oVirt Weekly Meeting Minutes -- 2015-02-25
by Yaniv Dary
Minutes: http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2015/ovirt.2015-02-25-15.01.html
Minutes (text):
Log: http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2015/ovirt.2015-02-25-15.01.log.html
#ovirt: oVirt Weekly Sync
Meeting started by ydary at 15:01:18 UTC. The full logs are available at
http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2015/ovirt.2015-02-25-15.01.log.html .
Meeting summary
* Agenda and roll Call (ydary, 15:01:30)
* infra update (ydary, 15:01:30)
* 3.5.z updates (ydary, 15:01:30)
* 3.6.0 status (ydary, 15:01:30)
* conferences and workshops (ydary, 15:01:30)
* other topics (ydary, 15:01:30)
* infra update (ydary, 15:03:42)
* oVirt gerrit has been updated to version 2.10 and now uses SSL.
(ydary, 15:06:00)
* Strict generic cleanup was added to some jobs and is planned for all
jobs, this is to release as much disk space possible. (ydary,
* Slaves have been losing network configuration (dhclient dying),
troubleshooting done this week to resolve this. (ydary, 15:08:45)
* Some hosts of phx lab are a bit overloaded due to lack of RAM,
workload has increased. (ydary, 15:13:21)
* ACTION: mvk to discuss how to balance the memory capacity
automatically with SLA team (rgolan). (ydary, 15:14:06)
* there are plans to upgrade RAM on phx hosts, no schedule set. Memory
usage is on average 70-80%~. (ydary, 15:15:38)
* 3.5.z updates (ydary, 15:16:46)
* Status update at:
(ydary, 15:17:19)
* 3.5.2 RC postponed due to blockers. (ydary, 15:17:41)
* ACTION: please re-targeted 3.5.2 bugs that did not converge to
3.5.3. (ydary, 15:18:58)
* Blocker was about bad handling of zombie tasks while upgrading from
previous versions. Taskclenaer util has been now changed by infra
and setup must be updated for using the new command line options.
(ydary, 15:19:58)
* 3.6 status (ydary, 15:21:22)
* Status update for 3.6.0:
(ydary, 15:21:55)
* Schedule for 3.6 published. (ydary, 15:22:04)
* LINK: https://hibernate.atlassian.net/browse/HV-861 (jhernand,
* Integration 3.6.0 Update: Fedora >= 21 we have jdk 1.8 which doesn't
work with jboss-as 7. fc21 doesn't have Java 7 rpms and will EOL in
April. (ydary, 15:29:40)
* A suggestion was made to move to wildfly. A patch for packaging
wildfly 8.2 binaries on EL was submitted. (ydary, 15:31:01)
* A bug in one of JBoss' packages is holding us back. That bug will
be fixed in Hibernate validator 5.2. (ydary, 15:31:59)
* Link to issue: https://hibernate.atlassian.net/browse/HV-861
(ydary, 15:32:49)
* It was suggested to replace the hibernate validator included in
WildFly 8.2 with version 5.2, where the bug will be fixed. (ydary,
* This suggestion is only valid on fc22. On f21, el6 and el7 we can
ship wildfly 8.2 binaries in our repositories. (ydary, 15:35:46)
* This is similar to the current approach on some platform aka
ovirt-engine-jboss-as providing jboss. (ydary, 15:36:43)
* ACTION: If we plan to move to wildfly 8.2 we need to prepare the
jenkins job for the packaging, spec file is already merged. (ydary,
* ACTION: sbonazzo rgolan1 jhernand to discuss who will push engine
patches, create build job for engine ans so on and will update next
week. (ydary, 15:40:43)
* ACTION: sbonazzo rgolan1 jhernand to get commitment for this task
from infra team. (ydary, 15:41:44)
* Moving to wildfly will have to come together with support for Java
8. (ydary, 15:44:09)
* Other integration topics: (ydary, 15:44:16)
* FC support for hosted engine now available for testing in master
snapshot (ydary, 15:44:44)
* tiraboschi started porting vdsm to debian jessie. (ydary, 15:45:08)
* Debian support led to several patches and opened several bugs about
vdsm, ioprocess and others. (ydary, 15:45:40)
* New RFEs on docker images for OpenStack services for oVirt 3.6.0.
(ydary, 15:48:34)
* Node 3.6.0 Update: Progress on node automation and regular el6 and
el7 builds in jenkins are available for download. Also continued
planning fo 3.6 and will add a feature page for the installation
through anaconda. (ydary, 15:50:44)
* UX 3.6.0 Update: No updates. Patches are pending for review\merge.
