March (mburns, 15:41:12)
* getting reconfirmation from Intel that 20-21 March dates are locked
(lh, 15:41:31)
* Infrastructure report (mburns, 15:42:10)
* AlterWay Servers are available (mburns, 15:42:20)
* dneary has connection information (mburns, 15:42:27)
* New hosts from RackSpace due in a few weeks (quaid, 15:46:15)
* I will be on vacation and travelling in Europe starting 25 Jan
through 08 Feb (with a work/FOSDEM break on 31 - 02), so we'll be
discussing coverage on infra@ (quaid, 15:47:10)
* Jenkins will be moving to Alter Way, migration plan forthcoming with
details to discuss before finalized on arch@ (quaid, 15:47:40)
* Other topics (mburns, 15:49:13)
* due to travel and the oVirt Workshop, mburns likely won't be around
for the weekly next week (mburns, 15:49:55)
* mburns will try to get someone else to handle this meeting next week
(mburns, 15:52:08)
Meeting ended at 15:56:02 UTC.
Action Items
* oschreib_ to follow up with mpastern and kroberts for beta branching
and packaging
* mburns to finish ovirt-node related beta tasks
* mburns to send out beta announcement
* lh to confirm with Intel we are "go" for Shanghai workshop on 20 - 21
Action Items, by person
* lh
* lh to confirm with Intel we are "go" for Shanghai workshop on 20 -
21 March
* mburns
* mburns to finish ovirt-node related beta tasks
* mburns to send out beta announcement
* oschreib_
* oschreib_ to follow up with mpastern and kroberts for beta branching
and packaging
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* mburns (91)
* aglitke (19)
* dneary (17)
* oschreib_ (12)
* lh (9)
* quaid (9)
* ovirtbot (5)
* goacid (1)
* ofrenkel (1)
* Rydekull (1)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot
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12 years, 2 months
Minutes :: oVirt Infra weekly meeting :: 2013-01-14
by Karsten 'quaid' Wade
Minutes (text):
#ovirt: oVirt Infra Team Weekly
Meeting started by quaid at 15:01:19 UTC. The full logs are available at
http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2013/ovirt.2013-01-14-15.01.log.html .
[View More]
Meeting summary
* Agenda & roll call (quaid, 15:01:30)
* LINK: http://www.ovirt.org/Infrastructure_team_meetings#2012-01-14
(quaid, 15:01:45)
* Hosting (quaid, 15:06:10)
* I had a kickoff meeting last Friday with RackSpace for the new
hosting there; eedri & dcaro were included (either in the meeting or
the materials) (quaid, 15:06:53)
* 10 to 15 business days from Friday 11 Jan for the new hosts to
arrive (quaid, 15:07:11)
* LINK: http://etherpad.ovirt.org/p/new_hosting_design_Jan_2013
(quaid, 15:08:45)
* ACTION: Need to follow up with Kevin from Alter Way for status
(quaid, 15:09:13)
* AlterWay servers are being installed and will be delivered on
Wednesday (quaid, 15:11:52)
* ACTION: quaid to work on final migration plan for list review
(quaid, 15:17:38)
(quaid, 15:22:10)
* Puppet (quaid, 15:24:25)
* dcaro has sent initial Puppet manifests to the list (quaid,
(quaid, 15:25:08)
* LINK: https://github.com/david-caro/puppet-jenkins (quaid,
* ACTION: Infra team especially ewoud need to review initial Jenkins
Puppet manifests (quaid, 15:28:23)
* AGREED: We'll install Jenkins manually, then have puppet master
enforce the puppet classes and make sure it stays aligned to the
configuration (quaid, 15:32:15)
* LINK: http://docs.puppetlabs.com/guides/best_practices.html
(quaid, 15:38:21)
* LINK: https://github.com/david-caro/puppet-jenkins/tree/master/files
(dneary, 15:38:33)
* ACTION: dcaro to request Puppet module on Gerrit (quaid, 15:44:46)
* AGREED: Puppet repo on Gerrit generally a good idea, will finish
detail discussions on list (quaid, 15:45:32)
* Jenkins (quaid, 15:45:48)
* ACTION: All reply to the on-list request to grant admin access to
dcaro (quaid, 15:46:07)
* Jenkins migration plan embedded in the overall new hosting design
(quaid, 15:46:51)
* LINK: http://etherpad.ovirt.org/p/new_hosting_design_Jan_2013
(quaid, 15:46:53)
* recent job failure on Jenkins are likely due to infrastructure -
slow VM response and out of space issues (quaid, 15:48:49)
* Gerrit (quaid, 15:50:03)
* Gerrit is generally stable currently (quaid, 15:50:23)
* AGREED: Still planning to move Gerrit to new hosting after things
settle down from the Jenkins and Mailman moves (quaid, 15:51:15)
* IDEA: Should do the Gerrit install using the new Foreman/Puppet
system (quaid, 15:51:40)
* ACTION: quaid to get an SSL Cert for one or more ovirt.org domains
(quaid, 15:54:11)
* OpenShift - space & admin redundancy (quaid, 15:55:34)
* we ran out of space on our OpenShift gear over the weekend, which
causes an unhelpful error that dneary fixed by cleaning up things
(quaid, 15:56:00)
* ACTION: quaid is asking #openshift for a much bigger quota (quaid,
* Bigger quota is now here, thanks dneary (quaid, 15:58:20)
* 'rhc log-clean' helps keep things clean (quaid, 15:58:31)
* IDEA: can we automate openshift cleanup using cron? (quaid,
* ACTION: quaid needs to figure out how to add other admins to
OpenShift, then add folks from Infra (quaid, 15:59:13)
* IDEA: can we use OpenShift log rotation automagic? (quaid,
* IDEA: could use cron cartridge for our own log rotation (quaid,
Meeting ended at 16:08:53 UTC.
