Minutes :: oVirt Infra weekly :: 2013-03-11
by Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden
I realized I forgot to mail the minutes from 2013-03-11 so for
Minutes (text):
#ovirt: oVirt Infra weekly
Meeting started by quaid at 15:03:24 UTC. The full logs are available at
http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2013/ovirt.2013-03-11-15.03.log.html .
Meeting summary
* introductions (ewoud, 15:06:50)
* new member process (ewoud, 15:07:54)
* LINK: http://etherpad.ovirt.org/p/new-infra-member-steps (quaid,
* hosting (ewoud, 15:15:37)
* ACTION: quaid to figure out the mystery of RackSpace today to make
progress on the install (quaid, 15:17:33)
* puppet (ewoud, 15:20:04)
* AGREED: to us programmatic puppet modules (no data inside) and use
foreman as a data source (quaid, 15:24:12)
* jenkins (ewoud, 15:25:04)
* LINK: http://lists.ovirt.org/pipermail/infra/2013-March/002292.html
(ewoud, 15:28:55)
* ACTION: ewoud eedri reply to the vdsm functional tests thread
(ewoud, 15:39:13)
* meeting time (ewoud, 15:46:18)
* ACTION: ewoud start a thread on the ML about the meeting time
(ewoud, 15:53:34)
* AGREED: keep meeting time at EST for now (ewoud, 15:54:02)
* other business (ewoud, 15:56:41)
* ACTION: ewoud sort out the ssh-keys location instead of the wiki
(ewoud, 15:57:49)
Meeting ended at 16:07:45 UTC.
Action Items
* quaid to figure out the mystery of RackSpace today to make progress on
the install
* ewoud eedri reply to the vdsm functional tests thread
* ewoud start a thread on the ML about the meeting time
* ewoud sort out the ssh-keys location instead of the wiki
Action Items, by person
* eedri
* ewoud eedri reply to the vdsm functional tests thread
* ewoud
* ewoud eedri reply to the vdsm functional tests thread
* ewoud start a thread on the ML about the meeting time
* ewoud sort out the ssh-keys location instead of the wiki
* quaid
* quaid to figure out the mystery of RackSpace today to make progress
on the install
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* ewoud (107)
* eedri (37)
* Rydekull (35)
* quaid (33)
* dcaro (7)
* ovirtbot (3)
* ohadlevy (1)
* YamaKasY (1)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot
12 years
Minutes :: oVirt Infra weekly :: 2013-03-25
by Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden
Forgot to send it to board@ so in a separate mail from infra, which is
Minutes (text):
#ovirt Meeting
Meeting started by ewoud at 15:03:00 UTC. The full logs are available at
http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2013/ovirt.2013-03-25-15.03.log.html .
Meeting summary
* introductions (ewoud, 15:06:27)
* Hosting (ewoud, 15:07:30)
* LINK: http://lists.ovirt.org/pipermail/infra/2013-March/002486.html
(ewoud, 15:09:54)
* puppet (ewoud, 15:12:58)
* jenkins (ewoud, 15:15:39)
* AGREED: we need to start documenting stuff on the wiki before we can
automate it with puppet (ewoud, 15:24:13)
* ACTION: Rydekull add the jenkins slaves to a list ont he wiki
(ewoud, 15:41:11)
* hosting (ewoud, 15:41:21)
* quaid is having issues installing fedora on rackspace; may be the
iDRAC, fedora or his browser/java but is working on it with
rackspace support (ewoud, 15:42:10)
* eedri installed ovirt on alterway02; we now need to start installing
VMs and think of a proper naming scheme (ewoud, 15:42:53)
* other business (ewoud, 15:43:14)
* IDEA: organizing a sprint - put up a whenisgood calendar, look for
crossover spots where a few people can be together at a time, with
bleed over to the next block of people (quaid, 15:47:17)
* ACTION: quaid to setup docs sprint (quaid, 15:49:04)
* trac review (ewoud, 15:51:34)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/ovirt/report/1 (quaid, 15:53:22)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/ovirt/ticket/39 (quaid, 16:01:09)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/ovirt/ticket/29 Add new admins to
OpenShift (ewoud, 16:04:32)
* IDEA: migration by just trying out the upgrade during a window, then
rollback if it doesn't work & make a more stepped plan (quaid,
(quaid, 16:11:51)
Meeting ended at 16:19:11 UTC.