(ydary, 15:52:55)
* Network 3.6.0 Update: Progress on SR-IOV, some functionality already
working already. Other than that no updates. (ydary, 15:54:40)
* SLA 3.6.0 Update: ongoing effort for the REST API of quota. A Wiki
with the progress will be up hopefully this week (ydary, 15:59:19)
* also rgolan started researching edit hosted engine ongoing with
sbonazzo and mlipchuk from storage team. Technical gap analysis and
initial design pending. (ydary, 16:00:34)
* Gluster update for 3.6.0: Sahina made progress on snapshot and
geo-replication management - number of patches merged. Gluster
storage network role patches posted. (ydary, 16:03:01)
* ACTION: network team needs to review gluster storage network role
patches posted. (ydary, 16:03:21)
* Brick provisioning patches to be reviewed. (ydary, 16:05:06)
* Storage update for 3.6.0: SPM removal had good discussions with
infra stakeholders. we have a clear path forward, although some
infra work is required. (ydary, 16:07:01)
* Cinder-Ceph work had several good discussions with other
stakeholders, seems on track. (ydary, 16:07:22)
* Several other minor RFEs converging. (ydary, 16:07:50)
* Storage integration work with EL7.1 being done and should be
backported to 3.5.3. (ydary, 16:08:52)
* Virt update for 3.6.0: No one attended from the team. (ydary,
* Infra update for 3.6.0: All the items are updated in the 3.6
planning wiki. Work in progress on most items that include: upgrade
manager, uniform SSO support, fencing re-factoring, events
mechanism, SPM removal action items, v2v action items, etc. (ydary,
* conferences and workshops (ydary, 16:13:17)
* SCALE and LF Collab were a big success! *Lots* of new oVirt t-shirts
and discussions were held at the booth. People definitely know more
about oVirt now. (ydary, 16:14:37)
* mlipchuk and bkp will be attending FOSSAsia in a couple of weeks,
and hosting the half-day workshop on March 14. (ydary, 16:15:06)
* ACTION: Push the workshop in FOSSAsia on social media as you can,
and if you have colleagues in east Asia, ask them for some social
media love, too, please! (ydary, 16:15:41)
* bkp will be on the planning board for KVM Forum this year, which
will be in Seattle on Aug 19-21. (ydary, 16:16:19)
* Rene Koch will be speaking at Chemnitzer Linux Days on Sunday March,
22nd. gshereme will be speaking on "Using Bootstrap with Google Web
Toolkit" as POSSCON in South Carolina on April 14-15. (ydary,
* ACTION: if you have any local LUG or datacenter user group in your
area, check in with bkp and we can get you set up for a mini-talk to
spread the oVirt word. (ydary, 16:17:22)
* other topics (ydary, 16:17:46)
* CentOS Virt SIG Meeting Minutes at:
(ydary, 16:18:16)
* Some packages have been built for virt sig, roadmap is still long.
See link:
http://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/Virtualization/Roadmap .
(ydary, 16:20:04)
* ACTION: help needed to sbonazzo to provide missing packages for
CentOS Virt SIG. (ydary, 16:20:51)
* A new case study is out
(http://www.ovirt.org/Universidad_de_Sevilla_Case_Study). oVirt is
helping to deploy virtual desktops for up to 3,000 students at the
Universidad de Sevilla in Spain. Eventually, over 60,000 students
wil be served as this program scales up. (ydary, 16:22:21)
* getting reports that oVirt is in use by LibreOffice, BP, Samsung and
possibly even Apple. I am tracking those down for future case
studies. If you have any knowledge of users running oVirt that could
be interesting, let bkp know! (ydary, 16:22:49)
* because of their respective work on containers and NFV, Joe
Brockmeier and Frank Zdarsky will be visiting TLV this Spring to
meet with people. bkp will join as well. Exact schedule is still not
set. (ydary, 16:23:39)
Meeting ended at 16:25:08 UTC.
Action Items
* mvk to discuss how to balance the memory capacity automatically with
SLA team (rgolan).
* please re-targeted 3.5.2 bugs that did not converge to 3.5.3.
* If we plan to move to wildfly 8.2 we need to prepare the jenkins job
for the packaging, spec file is already merged.
* sbonazzo rgolan1 jhernand to discuss who will push engine patches,
create build job for engine ans so on and will update next week.
* sbonazzo rgolan1 jhernand to get commitment for this task from infra
* network team needs to review gluster storage network role patches
* Push the workshop in FOSSAsia on social media as you can, and if you
have colleagues in east Asia, ask them for some social media love,
too, please!
* if you have any local LUG or datacenter user group in your area, check
in with bkp and we can get you set up for a mini-talk to spread the
oVirt word.
* help needed to sbonazzo to provide missing packages for CentOS Virt
Action Items, by person
* bkp
* if you have any local LUG or datacenter user group in your area,
check in with bkp and we can get you set up for a mini-talk to
spread the oVirt word.
* jhernand
* sbonazzo rgolan1 jhernand to discuss who will push engine patches,
create build job for engine ans so on and will update next week.