Action Items
* Need to follow up with Kevin from Alter Way for status
* quaid to work on final migration plan for list review
* Infra team especially ewoud need to review initial Jenkins Puppet
* dcaro to request Puppet module on Gerrit
* All reply to the on-list request to grant admin access to dcaro
* quaid to get an SSL Cert for one or more ovirt.org domains
* quaid is asking #openshift for a much bigger quota
* quaid needs to figure out how to add other admins to OpenShift, then
add folks from Infra
Action Items, by person
* dcaro
* dcaro to request Puppet module on Gerrit
* All reply to the on-list request to grant admin access to dcaro
* ewoud
* Infra team especially ewoud need to review initial Jenkins Puppet
* quaid
* quaid to work on final migration plan for list review
* quaid to get an SSL Cert for one or more ovirt.org domains
* quaid is asking #openshift for a much bigger quota
* quaid needs to figure out how to add other admins to OpenShift, then
add folks from Infra
* Need to follow up with Kevin from Alter Way for status
People Present (lines said)
* quaid (127)
* eedri (25)
* dneary (22)
* dcaro (10)
* goacid (6)
* ale (4)
* ovirtbot (3)
* vfeenstr (2)
* ewoud (2)
* itamar (2)
* myoung34 (2)
* mburns (1)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot
Karsten 'quaid' Wade, Sr. Analyst - Community Growth
http://TheOpenSourceWay.org .^\ http://community.redhat.com
@quaid (identi.ca/twitter/IRC) \v' gpg: AD0E0C41
[View Less]
12 years, 2 months
Minutes :: Weekly infra meeting :: 2013-01-09
by Karsten 'quaid' Wade
The bot wasn't yet working on Monday morning, instead I'm including the
entire logs below. I've also extracted the key points above here where
the bot-style commands were used for that purpose.
* New hosting plan draft:
*** Pulled together from previous and existing discussions
*** Team needs to start writing up initial Puppet manifests
* Trac review:
*** No …
[View More]time to review tickets in meeting
*** Everyone update your own tickets
## begin IRC log
07:00 < quaid> #startmeeting
07:01 < quaid> ruh roh
07:01 -!- Irssi: #ovirt: Total of 156 nicks [2 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices,
154 normal]
07:01 * quaid goes to look at bot one moment
07:01 -!- ofri_ [~ofri(a)nat-pool-tlv-u1.redhat.com] has joined #ovirt
07:01 -!- ykaul [~ykaul(a)nat-pool-tlv-u1.redhat.com] has joined #ovirt
07:01 -!- mskrivanek|away is now known as mskrivanek
07:02 < quaid> ok, bot is down
07:02 < quaid> I was having troubles before the holidays, still not
fixed I reckon
07:02 -!- dcaro [~dcaro(a)nat-pool-brq-u.redhat.com] has joined #ovirt
07:02 < quaid> so I'll just keep a copy of the log here and we'll just
use meetbot convention to make searching the logs easier :/
07:03 < quaid> #meetingname Infra weekly meeting
07:03 < quaid> #topic roll call & coffee time
07:03 -!- eedri_ [~eedri(a)nat-pool-tlv-t1.redhat.com] has quit [Read
error: Operation timed out]
07:04 -!- gchaplik [~gchaplik(a)nat-pool-tlv-t1.redhat.com] has quit [Read
error: Operation timed out]
07:04 * quaid is here & pulling up agenda
07:04 * dneary is here
07:04 < dneary> Any news on the git issue earlier? /me asks quaid to add
it to agenda
07:05 < quaid> no news that I've seen, we can add it
07:07 < quaid> ok, I've read the news & am not having a problem with
gerrit access from here either
07:07 -!- mdday [~mdday(a)cpe-076-182-073-192.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ovirt
07:07 < quaid> Agenda:
07:08 -!- mbetak [~mbetak(a)nat-pool-brq-t.redhat.com] has joined #ovirt
07:08 -!- danken [~danken(a)bzq-109-67-31-252.red.bezeqint.net] has joined
07:08 < quaid> Review & discuss & improve upon draft:
07:08 < quaid> Trac ticket review: https://fedorahosted.org/ovirt/report/1
07:08 < quaid> Is gerrit.ovirt.org OK? Status
07:08 < quaid> All other business
07:08 < quaid> anything else?