Action Items
* Rydekull add the jenkins slaves to a list ont he wiki
* quaid to setup docs sprint
Action Items, by person
* quaid
* quaid to setup docs sprint
* Rydekull
* Rydekull add the jenkins slaves to a list ont he wiki
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* ewoud (110)
* quaid (40)
* Rydekull (28)
* dcaro (14)
* ovirtbot (7)
* dneary (3)
* apuimedo (3)
* outi (3)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot
12 years
oVirt Weekly Meeting Minutes -- 2013-03-13
by Mike Burns
Minutes (text):
#ovirt: oVirt Weekly Sync
Meeting started by mburns at 14:00:21 UTC. The full logs are available
at http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2013/ovirt.2013-03-13-14.00.log.html
Meeting summary
* agenda and roll call (mburns, 14:00:26)
* Agenda (mburns, 14:00:38)
* Release Process and updates (mburns, 14:00:47)
* Workshops and Conferences (mburns, 14:00:57)
* Sub Project Reports (mburns, 14:01:04)
* Other Topics (mburns, 14:01:10)
* 3.3 Release Planning and Release Process (mburns, 14:03:27)
* discussions about the release process and revamping it are ongoing
on board@ and arch@ (mburns, 14:03:57)
* decisions hopefully will be made in the next week or so (mburns,
* not sure how much more we can do w.r.t. the release planning without
the process defined (mburns, 14:05:33)
* if you have input on the process or schedule or anything else,
please either speak up now or reply to the thread on the mailing
list (mburns, 14:06:52)
* 3.2.1 Update release and EL6 builds (mburns, 14:07:27)
* 3.2.1 build is ready (mburns, 14:09:33)
* .el6 build is in the works (mburns, 14:09:41)
* plan to be posted later today after some sanity testing (mburns,
* ACTION: oschreib to upload builds to ovirt.org (mburns, 14:11:33)
* ACTION: mburns to make sure they're in the right places and send
announcement (mburns, 14:11:57)
* ACTION: mburns to upload new cli and sdk packages that were sent
privately... (mburns, 14:14:19)
* Conferences and Workshops (mburns, 14:29:34)
* LINK: http://www.ovirt.org/Intel_Workshop_May_2013 (theron,
* Rydekull gave a presentation on oVirt (mburns, 14:31:01)
* went well and drew new users into the project (mburns, 14:31:11)
* CFP for Shanghai announced, still looking for submissions (mburns,
* registration is open (mburns, 14:31:58)
* location is set and hotels are available (mburns, 14:32:12)
* Dates: 8-9 May 2013 (mburns, 14:32:25)
* shuttle buses available between the hotel and the event in morning
in evening (mburns, 14:33:23)
* work underway on marketing, intel working on it as well (mburns,
* if you're planning on attending, you should start working on visa
issues NOW (mburns, 14:34:02)
* contact theron with questions (mburns, 14:34:14)
* if you need an invitation for your visa, please contact theron
(mburns, 14:36:02)
* watch http://www.ovirt.org/Intel_Workshop_May_2013 for more info
(mburns, 14:38:07)
* preliminary work started on open virt/open cloud event in SFO for
later this summer (mburns, 14:40:01)
* marketing working group will be forming (mburns, 14:40:14)
* Sub Project Report -- Infra (mburns, 14:42:20)
* nothing new from infra (mburns, 14:48:51)
* still waiting on el6 packages (mburns, 14:49:14)
* Other Topics (mburns, 14:49:47)
* just a reminder, please comment on changes to the release process on
the mailing list (mburns, 14:52:23)
* some updates to the release management page (mburns, 14:54:06)
* LINK: http://wiki.ovirt.org/OVirt_3.3_release-management (mburns,
* new feature pages have started to appear (mburns, 14:54:24)
Meeting ended at 14:57:46 UTC.
Action Items
* oschreib to upload builds to ovirt.org
* mburns to make sure they're in the right places and send announcement
* mburns to upload new cli and sdk packages that were sent privately...