* sbonazzo rgolan1 jhernand to get commitment for this task from infra
* mvk
* mvk to discuss how to balance the memory capacity automatically with
SLA team (rgolan).
* rgolan
* mvk to discuss how to balance the memory capacity automatically with
SLA team (rgolan).
* sbonazzo rgolan1 jhernand to discuss who will push engine patches,
create build job for engine ans so on and will update next week.
* sbonazzo rgolan1 jhernand to get commitment for this task from infra
* rgolan1
* sbonazzo rgolan1 jhernand to discuss who will push engine patches,
create build job for engine ans so on and will update next week.
* sbonazzo rgolan1 jhernand to get commitment for this task from infra
* sbonazzo
* sbonazzo rgolan1 jhernand to discuss who will push engine patches,
create build job for engine ans so on and will update next week.
* sbonazzo rgolan1 jhernand to get commitment for this task from infra
* help needed to sbonazzo to provide missing packages for CentOS Virt
* please re-targeted 3.5.2 bugs that did not converge to 3.5.3.
* If we plan to move to wildfly 8.2 we need to prepare the jenkins job
for the packaging, spec file is already merged.
* network team needs to review gluster storage network role patches
* Push the workshop in FOSSAsia on social media as you can, and if you
have colleagues in east Asia, ask them for some social media love,
too, please!
People Present (lines said)
* ydary (131)
* sbonazzo (59)
* rgolan1 (27)
* bkp (20)
* jhernand (18)
* lvernia (17)
* mvk (11)
* sahina (10)
* dcaro (10)
* amureini (9)
* rgolan (6)
* obelix (5)
* fabiand (5)
* awels (2)
* alonbl (2)
* saggi (2)
* ovirtbot (2)
* alitke (1)
* doron_afk (1)
* fkobzik (1)
* didi (1)
* ykaplan (1)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot
Yaniv Dary
Red Hat Israel Ltd.
34 Jerusalem Road
Building A, 4th floor
Ra'anana, Israel 4350109
Tel : +972 (9) 7692306
Email: ydary(a)redhat.com
IRC : ydary
10 years, 1 month
oVirt Weekly Meeting Minutes -- 2015-01-21
by Yaniv Dary
Minutes: http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2015/ovirt.2015-01-21-15.01.html
Minutes (text): http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2015/ovirt.2015-01-21-15.01.txt
Log: http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2015/ovirt.2015-01-21-15.01.log.html
#ovirt: oVirt Weekly Sync
Meeting started by ydary_ at 15:01:35 UTC. The full logs are available
at http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2015/ovirt.2015-01-21-15.01.log.html
Meeting summary
* Agenda and roll Call (ydary_, 15:03:56)
* infra update (ydary_, 15:04:15)
* 3.5.z updates (ydary_, 15:04:16)
* 3.6.0 status (ydary_, 15:04:16)
* conferences and workshops (ydary_, 15:04:16)
* other topics (ydary_, 15:04:16)
* infra update (ydary_, 15:04:40)
* sbonazzo resolved kernel based issues in some of the jobs. (doron,
* the teams need to start working\testing JDK 8, since JDK 7 EOL is in
April 2015 (ydary_, 15:14:45)
* some jenkins slaves had issues on running out of entropy, solved by
installing haveged (ydary_, 15:16:21)
* 3.6 memory errors in gwt resolved by vszocs (ydary_, 15:17:38)
* progress in moving oVirt resources to phx lab (ydary_, 15:18:47)
* ACTION: eedri to follow up on nightly issues with lvernia (ydary_,
* 3.5.z updates (ydary_, 15:08:07)
* 3.5.1 to be released today. (ydary_, 15:22:42)
* ACTION: please fill release notes, the page has been created here
http://www.ovirt.org/OVirt_3.5.1_Release_Notes (ydary_, 15:23:19)
* all open bugs on 3.5.1 will be re-targeted to 3.5.2 post the GA
release (ydary_, 15:25:12)
* 3.6 status (ydary_, 15:25:35)
* 3.6.0 currently shows no blockers. There are 502 bugs targeted to
3.6.0. (ydary_, 15:26:55)
* integration update on 3.6.0: added glusterfs support on hosted
engine (for existing replica 3 gluster storage) (ydary_, 15:27:43)
* integration update on 3.6.0: jboss-as 7.1 doesn't work at all with
jdk 1.8 so for supporting fc21 we need to move to wildfly (ydary_,
* ACTION: oved to report next week on JDK 1.8 and wildfly status
(ydary_, 15:32:42)
* Host Network QoS and MAC pool per DC are in. Once 3.6 clusters can
be created, it will be available. (ydary_, 15:35:38)
* network 3.6 updates: currently nothing at risk. (ydary_, 15:36:23)
* ceph-cinder integration have WIP patches. (ydary_, 15:38:34)
* storage 3.6 updates: minor RFEs also making progress (ydary_,
* node 3.6 updates: currently no updates (ydary_, 15:41:42)
* UX 3.6 updates: UI over REST api and tool tip infrastructure over
patternfly making progress (ydary_, 15:44:44)
* SLA 3.6 updates: SLA still in planning, no further updates.