07:09 -!- ykaul [~ykaul(a)nat-pool-tlv-u1.redhat.com] has quit [Ping
timeout: 480 seconds]
07:09 -!- ircuser-1 [~ircuser-1(a)35.222-62-69.ftth.swbr.surewest.net] has
joined #ovirt
07:09 -!- jclift [~jclift(a)nat-pool-brq-t.redhat.com] has joined #ovirt
07:10 < jclift> Is anyone around who can guide me in how to successfully
submit patches with gerrit?
07:11 < jclift> I've been following the instructions on the "Working
with oVirt Gerrit" wiki page, but it's not working properly. Only the
first commit shows up in the web interface.
07:12 -!- abaron [~abaron(a)] has quit [Ping
timeout: 480 seconds]
07:12 < quaid> ok, I'm giving up on the bot for the moment, sorry :)
07:12 * quaid getting coffee, too
07:12 < ewoud> jclift: how did you push? git push or git-review?
07:12 < quaid> #topic New hosting plan draft:
07:13 < quaid> #info Pulled together from previous and existing discussions
07:13 < jclift> ewoud: git push gerrit.ovirt.org:ovirt-engine
07:14 -!- mbetak [~mbetak(a)nat-pool-brq-t.redhat.com] has quit [Quit:
07:15 -!- mbetak [~mbetak(a)nat-pool-brq-t.redhat.com] has joined #ovirt
07:15 -!- aglitke [~aglitke(a)68-115-116-10.dhcp.roch.mn.charter.com] has
quit [Remote host closed the connection]
07:15 < quaid> dcaro: re: network infrastructure, we'll have to ask
Kevin on list for more details
07:16 < quaid> I think we did talk about a private VLAN
07:16 < quaid> and the need to control our own DHCP
07:16 < ewoud> jclift: I haven't done so recently, but I think that
should work; are you sure HEAD is multiple commits?
07:16 -!- abaron [~abaron(a)] has joined #ovirt
07:16 < jclift> ewoud: checking
07:16 -!- lagarcia__ [~lagarcia(a)] has joined #ovirt
07:16 -!- mpastern [~mpastern(a)] has joined #ovirt
07:17 < ewoud> quaid: I'm not sure I like to separate the DB from the
app unless it's really needed
07:17 -!- mkolesni_ [~mkolesni(a)nat-pool-tlv-t1.redhat.com] has quit
[Quit: Bye!]
07:18 < ewoud> only listening on localhost makes security a bit easier imho
07:18 < dcaro> quaid: ok, we want to set up foreman with provisioning
07:18 < ewoud> if possible
07:18 < quaid> ewoud: fair point about DBs, as long as it's not a
resource problem on the host, right?
07:18 < quaid> dcaro: aiui, yes
07:19 -!- ykaul [~ykaul(a)nat-pool-tlv-t1.redhat.com] has joined #ovirt
07:19 < quaid> #action Team needs to start writing up initial Puppet
07:19 < ewoud> quaid: that as wel; splitting it into two different VMs
on the same host gives little benefit imho
07:19 < quaid> ewoud: heh, true
07:19 -!- eedri_ [~eedri(a)nat-pool-tlv-u1.redhat.com] has joined #ovirt
07:19 < quaid> eedri_: we're actually meeting, the bot is down
07:19 < ewoud> only thing that might be easier is backups; one central
DB may be easier to back up
07:20 < quaid> eedri_:
07:20 < dcaro> I've started writting the jenkins master/slave manifests
07:20 -!- mkolesni [~mkolesni(a)nat-pool-tlv-t1.redhat.com] has joined #ovirt
07:20 < eedri_> quaid, ok
07:20 < ewoud> dcaro: have you checked out puppet-jenkins?
07:20 -!- msalem [~msalem(a)nat-pool-tlv-t1.redhat.com] has quit [Read
error: Connection reset by peer]
07:20 < ewoud> dcaro: https://github.com/rtyler/puppet-jenkins
07:20 < jclift> ewoud: http://fpaste.org/z308/
07:20 < jclift> ewoud: Looks like multiple commits to me?
07:20 < dcaro> ewoud, yep, I'm using it as a base
07:21 < ewoud> jclift: that's log origin/master..HEAD or something
similar I assume
07:21 < quaid> ewoud: I was thinking about that, figured if we're doing
e.g. sql dumps, those are automatable - the challenge would be perhaps
more in mirroring databases if we had many of them
07:21 < jclift> ewoud: Yep
07:21 < quaid> I'm forgetting, did we setup the git repo for Infra?
