oVirt Weekly Meeting Minutes -- 2013-01-09
by Mike Burns
#ovirt: oVirt Weekly Sync
Meeting started by mburns at 15:01:57 UTC (full logs).
Meeting summary
agenda and roll call (mburns, 15:02:02)
workshops (mburns, 15:04:33)
NetApp workshop (Jan 22-24) is mostly ready to go. USB keys ordered,
facilities arranged, schedule online (dneary, 15:06:54)
NetApp workshop (Jan 22-24) is mostly ready to go. USB keys ordered,
facilities arranged, schedule online (mburns, 15:07:28)
NetApp workshop (Jan 22-24) is mostly ready to go. USB keys ordered,
facilities arranged, schedule online (dneary, 15:07:34)
Current activities are mostly around organising of board meeting, and
co-ordinating burn-in of USB keys with latest pre-release version of 3.2
(dneary, 15:07:36)
Accommodation block has expired - if you need a room for the dates of
the conference, you should call up ASAP to ensure availability, and we
cannot guarantee the rate any more (dneary, 15:08:22)
Registration status: 63 registered, capacity is 100. ~20-25 Red Hatters,
~40 non-Red Hatters (dneary, 15:09:08)
Registration will close on January 15th, due to our requirement to
finalise numbers for catering, and get visitor badges made (dneary,
Currently promoting the workshop to the Bay Area clouderati, and getting
some decent traction this week (some Citrix/CloudStack sign-ups, one
Inktank sign-up, and promising feedback from Cloudfoundry) (dneary,
release status (mburns, 15:19:10)
not making 2013-01-09 release date (mburns, 15:21:02)
status update for ovirt-node (mburns, 15:21:11)
found some late breaking blocking issues with ovirt-node and move to F18
(mburns, 15:21:37)
some around selinux changes, some around various other component changes
(mburns, 15:21:53)
patches are in review now that should fix them (mburns, 15:23:03)
beta branch for all packages due by Monday January 14 (mburns, 15:38:12)
beta posted by Tuesday Jan 15? (mburns, 15:38:26)
test day 2013-01-24 (mburns, 15:40:56)
AGREED: release date target set for 30-Jan (mburns, 15:50:41)
ACTION: mburns to update release page and send communication to lists
(mburns, 15:52:24)
infra report (mburns, 15:55:40)
working on details of new hosting design (quaid, 15:56:17)
http://etherpad.ovirt.org/p/new_hosting_design_Jan_2013 (quaid,
we'll talk on arch@ about service cutover dates & such (quaid, 15:58:31)
workshop - China (mburns, 16:00:27)
dates are set for workshop in China, but very early in the process
(20-21 March) (mburns, 16:03:29)
need call for content, discussion on whether workshops are the right way
to go about this (mburns, 16:03:48)
workshop will be in Shanghai (mburns, 16:04:50)
other topics (mburns, 16:06:13)
Meeting ended at 16:09:41 UTC (full logs).
Action items
mburns to update release page and send communication to lists
Action items, by person
mburns to update release page and send communication to lists
People present (lines said)
mburns (93)
dneary (45)
mgoldboi (33)
aglitke1 (15)
sgordon (14)
lh (11)
quaid (10)
ovirtbot (6)
karimb (5)
itamar (5)
oschreib_ (4)
jb_netapp (3)
itamar1 (2)
dustins (1)
garrett (1)
Generated by MeetBot 0.1.4.
12 years, 2 months
Action Needed: Upcoming Deadlines for oVirt Workshop at NetApp
by Leslie Hawthorn
Hello everyone,
***If you will not be attending the oVirt workshop taking place at
NetApp HQ on 22-24 January 2013 [0], you can stop reading now.***
Hotel Room Block Expiring:
If you require a hotel room as part of your visit for the workshop,
please book your room ASAP [1], as we will be releasing extra rooms in
our block at close of business tomorrow, 8 January. If you are unable
to book a room by close of business tomorrow, all unbooked rooms in our
block will be released. You may still request our room block rate but
you will no longer be guaranteed lodging at the Country Inn and Suites
as of Wednesday, 9 January.
Registration Deadline:
In order to have an accurate headcount for catering, please ensure you
have completed your registration for the event no later than close of
business on Tuesday, 15 January. [1] Please take a moment to register
and to remind any friends and colleagues who would be interested in
attending of our registration deadline.
If you or a colleague are unable to register by Tuesday, 15 January, but
would still like to attend please contact Dave Neary off-list. [2] Dave
will do his best to ensure that we are able to process late
registrations, though we unfortunately cannot make any guarantees.
Thank you once again to Patrick Rogers, Denise Ridolfo, Jon Benedict,
Talia Reyes-Ortiz and the rest of the fine folks at NetApp for hosting
this workshop and all their hard work to bring the community together in
If you have any questions, please let me know. I look forward to
(re)meeting you at the oVirt workshop at NetApp.
[0] - http://www.ovirt.org/NetApp_Workshop_January_2013
[1] - http://ovirtnetapp2013.eventbrite.com/#
[2] - dneary at redhat dot com
Leslie Hawthorn
Community Action and Impact
Open Source and Standards @ Red Hat
12 years, 2 months
Use of DCO
by Anthony Liguori
I've noticed that the various oVirt projects are not using the DCO
process correctly. While contributors are adding Signed-off-by's
(Good), there's no Signed-off-by being added by maintainers (Bad).
It may seem like a minor thing, but SOB is meant to provide a chain of
custody and it's less effective if the certification isn't also done by
For VDSM, I see examples like:
commit 53c6801658a8c5e05ceb518ffd9ebfefa805fda9
Author: Antoni S. Puimedon <asegurap(a)redhat.com>
Date: Tue Dec 18 22:33:39 2012 +0100
Fix blockSD pep8.
Change-Id: I2ed4ce2a5748a911f76da02f762e5bda9352b905
Signed-off-by: Antoni S. Puimedon <asegurap(a)redhat.com>
Reviewed-on: http://gerrit.ovirt.org/10213
Reviewed-by: Dan Kenigsberg <danken(a)redhat.com>
The last 'Reviewed-by' ought to be a 'Signed-off-by'.
OTOH, ovirt-engine lacks any Reviewed-by tags. For example:
Author: Sharad Mishra <snmishra(a)linux.vnet.ibm.com>
Date: Wed Dec 26 11:10:32 2012 -0800
core: removed obsolete classes vm_template_image_map_id and vm_template_imag
These clasees are not used anymore.
Change-Id: I82f0861644f155f7b6c27ba5acb3a069b6f1a8f6
Signed-off-by: Sharad Mishra <snmishra(a)linux.vnet.ibm.com>
I'm not sure if this is a limitation in gerrit. I know the question has
come up regarding what OpenStack does. OpenStack doesn't use DCO. They
have an explicit CLA that everyone must sign before participating[1].
DCO eliminates the need for such an agreement (when used properly).
[1] http://wiki.openstack.org/CLA
Anthony Liguori
12 years, 2 months