(ydary_, 15:45:46)
* virt 3.6 updates: no one for virt team to update (ydary_, 15:47:18)
* conferences and workshops (ydary_, 15:47:43)
* conferences and workshops FOSDEM is a go. Booth schedules and talks
are here at http://etherpad.ovirt.org/p/ovirt-fosdem-15 (ydary_,
* conferences and workshops After taking a quick poll, the FOSDEM
social meetup will be Sat., Jan. 31, at 2030 in the Au Bon Vieux
Temps, (ydary_, 15:50:33)
* conferences and workshops The half-day workshop for FOSSAsia in
Singapore is getting planned. The Korea user group has responded
with interest now. (ydary_, 15:52:08)
* conferences and workshops amureini will be giving a talk at
DevConfCZ in Feb, after FOSDEM (ydary_, 15:52:08)
* conferences and workshops oVCirt will have a very strong presense at
SCALE 13X in LA this year. (ydary_, 15:52:08)
* conferences and workshops sbonazzo and tirsboschi_ may be at 11th
Intl. Conf. on Open Source Systems http://www.oss2015.org (ydary_,
* conferences and workshops As a general reminder: if you *ever* need
slides for an oVirt presentation, there are many to choose from
here: http://www.ovirt.org/OVirt_Slide_Decks They are all under CC
license. (ydary_, 15:52:09)
* other topics (ydary_, 15:52:36)
* mskrivanek and tjelinek have approached me to start the process for
launching moVirt as an incubator project within oVirt. This will be
a mobile app that will enable users to manage oVirt on the go. This
will likely supercede the Nomad project, which has not moved forward
in years. We may need to retire the Nomad incubator. (ydary_,
* ACTION: bkp to looking into setting up an oVirt account in the
Google Play store now, as well as checking trademarks, if any, for
moVirt. (ydary_, 15:56:58)
* bkp will have meeting with designers at FOSDEM to discuss the
revamp of ovirt.org for 2015. (ydary_, 15:57:48)
* bkp updates that in 2015, there will be a stronger focus on what it
takes to get new users to oVirt to the final production stage. I
will be holding meetings with other FOSS project community leads to
build a map for this process. (ydary_, 15:58:18)
* bkp updates that in 2015, there will be a stronger focus on what it
takes to get new users to oVirt to the final production stage. he
will be holding meetings with other FOSS project community leads to
build a map for this process. (ydary_, 15:58:47)
Meeting ended at 16:00:14 UTC.
Action Items
* eedri to follow up on nightly issues with lvernia
* please fill release notes, the page has been created here
* oved to report next week on JDK 1.8 and wildfly status
* bkp to looking into setting up an oVirt account in the Google Play
store now, as well as checking trademarks, if any, for moVirt.
Action Items, by person
* bkp
* bkp to looking into setting up an oVirt account in the Google Play
store now, as well as checking trademarks, if any, for moVirt.
* eedri
* eedri to follow up on nightly issues with lvernia
* lvernia
* eedri to follow up on nightly issues with lvernia
* please fill release notes, the page has been created here
* oved to report next week on JDK 1.8 and wildfly status
People Present (lines said)
* ydary_ (90)
* doron (29)
* bkp (28)
* eedri (25)
* lvernia (22)
* sbonazzo (22)
* awels (5)
* amureini (5)
* ovirtbot (2)
* fabiand (1)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot
10 years, 1 month
oVirt Weekly Sync Meeting: February 11, 2015
by Brian Proffitt
#ovirt: oVirt Weekly Sync
Meeting started by bkp at 15:07:47 UTC. The full logs are available at
http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2015/ovirt.2015-02-11-15.07.log.html .