07:21 < ewoud> dcaro: can I see the work somewhere?
07:22 < quaid> how does it come in to play here? does foreman/puppet
want all our configs in packages, etc.?
07:22 -!- emesika [~emesika(a)] has quit [Read error:
Connection timed out]
07:22 < ewoud> quaid: no, you can install files either using straight
content or through a template
07:22 -!- emesika [~emesika(a)] has joined #ovirt
07:22 -!- lagarcia_ [~lagarcia(a)] has quit [Ping timeout:
480 seconds]
07:23 < dcaro> ewoud: I'll push it to my fork as soon as I have
something worth looking into
07:23 < ewoud> jclift: which commit? I'd assume the first because the
last will need the others
07:23 < ewoud> dcaro: cool
07:23 -!- movciari [~movciari(a)nat-pool-brq-t.redhat.com] has joined #ovirt
07:24 < jclift> ewoud: All of mine in that list. 7 in total.
07:24 * jclift notices there's a GitHub mirror for all of the oVirt code
07:24 < ewoud> jclift: yes, but can you paste the output of git push? it
should mention the review requests
07:24 < jclift> ewoud: Can I just to a GitHub pull request instead of
this Gerrit crap?
07:24 < jclift> :)
07:25 < ewoud> jclift: no, they're meant as a read-only method
07:25 < jclift> Damn. This is _way_ more difficult than it needs to be. :(
07:25 -!- doron [~doron(a)nat-pool-tlv-u1.redhat.com] has quit [Remote
host closed the connection]
07:26 < quaid> jclift: are you having the problem with gerrit that's
being reported on infra@?
07:26 -!- doron [~doron(a)nat-pool-tlv-u1.redhat.com] has joined #ovirt
07:26 < quaid>
07:26 * jclift looks
07:26 < quaid>
07:26 < jclift> ewoud: http://fpaste.org/gTZY/
07:26 < jclift> quaid: No.
07:27 < quaid> jclift: ok, didn't sound like it but ...
07:27 < jclift> jclift: I think I'm just having conceptual issues with
Gerrit. :)
07:27 < ewoud> jclift: that looks very weird; maybe HEAD isn't the
branch you want to push?
07:27 < jclift> After this patch, I'm never touching it again.
07:27 < jclift> ewoud: master HEAD is where I have the patches.
07:28 < jclift> I first tried with a branch "typo_fixes_v2", but wasn't
sure how to do stuff with branches with Gerrit.
07:28 < jclift> So, I just did it in master instead.
07:28 < ewoud> jclift: if you do branches I think git-review makes your
life a lot easier
07:28 -!- eedri_ [~eedri(a)nat-pool-tlv-u1.redhat.com] has quit [Ping
timeout: 480 seconds]
07:29 < jclift> I have no intention of ever doing anything with the
oVirt source ever again.
07:29 < jclift> (unless it moves to GitHub or something sane)
07:29 < jclift> So, not really going to invest time into learning new
tools just for this purpose.
07:29 < jclift> Hmmm.
07:29 -!- lvernia [~lvernia(a)nat-pool-tlv-t1.redhat.com] has quit [Quit:
Konversation terminated!]
07:30 < jclift> I think I'll just "abandon" this change set, and someone
else who knows Gerrit can fix the typos in things when they're bothered. :)
07:30 < ewoud> jclift: http://gerrit.ovirt.org/#/c/5541/ is the only
commit that shows up?
07:30 < jclift> ewoud: Yep
07:31 < ewoud> jclift: you could try to push to
refs/for/master/typo_fixes to make a branch
07:32 < ewoud> jclift: btw, I think I see what's the problem
07:32 < ewoud> all the commits have the exact same change id
07:32 < jclift> Yep
07:32 < ewoud> which means gerrit things it's the same change
07:32 < jclift> That ties them together doesn't it?
07:32 < quaid> btw, who is writing the master/slave hostgroups in to the
07:32 < jclift> They're part of the same change.
07:32 < ewoud> jclift: no, a change ID means it's a unique trackable commit
07:33 < jclift> Hmmm. I don't have an "Abandon Change" button.
07:33 < jclift> How do I abandon/nuke/etc this change?
07:33 < ewoud> jclift: just give the other commits a new ID, push and it
should work
07:33 < ewoud> jclift: I'll assume the first commit is still valid
07:34 < ewoud> jclift: change IDs are a means of tracking multiple
versions of a single patch
07:34 < jclift> How do I tie multiple patches into one related "change" ?
07:34 < jclift> Or is that not possible?