Action Items, by person
* mburns
* mburns to make sure they're in the right places and send
* mburns to upload new cli and sdk packages that were sent
* oschreib
* oschreib to upload builds to ovirt.org
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* mburns (94)
* theron (22)
* oschreib (18)
* Rydekull (6)
* apuimedo (6)
* ovirtbot (5)
* eedri (4)
* fsimonce (4)
* doron_ (3)
* masayag (3)
* vincent_vdk (2)
* jb_netapp (1)
* msalem (1)
* dneary (0)
* quaid (0)
* ewoud (0)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot
12 years
Minutes :: oVirt Infra weekly :: 2013-03-18
by Karsten 'quaid' Wade
Minutes (text):
#ovirt: oVirt Infra weekly
Meeting started by quaid at 15:01:03 UTC. The full logs are available at
http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2013/ovirt.2013-03-18-15.01.log.html .
Meeting summary
* Roll call & agenda (quaid, 15:02:19)
* Introductions (quaid, 15:07:19)
* LINK: http://etherpad.ovirt.org/p/new-infra-member-steps (quaid,
* still working on the new infra member documentation (quaid,
* Hosting (quaid, 15:11:05)
* I'm still working my way through getting proper access &
understanding how to do stuff with RackSpace; I'll get that auth
cleared up today (quaid, 15:11:37)
* we have an open point on the mailing list about "why not use CentOS
6.4 and the latest 3.2.1 oVirt packages instead of F18" (quaid,
* eedri working on installing engine on alterway02, running in to some
problems (quaid, 15:14:29)
* Puppet (quaid, 15:20:08)
* we need to get VMs on alterway02 to start creating the Puppet
services (quaid, 15:20:29)
* Jenkins (quaid, 15:23:16)
* Jenkins master has moved, EC2 instance is shutdown (quaid,
* Jenkins slaves are still waiting on rackspace01 installation
(quaid, 15:23:41)
* Any other business? (quaid, 15:28:20)
* Trac ticket review (quaid, 15:30:46)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/ovirt/report/1 (quaid, 15:30:48)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/ovirt/ticket/17 (quaid, 15:31:29)
* Backups - what, where, when (quaid, 15:31:37)
* LINK: http://etherpad.ovirt.org/p/new_hosting_design_Jan_2013 is
probably the closest picture of what is/will be (quaid, 15:36:23)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/ovirt/ticket/25 (quaid, 15:37:17)
* Fix users(a)ovirt.org archives (quaid, 15:37:25)
* quaid lost the copy of the archive he was using to restore, needs to
get a new copy (quaid, 15:37:49)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/ovirt/ticket/31 (quaid, 15:39:46)
* Licensing (rights) link disappears when graphic is not used (quaid,
* LINK: https://github.com/OSAS/strapping-mediawiki/issues
(garrett_, 15:42:24)
* use github to file any issues with mediawiki theme (quaid,
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/ovirt/ticket/6 (quaid, 15:43:49)
* Setup puppet and foreman (quaid, 15:43:59)
* Puppet and Foreman setup is in the works on the new servers (quaid,
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/ovirt/ticket/27 (quaid, 15:44:34)
* Obtain entitlements for RHEL for Infrastructure hosts at RackSpace
(quaid, 15:44:51)
* quaid taking over this ticket, getting some progress (quaid,
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/ovirt/ticket/28 (quaid, 15:45:26)
* SSL for ovirt.org subdomains (quaid, 15:45:35)
* ACTION: quaid needs to file a ticket with the RHT IT folks to work
through this (quaid, 15:45:50)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/ovirt/ticket/21 (quaid, 15:46:32)
* Search field made visible when window is slim (quaid, 15:46:41)
* another item to doublcheck after updating theme (quaid, 15:46:52)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/ovirt/ticket/38 (quaid, 15:47:12)
* nightly job issue at fedora-18? (quaid, 15:47:24)
Meeting ended at 16:05:14 UTC.
Action Items
* quaid needs to file a ticket with the RHT IT folks to work through
Action Items, by person
* quaid
* quaid needs to file a ticket with the RHT IT folks to work through
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* quaid (90)
* Rydekull (21)
* garrett_ (8)
* dcaro (5)
* ovirtbot (4)
* alonbl (3)
* bigclouds (2)
* apuimedo_ (1)
* ewoud (0)
* eedri_ (0)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot
Karsten 'quaid' Wade, Sr. Analyst - Community Growth
http://TheOpenSourceWay.org .^\ http://community.redhat.com
@quaid (identi.ca/twitter/IRC) \v' gpg: AD0E0C41
12 years
[EL6 RPMS] new nightly ovirt rpms
by Itamar Heim
fyi - ovirt 3.2.1 will release .el6 rpms as well.