Minutes: http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2015/ovirt.2015-02-11-15.07.html
Minutes (text): http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2015/ovirt.2015-02-11-15.07.txt
Log: http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2015/ovirt.2015-02-11-15.07.log.html
Meeting summary
* Agenda and Roll Call (bkp, 15:07:47)
* infra update (bkp, 15:07:47)
* 3.4.z updates (bkp, 15:07:47)
* 3.5 status (bkp, 15:07:47)
* conferences and workshops (bkp, 15:07:49)
* other topics (bkp, 15:07:52)
* infra update (bkp, 15:09:25)
* infra Major Jenkins cleanup done, no production jobs are failing at
the moment w/o a real reason (bkp, 15:16:54)
* infra One job (upgrade 3.4->3.6) failing on bug 1161012 (bkp,
* infra vdsm error codes mismatch, new bug opened 1191514 (bkp,
* infra Two vdsm unit tests jobs failing also due to known issues
(bkp, 15:17:02)
* ACTION: infra We're nearing the point of no real errors on CI and
eedri asks everyone to start looking at failures on gerrit again and
not ignore them. Report any false positive error to the infra list
so we can investigate and fix. (bkp, 15:17:05)
* infra There has been major stabilization work done recently,
specifially with the move to the new phx lab (bkp, 15:17:09)
* infra dcaro will send an email tomorrow summarizing the details on
last week (bkp, 15:18:20)
* 3.5.z updates (bkp, 15:18:32)
* LINK: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1161012
(sbonazzo, 15:19:49)
* 3.5.z updates Full status here:
(bkp, 15:22:17)
* 3.5.z updates First blocker for 3.5.2 appeared last week.
(https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1161012) (bkp,
* 3.6 status (bkp, 15:22:54)
* 3.6 status integration Full status here:
(bkp, 15:26:37)
* 3.6 status integration ovirt-live rebased on EL7! (bkp, 15:26:40)
* 3.6 status integration Other features for 3.6 are still in progress,
FiberChannel support for HE will be probably completed next week
(bkp, 15:26:42)
* 3.6 status virt SIG meeting logs are here:
(bkp, 15:33:48)
* 3.6 status virt qemu-kvm-rhev has been built in centos koji server
but has been rejected due to the -rhev suffix. More work will need
to be done on it (bkp, 15:33:51)
* 3.6 status virt SIG also discussed rpm packaging for centos, and it
seems that the same guidelines requested by fedora are in place.
This means it will take lot of time before ovirt will be available
in centos repos (bkp, 15:33:54)
* 3.6 status virt Plan for now is to resolve the qemu-kvm naming and
have vdsm in centos repo; the engine will follow slowly (bkp,
* 3.6 status storage Cinder/Ceph integration coming along nicely,
working on a tesk-centric poc for removing spm (bkp, 15:37:02)
* 3.6 status storage lsm between storage types coming along nicely
although we identified some gaps in libvirt (was escalated to them)
(bkp, 15:37:05)
* 3.6 status storage Other smaller RFEs progressing, closed a bunch
already, and working on some more. (bkp, 15:37:08)
* 3.6 status infra No updates at this time. (bkp, 15:40:35)
* 3.6 status network Two more features have been merged, management
network as a role and cumulative network usage statistics
(highlighted recently on mailing list). (bkp, 15:42:39)
* 3.6 status network Other features are moving along, not much to
update. (bkp, 15:42:42)
* 3.6 status sla Not much on going on 3.6. Work on quota REST api has
started (bkp, 15:45:49)
* 3.6 status vdsm No updates this week. (bkp, 15:49:13)
* 3.6 status ux No updates this week. (bkp, 15:50:55)
* Conferences and Workshops (bkp, 15:51:20)
* Conferences and Workshops Linux Collab Summit is next week in Santa
Rosa, CA. bkp will be presenting an oVirt Status Update to the Open
Virtualization Alliance, as well as a talk on Containers v. VMs.
(bkp, 15:52:14)
* Conferences and Workshops jbrooks will be speaking about smart
scheduling at SCALE next weekend in LA, and bkp will be talking
about the differences between scale up and out, as well as
delivering the Containers/VMs presentation again at the
SCALE:Infrastructure.Next miniconf. (bkp, 15:52:18)
* Conferences and Workshops mlipchuk has his talk on Disaster Recovery
in oVirt accepted for the FOSSAsia conference, so it looks like he
will be joining bkp in Singapore in mid-March. (bkp, 15:52:23)
* Conferences and Workshops gshereme will be speaking on "Using
Bootstrap with Google Web Toolkit" as POSSCON in South Carolina on
April 14-15. (bkp, 15:52:27)
* Other Topics (bkp, 15:53:45)
* Other Topics bkp very pleased to report that oVirt *can* partcipate
in the 2015 Google Summer of Code. Information is here
(bkp, 15:54:41)
* Other Topics bkp very pleased to report that oVirt *can* partcipate
in the 2015 Google Summer of Code. Information is here
(bkp, 15:54:54)
* ACTION: Other Topics The deadline for GSoC project/mentor submission
is 1900 UTC on Feb. 20, 2015. So please get your ideas in to our
Ideas page (http://www.ovirt.org/Summer_of_Code) *and* the GSoC 2015
site by then. Once they give us a number of projects slots, we can
determine which projects will get the go ahead. (bkp, 15:55:12)
* ACTION: Other Topics Also, if you register as a mentor with a
project, send bkp your GSoC username so bkp can link you to the
oVirt organization on the GSoC site. (bkp, 15:55:30)
* ACTION: Other Topics One more thing: bkp needs someone to act as a
backup administrator for the oVirt organization, which is
essentially someone to get a hold of students and mentors about
deadlines and such if he can't do it. If interested, contact bkp as
soon as possible. Admins *cannot* be mentors, too, so think
carefully. (bkp, 15:55:43)
* Other Topics bkp is hearing good things about our current round
within the GNOME Outreach Program for Women. We *are* planning to
enter the next round, details to follow. (bkp, 15:56:20)
* Other Topics Speaking of OPW, voting will close for officially
making moVirt an incubator subproject within oVirt today.