07:34 < ewoud> jclift: I think you push to refs/for/master/<my_branch_name>
07:34 < jclift> k
07:35 < quaid> ah, it's eedri
07:35 -!- jbrooks [~jason(a)c-50-148-148-82.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has
joined #ovirt
07:35 -!- eedri [~eedri(a)nat-pool-tlv-t1.redhat.com] has joined #ovirt
07:37 < quaid> ewoud: regarding the smart proxy, is that something we'd
want bundled on the same server with Puppet, or would that be a
stand-alone host, too?
07:38 < dneary> quaid, What agenda item are we on? I'm a little lost
07:38 < ewoud> quaid: We need to run puppet on the smartproxy because it
managed /etc/puppet/autosign.conf for example
07:38 < dneary> Ah - hosting plan
07:38 < dneary> Never mind me
07:39 < quaid> yep, and on the Etherpad
07:39 < quaid> http://etherpad.ovirt.org/p/new_hosting_design_Jan_2013
07:39 < quaid> ewoud: ah, ok
07:39 -!- shireesh [~shireesh(a)nat-pool-sin2-t.redhat.com] has joined #ovirt
07:39 < ewoud> also, we need to install puppet from the puppetlabs repo
because the server needs to be >= clients
07:40 < ewoud> and afaik F17 is puppet 2.7 where EPEL6 is 2.6
07:40 < eedri> ewoud, i think we have puppet master on rhel and it
managed fedora clients
07:41 < ewoud> eedri: I have no fedora clients, but pretty sure I heard
something about that
07:41 -!- kamdard [~kamdard(a)pool-96-226-22-78.dllstx.fios.verizon.net]
has joined #ovirt
07:41 < ewoud> eedri: we can start with EPEL6 version and upgrade if it
doesn't work
07:41 -!- ofri_ [~ofri(a)nat-pool-tlv-u1.redhat.com] has quit [Ping
timeout: 480 seconds]
07:41 < eedri> ewoud, sure
07:41 -!- oliel [~oliel(a)nat-pool-tlv-t1.redhat.com] has quit [Remote
host closed the connection]
07:41 < ewoud> eedri:
http://etherpad.ovirt.org/p/new_hosting_design_Jan_2013 btw
07:41 < dcaro> Puppet is sensitive to the versions of the master/client,
we should use the same on clinet and master
07:43 -!- achub [~achub(a)nat-pool-tlv-t1.redhat.com] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
07:44 -!- ofri_ [~ofri(a)nat-pool-tlv-t1.redhat.com] has joined #ovirt
07:44 < quaid> hmm, well I reckon if it works it will work fine, and if
it doesn't, it will be clear it's not working? (Having EPEL's Puppet run
Fedora slaves)
07:44 < ewoud> jclift: any luck changing the IDs?
07:45 < eedri> ewoud, are you chatting on the pad? cause i don't see it
07:45 < eedri> ewoud, or just reviewing the items
07:45 < ewoud> eedri: we're reviewing the items
07:45 -!- gchaplik [~gchaplik(a)nat-pool-tlv-t1.redhat.com] has joined #ovirt
07:45 < jclift> ewoud: I'm just about to try this:
07:45 < jclift> git push gerrit.ovirt.org:ovirt-engine
07:45 < jclift> Does that sound right?
07:46 < ewoud> jclift: I think it does
07:46 < jclift> The new commits, with changed id's, are in a new
"typo_fixes_v3" branch.
07:46 < jclift> k, lets see what happens.
07:46 < quaid> we're chatting here because I'll paste the logs to the
mailing lists for archiving when we're done
07:46 -!- ljk
[~ljk(a)burl-mse-71-255-129-12.static.ngn.east.myfairpoint.net] has joined
07:47 < ewoud> jclift: looks like it pushed multiple commits now
07:47 < eedri> quaid, btw, any update on gerrit issue?
07:47 < eedri> quaid, seems issue pressit from tlv site
07:47 < ewoud> eedri: does HTTP work normal? traceroue?
07:48 < quaid> eedri: are all the folks affected so far in the same office?
07:49 < eedri> ewoud, http from browsers works
07:49 < eedri> ewoud, yea, seems to all from tlv site
07:49 -!- sgrunewald [~soeren.gr(a)p5B3C048D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit
[Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
07:49 < eedri> ewoud, but it works for some
07:49 < ewoud> eedri: weird that http from browsers would work, but git
over http doesn't
07:49 < ewoud> eedri: to me it feels like you should contact your
network admin
07:50 < eedri> ewoud, ssh works.. but http/git doesn't
07:50 < eedri> ewoud, so i'm not sure it's a network issue
07:51 < jclift> ewoud: Is that good or bad? It's now 7 separate changes.
07:51 < jclift> Should I just leave it alone now, or just abandon it
07:51 < jclift> I'm completely over putting any more effort into this. :)
07:52 < ewoud> jclift: yes, every commit becomes a change and I think
you're fine now and just wait for a review
07:52 < jclift> ewoud: k, thanks.