(more work needed for ubuntu, but cleanups in the works to accomodate as
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Engine-devel] [EL6 RPMS] new nightly ovirt rpms
Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2013 15:43:11 -0400 (EDT)
From: Eyal Edri <eedri(a)redhat.com>
To: engine-devel <engine-devel(a)ovirt.org>, users(a)ovirt.org
CC: infra <infra(a)ovirt.org>
EL6 rpms for various ovirt project are now available via the nightly repos:
12 years
CFP reminder for Shanghai
by Theron Conrey
one or two folks have commented on the fact they didn't see the last CFP email that was sent out. I thought I'd repost it here. I'm looking forward to getting some more submissions and we hope that we'll see you in Shanghai!
Hi Everyone,
We are actively seeking speakers for the oVirt workshop which will be
held on Intel's Shanghai Campus, 8-9 May 2013.
We are interested in talks in the following areas:
* Getting started developing oVirt
* oVirt for the systems administrator
* Where oVirt fits in the enterprise
* Gluster Integration
* leveraging oVirt for Gluster deployments
* Case studies on cost savings with oVirt and Open Source data center virtualization
* Troubleshooting oVirt
* Hardware optimizations for virtualization
* oVirt Plugin development
* oVirt architecture from a security and best practices point of view.
* oVirt Project Roadmaps
* Deep dives into features/areas
* Deep dives into code/debugging
Please submit talk proposals for review by sending an email to workshop-pc at ovirt.org.
Please include your full name, speaker biography and your talk abstract. We will accept submissions through Friday, 29 March 2013 at 23:59 PST. Speakers will be notified of acceptance by Monday, 8 April 2013.
Accepted speakers should plan to submit their slides to the workshop-pc at ovirt.org mailing list no later than close of business on Monday, 22 April 2013.
Registration can be found here: http://ovirtshanghai2013.eventbrite.com/
Hotel and lodging information can be found here: http://www.ovirt.org/Intel_Workshop_May_2013
Keep your eyes open for further announcements!
Thank you all for your participation!
Theron Conrey
Open Source and Standards, Red Hat
(initial thread was here: http://lists.ovirt.org/pipermail/users/2013-March/012862.html)
12 years
Proposal: Reorganization of the Project Management
by Mike Burns
After having coordinated the 3.2 release with questionable success, I
have some thoughts on the ways to do this better going forward. I
brought this up on the meeting last week, and was supposed to follow up
quickly on list with the proposal, so here it is.
1. We need to have a group of stakeholders from each of the
projects/components in the our release that will make up the release
2. Members of that group should be available on the weekly meeting or
have someone else on the team fill in for them
3. There should be someone that is in charge of this group of
stakeholders with a preference for someone that is not tied to any one
4. The person who leads the committee should run the weekly meeting
5. The person who leads the committee should track docs, publicity,
marketing, etc
I've already sent out a request for people from each of the sub-projects
for the 3.3 release.
I will continue to run the weekly meeting until we find someone to take
on that role, but I feel that I'm not the right person to do this long
If you have thoughts on who could fill the leadership role or wish to
volunteer yourself, please reply to this email.
[1] If there isn't someone from the community who is not tied to a
sub-project, then elect someone from group on a per-release basis.