Announcement to follow. (bkp, 15:56:37)
* Other Topics The design team and the documentation team are still
hashing out the details of revamping our site. It is clear that we
will use markdown as the base format for content that is *not*
documentation. The format for documentation will need to be
something more robust, so downstream providers will have metadata
with which they can create their products' docs. (bkp, 15:56:56)
* ACTION: Other Topics A general reminder: blog entries are (always)
needed. tl,dr: MOAR BLOGS!! (bkp, 15:57:19)
* Other Topics Slides from past conferences should be uploaded to
oVirt.org. If you do not want to do it, send slide file to bkp and
he will handle it. (bkp, 16:01:22)
Meeting ended at 16:04:14 UTC.
Action Items
* infra We're nearing the point of no real errors on CI and eedri asks
everyone to start looking at failures on gerrit again and not ignore
them. Report any false positive error to the infra list so we can
investigate and fix.
* Other Topics The deadline for GSoC project/mentor submission is 1900
UTC on Feb. 20, 2015. So please get your ideas in to our Ideas page
(http://www.ovirt.org/Summer_of_Code) *and* the GSoC 2015 site by
then. Once they give us a number of projects slots, we can determine
which projects will get the go ahead.
* Other Topics Also, if you register as a mentor with a project, send
bkp your GSoC username so bkp can link you to the oVirt organization
on the GSoC site.
* Other Topics One more thing: bkp needs someone to act as a backup
administrator for the oVirt organization, which is essentially someone
to get a hold of students and mentors about deadlines and such if he
can't do it. If interested, contact bkp as soon as possible. Admins
*cannot* be mentors, too, so think carefully.
* Other Topics A general reminder: blog entries are (always) needed.
tl,dr: MOAR BLOGS!!
Action Items, by person
* bkp
* Other Topics Also, if you register as a mentor with a project, send
bkp your GSoC username so bkp can link you to the oVirt organization
on the GSoC site.
* Other Topics One more thing: bkp needs someone to act as a backup
administrator for the oVirt organization, which is essentially
someone to get a hold of students and mentors about deadlines and
such if he can't do it. If interested, contact bkp as soon as
possible. Admins *cannot* be mentors, too, so think carefully.
* eedri
* infra We're nearing the point of no real errors on CI and eedri asks
everyone to start looking at failures on gerrit again and not ignore
them. Report any false positive error to the infra list so we can
investigate and fix.
* Other Topics The deadline for GSoC project/mentor submission is 1900
UTC on Feb. 20, 2015. So please get your ideas in to our Ideas page
(http://www.ovirt.org/Summer_of_Code) *and* the GSoC 2015 site by
then. Once they give us a number of projects slots, we can determine
which projects will get the go ahead.
* Other Topics A general reminder: blog entries are (always) needed.
tl,dr: MOAR BLOGS!!
People Present (lines said)
* bkp (116)
* sbonazzo (21)
* lvernia (15)
* eedri (9)
* amureini (8)
* rgolan (4)
* ovirtbot (3)
* pkliczew (2)
* dcaro (1)
* ecohen (1)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot
Brian Proffitt
Community Liaison
Open Source and Standards, Red Hat - http://community.redhat.com
Phone: +1 574 383 9BKP
IRC: bkp @ OFTC
10 years, 1 month
[Incubator Vote] New Project Proposal: moVirt
by Brian Proffitt
This vote is to include moVirt into the oVirt incubator. Details about the project can be found at
More information about the incubator at oVirt can be found at
In order to be accepted into the incubator, the project needs to be able to articulate its goals, scope and how it relates/integrates with the oVirt project. moVirt has done this. Entering the incubator is not a high bar to cross, and in my opinion, moVirt has met the qualifications.
Note that the vote from incubator to full oVirt project (not this vote) is where we look for the demonstration of full project criteria. The idea with the incubator is that any project that can articulate how it relates to oVirt should be able to enter the incubator and then work out details while in incubation.
This vote will be open until Feb. 11, 2015.
To begin, I am adding a +1 to this project.