07:52 -!- aglitke [~aglitke(a)68-115-116-10.dhcp.roch.mn.charter.com] has
joined #ovirt
07:52 -!- jlibosva [~jlibosva(a)nat-pool-brq-t.redhat.com] has quit [Quit:
07:52 < jclift> I really hope you guys move to GitHub or some "better
than Gerrit" system. :)
07:53 < ewoud> jclift: I'm not sure how easy GH is to manage multiple
branches or from a release point of view
07:54 < ewoud> quaid: eedri dcaro I tried to make a timeline at the end
of the document, got anything to add?
07:54 < jclift> Every other project on the planet seems to manage it. ;)
07:54 * quaid looks
07:55 < dcaro> should we install ovirt to handle the vms?
07:56 < ewoud> dcaro: we've talked about it a bit, but never reached a
07:56 < eedri> ewoud, don't we have foreman server already?
07:56 -!- mbetak [~mbetak(a)nat-pool-brq-t.redhat.com] has quit [Read
error: Connection reset by peer]
07:56 < ewoud> eedri: I set up a PoC on a VM of mine, but I think we'd
prefer to run it all on the new alterway machines
07:56 < quaid> eedri: so ... the nodes that are masters in the
Puppet/Foreman arrangement are *not* provisioned using themselves?
07:56 < eedri> ewoud, sure
07:56 < quaid> i.e., puppet, foreman, smartproxy
07:56 -!- mbetak [~mbetak(a)nat-pool-brq-t.redhat.com] has joined #ovirt
07:57 < eedri> quaid, its the chicken and egg
07:57 -!- chouchins [~chouchins(a)IP-214-60.wustl.edu] has joined #ovirt
07:57 < eedri> quaid, but ewoud and david can explain better than i
07:57 < quaid> I've got a phone call in a few minutes, I think ... but
I'm definitely still working on the Etherpad & can keep in this meeting
07:57 < eedri> quaid, what's the best approaach
07:57 * quaid will work on the bot later today
07:57 < eedri> i think installing foreman + puppet master from stable
rpms will be best
07:58 -!- sgrunewald [~soeren.gr(a)p5B3C028F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has
joined #ovirt
07:58 < quaid> +1
07:58 < dcaro> +1
07:58 < eedri> then using existing install to manage and provision other
07:58 < ewoud> eedri: foreman 1.1 is about to be released, but maybe
ohadlevy can tell us more
07:58 < quaid> I want to use-or-fix what's in EPEL, if we can
07:58 < dneary> Stepping away... quaid please ping me if you need my
input on anything - I think I already updated infra tickets related to me
07:58 < quaid> dneary: thanks
07:58 < eedri> quaid, when can we get root access to alterway1?
07:59 < quaid> yeah, if anyone wants to review their own Trac tickets
and update them, we can skip that part of this meeting
07:59 < quaid> eedri: Kevin said he's installing base OS today
07:59 < eedri> quaid, ok.
07:59 < eedri> quaid, assuming we don't have foreman server yet, we'll
probably need to install jenkins master manually for no
07:59 < eedri> w
07:59 -!- tjelinek [~tjelinek(a)nat-pool-brq-t.redhat.com] has quit [Read
error: Operation timed out]
07:59 < quaid> ok
08:00 < ewoud> dcaro: I think running ovirt can be good with eating your
own dogfood, but not sure how much overhead it is when we only have one
machine running VMs
08:00 < quaid> I think it's OK to push ahead in parallel as long as we
are including the manual installs in Foreman later
08:01 < eedri> quaid, we can later on add the relevant hostgroups to
manage already installed servers
08:01 < quaid> great
08:01 < quaid> *whew*
08:02 < dcaro> ewoud: we have at least two right? alterway02 and
rackspace01? That's what's on the pad
08:03 -!- mbetak [~mbetak(a)nat-pool-brq-t.redhat.com] has quit [Quit:
08:03 < ewoud> dcaro: yes, but can we manage those two over a WAN link?
08:03 < ale_l> out of curiosity clikced that link :
http://etherpad.ovirt.org/p/new_hosting_design_Jan_2013 - is it supposed
to be public ?