12 years
oVirt Weekly Meeting Minutes -- 2013-03-06
by Mike Burns
Minutes (text):
*** Additional information included below that came in after the
meeting. See lines that start with ***
#ovirt: oVirt Weekly Meeting
Meeting started by mburns at 15:00:24 UTC. The full logs are available
at http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2013/ovirt.2013-03-06-15.00.log.html
Meeting summary
* agenda and roll call (mburns, 15:00:42)
* Agenda (mburns, 15:00:46)
* * Release Planning and Updates (mburns, 15:00:57)
* * Conferences and Workshops (mburns, 15:01:06)
* * Sub-project Reports (mburns, 15:01:24)
* Release Planning (mburns, 15:03:44)
* release management wiki page is up for 3.3 (mburns, 15:04:15)
* LINK: http://wiki.ovirt.org/OVirt_3.3_release-management (mburns,
* mburns has sent a request for feature pages and project contacts for
3.3 (mburns, 15:06:06)
* no responses yet (but that's because I just sent it this morning)
(mburns, 15:06:31)
* mburns also sent out email about overall project management process
going forward to arch@ and board@ (mburns, 15:07:05)
* dneary and mgoldboi have also been working on the overall release
process, material will be sent to arch and board in response to
mburns email (mburns, 15:08:48)
* Please get feature pages created in the wiki ASAP and link them to
the release management page (mburns, 15:09:38)
* oVirt 3.2 Updates (mburns, 15:11:36)
* ovirt-node pushed live last thursday including vdsm and fix for a
security issue (mburns, 15:11:55)
* patches for el6 builds are included in engine master and proposed on
engine-3.2 branch (mburns, 15:12:29)
* currently in testing by jhernand and oschreib_ (mburns, 15:12:58)
* beta of el6 packages and ga of f18 packages for engine 3.2.1
available next week (mburns, 15:14:45)
* YamaKasY to work with oschreib_ on getting a list of issues in 3.2
that should be fixed in an async release (mburns, 15:24:01)
* mburns to try to get on top of el6 vdsm builds this week (mburns,
* workshops and conferences (mburns, 15:28:15)
* LINK: http://www.ovirt.org/Intel_Workshop_May_2013 (theron,
* moving forward with the oVirt workshop in Shangha (mburns,
* orking though logistics directly with Intel, and we've published the
CFP to the oVirt website, as well as the mailing lists (mburns,
* LINK: http://www.ovirt.org/Intel_Workshop_May_2013 (mburns,
* we're actively looking for speakers now, if anyone can think of
different avenues, feel free to let theron know (mburns, 15:31:12)
* Attendees here thinking about attending should get visas in order
ASAP (mburns, 15:32:49)
* early in planning, but we are prepping for 3 tracks. (mburns,
* IDEA: focus on dev, user, and integration tracks.. thinking space
for showcasing oVirt integration with Gluster (mburns, 15:33:12)
* itamar and the intel GM have been asked to do keynotes, more info to
follow on this (mburns, 15:33:54)
* The oVirt marketing group (once finalized who's in it) will be
reaching out to OVA to help with promotions (mburns, 15:35:49)
* lodging and additional logistics are being worked, expect updates on
the oVirt website as they materialize (mburns, 15:35:58)
* Sub-Project Report -- infra (mburns, 15:43:44)
* jenkins has migrated to a new host at AlterWay (mburns, 15:45:51)
* things appear stable with the new jenkins master (mburns, 15:46:21)
*** working on the rackspace boxes. Going to be oVirt on F18 to get
nested virtualization. Will run RHEL in VMs on top.
*** other info in the minutes
*** LINK:
* Other Topics (mburns, 15:47:58)
Meeting ended at 15:52:30 UTC.
Action Items
Action Items, by person
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* mburns (86)
* theron (21)
* oschreib_ (17)
* YamaKasY (15)
* dneary (10)
* ovirtbot (5)
* tfeldman (3)
* mgoldboi (3)
* doron_ (1)
* lh (1)
* dustins (1)
* quaid (0)
* ewoud (0)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot
12 years
oVirt Workshop Intel Campus, Shanghai 8-9 May 2013 - Call for contentf
by Theron Conrey
Hi everyone,
We are actively seeking speakers for the oVirt workshop which will be
held on Intel's Shanghai Campus, 8-9 May 2013.
We are interested in talks in the following areas:
* Getting started developing oVirt
* oVirt for the systems administrator
* Where oVirt fits in the enterprise
* Gluster Integration
* leveraging oVirt for Gluster deployments
* Case studies on cost savings with oVirt and Open Source data center virtualization
* Troubleshooting oVirt
* Hardware optimations for virtualization
* oVirt Plugin development
* oVirt architecture from a security and best practices point of view.
* oVirt Project Roadmaps
* Deep dives into features/areas
* Deep dives into code/debugging
Please submit talk proposals for review by sending an email to workshop-pc at ovirt.org.
Please include your full name, speaker biography and your talk abstract. We will accept submissions through Friday, 29 March 2013 at 23:59 PST. Speakers will be notified of acceptance by Monday, 8 April 2013.
Accepted speakers should plan to submit their slides to the workshop-pc at ovirt.org mailing list no later than close of business on Monday, 22 April 2013.
Registration and workshop logistical information will be posted soon, keep your eyes open for further announcements!
Thank you all for your participation!
Theron Conrey
Open Source and Standards, Red Hat
12 years