Brian Proffitt
Community Liaison
Open Source and Standards, Red Hat - http://community.redhat.com
Phone: +1 574 383 9BKP
IRC: bkp @ OFTC
10 years, 1 month
oVirt Community Newsletter: January 2015
by Brian Proffitt
The first month of 2015 brought a new release of oVirt with engine support for Enterprise Linux 7, a new case study, and our annual journey to the biggest FLOSS event in the world.
oVirt Software Milestones
On January 21, oVirt 3.5 was released! http://www.ovirt.org/OVirt_3.5.1_Release_Notes
For more information, and oVirt's important connection with CentOS, check out http://community.redhat.com/blog/2015/01/collaboration-with-centos-is-a-w...
Bleeding-edge oVirt images are now available https://twitter.com/ovirt/status/555761019688353792
moVirt is coming! Check out this demo http://youtu.be/QnD9v70oefA
In the Community
How altruism and oVirt have helped create a free hosting service for anyone. http://www.ovirt.org/CloudSpin_Case_Study
Remember when open source was the target of nearly everyone in the IT industry? Good times! http://community.redhat.com/blog/2015/01/quotes-from-open-source-past/
oVirt New Year's Resolution: Building Better Community Tools http://community.redhat.com/blog/2014/12/ovirt-new-years-resolution-build... [English], http://iaaslee.blogspot.sg/2014/12/ovirt.html [Korean]
How to Explain Open Source to the In-Laws http://opensource.com/life/15/1/open-source-explained-to-a-non-techie [English], http://framablog.org/2015/02/03/lopen-source-avec-des-mots-simples/ [French]
Linux Foundation publishes open-source cloud guide http://sdtimes.com/linux-foundation-publishes-open-source-cloud-guide/
Utilizing NUMA architecture in oVirt
Fabricate your automated devops environment using python
Validate your gerrit patches automaticly using magic hooks
Docker Integration in oVirt and IaaS
Smart VM scheduling in oVirt cluster
oVirt and Gluster Hyperconvergence
Moving your Virtual Machines to oVirt with ease
Upcoming oVirt Talks:
* SCALE13X, Los Angeles, CA Feb 20-22
Solving (NP-Hard) Scheduling Problems with oVirt and OptaPlanner
Deep Dives and Technical Discussions
Installing oVirt 3.5 on CentOS 7 (Hosted Engine) https://xrsa.net/2015/02/04/installing-ovirt-3-5-on-centos-7-hosted-engine/
Importing OVA Templates into RHEV http://keithtenzer.com/2015/01/12/rhev-importing-ova-templates/
Understanding Application Containers and OS-Level Virtualization http://www.datacenterknowledge.com/archives/2015/01/05/understanding-appl...
Virtualizace ve víru open source [Czech] http://computerworld.cz/software/virtualizace-ve-viru-open-source-51667
Virtual desktops & lifecycle management, planning (https://www.udsenterprise.com/en/blog/2014/12/22/virtual-desktops-lifecyc...) and acquistion (https://www.udsenterprise.com/en/blog/2014/12/22/virtual-desktops-lifecyc...)
Implementar Ovirt 3.5 con Self Hosted Engine [Spanish] http://blog.alhervirtual.es/implementar-ovirt-3-5-con-self-hosted-engine/
Using oVirt for the first time on a single server http://www.reddit.com/r/homelab/comments/2sgt6z/using_ovirt_for_the_first...
HOWTO: oVirt 3.5 im "nested virtualization" Setup auf Fedora 21 [German] https://autodit.ac/de_DE/dem-ovirt-sein-nest-bauen/
After VDI there comes VMI, the virtual mobile infrastructure https://www.udsenterprise.com/en/blog/2015/01/19/after-vdi-there-comes-vm...
Rene Koch: Enterprise Open Source Virtualisierung mit oVirt und RHEV [German] http://youtu.be/gPQLld-ZZc4
Working with oVirt Storage Management [Chinese] http://blog.csdn.net/maokexu123/article/details/42920845
Brian Proffitt
Community Liaison
Open Source and Standards, Red Hat - http://community.redhat.com
Phone: +1 574 383 9BKP
IRC: bkp @ OFTC
10 years, 1 month
oVirt Weekly Meeting Minutes -- 2015-01-28
by Yaniv Dary
Minutes: http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2015/ovirt.2015-01-28-15.01.html
Minutes (text):
Log: http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2015/ovirt.2015-01-28-15.01.log.html
#ovirt: oVirt Weekly Sync
Meeting started by ydary at 15:01:05 UTC. The full logs are available at
http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2015/ovirt.2015-01-28-15.01.log.html .