08:03 -!- mbetak [~mbetak(a)nat-pool-brq-t.redhat.com] has joined #ovirt
08:03 < ewoud> ale_l: yes, nothing really secret I think
08:03 < ale_l> ah ok :)
08:04 -!- mkrcmari [~mkrcmari(a)nat-pool-brq-u.redhat.com] has quit [Quit:
08:04 -!- aglitke [~aglitke(a)68-115-116-10.dhcp.roch.mn.charter.com] has
quit [Remote host closed the connection]
08:06 < quaid> ale_l: thanks for checking, we only keep actual passwords
secret, otherwise we're radically transparent infrastructure :)
08:07 -!- mbetak [~mbetak(a)nat-pool-brq-t.redhat.com] has quit []
08:08 -!- mbetak [~mbetak(a)nat-pool-brq-t.redhat.com] has joined #ovirt
08:09 -!- ljk
[~ljk(a)burl-mse-71-255-129-12.static.ngn.east.myfairpoint.net] has quit
[Remote host closed the connection]
08:09 -!- masayag [~masayag(a)nat-pool-tlv-t1.redhat.com] has quit [Remote
host closed the connection]
08:09 -!- aglitke [~aglitke(a)68-115-116-10.dhcp.roch.mn.charter.com] has
joined #ovirt
08:10 -!- mkrcmari [~mkrcmari(a)nat-pool-brq-t.redhat.com] has joined #ovirt
08:10 -!- masayag [~masayag(a)nat-pool-tlv-t1.redhat.com] has joined #ovirt
08:11 -!- alourie [~alourie(a)nat-pool-tlv-t1.redhat.com] has quit [Ping
timeout: 480 seconds]
08:12 -!- mkletzan [~mkletzan(a)nat-pool-brq-t.redhat.com] has quit [Quit:
08:12 -!- alonbl_ [~alonbl(a)0001aebf.user.oftc.net] has quit [Ping
timeout: 480 seconds]
08:13 < quaid> ewoud: dcaro I've been pondering the usage of oVirt
itself, and I think perhaps we'll find it worthwhile, but I think we're
OK proceeding without oVirt as a layer & adding it layer
08:13 -!- ohadlevy [~ohadlevy(a)nat-pool-tlv-t1.redhat.com] has quit [Ping
timeout: 480 seconds]
08:14 -!- mskrivanek is now known as mskrivanek|away
08:15 < dcaro> ewoud, mmm, not sure how much bandwith should it take but
I think it should not be too much right?
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quit [Quit: Ex-Chat]
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Operation timed out]
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host closed the connection]
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08:18 < dcaro> quaid, I think that the benefits of having ovirt will
start to become relaly noticeable with the migration, as we are starting
to have more vms (also I think that using our own software should be a
must xd)
08:19 < quaid> I'm +1 with doing it, for sure
08:19 -!- mkolesni [~mkolesni(a)nat-pool-tlv-t1.redhat.com] has quit [Ping
timeout: 480 seconds]
08:19 < quaid> if we can do it as part of the migration, even better
08:27 -!- aglitke [~aglitke(a)68-115-116-10.dhcp.roch.mn.charter.com] has
quit [Read error: Connection timed out]
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[Quit: Leaving.]
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joined #ovirt
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timeout: 480 seconds]
08:28 < ewoud> quaid: I think it mostly starts to make sense if we add
more than one physical machine
08:28 -!- crobinso [~crobinso(a)cpe-67-248-219-87.nycap.res.rr.com] has
joined #ovirt
08:29 < ewoud> btw, what's the reason we need to use alterway02 as a
dedicated machine?
08:29 -!- lhornyak [~lhornyak(a)nat-pool-brq-u.redhat.com] has quit [Read
error: Operation timed out]
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error: Operation timed out]
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quit [Remote host closed the connection]
08:32 < quaid> ewoud: for Jenkins?
08:32 < quaid> aiui, we want Jenkins on it's own host, but why did I get
08:32 < quaid> * Read we don't want to have slaves on the same host
08:32 -!- anande [~anande(a)nat-pool-pnq-t.redhat.com] has joined #ovirt
08:33 < ewoud> quaid: yes, I think eedri said something like that but
I'm wondering if we get sufficient performance from a VM
08:33 < ewoud> if a VM is sufficient we could go for ovirt
08:33 < quaid> I guess the need for nested qemu v. bare metal (iirc) is
more on the slave side?
08:34 < ewoud> yes
08:34 < quaid> ah
08:34 -!- djasa [~djasa(a)nat-pool-brq-t.redhat.com] has quit [Quit: Šmitec]
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timeout: 480 seconds]
08:34 < ewoud> in the ideal situation the master is only a master and
doesn't run jobs afaik
08:35 < quaid> ewoud: btw & OT, I'm almost definitely coming to Brussels
on Friday night & spending most of Saturday at FOSDEM
08:35 < quaid> ok, no problems, master doesn't run jobs, but yeah, if it
can be a VM we can use that host more efficiently
08:35 < ewoud> quaid: cool
08:35 < eedri> quaid, ewoud i've also tried to think if jenkins really
needs it's own single bare metal server
08:35 < ewoud> quaid: I'm not sure what jenkins does under higher load
of many jobs
08:36 < eedri> quaid, ewoud but i can't know for sure if running it on a
vm will provide enough performance
08:36 < ewoud> quaid: I think foreman devs are planning something on
saturday evening, like dinner
08:36 < quaid> RobertM: did you have some insight about Jenkins on its
own bare metal v. VM?