Meeting summary
* Agenda and roll Call (ydary, 15:02:15)
* infra update (ydary, 15:02:15)
* 3.5.z updates (ydary, 15:02:15)
* 3.6.0 status (ydary, 15:02:15)
* conferences and workshops (ydary, 15:02:15)
* other topics (ydary, 15:02:16)
* infra update (ydary, 15:03:19)
* several engine jobs have been failing and they are being addressed
(ydary, 15:07:02)
* Nightly repositories have been refreshed and should contain new rpms
with 3.6 cluster level support (ydary, 15:07:56)
* dcaro has sent a proposal for new standard build and test procedure,
to generalize all the CI jobs:
http://etherpad.ovirt.org/p/build-and-test-standards. Please reply
on the thread if you have any questions or replies:
(ydary, 15:12:44)
* There is a chance 3.6 cluster level support is missing due to lack
of libvirt support for 3.6 or due to packaging issue. (ydary,
* ACTION: sbonazzo to update on 3.6 cluster level support in nightly
builds next week (ydary, 15:18:37)
* see discussion in CentOS Virt SIG meeting:
(ydary, 15:23:13)
* 3.5.z updates (ydary, 15:23:33)
* 3.5.2 status from this morning:
(ydary, 15:24:57)
* A regression in 3.5.1 causes failure to create ovf_store disk, a
async release to address this will be released as once the
fix is merged (https://bugzilla.redhat.com/1185615) (ydary,
* oVirt 3.5.2 release schedule to be publish this week, probably 25/02
RC and 04/03 GA (ydary, 15:36:26)
* 3.6 status (ydary, 15:37:10)
* Status of 3.6:
(ydary, 15:38:01)
* integration update on 3.6.0: fc21 support feature has been dropped
due to oVirt 3.6.0 timeline GAing after fc22 release. (ydary,
* update on 3.6.0: vdsm 4.17 not reporting that it supports 3.6
clusters during early stages of development, causing non-operational
hosts in a 3.6 cluster. Users can no use any 3.6 feature. danken, to
merge patch to resolve this in VDSM.t (ydary, 15:43:34)
* infra updates 3.6.0: no one attended from the team. (ydary,
* Network updates for 3.6.0: Management network as a role is in very
late review stages, might go in soon. (ydary, 15:49:15)
* Node 3.6 updates: currently no updates (ydary, 15:50:38)
* UX 3.6 updates: currently no updates (ydary, 15:51:54)
* virt 3.6 updates: Working on feature with clear requirements,
progress is slow. Patches on virt-v2v integration posted and are
being reviewed. (ydary, 15:56:31)
* storage 3.6 updates: no one for storage team to update (ydary,
* SLA 3.6 updates: SLA still in planning, no further updates. (ydary,
* conferences and workshops (ydary, 16:02:28)
* FOSDEM is this weekend, Booth schedules and talks are here at
http://etherpad.ovirt.org/p/ovirt-fosdem-15. (ydary, 16:04:32)
* The FOSDEM oVirt social meetup will be Saturday, Jan. 31 at 20:30 in
the Au Bon Vieux Temps Impasse Saint-Nicolas 4, 1000 Bruxelles.
(ydary, 16:05:45)
* All oVirt community members are invited for excellent beer and
(ydary, 16:05:57)
* The half-day workshop for FOSSAsia in Singapore is getting planned.
The Korea user group is very close to committing a speaker, which
means we will need just one more speaker to fill the event schedule.
(ydary, 16:06:33)
* amureini will be giving a talk at DevConfCZ in Feb, after FOSDEM.
(ydary, 16:06:53)
* bkp and jbrooks will be among the speakers at SCALE in Los Angeles
speaking about oVirt. (ydary, 16:07:15)
* other topics (ydary, 16:07:39)
* The moVirt subproject's wiki page is now up at
http://www.ovirt.org/Project_moVirt. This will be used to start the
voting process to admit moVirt as a formal subproject. (ydary,
* Following up on last meeting action items, legal is still looking
into setting up an oVirt account in the Google Play store now, as
well as checking trademarks, if any, for moVirt. (ydary, 16:09:39)
Meeting ended at 16:11:24 UTC.
Action Items
* sbonazzo to update on 3.6 cluster level support in nightly builds next
Action Items, by person
* sbonazzo
* sbonazzo to update on 3.6 cluster level support in nightly builds
next week
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* ydary (97)
* sbonazzo (40)
* lvernia (37)
* danken (24)
* bkp-BRU (14)
* dcaro (12)
* mskrivanek (5)
* apuimedo (5)
* eedri (4)
* fromani (3)
* fabiand (3)
* ovirtbot (3)
* awels (2)
* xyz (2)
* mburman (2)
* nsoffer (2)
* gchaplik (2)
* fromani_ (1)
* doron_afk (1)
* Telsin (1)
* tlitovsk (1)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot
Yaniv Dary
Red Hat Israel Ltd.
34 Jerusalem Road
Building A, 4th floor
Ra'anana, Israel 4350109
Tel : +972 (9) 7692306
Email: ydary(a)redhat.com
IRC : ydary
10 years, 1 month