08:36 < eedri> quaid, perhaps the bad experience we had from using an
amazon vm affects the decision
08:37 < quaid> ewoud: cool, I'm heading back to Paris sometime on
Saturday night, but it could be a late train ride
08:37 < eedri> quaid, ewoud i can say we're using vms to run
08:38 -!- ppinatti [~paulo(a)] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
08:38 < ewoud> we run our jenkins master at $employer virtual, but we
have very little jobs
08:38 -!- ppinatti [~paulo(a)] has joined #ovirt
08:38 < eedri> ewoud, we have lots of jobs..
08:38 -!- alkaplan [~alkaplan(a)nat-pool-tlv-t1.redhat.com] has quit [Ping
timeout: 480 seconds]
08:38 <@RobertM> quaid, I can tell that the master uses a lot of IO so
what every you go with needs to strong IO.
08:39 < ewoud> eedri: that's what makes my experience harder to extrapolate
08:39 -!- Udayendu [~ukar(a)nat-pool-pnq-t.redhat.com] has joined #ovirt
08:39 < ewoud> RobertM: was the master running jobs as well?
08:39 < quaid> RobertM: I think we have that included, though I haven't
seen the actual specs from AlterWay, we included fast IO in the initial
08:41 <@RobertM> I was running jobs at first but as the number of slaves
went up the number of jobs I could run on the master went down.
08:42 -!- ovedo [~oourfali(a)nat-pool-tlv-t1.redhat.com] has quit [Ping
timeout: 480 seconds]
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08:43 <@RobertM> and that was with a sata drive
08:45 -!- chouchins [~chouchins(a)IP-214-60.wustl.edu] has quit [Remote
host closed the connection]
08:45 <@RobertM> Most VM's dont have enough IO to handle the load on the
08:45 -!- lhornyak [~lhornyak(a)nat-pool-brq-t.redhat.com] has joined #ovirt
08:46 < quaid> so I'm unsure now, was the problem that you were also
running jobs on the master? or is it that ultimately Jenkins master will
collapse on a VM and needs bare metal with fast IO?
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08:47 < eedri> RobertM, but if we assign an external io to the master,
fast enough.. it might be enough.
08:48 <@RobertM> quaid, Ever job requires you to copy to the slave then
copy back from the slave that is a lot of IO the more jobs you run the
higher that IO gets. Please that becomes a bottle neck for the entire
process. So do skimp on the master
08:48 <@RobertM> please=plus
08:49 <@RobertM> do=dont
08:49 < quaid> heh, that wsa a useful typo fix, thanks
08:49 <@RobertM> Also my keyboard is failing so it is really effecting
my ability to type.
08:50 < quaid> I'd say, we could probably start with Jenkins owning that
host, and watch the usage over time - if it ends up having spare CPU &
RAM, we could consider changing and watching
08:50 -!- alonl [~alon(a)nat-pool-tlv-u1.redhat.com] has quit [Ping
timeout: 480 seconds]
08:50 < eedri> quaid, sounds good
08:50 < eedri> quaid, if we'll see we're short on bare metal hosts
08:50 < eedri> quaid, it will be easy enough to install a new jenkins vm
on existing system
08:53 -!- masayag [~masayag(a)nat-pool-tlv-t1.redhat.com] has quit [Ping
timeout: 480 seconds]
08:54 -!- |AbsyntH|
[~never(a)host250-66-static.36-85-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has quit
[Quit: I'm an apatheist. The question is no longer interesting, and the
answer no longer matters]
08:56 -!- ofri_ [~ofri(a)nat-pool-tlv-t1.redhat.com] has quit [Ping
timeout: 480 seconds]
08:56 < quaid> +1
08:56 <@RobertM> CPU and Ram requirements are pretty minor. My system
has 16G or ram and 8 core and it was way overkill. I found the master
only used around 6G or ram and the CPU were never busy. Now IO on the
sata drive got nuts.
08:56 -!- ykaplan [~ykaplan(a)nat-pool-tlv-t1.redhat.com] has quit [Remote
host closed the connection]
08:59 * eedri has to go
08:59 < eedri> i'll update the pad with more topics if i'll think on
## end IRC log
Karsten 'quaid' Wade, Sr. Analyst - Community Growth
http://TheOpenSourceWay.org .^\ http://community.redhat.com
@quaid (identi.ca/twitter/IRC) \v' gpg: AD0E0C41
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12 years, 2 months
Update on dates for oVirt 3.2 Release
by Mike Burns
At today's oVirt meeting, we reviewed the dates for the oVirt 3.2
Release. The updated dates are:
Devel Freeze and Branching: 2013-01-14
Beta Posted: 2013-01-15
Test Day: 2013-01-24
Target GA: 2013-01-30
The are several reasons for the slip. It is partially due to the slip
in the Fedora 18 Release schedule. The move to Fedora 18 has also
caused some issues for some of the sub-projects, most notably
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns
Mike …
[View More]Burns
on behalf of
The oVirt Team
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12 years, 2 months